Package org.apache.maven.wagon

Examples of org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon


        String protocol = sourceRepository.getProtocol();

        Wagon sourceWagon = wagonManager.getWagon( sourceRepository );
        AuthenticationInfo sourceAuth = wagonManager.getAuthenticationInfo( sourceRepository.getId() );

        sourceWagon.connect( sourceRepository, sourceAuth ); "Looking for files in the source repository." );

        List files = new ArrayList();

        scan( sourceWagon, "", files ); "Downloading files from the source repository to: " + basedir );

        for ( Iterator i = files.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String s = (String);

            if ( s.indexOf( ".svn" ) >= 0 )

            File f = new File( basedir, s );

            FileUtils.mkdir( f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );

   "Downloading file from the source repository: " + s );

            sourceWagon.get( s, f );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Now all the files are present locally and now we are going to grab the
        // metadata files from the targetRepositoryUrl and pull those down locally
        // so that we can merge the metadata.
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Downloading metadata from the target repository." );

        Wagon targetWagon = wagonManager.getWagon( targetRepository );

        if ( ! ( targetWagon instanceof CommandExecutor ) )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( "Wagon class '" + targetWagon.getClass().getName() +
                "' in use for target repository is not a CommandExecutor" );

        AuthenticationInfo targetAuth = wagonManager.getAuthenticationInfo( targetRepository.getId() );

        targetWagon.connect( targetRepository, targetAuth );

        PrintWriter rw = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( renameScript ) );

        File archive = new File( tempdir, fileName );

        for ( Iterator i = files.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String s = (String);

            if ( s.startsWith( "/" ) )
                s = s.substring( 1 );

            if ( s.endsWith( MAVEN_METADATA ) )
                File emf = new File( basedir, s + IN_PROCESS_MARKER );

                    targetWagon.get( s, emf );
                catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
                    // We don't have an equivalent on the targetRepositoryUrl side because we have something
                    // new on the sourceRepositoryUrl side so just skip the metadata merging.


                    mergeMetadata( emf );
                catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
                    throw new IOException( "Metadata file is corrupt " + s + " Reason: " + e.getMessage() );

        Set moveCommands = new TreeSet();

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create the Zip file that we will deploy to the targetRepositoryUrl stage
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Creating zip file." );

        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( archive );

        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream( os );

        scanDirectory( basedir, basedir, zos, version, moveCommands );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create the renameScript script. This is as atomic as we can
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Creating rename script." );

        for ( Iterator i = moveCommands.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String s = (String);

            // We use an explicit unix '\n' line-ending here instead of using the println() method.
            // Using println() will cause files and folders to have a '\r' at the end if the plugin is run on Windows.
            rw.print( s + "\n" );

        IOUtil.close( rw );

        ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry( renameScript.getName() );

        zos.putNextEntry( e );

        InputStream is = new FileInputStream( renameScript );

        IOUtil.copy( is, zos );

        IOUtil.close( is );

        IOUtil.close( zos );


        // Push the Zip to the target system "Uploading zip file to the target repository." );

        targetWagon.put( archive, fileName ); "Unpacking zip file on the target machine." );

        String targetRepoBaseDirectory = targetRepository.getBasedir();

        // We use the super quiet option here as all the noise seems to kill/stall the connection

        String command = "unzip -o -qq -d " + targetRepoBaseDirectory + " " + targetRepoBaseDirectory + "/" + fileName;

        ( (CommandExecutor) targetWagon ).executeCommand( command ); "Deleting zip file from the target repository." );

        command = "rm -f " + targetRepoBaseDirectory + "/" + fileName;

        ( (CommandExecutor) targetWagon ).executeCommand( command ); "Running rename script on the target machine." );

        command = "cd " + targetRepoBaseDirectory + "; sh " + renameScriptName;

        ( (CommandExecutor) targetWagon ).executeCommand( command ); "Deleting rename script from the target repository." );

        command = "rm -f " + targetRepoBaseDirectory + "/" + renameScriptName;

        ( (CommandExecutor) targetWagon ).executeCommand( command );

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    protected List scanForArtifactPaths( ArtifactRepository repository )
        List collected;
            Wagon wagon = wagonManager.getWagon( repository.getProtocol() );
            Repository artifactRepository = new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() );
            wagon.connect( artifactRepository );
            collected = new ArrayList();
            scan( wagon, "/", collected );

            return collected;

