Examples of SessionInfo

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering unSubscribe(" + sessionId + ", key, qos)");

      try {
         // authentication and authorization security checks
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);

         // import and authorize message
         MsgUnit msgUnit = importAndAuthorize(sessionInfo, addressServer,
                                       new MsgUnitRaw(xmlKey_literal, EMPTY_BYTEARR, qos_literal),

         UnSubscribeQosServer unSubscribeQosServer = new UnSubscribeQosServer(glob, (QueryQosData)msgUnit.getQosData());

         // Invoke xmlBlaster
         String [] retArr = requestBroker.unSubscribe(sessionInfo, (QueryKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData(), unSubscribeQosServer);


         // export (encrypt) return value
         I_Session sec = sessionInfo.getSecuritySession();
         for (int ii=0; ii<retArr.length; ii++) {
            CryptDataHolder dataHolder = new CryptDataHolder(MethodName.UNSUBSCRIBE, new MsgUnitRaw(null, (byte[])null, retArr[ii]));
            retArr[ii] = sec.exportMessage(dataHolder).getQos();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

   public final String publish(AddressServer addressServer, String sessionId, MsgUnitRaw msgUnitRaw) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering publish()");

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;
      try {
         // authentication and authorization security checks
         sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);
      catch (Throwable e) {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

   public final String[] publishArr(AddressServer addressServer, String sessionId,
                                    MsgUnitRaw[] msgUnitArr) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering publishArr()");

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;
      try {
         // authentication and authorization security checks
         sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);
      catch (Throwable e) {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

                               String xmlKey_literal, String qos_literal) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering erase()");

      try {
         // authentication and authorization security checks
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);

         // import (decrypt) and authorize message
         MsgUnit msgUnit = importAndAuthorize(sessionInfo, addressServer,
                                       new MsgUnitRaw(xmlKey_literal, EMPTY_BYTEARR, qos_literal),

         EraseQosServer eraseQosServer = new EraseQosServer(glob, (QueryQosData)msgUnit.getQosData());

         // Invoke xmlBlaster
         String [] retArr = requestBroker.erase(sessionInfo, (QueryKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData(), eraseQosServer);


         // export (encrypt) return value
         I_Session sec = sessionInfo.getSecuritySession();
         for (int ii=0; ii<retArr.length; ii++) {
            CryptDataHolder dataHolder = new CryptDataHolder(MethodName.ERASE, new MsgUnitRaw(null, (byte[])null, retArr[ii]));
            retArr[ii] = sec.exportMessage(dataHolder).getQos();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

                                 String xmlKey_literal, String qos_literal) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering get()");

      try {
         // authentication and authorization security checks
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);

         // import (decrypt) and authorize message
         MsgUnit msgUnit = importAndAuthorize(sessionInfo, addressServer,
                                   new MsgUnitRaw(xmlKey_literal, EMPTY_BYTEARR, qos_literal),

         // Parse XML key and XML QoS
         GetQosServer getQosServer = new GetQosServer(glob, (QueryQosData)msgUnit.getQosData());

         // Invoke xmlBlaster
         MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = requestBroker.get(sessionInfo, (QueryKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData(), getQosServer);


         // export (encrypt) return value
         MsgUnitRaw[] msgUnitRawArr = new MsgUnitRaw[msgUnitArr.length];
         I_Session sec = sessionInfo.getSecuritySession();
         for (int ii=0; ii<msgUnitArr.length; ii++) {
            CryptDataHolder dataHolder = new CryptDataHolder(MethodName.GET, msgUnitArr[ii].getMsgUnitRaw());
            msgUnitRawArr[ii] = sec.exportMessage(dataHolder);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo


