Package org.apache.maven.wagon

Examples of org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException

            String msg =
                "Error occurred while deploying '" + resource.getName() + "' " + "to remote repository: "
                    + getRepository().getUrl() + ": " + e.getMessage();

            throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
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        String msg =
            "Error occurred while downloading '" + resource + "' from the remote repository:" + getRepository() + ": "
                + e.getMessage();

        throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
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        catch ( CommandExecutionException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
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        catch ( CommandExecutionException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );

        String octalMode = getOctalMode( getRepository().getPermissions() );

        // exec 'scp -p -t rfile' remotely
        String command = "scp";
        if ( octalMode != null )
            command += " -p";
        command += " -t \"" + path + "\"";

        fireTransferDebug( "Executing command: " + command );

        String resourceName = resource.getName();

        OutputStream out = null;
            channel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel( EXEC_CHANNEL );

            channel.setCommand( command );

            // get I/O streams for remote scp
            out = channel.getOutputStream();
            outputData.setOutputStream( out );

            channelInputStream = channel.getInputStream();


            checkAck( channelInputStream );

            // send "C0644 filesize filename", where filename should not include '/'
            long filesize = resource.getContentLength();

            String mode = octalMode == null ? "0644" : octalMode;
            command = "C" + mode + " " + filesize + " ";

            if ( resourceName.lastIndexOf( ScpHelper.PATH_SEPARATOR ) > 0 )
                command += resourceName.substring( resourceName.lastIndexOf( ScpHelper.PATH_SEPARATOR ) + 1 );
                command += resourceName;

            command += "\n";

            out.write( command.getBytes() );


            checkAck( channelInputStream );
        catch ( JSchException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

            String msg = "Error occurred while deploying '" + resourceName + "' to remote repository: "
                + getRepository().getUrl() + ": " + e.getMessage();

            throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            handleIOException( resource, e );
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            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

            String msg = "Error occurred while deploying '" + resource.getName() + "' to remote repository: "
                + getRepository().getUrl() + ": " + e.getMessage();

            throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
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                    IOUtil.copy( stream, fos );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
                    throw new TransferFailedException( "Failed to buffer stream contents to temp file for upload.", e );
                    IOUtil.close( fos );
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            catch ( IOException e )
                fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

                throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
            catch ( HttpException e )
                fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );

                throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );

            int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            String reasonPhrase = ", ReasonPhrase:" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ".";
            fireTransferDebug( url + " - Status code: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );

            // Check that we didn't run out of retries.
            switch ( statusCode )
                // Success Codes
                case HttpStatus.SC_OK: // 200
                case HttpStatus.SC_CREATED: // 201
                case HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED: // 202
                case HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT:  // 204

                case SC_NULL:
                    TransferFailedException e =
                        new TransferFailedException( "Failed to transfer file: " + url + reasonPhrase );
                    fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
                    throw e;

                case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN:
                    throw new AuthorizationException( "Access denied to: " + url + reasonPhrase );

                case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
                    throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( "File: " + url + " does not exist" + reasonPhrase );

                    //add more entries here
                    TransferFailedException e = new TransferFailedException(
                        "Failed to transfer file: " + url + ". Return code is: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );
                    fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
                    throw e;
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            response = execute( headMethod );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( HttpException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );

            statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            String reasonPhrase = ", ReasonPhrase:" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ".";
            switch ( statusCode )
                case HttpStatus.SC_OK:
                    return true;

                case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED:
                    return true;

                case SC_NULL:
                    throw new TransferFailedException( "Failed to transfer file: " + url + reasonPhrase );

                case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN:
                    throw new AuthorizationException( "Access denied to: " + url + reasonPhrase );

                case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED:
                    throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized" + reasonPhrase );

                case HttpStatus.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED:
                    throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized by proxy" + reasonPhrase );

                case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
                    return false;

                //add more entries here
                    throw new TransferFailedException(
                        "Failed to transfer file: " + url + ". Return code is: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );
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        catch ( IOException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );

            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( HttpException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );

            throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );

        statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        String reasonPhrase = ", ReasonPhrase:" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ".";

        fireTransferDebug( url + " - Status code: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );

        // TODO [BP]: according to httpclient docs, really should swallow the output on error. verify if that is
        // required
        switch ( statusCode )
            case HttpStatus.SC_OK:

            case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED:
                // return, leaving last modified set to original value so getIfNewer should return unmodified

            case SC_NULL:
                TransferFailedException e =
                    new TransferFailedException( "Failed to transfer file: " + url + reasonPhrase );
                fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
                throw e;

            case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN:
                throw new AuthorizationException( "Access denied to: " + url + reasonPhrase );

            case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED:
                throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized" + reasonPhrase );

                throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized by proxy" + reasonPhrase );

            case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
                throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( "File: " + url + reasonPhrase );

                // add more entries here
                cleanupGetTransfer( resource );
                TransferFailedException e = new TransferFailedException(
                    "Failed to transfer file: " + url + ". Return code is: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );
                fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
                throw e;

        InputStream is;

        Header contentLengthHeader = response.getFirstHeader( "Content-Length" );

        if ( contentLengthHeader != null )
                long contentLength = Integer.valueOf( contentLengthHeader.getValue() ).intValue();

                resource.setContentLength( contentLength );
            catch ( NumberFormatException e )
                    "error parsing content length header '" + contentLengthHeader.getValue() + "' " + e );

        Header lastModifiedHeader = response.getFirstHeader( "Last-Modified" );

        long lastModified = 0;

        if ( lastModifiedHeader != null )
                lastModified = DateUtils.parseDate( lastModifiedHeader.getValue() ).getTime();

                resource.setLastModified( lastModified );
            catch ( DateParseException e )
                fireTransferDebug( "Unable to parse last modified header" );

            fireTransferDebug( "last-modified = " + lastModifiedHeader.getValue() + " (" + lastModified + ")" );

        Header contentEncoding = response.getFirstHeader( "Content-Encoding" );
        boolean isGZipped = contentEncoding == null ? false : "gzip".equalsIgnoreCase( contentEncoding.getValue() );

            is = response.getEntity().getContent();

            if ( isGZipped )
                is = new GZIPInputStream( is );
        catch ( IOException e )
            fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );

            String msg =
                "Error occurred while retrieving from remote repository:" + getRepository() + ": " + e.getMessage();

            throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );

        inputData.setInputStream( is );
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            if ( !ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( getRepository().getBasedir() ) )
                throw new TransferFailedException(
                    "Required directory: '" + getRepository().getBasedir() + "' " + "is missing" );

            String[] dirs = PathUtils.dirnames( resource.getName() );

            for ( int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++ )
                boolean dirChanged = ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( dirs[i] );

                if ( !dirChanged )
                    // first, try to create it
                    boolean success = ftp.makeDirectory( dirs[i] );

                    if ( success )
                        if ( permissions != null && permissions.getGroup() != null )
                            // ignore failures
                            ftp.sendSiteCommand( "CHGRP " + permissions.getGroup() + " " + dirs[i] );

                        if ( permissions != null && permissions.getDirectoryMode() != null )
                            // ignore failures
                            ftp.sendSiteCommand( "CHMOD " + permissions.getDirectoryMode() + " " + dirs[i] );

                        dirChanged = ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( dirs[i] );

                if ( !dirChanged )
                    throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to create directory " + dirs[i] );

            // we come back to original basedir so
            // FTP wagon is ready for next requests
            if ( !ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( getRepository().getBasedir() ) )
                throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to return to the base directory" );

            os = ftp.storeFileStream( resource.getName() );

            if ( os == null )
                String msg =
                    "Cannot transfer resource:  '" + resource + "'. Output stream is null. FTP Server response: "
                        + ftp.getReplyString();

                throw new TransferFailedException( msg );


            fireTransferDebug( "resource = " + resource );

        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new TransferFailedException( "Error transferring over FTP", e );

        outputData.setOutputStream( os );

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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException

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