        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
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        if ( protocol == null )
            throw new UnsupportedProtocolException( "The repository " + repository + " does not specify a protocol" );

        Wagon wagon = getWagon( protocol );

        configureWagon( wagon, repository.getId(), protocol );

        return wagon;
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    public Wagon getWagon( String protocol )
        throws UnsupportedProtocolException
        PlexusContainer container = getWagonContainer( protocol );

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = (Wagon) container.lookup( Wagon.ROLE, protocol );
        catch ( ComponentLookupException e1 )
            throw new UnsupportedProtocolException(
                "Cannot find wagon which supports the requested protocol: " + protocol, e1 );

        wagon.setInteractive( interactive );

        return wagon;
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        String protocol = repository.getProtocol();

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = getWagon( protocol );

            configureWagon( wagon, repository );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( downloadMonitor != null )
            wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

        Map checksums = new HashMap( 2 );
        Map sums = new HashMap( 2 );

        // TODO: configure these on the repository
            ChecksumObserver checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "MD5" );
            wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
            checksums.put( "md5", checksumObserver );
            checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "SHA-1" );
            wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
            checksums.put( "sha1", checksumObserver );
        catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to add checksum methods: " + e.getMessage(), e );

            Repository artifactRepository = new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() );

            if ( serverPermissionsMap.containsKey( repository.getId() ) )
                RepositoryPermissions perms = (RepositoryPermissions) serverPermissionsMap.get( repository.getId() );

                    "adding permissions to wagon connection: " + perms.getFileMode() + " " + perms.getDirectoryMode() );

                artifactRepository.setPermissions( perms );
                if ( defaultRepositoryPermissions != null )
                    artifactRepository.setPermissions( defaultRepositoryPermissions );
                    getLogger().debug( "not adding permissions to wagon connection" );

//            wagon.connect( artifactRepository, getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), getProxy( protocol ) );
            wagon.connect( artifactRepository, getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), new ProxyInfoProvider()
                public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol )
                    return getProxy( protocol );

            wagon.put( source, remotePath );

            wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

            // Pre-store the checksums as any future puts will overwrite them
            for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String extension = (String);
                ChecksumObserver observer = (ChecksumObserver) checksums.get( extension );
                sums.put( extension, observer.getActualChecksum() );

            // We do this in here so we can checksum the artifact metadata too, otherwise it could be metadata itself
            for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String extension = (String);

                // TODO: shouldn't need a file intermediatary - improve wagon to take a stream
                File temp = File.createTempFile( "maven-artifact", null );
                FileUtils.fileWrite( temp.getAbsolutePath(), (String) sums.get( extension ) );

                wagon.put( temp, remotePath + "." + extension );
        catch ( ConnectionException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
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        // TODO: better excetpions - transfer failed is not enough?


        String protocol = repository.getProtocol();
        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = getWagon( protocol );

            configureWagon( wagon, repository );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( downloadMonitor != null )
            wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

        File temp = new File( destination + ".tmp" );

        boolean downloaded = false;

            getLogger().debug( "Connecting to repository: \'" + repository.getId() + "\' with url: \'" + repository.getUrl() + "\'." );
            wagon.connect( new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() ),
                           getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), new ProxyInfoProvider()
                public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol )
                    return getProxy( protocol );

            boolean firstRun = true;
            boolean retry = true;

            // this will run at most twice. The first time, the firstRun flag is turned off, and if the retry flag
            // is set on the first run, it will be turned off and not re-set on the second try. This is because the
            // only way the retry flag can be set is if ( firstRun == true ).
            while ( firstRun || retry )
                // reset the retry flag.
                retry = false;

                // TODO: configure on repository
                ChecksumObserver md5ChecksumObserver = null;
                ChecksumObserver sha1ChecksumObserver = null;
                    md5ChecksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "MD5" );
                    wagon.addTransferListener( md5ChecksumObserver );

                    sha1ChecksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "SHA-1" );
                    wagon.addTransferListener( sha1ChecksumObserver );