         // Handle PtP to session in a thread safe manner
         SessionInfo receiverSessionInfo = null;
         try {
            receiverSessionInfo = authenticate.getSessionInfo(destination.getDestination());
            if (receiverSessionInfo != null) {
               if (receiverSessionInfo.isAlive()) {
                  if (!receiverSessionInfo.getConnectQos().isPtpAllowed() &&
                      !Constants.EVENT_OID_ERASEDTOPIC.equals(cacheEntry.getKeyOid())) { // no spam, case 2
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Rejecting PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "], isPtpAllowed=false");
                     throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PTP_DENIED, ME,
                           receiverSessionInfo.getId() + " does not accept PtP messages '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() +
                           "' is rejected");
               else {
                  receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
                  receiverSessionInfo = null;

            if (receiverSessionInfo == null && !forceQueing) {
               String tmp = ME+": Sending PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' to '" + destination.getDestination() + "' failed, the destination is unkown, the message rejected.";
               throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PTP_UNKNOWNDESTINATION, ME, tmp +
                     " Client is not logged in and <destination forceQueuing='true'> is not set");

            // Row 1 in table
            if (receiverSessionInfo == null) { // We create a faked session without password check
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Working on PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "] which does not exist, forceQueuing=true, we create a dummy session");
               ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(serverScope);
               ConnectQosServer connectQosServer = new ConnectQosServer(serverScope, connectQos.getData());
               long sessionTimeout = serverScope.getProperty().get("session.ptp.defaultTimeout", -1L);
               connectQosServer.getSessionQos().setSessionTimeout(sessionTimeout)// Or use message timeout?
               for (int i=0; ; i++) {
                  if (i>=20) {
                     String tmp = "Sending PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' to '" + destination.getDestination() + "' failed, the message is rejected.";
                     String status = "destinationIsSession='" + destinationIsSession + "'" +
                                     " forceQueing='" + forceQueing + "' wantsPtP='" + wantsPtP +"'";
                     throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ME, tmp +
                        "the combination '" + status + "' is not handled");
                  if (i>0) { try { Thread.sleep(1L); } catch( InterruptedException ie) {}}
                  /*ConnectReturnQosServer q = */authenticate.connect(connectQosServer);
                  receiverSessionInfo = authenticate.getSessionInfo(destination.getDestination());
                  if (receiverSessionInfo == null) continue;
                  if (!receiverSessionInfo.isAlive()) {
                     receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
                     receiverSessionInfo = null;

            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Queuing PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "]");
            MsgQueueUpdateEntry msgEntry = new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope,
                     Constants.SUBSCRIPTIONID_PtP, false);
         finally {
            if (receiverSessionInfo != null) {
               receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
      } // for destinationArr.length
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

    * @param sessionName The session which triggered the erase
    * @return A set containing MsgUnit instances to send to the various clients
   private void notifySubscribersAboutErase(ArrayList msgSet) {
      if (msgSet == null) return;
      SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo = serverScope.getRequestBroker().getInternalSessionInfo();

      Iterator it = msgSet.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
         MsgUnit msgUnit = (MsgUnit)it.next();
         try {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

      SubscriptionInfo[] infoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();

      if (infoArr.length < 1)
         return new String[] { "This topic has currently no subscriber" };

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;
      SessionName wanted = new SessionName(serverScope, sessionName);
      for (int i=0; i<infoArr.length; i++) {
         SessionName tmp = infoArr[i].getSessionInfo().getSessionName();
         if (wanted.equalsRelative(tmp) || wanted.equalsAbsolute(tmp)) {
            sessionInfo = infoArr[i].getSessionInfo();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

    * @param String sessionId
    * @param I_Manager
    * @exception Thrown, if the session is unknown.
   public I_Manager getManager(String sessionId) throws XmlBlasterException {
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = auth.check(sessionId);
      if (sessionInfo==null) { // Should never be null, if access is denied an XmlBlasterException is thrown
         log.severe("Authentication internal error, access denied");
         throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_ACCESSDENIED, ME, "Unknown session!");
      I_Session sessionSecCtx = sessionInfo.getSecuritySession();
      return sessionSecCtx.getManager();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

   public void sessionRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("START-logout()");
      //if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.dump(ME, requestBroker.toXml());

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = e.getSessionInfo();
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Logout event for client " + sessionInfo.toString() + ", removing entries");
      try {
         removeFromClientSubscriptionMap(sessionInfo, null);
      } catch (XmlBlasterException e1) {
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