Package org.xmlBlaster.engine

Source Code of org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler

Copyright:, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
package org.xmlBlaster.engine;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.Authenticate;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.EraseKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UnSubscribeKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.EraseQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.I_MsgDistributor;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.I_AccessFilter;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_Map;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.ConnectQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.EraseQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.PublishQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.SubscribeQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.UnSubscribeQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins.QueueQueryPlugin;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueHistoryEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.TopicEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.I_Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxMBeanHandle;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint.I_Checkpoint;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.QueryKeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.AccessFilterQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.HistoryQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.StatusQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.TopicProperty;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Entry;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Queue;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.StorageId;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry;

* A topic handles all MsgUnit entries of same oid and its subscribers.
* <p>
* This handler has the state UNCONFIGURED | UNREFERENCED | ALIVE | DEAD, see
* the boolean state access methods for a description
* </p>
* The topicHandler access is only over TopicAccessor which assures that most one thread
* enters TopicHandler to avoid synchronization problems.
* @see <a href="">The engine.message.lifecylce requirement</a>
* @see org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestTopicLifeCycle
* @author <a href="">Marcel Ruff</a>
public final class TopicHandler implements I_Timeout, TopicHandlerMBean //, I_ChangeCallback
   private String ME = "TopicHandler";
   private final ServerScope serverScope;
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TopicHandler.class.getName());
   private final ContextNode contextNode;

   private boolean dyingInProgress = false;

   /** The unique identifier of this topic e.g. "/node/heron/topic/Hello" */
   private final String id;

   /** The broker which manages me */
   private final RequestBroker requestBroker;

   private TopicEntry topicEntry; // persistence storage entry

   // Default is that a single client can subscribe the same message multiple times
   // private boolean allowMultiSubscriptionPerClient = serverScope.getProperty().get("Engine.allowMultiSubscriptionPerClient", true);

   private I_MsgDistributor distributor;

    * This map knows all clients which have subscribed on this message content
    * and knows all individual wishes of the subscription (QoS).
    * The map contains SubscriptionInfo objects.
    * It is a TreeMap, that means it keeps order information.
    * TODO: express order attribute so that the first client will be served first.
    * key   = a unique key identifying the subscription
    * value = SubscriptionInfo object
   final private Map subscriberMap = new TreeMap();

   /** Do error recovery if message can't be delivered and we give it up */

    * MsgUnit references are stored in a persistent history queue.
   private I_Queue historyQueue;

   private SessionName creatorSessionName;

   /** The configuration for this TopicHandler */
   private TopicProperty topicProperty;

   private I_Map msgUnitCache;

   /** The xmlKey with parsed DOM tree, is null in state=UNCONFIGURED */
   private XmlKey xmlKey;
   /** Attribute oid of key tag: <key oid="..."> </key> */
   private String uniqueKey;
   /** This holds the quick parsed key information, if you need the DOM use xmlKey instead */
   private MsgKeyData msgKeyData;

   private boolean handlerIsNewCreated=true// a little helper showing if topic is new created

   private boolean isRegisteredInBigXmlDom = false;

   private boolean isHistoryHandling; // marker if we are working on the history queue, whe have to prevent topic status changes triggered which would spoil our publish thread

    * This topic is destroyed after given timeout
    * The timer is activated on state change to UNREFERENCED
    * and removed on change to ALIVE
   private Timeout destroyTimer;
   private Timestamp timerKey = null;

   public final static int UNDEF = -1;
   public final static int UNCONFIGURED = 0;
   public final static int ALIVE = 1;
   public final static int UNREFERENCED = 2;
   public final static int SOFT_ERASED = 3;
   public final static int DEAD = 4;
   private int state = UNDEF;

   private I_SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener;

   private Object msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex = new Object();
   private MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction;

   /** this is used for administrative gets (queries on callback queue) */
   private QueueQueryPlugin queueQueryPlugin;

   /** My JMX registration */
   private JmxMBeanHandle mbeanHandle;

   private boolean administrativeInitialize;

   private boolean clientTagLog = false;

   protected Object clone() {
      throw new RuntimeException("TopicHandler NO CLONEING PLEASE");

    * Use this constructor if a yet unknown object is fed by method publish().
    * <p />
    * You should call publish() thereafter
    * @param requestBroker
    * @param publisherSessionInfo Is null if created by subscription
    * @param a MsgUnitWrapper containing the CORBA MsgUnit data container
   public TopicHandler(ServerScope serverScope, SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, String uniqueKey)
         throws XmlBlasterException {
      this.serverScope = serverScope;
      if (uniqueKey == null)
         throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "Invalid constructor parameters");

      this.uniqueKey = uniqueKey; = this.serverScope.getNodeId() + "/" + ContextNode.TOPIC_MARKER_TAG + "/" + this.uniqueKey;
      this.ME = this.serverScope.getLogPrefix() + "/" + ContextNode.TOPIC_MARKER_TAG + "/" + this.uniqueKey;

      // JMX does not allow commas ','
      String instanceName = this.serverScope.validateJmxValue(this.uniqueKey);
      this.contextNode = new ContextNode(ContextNode.TOPIC_MARKER_TAG, instanceName, this.serverScope.getContextNode());

      this.requestBroker = this.serverScope.getRequestBroker();
      this.destroyTimer = this.serverScope.getTopicTimer();
      // this.msgErrorHandler = new MsgTopicErrorHandler(this.glob, this);


      // JMX register "topic/hello"
      this.mbeanHandle = this.serverScope.registerMBean(this.contextNode, this);

      if (publisherSessionInfo == null) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.fine(ME+": Creating new TopicHandler '" + uniqueKey + "' because of subscription.");
      else {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.fine(ME+": Creating new TopicHandler '" + uniqueKey + "' because of publish.");
      // mimeType and content remains unknown until first data is fed

    * The unique identifier of this topic e.g. "/node/heron/topic/Hello"
   public String getId() {

    * The unique name of this topic instance.
    * @return Never null, for example "/xmlBlaster/node/heron/topic/hello"
   public final ContextNode getContextNode() {
      return this.contextNode;

    * Initialize the messageUnit cache and the history queue for this topic
   private void administrativeInitialize(MsgKeyData msgKeyData, MsgQosData publishQos,
                             PublishQosServer publishQosServer) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (publishQosServer.getTopicEntry() != null) {
         this.topicEntry = publishQosServer.getTopicEntry(); // Call from persistent layer, reuse the TopicEntry
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Reuse TopicEntry persistence handle");
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest(ME+": Reuse TopicEntry persistence handle: " + this.topicEntry.toXml());

      if (this.msgKeyData == null) {
         this.msgKeyData = msgKeyData;

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest(ME+": administrativeInitialize()" + publishQos.toXml());

      this.creatorSessionName = publishQos.getSender();
      this.topicProperty = publishQos.getTopicProperty();


      // Todo: this needs to be done after TopicHandler is created

      if (isUnconfigured()) { // Startup of topic
         if (!hasCacheEntries() && !hasExactSubscribers() && publishQos.isAdministrative()) {
            toUnreferenced(true, publishQosServer.isFromPersistenceStore());
         else {

      if (true /*log.INFO*/) {
         long maxEntriesHistory = this.topicProperty.getHistoryQueueProperty().getMaxEntries();
         String hist = (maxEntriesHistory > 0) ? "history/maxEntries="+maxEntriesHistory : "message history is switched off with queue/history/maxEntries=0";
         long maxEntriesStore = this.topicProperty.getMsgUnitStoreProperty().getMaxEntries();
         String store = (maxEntriesStore > 0) ? "persistence/msgUnitStore/maxEntries="+maxEntriesStore : "message storage is switched off with persistence/msgUnitStore/maxEntries=0";": New topic '" + this.msgKeyData.getOid() + "' is ready, " + hist + ", " + store);

      this.administrativeInitialize = true;

    * This cache stores the 'real meat' (the MsgUnit data struct)
   private void startupMsgstore() throws XmlBlasterException   {
      MsgUnitStoreProperty msgUnitStoreProperty = this.topicProperty.getMsgUnitStoreProperty();
      if (this.msgUnitCache == null) {
         String type = msgUnitStoreProperty.getType();
         String version = msgUnitStoreProperty.getVersion();
         // ContextNode syntax: "/node/heron/topic/hello" (similar to callback queue)
         // instead of "msgUnitStore:heron_hello"
         // This change would be nice but then existing entries on restart wouldn't be found
         // This syntax is also used in RequestBroker:checkConsistency to reverse lookup the TopicHandler by a given I_Map
         StorageId msgUnitStoreId = new StorageId(serverScope, serverScope.getDatabaseNodeStr(),
               Constants.RELATING_MSGUNITSTORE, getUniqueKey());
         // old xb_entries
         // StorageId msgUnitStoreId = new StorageId(serverScope,
         // Constants.RELATING_MSGUNITSTORE,
         // serverScope.getNodeId()+"/"+getUniqueKey());
         this.msgUnitCache = serverScope.getStoragePluginManager().getPlugin(type, version, msgUnitStoreId, msgUnitStoreProperty); //this.msgUnitCache = new org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin();
         if (this.msgUnitCache == null) {
            throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME, "Can't load msgUnitStore persistence plugin [" + type + "][" + version + "]");
      else {": Reconfiguring message store.");

    * Should be invoked delayed as soon as TopicHandler instance is created an registered everywhere
    * as we ask the msgUnitStore for the real messages if some history entries existed.
    * <p>
    * NOTE: queue can be null if maxEntries=0 is configured
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * This history queue entries hold weak references to the msgUnitCache entries
    * </p>
   private void startupHistoryQueue() throws XmlBlasterException {
      this.historyQueue = initQueue(this.historyQueue, "history");

    * Creates a queue with the properties specified in the historyQueueProperty
    * @param queue the queue instance (if already existing or null otherwise)
    * @param queueName The name to be given as Id to this queue
    * @return returns the instance of the queue
    * @throws XmlBlasterException
   private I_Queue initQueue(I_Queue queue, String queueName) throws XmlBlasterException {
      QueuePropertyBase prop = this.topicProperty.getHistoryQueueProperty();
      if (queue == null) {
         if (prop.getMaxEntries() > 0L) {
            String type = prop.getType();
            String version = prop.getVersion();
            StorageId queueId = new StorageId(serverScope, serverScope.getDatabaseNodeStr(), queueName, getUniqueKey());
            // StorageId queueId = new StorageId(serverScope, queueName,
            // serverScope.getNodeId()+"/"+getUniqueKey());
            queue = serverScope.getQueuePluginManager().getPlugin(type, version, queueId, prop);
            queue.setNotifiedAboutAddOrRemove(true); // Entries are notified to support reference counting
         else {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": " + queueName + " queuing of this topic is switched off with maxEntries=0");
      else {
         if (prop.getMaxEntries() > 0L) {
  ": Reconfiguring " + queueName + " queue.");
         else {
            log.warning(ME+": Destroying " + queueName + " queue with " + queue.getNumOfEntries() +
                         " entries because of new configuration with maxEntries=0");
            queue = null;
      return queue;