                    // This should take care of creating destination directory now on
                    if ( destination.exists() && !force )
                            downloaded = wagon.getIfNewer( remotePath, temp, destination.lastModified() );
                            if ( !downloaded )
                                // prevent additional checks of this artifact until it expires again
                                destination.setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() );
                        catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e )
                            // older wagons throw this. Just get() instead
                            wagon.get( remotePath, temp );
                            downloaded = true;
                        wagon.get( remotePath, temp );
                        downloaded = true;
                catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
                    throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to add checksum methods: " + e.getMessage(), e );
                    if ( md5ChecksumObserver != null )
                        wagon.removeTransferListener( md5ChecksumObserver );
                    if ( sha1ChecksumObserver != null )
                        wagon.removeTransferListener( sha1ChecksumObserver );

                if ( downloaded )
                    // keep the checksum files from showing up on the download monitor...
                    if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                        wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

                    // try to verify the SHA-1 checksum for this file.
                        verifyChecksum( sha1ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".sha1", wagon );
                    catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                        // if we catch a ChecksumFailedException, it means the transfer/read succeeded, but the checksum
                        // doesn't match. This could be a problem with the server (ibiblio HTTP-200 error page), so we'll
                        // try this up to two times. On the second try, we'll handle it as a bona-fide error, based on the
                        // repository's checksum checking policy.
                        if ( firstRun )
                            getLogger().warn( "*** CHECKSUM FAILED - " + e.getMessage() + " - RETRYING" );
                            retry = true;
                            handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
                    catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException sha1TryException )
                        getLogger().debug( "SHA1 not found, trying MD5", sha1TryException );

                        // if this IS NOT a ChecksumFailedException, it was a problem with transfer/read of the checksum
                        // file...we'll try again with the MD5 checksum.
                            verifyChecksum( md5ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".md5", wagon );
                        catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                            // if we also fail to verify based on the MD5 checksum, and the checksum transfer/read
                            // succeeded, then we need to determine whether to retry or handle it as a failure.
                            if ( firstRun )
                                retry = true;
                                handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
                        catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException md5TryException )
                            // this was a failed transfer, and we don't want to retry.
                            handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, "Error retrieving checksum file for " + remotePath,
                                md5TryException );

                    // reinstate the download monitor...
                    if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                        wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

                // unset the firstRun flag, so we don't get caught in an infinite loop...
                firstRun = false;
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            return null;

        Wagon wagon = null;
            RepositoryURL repoUrl = remoteRepository.getURL();
            String protocol = repoUrl.getProtocol();
            wagon = (Wagon) wagons.get( protocol );
            if ( wagon == null )
                throw new ProxyException( "Unsupported target repository protocol: " + protocol );

            boolean connected = connectToRepository( connector, wagon, remoteRepository );
            if ( connected )
                localFile = transferSimpleFile( wagon, remoteRepository, remotePath, localFile );

                transferChecksum( wagon, remoteRepository, remotePath, localFile, ".sha1" );
                transferChecksum( wagon, remoteRepository, remotePath, localFile, ".md5" );
        catch ( NotFoundException e )
            // Do not cache url here.
            throw e;
        catch ( NotModifiedException e )
            // Do not cache url here.
            throw e;
        catch ( ProxyException e )
            urlFailureCache.cacheFailure( url );
            throw e;
            if ( wagon != null )
                catch ( ConnectionException e )
                    getLogger().warn( "Unable to disconnect wagon.", e );
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                               TransferListener downloadMonitor, String checksumPolicy, boolean force )
        throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
        String protocol = repository.getProtocol();

        Wagon wagon;

            wagon = getWagon( protocol );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( downloadMonitor != null )
            wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

        File temp = new File( destination + ".tmp" );


        boolean downloaded = false;

            connectWagon( wagon, repository );

            boolean firstRun = true;
            boolean retry = true;

            // this will run at most twice. The first time, the firstRun flag is turned off, and if the retry flag
            // is set on the first run, it will be turned off and not re-set on the second try. This is because the
            // only way the retry flag can be set is if ( firstRun == true ).
            while ( firstRun || retry )
                ChecksumObserver md5ChecksumObserver = null;
                ChecksumObserver sha1ChecksumObserver = null;
                    // TODO: configure on repository
                    int i = 0;

                    md5ChecksumObserver = addChecksumObserver( wagon, CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS[i++] );
                    sha1ChecksumObserver = addChecksumObserver( wagon, CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS[i++] );

                    // reset the retry flag.
                    retry = false;

                    // This should take care of creating destination directory now on
                    if ( destination.exists() && !force )
                            downloaded = wagon.getIfNewer( remotePath, temp, destination.lastModified() );

                            if ( !downloaded )
                                // prevent additional checks of this artifact until it expires again
                                destination.setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() );
                        catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e )
                            // older wagons throw this. Just get() instead
                            wagon.get( remotePath, temp );

