Package org.apache.maven.wagon

Examples of org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon

     * int)
    public void testTransferEventProperties()
        throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException
        final Wagon wagon = (Wagon) MockControl.createControl( Wagon.class ).getMock();

        final Repository repo = new Repository();

        wagon.connect( repo );

        final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        final Exception exception = new AuthenticationException( "dummy" );

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    public void testSessionEventProperties()
        throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException

        final Wagon wagon = (Wagon) MockControl.createControl( Wagon.class ).getMock();
        final Repository repo = new Repository();

        wagon.connect( repo );

        final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final Exception exception = new AuthenticationException( "dummy" );

        SessionEvent event = new SessionEvent( wagon, SessionEvent.SESSION_CLOSED );
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        for ( int i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++ )
            new File( getDavRepository(), dirName + "/" + dirnames[i] ).mkdirs();

        Wagon wagon = getWagon();

        wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );

        List<String> list = wagon.getFileList( dirName );

        assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
        assertEquals( "file list should contain 6 items", 6, list.size() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++ )
            assertTrue( "Filename '" + filenames[i] + "' should be in list.", list.contains( filenames[i] ) );

        for ( int i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++ )
            assertTrue( "Directory '" + dirnames[i] + "' should be in list.", list.contains( dirnames[i] + "/" ) );

        list = wagon.getFileList( "" );
        assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
        assertEquals( "file list should contain 1 items", 1, list.size() );

        list = wagon.getFileList( dirName + "/test-dir1" );
        assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
        assertEquals( "file list should contain 0 items", 0, list.size() );

            list = wagon.getFileList( dirName + "/test-dir-bogus" );
            fail( "Exception expected" );
        catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )



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        wagonFactory = mock( WagonFactory.class );

        storage.setWagonFactory( wagonFactory );

        Wagon wagon = new MockWagon();
        when( wagonFactory.getWagon( "wagon#http" ) ).thenReturn( wagon );
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            Repository repository = new Repository();

            repository.setProtocol( null );

            Wagon wagon = wagonManager.getWagon( repository );

            fail( "Expected :" + UnsupportedProtocolException.class.getName() );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
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    private void assertWagon( String protocol )
        throws Exception
        Wagon wagon = wagonManager.getWagon( protocol );

        assertNotNull( "Check wagon, protocol=" + protocol, wagon );
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        File resource = new File( targetRepository.getLocation(), artifactPath );

        File workingDirectory = createWorkingDirectory( targetRepository.getLocation() );
            Wagon wagon = null;
                String protocol = getProtocol( remoteRepository.getUrl() );

                wagon = wagonFactory.getWagon( "wagon#" + protocol );
                if ( wagon == null )
                    throw new RuntimeException( "Unsupported remote repository protocol: " + protocol );

                boolean connected = connectToRepository( wagon, remoteRepository );
                if ( connected )
                    tmpResource = new File( workingDirectory, filename );

                    if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( version ) )
                        // get the metadata first!
                        File tmpMetadataResource = new File( workingDirectory, METADATA_FILENAME );

                        String metadataPath = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( artifactPath, "/" ) + "/" + METADATA_FILENAME;

                        wagon.get( metadataPath, tmpMetadataResource );

                        log.debug( "Successfully downloaded metadata." );

                        MavenRepositoryMetadata metadata = tmpMetadataResource );

                        // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                        MavenRepositoryMetadata.Snapshot snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                        String timestampVersion = version;
                        if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                            timestampVersion =
                                timestampVersion.substring( 0, timestampVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                            timestampVersion =
                                timestampVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();

                            filename = artifactId + "-" + timestampVersion + ".pom";

                            artifactPath = pathTranslator.toPath( groupId, artifactId, version, filename );

                            log.debug( "New artifactPath : " + artifactPath );

           "Retrieving " + artifactPath + " from " + remoteRepository.getName() );

                    wagon.get( artifactPath, tmpResource );

                    log.debug( "Downloaded successfully." );

                    tmpSha1 =
                        transferChecksum( wagon, remoteRepository, artifactPath, tmpResource, workingDirectory, ".sha1" );
                    tmpMd5 =
                        transferChecksum( wagon, remoteRepository, artifactPath, tmpResource, workingDirectory, ".md5" );
                if ( wagon != null )
                    catch ( ConnectionException e )
                        log.warn( "Unable to disconnect wagon.", e );
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        if ( protocol == null )
            throw new UnsupportedProtocolException( "The repository " + repository + " does not specify a protocol" );

        Wagon wagon = getWagon( protocol );

        configureWagon( wagon, repository.getId(), protocol );

        return wagon;
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    public Wagon getWagon( String protocol )
        throws UnsupportedProtocolException
        PlexusContainer container = getWagonContainer( protocol );

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = (Wagon) container.lookup( Wagon.ROLE, protocol );
        catch ( ComponentLookupException e1 )
            throw new UnsupportedProtocolException(
                "Cannot find wagon which supports the requested protocol: " + protocol, e1 );

        wagon.setInteractive( interactive );

        return wagon;
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        String protocol = repository.getProtocol();

        Wagon wagon;
            wagon = getWagon( protocol );

            configureWagon( wagon, repository );
        catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( downloadMonitor != null )
            wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

        Map checksums = new HashMap( 2 );
        Map sums = new HashMap( 2 );

        // TODO: configure these on the repository
            ChecksumObserver checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "MD5" );
            wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
            checksums.put( "md5", checksumObserver );
            checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "SHA-1" );
            wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
            checksums.put( "sha1", checksumObserver );
        catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to add checksum methods: " + e.getMessage(), e );

            Repository artifactRepository = new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() );

            if ( serverPermissionsMap.containsKey( repository.getId() ) )
                RepositoryPermissions perms = (RepositoryPermissions) serverPermissionsMap.get( repository.getId() );

                    "adding permissions to wagon connection: " + perms.getFileMode() + " " + perms.getDirectoryMode() );

                artifactRepository.setPermissions( perms );
                if ( defaultRepositoryPermissions != null )
                    artifactRepository.setPermissions( defaultRepositoryPermissions );
                    getLogger().debug( "not adding permissions to wagon connection" );

            wagon.connect( artifactRepository, getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), new ProxyInfoProvider()
                public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol )
                    return getProxy( protocol );

            wagon.put( source, remotePath );

            wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );

            // Pre-store the checksums as any future puts will overwrite them
            for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String extension = (String);
                ChecksumObserver observer = (ChecksumObserver) checksums.get( extension );
                sums.put( extension, observer.getActualChecksum() );

            // We do this in here so we can checksum the artifact metadata too, otherwise it could be metadata itself
            for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String extension = (String);

                // TODO: shouldn't need a file intermediatary - improve wagon to take a stream
                File temp = File.createTempFile( "maven-artifact", null );
                FileUtils.fileWrite( temp.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8", (String) sums.get( extension ) );

                wagon.put( temp, remotePath + "." + extension );
        catch ( ConnectionException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon

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