   // JMX does not allow hasXY
   public boolean getDomTreeExists() {
      return hasDomTree();
    * @return false if topicProperty.isCreateDomEntry() was configured to false
   public boolean hasDomTree() {
      if (this.topicProperty == null) {
         return false;
      return this.topicProperty.createDomEntry();

   public RequestBroker getRequestBroker() {
      return this.requestBroker;

    * Check if there is a valid DOM parsed XML key available
    * @return false in state UNCONFIGURED
   public final boolean hasXmlKey() {
      return this.msgKeyData != null;

   // JMX
   public final boolean getTopicXmlExists() {
      return hasXmlKey();

   // JMX
   public final String getTopicXml() throws org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException {
      return getXmlKey().literal();

    * Accessing the DOM parsed key of this topic.
    * @return Never null, the first publish freezes its key markup for this topic (immutable)
    * @exception XmlBlasterException in state UNCONFIGURED or on DOM parse problems
   public final XmlKey getXmlKey() throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.msgKeyData == null) { // isUnconfigured()) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, getId(), "In state '" + getStateStr() + "' no XmlKey object is available");
      if (this.xmlKey == null) {  // expensive DOM parse
         this.xmlKey = new XmlKey(serverScope, this.msgKeyData);
      return this.xmlKey;

    * Create or access the cached persistence storage entry of this topic.
    * @return null If no PublishQos is available to create persistent information
   private TopicEntry persistTopicEntry() throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.topicEntry == null) {
         boolean isNew = false;
         if (this.topicEntry == null) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Creating TopicEntry to make topic persistent");
            if (this.topicProperty==null || this.msgKeyData==null) {
               log.severe(ME+": Can't create useful TopicEntry in state=" + getStateStr() + " no QoS is available");
               return null;
            MsgQosData msgQosData = new MsgQosData(serverScope, MethodName.PUBLISH);
            MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(this.msgKeyData, null, msgQosData);
            this.topicEntry = new TopicEntry(serverScope, msgUnit, null);
            isNew = true;
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Created persistent topicEntry '" + this.topicEntry.getUniqueId() + "'"); //: " + this.topicEntry.toXml());

         if (isNew) {
      return this.topicEntry;

    * @return true if this topicEntry was made persistent
   private boolean persistTopic(TopicEntry entry) {
      try {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Making topicHandler persistent, topicEntry=" + topicEntry.getUniqueId());
         int numAdded = this.requestBroker.addPersistentTopicHandler(entry);
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Persisted " + numAdded + " TopicHandler");
         return numAdded>0;
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe(ME+": Persisting TopicHandler failed, we continue memory based: " + e.getMessage());
      return false;

    * Currently we support growing and shrinking, note that shrinking is not thoroughly tested.
    * @param msgQosData The new configuration, can be adjusted by this method if limits are reached
    * @return true if the change is accepted
   private final boolean allowedToReconfigureTopicAndFixWrongLimits(MsgQosData msgQosData) {
      if (this.topicProperty == null)
         return true;
      TopicProperty topicProps = msgQosData.getTopicProperty();
      if (topicProps == null) {
         log.warning("The TopicProperty is null, not reconfiguring anything");
         return false;
      MsgUnitStoreProperty msgUnitStoreProps = topicProps.getMsgUnitStoreProperty();
      if (msgUnitStoreProps == null) {
         log.warning("The msgUnitStoreProps are null, not reconfiguring anything");
         return false;

      MsgUnitStoreProperty currentMsgUnitStoreProps = this.topicProperty.getMsgUnitStoreProperty();
      long currentMaxBytes = currentMsgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytes();
      long currentMaxBytesCache = currentMsgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesCache();
      long currentMaxEntries = currentMsgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntries();
      long currentMaxEntriesCache = currentMsgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesCache();
      StringBuffer report = new StringBuffer(1024);
      // msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesProp().isSet() checks if the value is explicitely set by a client
      if (msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytes() == 0 || !msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesProp().isSet() && currentMaxBytes > msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytes()) {
         report.append("msgUnitStore: 'currentMaxBytes='" + currentMaxBytes + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytes() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxBytes + "'\n");
      if (msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesCache() == 0 || !msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesCacheProp().isSet() && currentMaxBytesCache > msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesCache()) {
         report.append("msgUnitStore: 'currentMaxBytesCache='" + currentMaxBytesCache + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxBytesCache() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxBytesCache + "'\n");
      if (msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntries() == 0 || !msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesProp().isSet() && currentMaxEntries > msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntries()) {
         report.append("msgUnitStore: 'currentMaxEntries='" + currentMaxEntries + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntries() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxEntries + "'\n");
      if (msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesCache() == 0 || !msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesCacheProp().isSet() && currentMaxEntriesCache > msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesCache()) {
         report.append("msgUnitStore: 'currentMaxEntriesCache='" + currentMaxEntriesCache + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + msgUnitStoreProps.getMaxEntriesCache() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxEntriesCache + "'\n");
      }"new msgUnitStore Props: " + msgUnitStoreProps.toXml());

      HistoryQueueProperty historyProps = topicProps.getHistoryQueueProperty();
      if (historyProps != null) {
         HistoryQueueProperty currentHistoryProps = this.topicProperty.getHistoryQueueProperty();
         currentMaxBytes = currentHistoryProps.getMaxBytes();
         currentMaxBytesCache = currentHistoryProps.getMaxBytesCache();
         currentMaxEntries = currentHistoryProps.getMaxEntries();
         currentMaxEntriesCache = currentHistoryProps.getMaxEntriesCache();
         if (!historyProps.getMaxBytesProp().isSet() && currentMaxBytes > historyProps.getMaxBytes()) {
            report.append("history: 'currentMaxBytes='" + currentMaxBytes + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + historyProps.getMaxBytes() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxBytes + "'\n");
         if (!historyProps.getMaxBytesCacheProp().isSet() && currentMaxBytesCache > historyProps.getMaxBytesCache()) {
            report.append("history: 'currentMaxBytesCache='" + currentMaxBytesCache + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + historyProps.getMaxBytesCache() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxBytesCache + "'\n");
         if (!historyProps.getMaxEntriesProp().isSet() && currentMaxEntries > historyProps.getMaxEntries()) {
            report.append("history: 'currentMaxEntries='" + currentMaxEntries + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + historyProps.getMaxEntries() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxEntries + "'\n");
         if (!historyProps.getMaxEntriesCacheProp().isSet() && currentMaxEntriesCache > historyProps.getMaxEntriesCache()) {
            report.append("history: 'currentMaxEntriesCache='" + currentMaxEntriesCache + "' > than what publish proposed: '" + historyProps.getMaxEntriesCache() + "' will leave it to '" + currentMaxEntriesCache + "'\n");
         }"new history Props: " + historyProps.toXml());
      return true;

    * A new publish event (PubSub or PtP) arrives.
    * <br />
    * Publish filter plugin checks are done already<br />
    * Cluster forwards are done already.
    * @param publisherSessionInfo  The publisher
    * @param msgUnit     The new message
    * @param publishQosServer  The decorator for msgUnit.getQosData()
    * @return not null for PtP messages
   public PublishReturnQos publish(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQosServer) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": publish() publisherSessionInfo '" + publisherSessionInfo.getId() + "', message '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' ...");

      PublishReturnQos publishReturnQos = null;
      MsgQosData msgQosData = null;

      StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(serverScope, MethodName.PUBLISH);
      publishReturnQos = new PublishReturnQos(serverScope, qos);

      MsgKeyData msgKeyData = (MsgKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData();
      msgQosData = (MsgQosData)msgUnit.getQosData();
      /* Happens in RequestBroker already
      if (msgQosData.getSender() == null) {

      // Do a log.warning if topic meta XML is different
      if (!clientTagLog) {
         try {
            XmlKey xmlKey = this.xmlKey;
            if (xmlKey != null) {
               String newTags = msgKeyData.getClientTags();
               if (newTags != null && newTags.length() > 0) {
                  String oldTags = ((MsgKeyData)xmlKey.getKeyData()).getClientTags();
                  if (!newTags.equals(oldTags)) {
                     log.warning(ME+": Changing topic meta information from '" + oldTags + "' to '" + newTags + "' is not supported and this change is ignored, please check your publisher.");
                     clientTagLog = true;
         catch (Throwable e) {
            log.severe(ME+": Ignoring unexpected exception during meta info check:" + e.toString());

      if (msgQosData.isAdministrative()) {
         if ( isUnconfigured() || isSoftErased() || allowedToReconfigureTopicAndFixWrongLimits(msgQosData)) {
            administrativeInitialize(msgKeyData, msgQosData, publishQosServer);
            if (!msgQosData.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
         else {
            log.warning(ME+": Sorry we are in state '" + getStateStr() + "', reconfiguring TopicHandler is not yet supported, we ignore the reconfiguration request");
         if (this.handlerIsNewCreated) {
            this.handlerIsNewCreated = false;
            // Check all known query subscriptions if the new message fits as well (does it only if TopicHandler is new)
            serverScope.getRequestBroker().checkExistingSubscriptions(publisherSessionInfo, this, publishQosServer);
         if (msgQosData.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
  ": Topic is successfully recovered from persistency to state " + getStateStr() +
                     //((requestBroker.getTopicStore()!=null) ? (" '" + requestBroker.getTopicStore().getStorageId() + "'") : "") +
                     " with " + getNumOfHistoryEntries() + " history entries (" + getNumOfCacheEntries() + " currently referenced msgUnits are loaded).");
         else {
  ": Topic is successfully configured by administrative message.");
         publishReturnQos.getData().setStateInfo("Administrative configuration request handled");
         return publishReturnQos;

      if (!this.administrativeInitialize) {
         administrativeInitialize(msgKeyData, msgQosData, publishQosServer);

      if (!isAlive()) {
      if (this.handlerIsNewCreated) {
         // Check all known query subscriptions if the new message fits as well (does it only if TopicHandler is new)
         serverScope.getRequestBroker().checkExistingSubscriptions(publisherSessionInfo, this, publishQosServer);
         this.handlerIsNewCreated = false;