                            downloaded = true;
                        wagon.get( remotePath, temp );
                        downloaded = true;
                    wagon.removeTransferListener( md5ChecksumObserver );
                    wagon.removeTransferListener( sha1ChecksumObserver );

                if ( downloaded )
                    // keep the checksum files from showing up on the download monitor...
                    if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                        wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

                    // try to verify the SHA-1 checksum for this file.
                        verifyChecksum( sha1ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".sha1", wagon );
                    catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                        // if we catch a ChecksumFailedException, it means the transfer/read succeeded, but the checksum
                        // doesn't match. This could be a problem with the server (ibiblio HTTP-200 error page), so we'll
                        // try this up to two times. On the second try, we'll handle it as a bona-fide error, based on the
                        // repository's checksum checking policy.
                        if ( firstRun )
                            logger.warn( "*** CHECKSUM FAILED - " + e.getMessage() + " - RETRYING" );
                            retry = true;
                            handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
                    catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException sha1TryException )
                        logger.debug( "SHA1 not found, trying MD5: " + sha1TryException.getMessage() );

                        // if this IS NOT a ChecksumFailedException, it was a problem with transfer/read of the checksum
                        // file...we'll try again with the MD5 checksum.
                            verifyChecksum( md5ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".md5", wagon );
                        catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                            // if we also fail to verify based on the MD5 checksum, and the checksum transfer/read
                            // succeeded, then we need to determine whether to retry or handle it as a failure.
                            if ( firstRun )
                                retry = true;
                                handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
                        catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException md5TryException )
                            // this was a failed transfer, and we don't want to retry.
                            handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, "Error retrieving checksum file for " + remotePath,
                                                   md5TryException );

                    // reinstate the download monitor...
                    if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                        wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

                // unset the firstRun flag, so we don't get caught in an infinite loop...
                firstRun = false;
        catch ( ConnectionException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( AuthenticationException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( AuthorizationException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Authorization failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
            // Remove remaining TransferListener instances (checksum handlers removed in above finally clause)
            if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

            disconnectWagon( wagon );

            releaseWagon( protocol, wagon );
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                               TransferListener downloadMonitor )
        throws TransferFailedException
        String protocol = repository.getProtocol();

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = getWagon( protocol );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( downloadMonitor != null )
            wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

        Map<String, ChecksumObserver> checksums = new HashMap<String, ChecksumObserver>( 2 );

        Map<String, String> sums = new HashMap<String, String>( 2 );

        // TODO: configure these on the repository
        for ( int i = 0; i < CHECKSUM_IDS.length; i++ )
            checksums.put( CHECKSUM_IDS[i], addChecksumObserver( wagon, CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS[i] ) );

        List<File> temporaryFiles = new ArrayList<File>();

                connectWagon( wagon, repository );

                wagon.put( source, remotePath );
                if ( downloadMonitor != null )
                    wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

            // Pre-store the checksums as any future puts will overwrite them
            for ( String extension : checksums.keySet() )
                ChecksumObserver observer = checksums.get( extension );
                sums.put( extension, observer.getActualChecksum() );

            // We do this in here so we can checksum the artifact metadata too, otherwise it could be metadata itself
            for ( String extension : checksums.keySet() )
                // TODO: shouldn't need a file intermediatary - improve wagon to take a stream
                File temp = File.createTempFile( "maven-artifact", null );
                FileUtils.fileWrite( temp.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8", sums.get( extension ) );

                temporaryFiles.add( temp );
                wagon.put( temp, remotePath + "." + extension );
        catch ( ConnectionException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( AuthenticationException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( AuthorizationException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Authorization failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Resource to deploy not found: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Error creating temporary file for deployment: " + e.getMessage(), e );
            // MNG-4543
            cleanupTemporaryFiles( temporaryFiles );

            // Remove every checksum listener
            for ( String aCHECKSUM_IDS : CHECKSUM_IDS )
                TransferListener checksumListener = checksums.get( aCHECKSUM_IDS );
                if ( checksumListener != null )
                    wagon.removeTransferListener( checksumListener );

            disconnectWagon( wagon );
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            throw new UnsupportedProtocolException( "Unspecified protocol" );

        String hint = protocol.toLowerCase( java.util.Locale.ENGLISH );

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = container.lookup( Wagon.class, hint );
        catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon

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