Package org.apache.maven.artifact.manager

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.DefaultWagonManager

        throws ComponentLookupException, ComponentLifecycleException, SettingsConfigurationException
        // TODO: remove when components.xml can be used to configure this instead
            DefaultWagonManager wagonManager = (DefaultWagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
            String oldUserAgent = wagonManager.getHttpUserAgent();
            int firstSpace = oldUserAgent == null ? -1 : oldUserAgent.indexOf( " " );
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append( "Apache-Maven/" );
            ArtifactVersion version = runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion();
            if ( version != null )
                buffer.append( version.getMajorVersion() );
                buffer.append( '.' );
                buffer.append( version.getMinorVersion() );
                buffer.append( "unknown" );
            buffer.append( ' ' );
            if ( firstSpace > -1 )
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( firstSpace + 1 ) );
                buffer.append( ' ' );
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( 0, firstSpace ) );
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent );
            wagonManager.setHttpUserAgentbuffer.toString() );
        catch ( ClassCastException e )
            // ignore

        WagonManager wagonManager = (WagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );

        SecDispatcher sd = null;
            Proxy proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();
                sd = (SecDispatcher) container.lookup( SecDispatcher.ROLE, "maven" );
            catch (Exception e)
                getLogger().warn( "Security features are disabled. Cannot find plexus component "+SecDispatcher.ROLE + ":maven" );

            if ( proxy != null )
                if ( proxy.getHost() == null )
                    throw new SettingsConfigurationException( "Proxy in settings.xml has no host" );
                String pass = proxy.getPassword();
                if ( sd != null )
                        pass = sd.decrypt( pass );
                    catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
                        reportSecurityConfigurationError( "password for proxy '" + proxy.getId() + "'", e );

                wagonManager.addProxy( proxy.getProtocol(), proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort(), proxy.getUsername(),
                                       pass, proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );
            for ( Iterator i = settings.getServers().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Server server = (Server);
                String passWord = server.getPassword();

                if ( sd != null )
                        passWord = sd.decrypt( passWord );
                    catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
                        reportSecurityConfigurationError( "password for server '" + server.getId() + "'", e );
                String passPhrase = server.getPassphrase();

                if ( sd != null )
                        passPhrase = sd.decrypt( passPhrase );
                    catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
                        reportSecurityConfigurationError( "passphrase for server '" + server.getId() + "'", e );

                wagonManager.addAuthenticationInfo( server.getId(), server.getUsername(), passWord,
                                                    server.getPrivateKey(), passPhrase );

                wagonManager.addPermissionInfo( server.getId(), server.getFilePermissions(),
                                                server.getDirectoryPermissions() );

                if ( server.getConfiguration() != null )
                    wagonManager.addConfiguration( server.getId(), (Xpp3Dom) server.getConfiguration() );

            for ( Iterator i = settings.getMirrors().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Mirror mirror = (Mirror);

                wagonManager.addMirror( mirror.getId(), mirror.getMirrorOf(), mirror.getUrl() );
            container.release( wagonManager );
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                wagonManager.setOnline( false );

                DefaultWagonManager wm = (DefaultWagonManager) wagonManager;
                String oldUserAgent = wm.getHttpUserAgent();
                int firstSpace = oldUserAgent == null ? -1 : oldUserAgent.indexOf( " " );
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                buffer.append( "Apache-Maven/" );
                ArtifactVersion version = runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion();
                if ( version != null )
                    buffer.append( version.getMajorVersion() );
                    buffer.append( '.' );
                    buffer.append( version.getMinorVersion() );
                    buffer.append( "unknown" );
                buffer.append( ' ' );
                if ( firstSpace > -1 )
                    buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( firstSpace + 1 ) );
                    buffer.append( ' ' );
                    buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( 0, firstSpace ) );
                    buffer.append( oldUserAgent );
                wm.setHttpUserAgent( buffer.toString() );
            catch ( ClassCastException e )
                // ignore
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        throws ComponentLookupException, ComponentLifecycleException, SettingsConfigurationException
        // TODO: remove when components.xml can be used to configure this instead
            DefaultWagonManager wagonManager = (DefaultWagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
            String oldUserAgent = wagonManager.getHttpUserAgent();
            int firstSpace = oldUserAgent == null ? -1 : oldUserAgent.indexOf( " " );
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append( "Apache-Maven/" );
            ArtifactVersion version = runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion();
            if ( version != null )
                buffer.append( version.getMajorVersion() );
                buffer.append( '.' );
                buffer.append( version.getMinorVersion() );
                buffer.append( "unknown" );
            buffer.append( ' ' );
            if ( firstSpace > -1 )
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( firstSpace + 1 ) );
                buffer.append( ' ' );
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( 0, firstSpace ) );
                buffer.append( oldUserAgent );
            wagonManager.setHttpUserAgentbuffer.toString() );
        catch ( ClassCastException e )
            // ignore

        WagonManager wagonManager = (WagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );

            Proxy proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

            if ( proxy != null )
                if ( proxy.getHost() == null )
                    throw new SettingsConfigurationException( "Proxy in settings.xml has no host" );

                wagonManager.addProxy( proxy.getProtocol(), proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort(), proxy.getUsername(),
                                       proxy.getPassword(), proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );

            for ( Iterator i = settings.getServers().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Server server = (Server);

                wagonManager.addAuthenticationInfo( server.getId(), server.getUsername(), server.getPassword(),
                                                    server.getPrivateKey(), server.getPassphrase() );

                // Remove once Wagon is upgraded to 1.0-beta-5
                if ( server.getPassword() != null )
                    // setting this globally is not ideal, but not harmful
                    com.jcraft.jsch.JSch.setConfig( "PreferredAuthentications", "gssapi-with-mic,publickey,password,keyboard-interactive" );

                wagonManager.addPermissionInfo( server.getId(), server.getFilePermissions(),
                                                server.getDirectoryPermissions() );

                if ( server.getConfiguration() != null )
                    wagonManager.addConfiguration( server.getId(), (Xpp3Dom) server.getConfiguration() );

            RepositoryPermissions defaultPermissions = new RepositoryPermissions();

            defaultPermissions.setDirectoryMode( "775" );

            defaultPermissions.setFileMode( "664" );

            wagonManager.setDefaultRepositoryPermissions( defaultPermissions );

            for ( Iterator i = settings.getMirrors().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Mirror mirror = (Mirror);

                wagonManager.addMirror( mirror.getId(), mirror.getMirrorOf(), mirror.getUrl() );
            container.release( wagonManager );
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    public boolean isValidChecksum( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository )
        throws TransferFailedException, UnsupportedProtocolException
        WagonManager wagonManager = new DefaultWagonManager();

        Set set = new HashSet();

        set.add( localRepository );

        Wagon wagon = wagonManager.getWagon( "file://" );

        wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );

        wagonManager.get( artifact, set, tempRepository );

        // File file = artifact.getFile();
        // TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( wagon, new
        // Resource(), TransferEvent.TRANSFER_COMPLETED,
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.DefaultWagonManager

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