      int initialCounter = 1; // Force referenceCount until update queues are filled (volatile messages)
      MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = null;

      try { // finally
         boolean changed = true;

         final boolean isInvisiblePtp = publishQosServer.isPtp() && !publishQosServer.isSubscribable();
         final boolean addToHistoryQueue = this.historyQueue != null && !isInvisiblePtp;

         if (!isInvisiblePtp) {  // readonly is only checked for Pub/Sub?
            if (this.topicProperty.isReadonly() && hasHistoryEntries()) {
               log.warning(ME+": Sorry, published message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' rejected, topic is readonly.");
               throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PUBLISH_READONLY, ME, "Sorry, published message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' rejected, topic is readonly.");

         msgUnitWrapper = new MsgUnitWrapper(serverScope, msgUnit, this.msgUnitCache, initialCounter, 0, -1);

         if (!isAlive()) {

         // Forcing RAM entry temporary (reset in finally below) to avoid performance critical harddisk IO during initialization, every callback/subject/history queue put()/take() is changing the reference counter of MsgUnitWrapper. For persistent messages this needs to be written to harddisk
         // If the server crashed during this RAM operation it is not critical as the publisher didn't get an ACK yet
         synchronized(this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
            // A queue (e.g. callback queue) could swap its entry and reload it during this initialization phase,
            // in this case we need to assure that it receives our RAM based MsgUnitWrapper (with all current settings)
            // in case it changes the referenceCounter
            this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction = msgUnitWrapper;

         try {
            // marker if we are working on the history queue
            // A historyQueue.take() could trigger entry.remove() -> topicHandler.entryDestroyed() -> toUnreferenced() ==> The topic would be invalid for the current publish
            this.isHistoryHandling = true;

            if (addToHistoryQueue && msgUnitWrapper.hasRemainingLife()) { // no sense to remember
               if (msgQosData.isForceUpdate() == false && hasHistoryEntries()) {
                  MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)this.historyQueue.peek();
                  if (entry != null) {
                     MsgUnitWrapper old = entry.getMsgUnitWrapper();
                     if (old != null) {
                        changed = !old.getMsgUnit().sameContent(msgUnit.getContent());

               try { // Cleanup if persistent queue was temporary unavailable
                  long numHist = getNumOfHistoryEntries();
                  if (numHist > 1L && numHist > this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries()) {
                     long count = numHist-this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries();
                     // TODO: Implement count>1 in takeLowest():
                     List<I_Entry> entryList = this.historyQueue.takeLowest((int) count, -1L, null, false);
                     if (entryList.size() != count) {
                        log.severe(ME+": Can't remove expected entry, entryList.size()=" + entryList.size() + ": " + this.historyQueue.toXml(""));
               catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                  log.severe(ME+": History queue take() problem: " + e.getMessage());

               try { // increments reference counter += 1
                  this.historyQueue.put(new MsgQueueHistoryEntry(serverScope, msgUnitWrapper, this.historyQueue.getStorageId()), I_Queue.USE_PUT_INTERCEPTOR);
               catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                  log.severe(ME+": History queue put() problem: " + e.getMessage());

               try {
                  long numHist = getNumOfHistoryEntries();
                  if (numHist > 1L && numHist > this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries()) {
                     List<I_Entry> entryList = this.historyQueue.takeLowest(1, -1L, null, false);
                     if (entryList.size() != 1) {
                        throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME,
                              "Can't remove expected entry, entryList.size()=" + entryList.size() + ": " + this.historyQueue.toXml(""));
                     MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)entryList.get(0);
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { if (!entry.isInternal()) log.fine(ME+": Removed oldest entry in history queue."); }
               catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                  log.severe(ME+": History queue take() problem: " + e.getMessage());
         finally {
            this.isHistoryHandling = false;

         // NOTE: Putting entries into callback queues must be outside of a synchronized(topicHandler) to avoid deadlock
         //       The DispatchWorker removes a MsgUnitWrapper entry from the msgstore (see entryDestroyed()) and would deadlock
         //       This is currently addressed as the MsgUnitWrapper.lookup is a dirty read on the topicHandler

         //----- 2a. now we can send updates to all destination clients:
         if (publishQosServer.isPtp()) {
            /*publishReturnQos =*/ forwardToDestinations(publisherSessionInfo, msgUnitWrapper, publishQosServer);
            if (!publishQosServer.isSubscribable()) {
               publishReturnQos.getData().setStateInfo("PtP request handled");
               return publishReturnQos;

         //----- 2b. now we can send updates to all subscribed clients:
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Message " + msgUnit.getLogId() + " handled, now we can send updates to all interested clients.");
         if (changed || msgQosData.isForceUpdate()) { // if the content changed of the publisher forces updates ...
            invokeCallbackAndHandleFailure(publisherSessionInfo, msgUnitWrapper);
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         if (e.isUser()) {
           log.warning(ME+": "+e.getMessage());
         else {
           log.severe(ME+": "+e.getMessage() + " publisher=" + publisherSessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName() + " qos=" + msgUnit.getQosData().toXmlReadable());
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+e.toString());
         throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "TopicHandler", "", e);
      finally {
        if (msgUnitWrapper != null) {
            try {
               // Event to check if counter == 0 to remove cache entry again
               // (happens e.g. for volatile msg without a no subscription)
               // MsgUnitWrapper calls topicEntry.destroyed(MsgUnitWrapper) if
               // it is in destroyed state
               if (initialCounter != 0) {
                  msgUnitWrapper.setReferenceCounter((-1) * initialCounter);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
               synchronized (this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
                  this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction = null;
               throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "TopicHandler", "", e);

            synchronized (this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
               try {
                  if (!msgUnitWrapper.isDestroyed()) {
               } finally {
                  this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction = null;
         if (msgUnitWrapper != null) {
            try {
               // Event to check if counter == 0 to remove cache entry again (happens e.g. for volatile msg without a no subscription)
               // MsgUnitWrapper calls topicEntry.destroyed(MsgUnitWrapper) if it is in destroyed state
               if (initialCounter != 0) {
               if (!msgUnitWrapper.isDestroyed()) {
            finally {
               synchronized(this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
                  this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction = null;
      return publishReturnQos;

    * Check if the MsgUnitWrapper is owned by the TopicHandler (during construction).
    * NOTE: You need to synchronize this call over msgUnitCache
   boolean isInMsgStore(MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper) {
      synchronized(this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
         return this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction == null || this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction.getUniqueId() != msgUnitWrapper.getUniqueId();
         //return !this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction.containsKey(new Long(msgUnitWrapper.getUniqueId()));

    * Forward PtP messages.
    * TODO: On exception continue to other destinations and return the
    *       successful/not-successful destinations in PublishReturnQos!!!
   private void forwardToDestinations(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo,
      MsgUnitWrapper cacheEntry, PublishQosServer publishQos)
      throws XmlBlasterException {
      // NOTE: cluster forwarded PtP destinations are removed already from this list:
      Destination[] destinationArr = publishQos.getDestinationArr(); // !!! add XPath client query here !!!
      Authenticate authenticate = this.requestBroker.getAuthenticate();

      //-----    Send message to every destination client
      for (int ii = 0; ii < destinationArr.length; ii++) {
         Destination destination = destinationArr[ii];

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Working on PtP message for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "]");

         SessionName destinationSessionName = destination.getDestination();
         boolean destinationIsSession = destinationSessionName.isSession();
         boolean forceQueing = destination.forceQueuing();
         boolean wantsPtP = true; // TODO if destination never has logged in spam would be possible!

         SubjectInfo destinationClient = null;

         // Handle PtP to subject in a thread safe manner
         if (!destinationIsSession) { // -> subject
            // 3 + 6 (force queing ignored since same reaction for both)
            destinationClient = authenticate.getSubjectInfoByName(destination.getDestination());
            if (!forceQueing && destinationClient==null) {
               String tmp = ME+": Sending PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' to '" + destination.getDestination() + "' failed, the destination is unkown, the message rejected.";
               //log.warning(tmp); is logged by caller already
               throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PTP_UNKNOWNDESTINATION, ME, tmp +
                   " Client is not logged in and <destination forceQueuing='true'> is not set");
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Queuing PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for subject destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "], forceQueing="+forceQueing);

            // We are responsible to call destinationClient.getLock().release()
            final boolean returnLocked = true;
            destinationClient = authenticate.getOrCreateSubjectInfoByName(destination.getDestination(), returnLocked, null, null);
            try {
               MsgQueueUpdateEntry msgEntrySubject = new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope, cacheEntry,
                        destinationClient.getSubjectQueue().getStorageId(), destination.getDestination(),
                        Constants.SUBSCRIPTIONID_PtP, false);
            finally {

         // Handle PtP to session in a thread safe manner
         SessionInfo receiverSessionInfo = null;
         try {
            receiverSessionInfo = authenticate.getSessionInfo(destination.getDestination());
            if (receiverSessionInfo != null) {
               if (receiverSessionInfo.isAlive()) {
                  if (!receiverSessionInfo.getConnectQos().isPtpAllowed() &&
                      !Constants.EVENT_OID_ERASEDTOPIC.equals(cacheEntry.getKeyOid())) { // no spam, case 2
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Rejecting PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "], isPtpAllowed=false");
                     throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PTP_DENIED, ME,
                           receiverSessionInfo.getId() + " does not accept PtP messages '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() +
                           "' is rejected");
               else {
                  receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
                  receiverSessionInfo = null;

            if (receiverSessionInfo == null && !forceQueing) {
               String tmp = ME+": Sending PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' to '" + destination.getDestination() + "' failed, the destination is unkown, the message rejected.";
               throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PTP_UNKNOWNDESTINATION, ME, tmp +
                     " Client is not logged in and <destination forceQueuing='true'> is not set");

            // Row 1 in table
            if (receiverSessionInfo == null) { // We create a faked session without password check
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Working on PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "] which does not exist, forceQueuing=true, we create a dummy session");
               ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(serverScope);
               ConnectQosServer connectQosServer = new ConnectQosServer(serverScope, connectQos.getData());
               long sessionTimeout = serverScope.getProperty().get("session.ptp.defaultTimeout", -1L);
               connectQosServer.getSessionQos().setSessionTimeout(sessionTimeout)// Or use message timeout?
               for (int i=0; ; i++) {
                  if (i>=20) {
                     String tmp = "Sending PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' to '" + destination.getDestination() + "' failed, the message is rejected.";
                     String status = "destinationIsSession='" + destinationIsSession + "'" +
                                     " forceQueing='" + forceQueing + "' wantsPtP='" + wantsPtP +"'";
                     throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ME, tmp +
                        "the combination '" + status + "' is not handled");
                  if (i>0) { try { Thread.sleep(1L); } catch( InterruptedException ie) {}}
                  /*ConnectReturnQosServer q = */authenticate.connect(connectQosServer);
                  receiverSessionInfo = authenticate.getSessionInfo(destination.getDestination());
                  if (receiverSessionInfo == null) continue;
                  if (!receiverSessionInfo.isAlive()) {
                     receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
                     receiverSessionInfo = null;

            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Queuing PtP message '" + cacheEntry.getLogId() + "' for destination [" + destination.getDestination() + "]");
            MsgQueueUpdateEntry msgEntry = new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope,
                     Constants.SUBSCRIPTIONID_PtP, false);
         finally {
            if (receiverSessionInfo != null) {
               receiverSessionInfo.releaseLockAssertOne("Topic=" + getId());
      } // for destinationArr.length

    * Stores the message 'meat'.
    * <p />
    * If accessed from outside take care about deadlock.
    * @return The storage containing the 'meat' of a message
   I_Map getMsgUnitCache() {
      return this.msgUnitCache;

   //I_MapEntry changeMsgUnitEntry(I_MapEntry entry, I_ChangeCallback callback) throws XmlBlasterException {
   //   return this.msgUnitCache.change(entry, callback);
   void change(MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (isInMsgStore(msgUnitWrapper)) {
         I_Map msgUnitCache = this.msgUnitCache;
         if (msgUnitCache == null) { // on startup
         // msgUnitCache.change(msgUnitWrapper, null);

   public MsgUnitWrapper getMsgUnitWrapper(long uniqueId) throws XmlBlasterException {

      synchronized(this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
         if (this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction != null && this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction.getUniqueId() == uniqueId)
            return this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction;

      I_Map msgUnitCache = this.msgUnitCache;
      if (msgUnitCache == null) { // on startup
         return null;

      return (MsgUnitWrapper)msgUnitCache.get(uniqueId);

    * Event triggered by MsgUnitWrapper itself when it reaches destroy state.
    * This is an important entry point, and may not be called from a concurrent thread
   public void entryDestroyed(MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper) {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering entryDestroyed(" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + ")");

      boolean underConstruction = !isInMsgStore(msgUnitWrapper);

      if (this.historyQueue != null) {
         try {
            !! where to get msgUnitWrapperHistoryEntry from? avoid removeRandom() as it complicates persistent queue implementation
            this.historyQueue.removeRandom(msgUnitWrapperHistoryEntry); // Note: This reduces the msgUnitStore referencecounter
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.error(ME, "Internal problem in entryDestroyed removeRandom of history queue (this can lead to a memory leak of '" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + "'): " +
                          e.getMessage() + ": " + toXml());

      if (!underConstruction) {
         try {
            if (getMsgUnitCache() == null) {
               log.severe(ME+": MsgUnitCache is unexpected null, topic: " + toXml() + "\n msgUnitWrapper is: " + msgUnitWrapper.toXml());
            else {
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.warning(ME+": Internal problem in entryDestroyed removeRandom of msg store (this can lead to a memory leak of '" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + "'): " +
                       e.getMessage()); // + ": " + toXml());

      // if it was a volatile message we need to check unreferenced state
      ArrayList notifyList = null;
      if (!hasCacheEntries() && !hasExactSubscribers() && !this.isHistoryHandling) {
         try {
            if (isSoftErased()) {
               notifyList = toDead(this.creatorSessionName, null, null);
            else {
               notifyList = toUnreferenced(false, false);
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.severe(ME+": Internal problem with entryDestroyed: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + toXml());
      msgUnitWrapper = null;
      if (notifyList != null) notifySubscribersAboutErase(notifyList); // must be outside the synchronize

    * The root node of the xmlBlaster DOM tree
   public final org.w3c.dom.Node getRootNode() throws XmlBlasterException {
      return getXmlKey().getRootNode(); // don't cache it, as it may change after merge

    * A client subscribed to this message, multiple subscriptions from
    * the same client are OK.
    * @param calleeIsXPathMatchCheck true The calling thread is internally to check if a Query matches a new published topic
    *        false The callee is a subscribe() thread from a client
   public void addSubscriber(SubscriptionInfo sub, boolean calleeIsXPathMatchCheck) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (sub.getSubscribeCounter() > 1)

      //Object oldOne;
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         /*oldOne = */this.subscriberMap.put(sub.getSubscriptionId(), sub);


      if (this.subscriptionListener != null)
         this.subscriptionListener.subscriptionAdd(new SubscriptionEvent(sub));

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Client '" + sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + "' has successfully subscribed");

      if (isUnconfigured()) {

      if (isUnreferenced()) {

      // will be triggered by ConnectionStatusListener.toAlive() ..
      if (this.subscriptionListener != null) return;

      SubscribeQosServer subscribeQosServer = sub.getSubscribeQosServer();
      if (subscribeQosServer == null) {

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": addSubscriber("+sub.getId()+")");
      if (subscribeQosServer.getWantInitialUpdate() == true || calleeIsXPathMatchCheck) { // wantInitial==false is only checked if this is a subcribe() thread of a client
         MsgUnitWrapper[] wrappers = null;
         if (hasHistoryEntries())
            wrappers = getMsgUnitWrapperArr(subscribeQosServer.getData().getHistoryQos().getNumEntries(),

         if (wrappers != null && wrappers.length > 0) {
            int count = 0, currentCount = 0;
            for (int i=0; i < wrappers.length; i++) {
               if (this.distributor == null || wrappers[i].isInternal()) {
                  currentCount = invokeCallback(null, sub, wrappers[i], true);
               if (currentCount == -1) break;
               count += currentCount;
            if (count < 1) {
               Set removeSet = new HashSet();

    * If a callback fails, we remove it from the subscription.
    * <p />
    * Generating dead letter and auto-logout to release all resources is done by DispatchWorker.
   public void handleCallbackFailed(Set removeSet) throws XmlBlasterException {
      // DON'T do a synchronized(this)! (the possibly triggered notifySubscribersAboutErase() could dead lock)
      if (removeSet != null) {
         Iterator iterator = removeSet.iterator();
         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            SubscriptionInfo sub = (SubscriptionInfo);
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Removed subscriber '" + sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + "' as callback failed.");
         removeSet = null;

    * A client wants to unSubscribe from this topic.
    * @return the removed SubscriptionInfo object or null if not found
   SubscriptionInfo removeSubscriber(String subscriptionInfoUniqueKey) {

      // DON'T call from inside a synchronized(this)! (the notifySubscribersAboutErase() could dead lock)

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Before size of subscriberMap = " + getNumSubscribers());

      SubscriptionInfo subs = null;
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         subs = (SubscriptionInfo)this.subscriberMap.remove(subscriptionInfoUniqueKey);
      if (subs == null && !isDead() && !isSoftErased()) {
         log.warning(ME+": can't unsubscribe, you where not subscribed to subscription ID=" + subscriptionInfoUniqueKey);

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": After size of subscriberMap = " + getNumSubscribers());

      if (isDead()) {
         if (this.subscriptionListener != null && subs != null) {
            try {
               this.subscriptionListener.subscriptionRemove(new SubscriptionEvent(subs));
            catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
               log.severe(ME+": removeSubscriber: an exception occured: " + ex.getMessage());
         return subs; // during cleanup process

      ArrayList notifyList = null;
      if (!hasCacheEntries() && !hasExactSubscribers()) {
         if (isUnconfigured())
            notifyList = toDead(this.creatorSessionName, null, null);
         else {
            try {
               notifyList = toUnreferenced(false, false);
            catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               log.severe(ME+": Internal problem with removeSubscriber: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + toXml());
      if (this.subscriptionListener != null && subs != null) {
         try {
            this.subscriptionListener.subscriptionRemove(new SubscriptionEvent(subs));
         catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
            log.severe(ME+": removeSubscriber: an exception occured: " + ex.getMessage());
      if (notifyList != null) notifySubscribersAboutErase(notifyList); // must be outside the synchronize
      return subs;

    * This is the unique key of the topic and MsgUnit
    * <p />
    * @return the &lt;key oid='...'>
   public String getUniqueKey() {
      return uniqueKey;

    * @return The key data of this topic (not DOM parsed) or null of not yet known
   public MsgKeyData getMsgKeyData() {
      return this.msgKeyData;

    * What is the MIME type of this message content?
    * <p />
    * @return the MIME type of the MsgUnit.content or null if not known
   public String getContentMime() {
      return (this.msgKeyData != null) ? this.msgKeyData.getContentMime() : null;

   public String getContentMimeExtended() {
      return (this.msgKeyData != null) ? this.msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended() : null;

    * Access the raw CORBA msgUnit
    * @return MsgUnit object
   public MsgUnit getMsgUnit() throws XmlBlasterException {
      return getMsgUnitWrapper().getMsgUnit();

    * Send updates to all subscribed clients.
    * <p />
    * @param publisherSessionInfo The sessionInfo of the publisher or null if not known or not online
   private final void invokeCallbackAndHandleFailure(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (msgUnitWrapper == null) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "MsgUnitWrapper is null");
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Going to update dependent clients for " + msgUnitWrapper.getKeyOid() + ", subscriberMap.size() = " + getNumSubscribers());

      if (this.distributor != null &&  !msgUnitWrapper.isInternal()) { // if there is a plugin

      // Take a copy of the map entries (a current snapshot)
      // If we would iterate over the map directly we can risk a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
      // when one of the callback fails and the entry is removed by the callback worker thread
      SubscriptionInfo[] subInfoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
      Set removeSet = null;
      for (int ii=0; ii<subInfoArr.length; ii++) {
         SubscriptionInfo sub = subInfoArr[ii];
         if (!subscriberMayReceiveIt(sub, msgUnitWrapper)) continue;
         if (invokeCallback(publisherSessionInfo, sub, msgUnitWrapper, true) < 1) {
            if (removeSet == null) removeSet = new HashSet();
            removeSet.add(sub); // We can't delete directly since we are in the iterator
      if (removeSet != null) handleCallbackFailed(removeSet);

    * Checks if it is allowed to send the entry to the callback queue.
    * @param publisherSessionInfo
    * @param sub
    * @return true if it is configured, there is a callback, and the topic is referenced
   private boolean checkIfAllowedToSend(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, SubscriptionInfo sub) {
      if (!sub.getSessionInfo().hasCallback()) {
         log.warning(ME+": A client which subscribes " + sub.toXml() + " should have a callback server: "
                       + sub.getSessionInfo().toXml("", (Properties)null));
         return false;
      if (isUnconfigured()) {
         log.warning(ME+": invokeCallback() not supported, this MsgUnit was created by a subscribe() and not a publish()");
         return false;
      if (isUnreferenced()) {
         log.severe(ME+": PANIC: invoke callback is strange in state 'UNREFERENCED'");
         return false;
      return true;

    * Checks if the filters allow this message to be sent to the specified session
    * @param publisherSessionInfo
    * @param sub
    * @param msgUnitWrapper
    * @return true if the message is approved to be sent, false otherwise
    * @throws XmlBlasterException in case an exception happened when checking the filters.
    * This method handles internally the publishing of dead letters in case of a throwable
    * and after that it throws this XmlBlasterException to notify the invoked about the
    * abnormal flow.
   public final boolean checkFilter(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, SubscriptionInfo sub, MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper, boolean handleException)
      throws XmlBlasterException {

      AccessFilterQos[] filterQos = sub.getAccessFilterArr();
      if (filterQos != null) {
         //SubjectInfo publisher = (publisherSessionInfo == null) ? null : publisherSessionInfo.getSubjectInfo();
         //SubjectInfo destination = (sub.getSessionInfo() == null) ? null : sub.getSessionInfo().getSubjectInfo();
         for (int ii=0; ii<filterQos.length; ii++) {
            try {
               I_AccessFilter filter = requestBroker.getAccessPluginManager().getAccessFilter(
                                         filterQos[ii].getType(), filterQos[ii].getVersion(),
                                         getContentMime(), getContentMimeExtended());
               if (filter != null && filter.match(sub.getSessionInfo(),
                          msgUnitWrapper.getMsgUnit(), filterQos[ii].getQuery()) == false) {
                  return false;
            catch (Throwable e) {
               // sender =      publisherSessionInfo.getLoginName()
               // receiver =    sub.getSessionInfo().getLoginName()
               // 1. We just log the situation:
               SessionName publisherName = (publisherSessionInfo != null) ? publisherSessionInfo.getSessionName() :
               String reason = "Mime access filter '" + filterQos[ii].getType() + "' for message '" +
                         msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + "' from sender '" + publisherName + "' to subscriber '" +
                         sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName() + "' threw an exception, we don't deliver " +
                         "the message to the subscriber: " + e.toString();
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+reason);
               if (handleException) {
                  MsgQueueEntry[] entries = {
                       new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope, msgUnitWrapper, sub.getMsgQueue().getStorageId(),
                                   sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName(), sub.getSubSourceSubscriptionId(),
                                   sub.getSubscribeQosServer().getWantUpdateOneway()) };
                  requestBroker.deadMessage(entries, null, reason);

               // 2. This error handling is wrong as the plugin should not invalidate the subscribe:
               //sub.getSessionInfo().getDispatchManager().internalError(e); // calls MsgErrorHandler

               // 3. This error handling is wrong as we handle a subscribe and not a publish:
               MsgQueueEntry entry =
                    new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope, msgUnitWrapper, sub.getMsgQueue().getStorageId(),
                                sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName(), sub.getSubSourceSubscriptionId(),
               publisherSessionInfo.getMsgErrorHandler().handleError(new MsgErrorInfo(serverScope, entry, null, e));
               throw new XmlBlasterException(this.serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME , "checkFilter: " + reason);
      } // if filterQos
      return true;

    * Checks if the subscriber is a cluster and the message has the 'dirtyRead' flag set.
    * @param sub
    * @param msgQosData
    * @return true if dirtyRead is set, false otherwise.
   public static boolean isDirtyRead(SubscriptionInfo sub, MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper)
      throws XmlBlasterException {
      MsgQosData msgQosData = msgUnitWrapper.getMsgQosData();
      if (sub.getSessionInfo().getSubjectInfo().isCluster()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("TopicHandler: Slave node '" + sub.getSessionInfo() + "' has dirty read message '" + msgUnitWrapper.toXml());
         if (msgQosData.dirtyRead(sub.getSessionInfo().getSubjectInfo().getNodeId())) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("TopicHandler: Slave node '" + sub.getSessionInfo() + "' has dirty read message '" + sub.getSubscriptionId() + "', '" + sub.getKeyData().getOid() + "' we don't need to send it back");
            return true;
      return false;

   public static final MsgQueueUpdateEntry createEntryFromWrapper(MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper, SubscriptionInfo sub)
      throws XmlBlasterException {
      return new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(msgUnitWrapper.getServerScope(), msgUnitWrapper, sub.getMsgQueue().getStorageId(),
               sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName(), sub.getSubSourceSubscriptionId(),

    * Put the message into the callback queue of the subscribed client (Pub/Sub mode only).
    * @param publisherSessionInfo The sessionInfo of the publisher or null if not known or not online
    * @param sub The subscription handle of the client
    * @return -1 in case it was not able to complete the invocation due to an incorrect status (for example
    * if it is unconfigured, unreferenced or if the session has no callback). Returns 0 if it was not able
    * to complete the request even if the status was OK, 1 if successful.
    * Never throws an exception.
    * Returning -1 tells the invoker not to continue with these invocations (performance)
   private final int invokeCallback(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, SubscriptionInfo sub,
      MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper, boolean doErrorHandling) {
      if (!checkIfAllowedToSend(publisherSessionInfo, sub)) return -1;

      if (msgUnitWrapper == null) {
         log.severe(ME+": invokeCallback() MsgUnitWrapper is null: " +
                       ((publisherSessionInfo != null) ? publisherSessionInfo.toXml() + "\n" : "") +
                       ((sub != null) ? sub.toXml() + "\n" : "") +
                       ((this.historyQueue != null) ? this.historyQueue.toXml("") : ""));
         return 0;
         //throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "MsgUnitWrapper is null");

      try {
         if (isDirtyRead(sub, msgUnitWrapper)) return 1;

         try {
            if (!checkFilter(publisherSessionInfo, sub, msgUnitWrapper, true)) return 1;
         catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest(ex.getMessage());
            return 0;

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": pushing update() message '" + sub.getKeyData().getOid() + "' " + msgUnitWrapper.getStateStr() +
                       "' into '" + sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + "' callback queue");

         MsgQueueUpdateEntry entry = createEntryFromWrapper(msgUnitWrapper, sub);

         sub.getMsgQueue().put(entry, I_Queue.USE_PUT_INTERCEPTOR);

         I_Checkpoint cp = serverScope.getCheckpointPlugin();
         if (cp != null) {
               cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_UPDATE_QUEUE_ADD, entry.getMsgUnit(),
                     sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName(), null);

         // If in MsgQueueUpdateEntry we set super.wantReturnObj = true; (see
         //UpdateReturnQosServer retQos = (UpdateReturnQosServer)entry.getReturnObj();
         return 1;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         SessionName publisherName = (publisherSessionInfo != null) ? publisherSessionInfo.getSessionName() :
         if ( doErrorHandling ) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Sending of message from " + publisherName + " to " +
                               sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + " failed: " + e.toString());
            try {
               MsgQueueEntry[] entries = {
                     new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(serverScope, msgUnitWrapper, sub.getMsgQueue().getStorageId(),
                                 sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName(), sub.getSubSourceSubscriptionId(),
                                 sub.getSubscribeQosServer().getWantUpdateOneway()) };
               String reason = e.toString();
               if (e instanceof XmlBlasterException)
                  reason = ((XmlBlasterException)e).getMessage();
               requestBroker.deadMessage(entries, null, reason);
            catch (XmlBlasterException e2) {
               log.severe(ME+": PANIC: Sending of message '" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + "' from " + publisherName + " to " +
                               sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + " failed, message is lost: " + e2.getMessage() + " original exception is: " + e.toString());
            catch (Throwable e2) {
               e.printStackTrace(); // original stack
               log.severe(ME+": PANIC: Sending of message '" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() + "' from " + publisherName + " to " +
                               sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + " failed, message is lost: " + e2.getMessage() + " original exception is: " + e.toString());
            return 1; // Don't remove subscriber for queue overflow exception
         else {
            return 0;

   // JMX
   public final int getNumSubscribers() {
      return numSubscribers();

   public final int numSubscribers() {
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         return this.subscriberMap.size();

   public final boolean hasSubscribers() {
      return numSubscribers() > 0;

    * Get a snapshot of all subscriptions
   public final SubscriptionInfo[] getSubscriptionInfoArr() {
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         return (SubscriptionInfo[])this.subscriberMap.values().toArray(new SubscriptionInfo[this.subscriberMap.size()]);

   // JMX
   public final boolean getExactSubscribersExist() {
      return hasExactSubscribers();

    * Returns true if there are subscribers with exact query on oid or domain
    * @return false If no subscriber exists or all subscribers are through XPath query
   public final boolean hasExactSubscribers() {
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         Iterator iterator = this.subscriberMap.values().iterator();
         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            SubscriptionInfo sub = (SubscriptionInfo);
            if (!sub.isCreatedByQuerySubscription())
               return true;
      return false;

    * Returns SubscriptionInfo instances of this session
    * (a session may subscribe the same message multiple times).
    * <p />
    * This searches from a given SessionInfo.
    * @return never null but can be of length==0
   public final SubscriptionInfo[] findSubscriber(SessionInfo sessionInfo) {
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         ArrayList list = null;
         Iterator iterator = this.subscriberMap.values().iterator();
         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            SubscriptionInfo sub = (SubscriptionInfo);
            if (sub.getSessionInfo().isSameSession(sessionInfo)) {
               if (list == null) list = new ArrayList();
         if (list == null) return new SubscriptionInfo[0];
         return (SubscriptionInfo[])list.toArray(new SubscriptionInfo[list.size()]);

    * subscribers are not informed here
   private void clearSubscribers() {
      SubscriptionInfo[] subscriptionInfoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
      for(int i=0; i<subscriptionInfoArr.length; i++) {
         try {
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.severe(ME+": Problems in clearSubscriber: " + e.getMessage());
      synchronized(this.subscriberMap) {
         this.subscriberMap.clear()// see collectNotifySubscribersAboutErase() above

    * Do we contain at least one message?
   public boolean hasHistoryEntries() {
      return getNumOfHistoryEntries() > 0L;

    * Get the number of history message references we contain.
   public long getNumOfHistoryEntries() {
      I_Queue historyQueue = this.historyQueue;
      if (historyQueue == null) {
         return 0L;
      long num = historyQueue.getNumOfEntries();
      if (num > 0L && !this.dyingInProgress && !isAlive() && !isUnconfigured()) { // assert
         // isUnconfigured is possible on administrative startup with persistent messages
         log.severe(ME+": Internal problem: we have messages but are not alive: " + toXml());
      return num;

    * Do we contain at least one message?
   public boolean hasCacheEntries() {
      return getNumOfCacheEntries() > 0L;

    * The number of entries in the msgCache.
   public long getNumOfCacheEntries() {
      if (this.msgUnitCache == null) { // on startup
         return 0L;
      return this.msgUnitCache.getNumOfEntries();

    * Returns a snapshot of all entries in the history
    * @param num Number of entries wanted, not more than size of history queue are returned.<br />
    *            If -1 all entries in history queue are returned
    * @param newestFirst true is the normal case (the latest message is returned first)
    * @return Checked MsgUnitWrapper entries (destroyed and expired ones are removed), never null
   public MsgUnitWrapper[] getMsgUnitWrapperArr(int num, boolean newestFirst) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.historyQueue == null)
         return new MsgUnitWrapper[0];
      List<I_Entry> historyList = this.historyQueue.peek(num, -1);
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": getMsgUnitWrapperArr("+num+","+newestFirst+"), found " + historyList.size() + " historyList entries");
      ArrayList aliveMsgUnitWrapperList = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList historyDestroyList = null;
      int n = historyList.size();
      for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
         MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)historyList.get(i);
         if (entry != null) {
            MsgUnitWrapper wr = entry.getMsgUnitWrapper();
            if (wr != null) {
               if (wr.hasRemainingLife()) {
               else {
                  if (historyDestroyList == null) historyDestroyList = new ArrayList();
            else {
               if (entry.isExpired()) {
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": getMsgUnitWrapperArr(): MsgUnitWrapper weak reference from history queue is null, it is expired: " + entry.toXml());
               else {
                  log.severe(ME+": getMsgUnitWrapperArr(): MsgUnitWrapper weak reference from history queue is null, this could be a serious bug, please report it to mailing list: " +
                     entry.toXml() + "\n" + // toXml() not possible as it call recursive getMsgUnitWrapperArr());
                     ((this.msgUnitCache != null) ? this.msgUnitCache.toXml("") + "\n" : "") +
                     ((this.historyQueue != null) ? this.historyQueue.toXml("") : "")
               if (historyDestroyList == null) historyDestroyList = new ArrayList();

      if (historyDestroyList != null && historyDestroyList.size() > 0) {
         this.historyQueue.removeRandom((I_Entry[])historyDestroyList.toArray(new I_Entry[historyDestroyList.size()]));

      if (newestFirst) {
         return (MsgUnitWrapper[])aliveMsgUnitWrapperList.toArray(new MsgUnitWrapper[aliveMsgUnitWrapperList.size()]);
      else {
         MsgUnitWrapper[] arr = new MsgUnitWrapper[aliveMsgUnitWrapperList.size()];
         int size = aliveMsgUnitWrapperList.size();
         for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
            arr[i] = (MsgUnitWrapper)aliveMsgUnitWrapperList.get(size-i-1);
         return arr;

    * Returns a snapshot of all entries in the history
    * @param num Number of entries wanted, not more than size of history queue are returned.<br />
    *            If -1 all entries in history queue are returned
    * @param newestFirst true is the normal case (the latest message is returned first)
    * @return Checked entries (destroyed and expired ones are removed), never null
   public MsgUnit[] getHistoryMsgUnitArr(int num, boolean newestFirst) throws XmlBlasterException {
      MsgUnitWrapper[] msgUnitWrapper = getMsgUnitWrapperArr(num, newestFirst);
      MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = new MsgUnit[msgUnitWrapper.length];
      for (int i=0; i<msgUnitWrapper.length; i++) {
         msgUnitArr[i] = msgUnitWrapper[i].getMsgUnit();
      return msgUnitArr;

    * Erase message instances but not the topic itself.
    * @param sessionInfo The user which has called erase()
    * @param historyQos Describes which message instances
    * @throws XmlBlasterException Currently only all history entries can be destroyed
   public long eraseFromHistoryQueue(SessionInfo sessionInfo, HistoryQos historyQos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      //if (hasHistoryEntries()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Erase request for " + historyQos.toXml() +
             " history entries, we currently contain " + this.historyQueue.getNumOfEntries() + " entries.");
         if (historyQos.getNumEntries() == -1) {
            return this.historyQueue.clear();
         else {
            throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ME,
                  "Erasing of specific history entries is not yet implemented, you can only erase all of them");

    * The initial state at creation
   public boolean isUndef() {
      return this.state == UNDEF;

    * This state is reached if the TopicHandler is initially
    * created by a subscribe() and is not yet configured by an initial publish()
   public boolean isUnconfigured() {
      return this.state == UNCONFIGURED;

    * This state is defined if we are still referenced by
    * subscriptions or if we contain some messages
   public boolean isAlive() {
      return this.state == ALIVE;

    * This is a cleanup state (it is recoverable)
    * This state is reached when we are configured but not
    * referenced by any subscribes and without any messages.
    * We are still in registered in the BigDom tree for XPath queries etc.
   public boolean isUnreferenced() {
      return this.state == UNREFERENCED;

    * This state is reached on an erase(forceDestroy==false) invocation if
    * there are still message referenced from the callback queue.
   public boolean isSoftErased() {
      return this.state == SOFT_ERASED;

    * true if the instance is ready for garbage collection
   public boolean isDead() {
      return this.state == DEAD;

   private void toUnconfigured() {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering toUnconfigured(oldState="+getStateStr()+")");
      if (isUnconfigured()) {
      this.state = UNCONFIGURED;
      if (this.timerKey != null) {
         this.timerKey = null;

   private void toAlive() throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering toAlive(oldState="+getStateStr()+")");
      if (isAlive()) {
      if (this.timerKey != null) {
         this.timerKey = null;
      if (!isRegisteredInBigXmlDom) {
         try {
         } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            if (isUnreferenced())
               toDead(this.creatorSessionName, null, null);
            else if (isUnconfigured())
               ; // ignore
            throw e;

      this.state = ALIVE;

   private void removeTopicPersistence() {
      if (requestBroker.getTopicStore() == null) {
         return;   // RAM based operation
      try {
         if (this.topicEntry != null) {
            int num = this.requestBroker.removePersistentTopicHandler(this.topicEntry);
            this.topicEntry = null;
            if (num == 0) {
               log.warning(ME+": " + num + " TopicHandler removed from persistency");
            else {
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": " + num + " TopicHandler removed from persistency");
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe(ME+": Persisting TopicHandler failed, we continue memory based: " + e.getMessage());

   private ArrayList toUnreferenced(boolean onAdministrativeCreate, boolean fromPersistenceStore) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering toUnreferenced(oldState="+getStateStr()+", onAdministrativeCreate="+onAdministrativeCreate+")");
      ArrayList notifyList = null;
      if (isUnreferenced() || isDead()) {
         return null;
      int oldState = this.state;

      if (hasHistoryEntries()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "UNREFERENCED: Clearing " + getNumOfHistoryEntries() + " history entries");
      if (hasCacheEntries()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "UNREFERENCED: Clearing " + this.msgUnitCache.getNumOfEntries() + " msgUnitStore cache entries");
         this.msgUnitCache.clear()// Who removes the MsgUnitWrapper entries from their Timer?!!!! TODO

      this.state = UNREFERENCED;

      TopicProperty topicProperty = this.topicProperty;
      if (!onAdministrativeCreate) {
         if (topicProperty == null) {
            EraseQosServer eraseQos = new EraseQosServer(serverScope, "<qos/>");
            notifyList = toDead(this.creatorSessionName, null, eraseQos);
            return notifyList; // ALIVE -> UNREFERENCED

      if (fromPersistenceStore) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine(ME+": Delay to set destroyDelay for topics from persistent store until all clients and subcriptions are recovered"); //
      else if (topicProperty != null) {
         if (topicProperty.getDestroyDelay() > 0L) {
            if (this.timerKey == null) {
               this.timerKey = this.destroyTimer.addTimeoutListener(this, topicProperty.getDestroyDelay(), getUniqueKey());
         else if (topicProperty.getDestroyDelay() == 0L) {
            timeout();   // toDead()
            return null; // destroy immediately
      // for destroyDelay < 0 we live forever or until an erase arrives

      if (!isRegisteredInBigXmlDom) {
         addToBigDom(); // guarantee still XPATH visibility

      // On administrative startup
      if (oldState == UNDEF || oldState == UNCONFIGURED) {
      return notifyList;

   public void startDestroyTimer() {
      TopicProperty topicProperty = this.topicProperty;
      if (topicProperty != null && topicProperty.getDestroyDelay() > 0L) {
         if (this.timerKey == null) {
            this.timerKey = this.destroyTimer.addTimeoutListener(this, topicProperty.getDestroyDelay(), getUniqueKey());

    * @param sessionInfo The session which triggered the erase
    * @param eraseKey The erase request
    * @param eraseQos The erase request
   private ArrayList toSoftErased(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData eraseKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos) {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering toSoftErased(oldState="+getStateStr()+")");
      ArrayList notifyList = null;
      if (isSoftErased()) {
         return null;
      if (hasHistoryEntries()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "SOFTERASED: Clearing " + getNumOfHistoryEntries() + " history entries");

      if (hasSubscribers()) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "SOFTERASED: Clearing " + numSubscribers() + " subscriber entries");
         notifyList = collectNotifySubscribersAboutErase(sessionInfo.getSessionName(), eraseKey, eraseQos);
         clearSubscribers(); // can trigger a toDead
         if (isDead()) return notifyList;

      this.state = SOFT_ERASED;
      this.handlerIsNewCreated = true;
      this.administrativeInitialize = false;
      return notifyList;

    * @param sessionName The session which triggered this event
    * @param eraseKey The erase request
    * @param eraseQos The erase request
   private ArrayList toDead(SessionName sessionName, QueryKeyData eraseKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos) {

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering toDead(oldState="+getStateStr()+")");
      long numHistory = 0L;
      ArrayList notifyList = null;

      synchronized (this) {
         if (this.dyingInProgress || isDead()) {
            return null;
         this.dyingInProgress = true;


      try {
         if (this.topicEntry != null) {
         else {
            if (!isUnconfigured()) {
               if (isUnreferenced() || isSoftErased()) {
                  log.fine(ME+": In " + getStateStr() + " -> DEAD: this.topicEntry == null");
               else {
                  log.severe(ME+": In " + getStateStr() + " -> DEAD: this.topicEntry == null");
               return null;

         if (isAlive()) {
            if (numSubscribers() > 0 || hasCacheEntries() || hasHistoryEntries())
     ": Forced state transition ALIVE -> DEAD with " + numSubscribers() + " subscribers, " +
                         getNumOfCacheEntries() + " cache messages and " +
                         getNumOfHistoryEntries() + " history messages.");

         if (/*!eraseQos.getForceDestroy() &&*/ !isSoftErased()) {
            notifyList = collectNotifySubscribersAboutErase(sessionName, eraseKey, eraseQos);

         if (hasHistoryEntries()) {
            try {
               numHistory = this.historyQueue.clear();
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Cleared " + numHistory + " history entries");
            catch (Throwable e) {
               log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the history queue: " + e.getMessage());
         if (this.historyQueue != null) {

         if (hasCacheEntries()) {
            try {
               long num = this.msgUnitCache.clear();
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Cleared " + num + " message storage entries");
            catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the message store: " + e.getMessage());
         if (this.msgUnitCache != null) {

         if (this.topicEntry != null) { // a second time if the above collectNotifySubscribersAboutErase() made an unconfigured topic alive
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the message store: " + e.getMessage());
      finally {
         this.state = DEAD;
         this.dyingInProgress = false; // no need for this anymore, reset it

      try {
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the subscriptions: " + e.getMessage());

      try {
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the big DOM: " + e.getMessage());

      try {
         clearSubscribers(); // see notifySubscribersAboutErase() above
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the subscribers: " + e.getMessage());

      try {
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+getStateStr() + "->" + "DEAD: Ignoring problems during clearing the TopicAccessor: " + e.getMessage());

      if (this.timerKey != null) {
         this.timerKey = null;

      this.handlerIsNewCreated = true;": reached state " + getStateStr() + ". " + numHistory + " history entries are destroyed.");
      return notifyList;

    * Merge the message DOM tree into the big xmlBlaster DOM tree
   private void addToBigDom() throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (isRegisteredInBigXmlDom) {
      TopicProperty topicProperty = this.topicProperty;
      if (topicProperty != null && !topicProperty.createDomEntry()) {
      isRegisteredInBigXmlDom = true;

    * Remove Node in big xml dom
   private void removeFromBigDom() {
      if (!isRegisteredInBigXmlDom) {
      //if (!this.topicProperty.createDomEntry()) {
      //   return;
      try {
         isRegisteredInBigXmlDom = false;
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe(ME+": Received exception on BigDom erase, we ignore it: " + e.getMessage());

    * Send erase event with a volatile non persistent erase message.
    * The oid of the PtP message is temporary "__sys__ErasedTopic" and later
    * the oid of the erased topic, the state is set to STATE_ERASED
    * <p>
    * This method may NOT be called from inside a synchronized((TopicHandler)this):
    * The CB worker thread which empties the callback queue may call this TopicHandler.entryDestroyed()
    * which could cause a dead lock.
    * </p>
    * @param sessionName The session which triggered the erase
    * @return A set containing MsgUnit instances to send to the various clients
   private void notifySubscribersAboutErase(ArrayList msgSet) {
      if (msgSet == null) return;
      SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo = serverScope.getRequestBroker().getInternalSessionInfo();

      Iterator it = msgSet.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
         MsgUnit msgUnit = (MsgUnit);
         try {
            requestBroker.publish(publisherSessionInfo, msgUnit);
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            // The access plugin or client may throw an exception. The behavior is not coded yet
            log.severe(ME+": Received exception when sending message erase event callback to client: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + msgUnit.toXml());

    * Collect erase events with volatile non persistent erase messages.
    * The oid of the PtP message is temporary "__sys__ErasedTopic" and later
    * the oid of the erased topic, the state is set to STATE_ERASED
    * @param sessionName The session which triggered the erase
    * @param eraseKey Can be null if not known (e.g. for implicit erase after unSubscribe or last message is expired)
    * @param eraseQos Can be null if not known
    * @return A set containing MsgUnit instances to send to the various clients
   private ArrayList collectNotifySubscribersAboutErase(SessionName sessionName, QueryKeyData eraseKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos) {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Sending client notification about message erase() event");

      if (hasSubscribers()) { // && (isAlive() || isUnconfigured())) { // Filter for Approach 1. (supresses XPath notifies)
         if (Constants.EVENT_OID_ERASEDTOPIC.equals(getUniqueKey())) {
            return null;
         try {
            ArrayList notifyList = new ArrayList();
               // Approach 1: Send erase notify with same topic oid
               // This was used until 0.91+
               // Problem was that it triggered this dieing topic into ALIVE again
               org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey pk = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(serverScope,
                                                         getUniqueKey(), "text/plain", "1.0");
               org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos pq = new org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos(serverScope);
               MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, getId(), pq); // content contains the global name?
               PublishQosServer ps = new PublishQosServer(serverScope, pq.getData());

               // Approach 2: Send PtP message with a dedicated topic
               // Problem: We need to change the oid back to this topics oid to be back compatible
               // (see
               SubscriptionInfo[] arr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
               for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
                  SubscriptionInfo sub = arr[i];
                  if (!sub.getQueryQosData().getWantNotify()) {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
                        log.finer("Don't send ERASE notify for topic " + getId() + " to subscriber " + sub.getSessionName() + " as want notify==false");

                  org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey pk = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(serverScope,
                                                            Constants.EVENT_OID_ERASEDTOPIC/*+":"+getUniqueKey()*/, "text/plain", "1.0");
                  org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos pq = new org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos(serverScope);
                  pq.addDestination(new Destination(sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName()));
                  pq.addClientProperty("__oid", getUniqueKey());
                  MsgKeyData k = this.msgKeyData;
                  if (k != null && k.getDomain() != null)
                     pq.addClientProperty("__domain", k.getDomain());
                  pq.addClientProperty("__subscriptionId", sub.getSubSourceSubscriptionId());
                  if (eraseKey != null) // To have all attributes for cluster slaves getting forwarded the erase
                     pq.addClientProperty("__eraseKey", eraseKey.toXml());
                  if (eraseQos != null) // To have all attributes for cluster slaves getting forwarded the erase
                     pq.addClientProperty("__eraseQos", eraseQos.toXml());
                  if (i==0) {
                     TopicProperty topicProperty = new TopicProperty(serverScope);
            prop = new, null);
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Added TopicProperty to " + pk.getOid() + " on first publish: " + topicProperty.toXml());
                  MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, getId(), pq);

               // Approach 3: Shuffle it directly into the callback queues
               // Here the topic is not touched anymore but the msgUnitStore must remain alive
               // The problem with this approach is that the msgUnitCache may be destroyed before the callback is delivered
               org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey pk = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(serverScope,
                                                         getUniqueKey(), "text/plain", "1.0");
               org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos pq = new org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos(serverScope);
               MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, getId(), pq); // content contains the global name?
               MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = null;
               StorageId storageId = this.msgUnitCache.getStorageId();
               int initialCounter = 1;
               try {
                  msgUnitWrapper = new MsgUnitWrapper(serverScope, msgUnit, this.msgUnitCache, initialCounter, 0, -1);
                  SubscriptionInfo[] arr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
                  for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
                     SubscriptionInfo sub = arr[i];
                     int num = invokeCallback(publisherSessionInfo, sub, msgUnitWrapper, false);
                     if (num < 1) {
                        log.warn(ME, "Sending of erase notification message '" + msgUnitWrapper.getLogId() +
                                  "' from " + publisherSessionInfo.getId() + " to " +
                                  sub.getSessionInfo().getId() + " failed, no notification is possible");
               finally {
                  if (msgUnitWrapper != null) msgUnitWrapper.incrementReferenceCounter(-1*initialCounter, storageId);
            return notifyList;
         catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
            // The access plugin or client may throw an exception. The behavior is not coded yet
            log.severe(ME+": Received exception for message erase event (callback to client), we ignore it: " + e.getMessage());
            return null;
      return null;

    * Remove myself from big subscription set
   private void removeFromBigSubscriptionSet() {
      try {
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe(ME+": Received exception on message erase, we ignore it: " + e.getMessage());

    * Notify all Listeners that a topic is erased.
    * @param sessionInfo The session which wants to erase
    * @param eraseKey The original EraseKey
    * @param eraseQos
   final void eraseRequest(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData eraseKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Entering fireEraseEvent forceDestroy=" + eraseQos.getForceDestroy());
      eraseQos = (eraseQos==null) ? new EraseQosServer(serverScope, new QueryQosData(serverScope, MethodName.ERASE)) : eraseQos;
      ArrayList notifyList = null;
      try {
         if (isAlive() || isUnconfigured()) {
            if (eraseQos.getForceDestroy()) {
               notifyList = toDead(sessionInfo.getSessionName(), eraseKey, eraseQos);
            else {
               notifyList = toSoftErased(sessionInfo, eraseKey, eraseQos); // kills all history entries, notify subscribers
               long numMsgUnitStore = (this.msgUnitCache==null) ? 0L : this.msgUnitCache.getNumOfEntries();
               if (numMsgUnitStore < 1) { // has no callback references?
                  toDead(sessionInfo.getSessionName(), eraseKey, eraseQos);
               else {
        ": Erase not possible, we are still referenced by " + numMsgUnitStore +
                  " callback queue entries, transition to topic state " + getStateStr() + ", all subscribers are removed.");

         if (isUnreferenced()) {
            notifyList = toDead(sessionInfo.getSessionName(), eraseKey, eraseQos);
      finally {
         if (notifyList != null) notifySubscribersAboutErase(notifyList); // must be outside the synchronize

    * This timeout occurs after a configured delay (destroyDelay) in UNREFERENCED state
   public final void timeout(Object userData) {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": Timeout after destroy delay occurred - destroying topic now ...");
      String oid = (String)userData;

      TopicHandler topicHandler = this.serverScope.getTopicAccessor().access(oid); // get a lock!
      if (topicHandler == null) return;
      ArrayList notifyList;
      try {
         if (this != topicHandler) return; // we are outdated
         notifyList = timeout();
      finally {
      if (notifyList != null) notifySubscribersAboutErase(notifyList); // must be outside the synchronize

   private ArrayList timeout() {
      if (isDead())
         return null;
      if (isAlive()) // interim message arrived?
         return null;
      return toDead(this.creatorSessionName, null, null);

   public String getStateStr() {
      if (isAlive()) {
         return "ALIVE";
      else if (isUnconfigured()) {
         return "UNCONFIGURED";
      else if (isUnreferenced()) {
         return "UNREFERENCED";
      else if (isDead()) {
         return "DEAD";
      else if (isSoftErased()) {
         return "SOFTERASED";
      else if (state == UNDEF) {
         return "UNDEF";
      else {
         log.severe(ME+": PANIC: Unknown internal state=" + state);
         return "ERROR";

   public void shutdown() {

    * This class determines the sorting order, by which the
    * client receive their updates.
    * For now, the client which subscribed first, is served first
   class subscriberSorter implements Comparator
      public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
         SubscriptionInfo s1 = (SubscriptionInfo)o1;
         SubscriptionInfo s2 = (SubscriptionInfo)o2;
         return o2.getCreationTime() - o1.getCreationTime;
      public boolean equals(Object obj)
         //SubscriptionInfo sub = (SubscriptionInfo)obj;

    * Dump state of this object into XML.
    * <br>
    * @return XML state of TopicHandler
   public final String toXml() {
      return toXml((String)null);

    * Dump state of this object into XML.
    * <p>
    * Is implemented for dirty reads
    * @param extraOffset indenting of tags
    * @return XML state of TopicHandler
   public final String toXml(String extraOffset) {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000);
      if (extraOffset == null) extraOffset = "";
      String offset = Constants.OFFSET + extraOffset;

      boolean forceReadable = true;

      sb.append(offset).append("<TopicHandler id='").append(getId()).append("' state='").append(getStateStr()).append("'>");
      sb.append(offset).append(" <uniqueKey>").append(getUniqueKey()).append("</uniqueKey>");

      TopicEntry topicEntry = this.topicEntry;
      if (topicEntry != null) {
         sb.append(offset).append(" <topicEntry>").append(topicEntry.getLogId()).append("</topicEntry>");

      TopicProperty topicProperty = this.topicProperty;
      if (topicProperty != null)

      I_Map msgUnitCache = this.msgUnitCache;
      if (msgUnitCache != null) {

      I_Queue historyQueue = this.historyQueue;
      if (historyQueue != null) {

      try {
         MsgUnitWrapper[] msgUnitWrapperArr = getMsgUnitWrapperArr(-1, false);
         for (int ii=0; ii<msgUnitWrapperArr.length; ii++) {
            MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = msgUnitWrapperArr[ii];
            if (msgUnitWrapper != null)
               sb.append(msgUnitWrapper.toXml(extraOffset + Constants.INDENT, forceReadable));
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe(ME+": "+e.getMessage());

      if (hasSubscribers()) {
         SubscriptionInfo[] subscriptionInfoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
         for(int i=0; i<subscriptionInfoArr.length; i++) {
            sb.append(offset).append(" <SubscriptionInfo id='").append(subscriptionInfoArr[i].getSubscriptionId()).append("'/>");
      else {
         sb.append(offset + " <SubscriptionInfo>NO SUBSCRIPTIONS</SubscriptionInfo>");

      sb.append(offset).append(" <newCreated>").append(this.handlerIsNewCreated).append("</newCreated>");
      return sb.toString();

   public I_Queue getHistoryQueue() {
      return this.historyQueue;

    * Query the history queue, can be peeking or consuming.
    * @param querySpec Can be configured to be consuming
    * @see <a href="">The engine.qos.queryspec.QueueQuery requirement</a>
   public MsgUnit[] getHistoryQueueEntries(String querySpec) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.queueQueryPlugin == null) {
         this.queueQueryPlugin = new QueueQueryPlugin(this.serverScope);
      this.serverScope.getTopicAccessor().release(this); // In case we were locked and now block forever!
      return this.queueQueryPlugin.query(this.historyQueue, querySpec);

    * instantiates and initializes a MsgDistributorPlugin if the topic property requires so.
    * If such a plugin exists already it is left untouched.
    * @throws XmlBlasterException
   private void initMsgDistributorPlugin() throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": initMsgDistributorPlugin");
      if (this.distributor != null) return;
      String typeVersion = this.topicProperty.getMsgDistributor();
      // if (typeVersion == null) return; // no plugin has been configured for this topic
      this.distributor = this.serverScope.getMsgDistributorPluginManager().getPlugin(typeVersion, this);
      this.subscriptionListener = this.distributor;
      if (this.subscriptionListener != null) {
         SubscriptionInfo[] subs = getSubscriptionInfoArr();
         for (int i=0; i < subs.length; i++)
            this.subscriptionListener.subscriptionAdd(new SubscriptionEvent(subs[i]));

   private void shutdownMsgDistributorPlugin() {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(ME+": shutdownMsgDistributorPlugin");
      if (this.distributor == null) return;
      try {
      catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
         log.severe(ME+": shutdownMsgDistributorPlugin " + ex.getMessage());
      finally {
         this.distributor = null;
         this.subscriptionListener = null;

   public static final boolean subscriberMayReceiveIt(SubscriptionInfo sub, MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper) {
      if (sub == null) return false;
      if (sub.getSessionInfo() == null) return false;
      QueryQosData qos = sub.getQueryQosData();
      if (qos == null) return false;
      if (!qos.getWantLocal() &&
           sub.getSessionInfo().getSessionName().equalsAbsolute(msgUnitWrapper.getMsgQosData().getSender())) return false;
      if (!qos.getWantNotify() && msgUnitWrapper.getMsgQosData().isErased()) return false;
      return true;

    * @return The configure plugin or null
   public final I_MsgDistributor getMsgDistributorPlugin() {
      return this.distributor;

   /** JMX */
   public final String[] getSubscribers() {
      SubscriptionInfo[] infoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();

      if (infoArr.length < 1)
         return new String[0]; // { "This topic has currently no subscriber" };

      String[] ret = new String[infoArr.length];
      for (int i=0; i<infoArr.length; i++) {
         ret[i] = infoArr[i].getSessionName();
      return ret;

   public final String[] unSubscribeByIndex(int index, String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      SubscriptionInfo[] infoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();

      if (infoArr.length < 1)
         return new String[] { "This topic has currently no subscriber" };

      if (index < 0 || index >= infoArr.length) {
         return new String[] { "Please choose an index between 0 and " + (infoArr.length-1) + " (inclusiv)" };
      }": Administrative unSubscribe() of client '" + infoArr[index].getSessionName() + "' for topic '" + getId() + "'");
      return unSubscribe(infoArr[index].getSessionInfo(), qos);

   public final String[] unSubscribeBySessionName(String sessionName, String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      SubscriptionInfo[] infoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();

      if (infoArr.length < 1)
         return new String[] { "This topic has currently no subscriber" };

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;
      SessionName wanted = new SessionName(serverScope, sessionName);
      for (int i=0; i<infoArr.length; i++) {
         SessionName tmp = infoArr[i].getSessionInfo().getSessionName();
         if (wanted.equalsRelative(tmp) || wanted.equalsAbsolute(tmp)) {
            sessionInfo = infoArr[i].getSessionInfo();

      if (sessionInfo == null)
         return new String[] { "Unsubscribe of client '" + sessionName + "' failed, it did NOT match any client" };": Administrative unSubscribe() of client '" + sessionName + "' for topic '" + getId() + "'");
      return unSubscribe(sessionInfo, qos);

   /** private helper to unSubscribe */
   private String[] unSubscribe(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      String sessionName = sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName();
      UnSubscribeKey uk = new UnSubscribeKey(serverScope, uniqueKey);
      UnSubscribeQos uq;
      if (qos == null || qos.length() == 0 || qos.equalsIgnoreCase("String"))
         uq = new UnSubscribeQos(serverScope);
         uq = new UnSubscribeQos(serverScope, serverScope.getQueryQosFactory().readObject(qos));
      UnSubscribeQosServer uqs = new UnSubscribeQosServer(serverScope, uq.getData());
      String[] ret = serverScope.getRequestBroker().unSubscribe(sessionInfo, uk.getData(), uqs);

      if (ret.length == 0)
         return new String[] { "Unsubscribe of client '" + sessionName + "' failed, the reason is not known" };

      for (int i=0; i<ret.length; i++) {
         UnSubscribeReturnQos tmp = new UnSubscribeReturnQos(serverScope, ret[i]);
         ret[i] = "Unsubscribe '" + sessionName + "' state is " + tmp.getState();
         if (tmp.getStateInfo() != null)
            ret[i] += " " + tmp.getStateInfo();

      return ret;

   public final String[] unSubscribeAll(String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      SubscriptionInfo[] infoArr = getSubscriptionInfoArr();

      if (infoArr.length < 1)
         return new String[] { "This topic has currently no subscribers" };": Administrative unSubscribe() of " + infoArr.length + " clients");

      ArrayList retList = new ArrayList();
      for (int i=0; i<infoArr.length; i++) {
         String[] tmp = unSubscribe(infoArr[i].getSessionInfo(), qos);
         for (int j=0; j<tmp.length; j++) {

      if (retList.size() == 0)
         return new String[] { "Unsubscribe of all clients failed, the reason is not known" };

      return (String[])retList.toArray(new String[retList.size()]);

   public String[] peekHistoryMessages(int numOfEntries) throws XmlBlasterException {
      return this.serverScope.peekMessages(this.historyQueue, numOfEntries, "history");

   public long clearHistoryQueue() {
      return this.historyQueue.clear();

   public String[] peekHistoryMessagesToFile(int numOfEntries, String path) throws Exception {
      try {
         return this.serverScope.peekQueueMessagesToFile(this.historyQueue, numOfEntries, path, "history");
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         throw new Exception(e.toString());

   /** JMX */
   public final String eraseTopic() throws XmlBlasterException {
      EraseKey ek = new EraseKey(serverScope, uniqueKey);
      EraseQos eq = new EraseQos(serverScope);
      String[] eraseArr = this.requestBroker.erase(
                    new EraseQosServer(this.serverScope, eq.getData()));
      if (eraseArr.length == 1) {": Erased topic '" + getId() + "' due to administrative request");
         return "Erased topic '" + getId() + "'";
      else {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME,
                   "Erasing of topic '" + getId() + "' due to administrative request failed");

   /** JMX */
   public long getDestroyDelay() {
      TopicProperty t = this.topicProperty;
      if (t != null)
         return t.getDestroyDelay();
      return 0L;

   /** JMX */
   public java.lang.String usage() {
      return ServerScope.getJmxUsageLinkInfo(this.getClass().getName(), null);
   /** JMX */
   public java.lang.String getUsageUrl() {
      return ServerScope.getJavadocUrl(this.getClass().getName(), null);
   /* JMX dummy to have a copy/paste functionality in jconsole */
   public void setUsageUrl(java.lang.String url) {}

Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler

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