Examples of Listitem

  • com.google.appengine.tools.cloudstorage.ListItem
    Contains information of an individual listing item. If listing was non-recursive, GCS objects that match the prefix, {@link ListOptions.Builder#setPrefix(String)}, and has a separator after the prefix would be considered a directory and will only have the directory name set (length would be zero).
  • com.itextpdf.text.ListItem
    A ListItem is a Paragraph that can be added to a List.

    Example 1:

     List list = new List(true, 20); list.add(new ListItem("First line")); list.add(new ListItem("The second line is longer to see what happens once the end of the line is reached. Will it start on a new line?")); list.add(new ListItem("Third line")); 
    The result of this code looks like this:
    1. First line
    2. The second line is longer to see what happens once the end of the line is reached. Will it start on a new line?
    3. Third line
    Example 2:
     List overview = new List(false, 10); overview.add(new ListItem("This is an item")); overview.add("This is another item"); 
    The result of this code looks like this: @see Element @see List @see Paragraph
  • com.lowagie.text.ListItem
    A ListItem is a Paragraph that can be added to a List.

    Example 1:

     List list = new List(true, 20); list.add(new ListItem("First line")); list.add(new ListItem("The second line is longer to see what happens once the end of the line is reached. Will it start on a new line?")); list.add(new ListItem("Third line")); 
    The result of this code looks like this:
    1. First line
    2. The second line is longer to see what happens once the end of the line is reached. Will it start on a new line?
    3. Third line
    Example 2:
     List overview = new List(false, 10); overview.add(new ListItem("This is an item")); overview.add("This is another item"); 
    The result of this code looks like this: @see Element @see List @see Paragraph
  • com.pegaa.uploader.ui.filelist.item.ListItem
    @author tayfun
  • com.ponysdk.ui.server.basic.PListBox.ListItem
  • edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ListItem
    3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType"> <choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"> <group ref="{}rubric.simple"/> <element ref="{}Para"/> <element ref="{}Include"/> <element ref="{}List"/> <element ref="{}Table"/> </choice> <attGroup ref="{}attlist.ListItem"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType> </element>
  • io.conducive.client.ui.widgets.html.ListItem
    @author Reuben Firmin
  • net.mygwt.ui.client.widget.ListItem
    A item contained in a List.
    .my-listitem (list item)
    .my-listitem .my-listitem-text (list item text)
    @see List
  • org.apache.click.examples.control.html.list.ListItem
    This control provides HTML listitem for ordered and unordered lists. @author Bob Schellink
  • org.apache.fop.fo.flow.ListItem
  • org.apache.pivot.wtk.content.ListItem
    Default list item implementation.
  • org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem
    Container that holds components in a ListView. @author Jonathan Locke @param < T> Model object type
  • org.appfuse.client.widget.ListItem
  • org.axsl.fo.fo.ListItem

    An fo:list-item object in XSL-FO.

    Note the inclusion of {@link CommonMarginInlineOptimumPa} in the "extends"list. The "space-start" and "space-end" properties are not included in the list of properties that apply to fo:list-item. However, "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", and "margin-bottom" are included in that list, and, in the aXSL normalizations scheme, these can map to "space-start" and "space-end". Therefore, access to those properties must be made available to an fo:list-item.

    @see "XSL-FO Recommendation 1.0, Section 6.8.3"
  • org.foray.fotree.fo.obj.ListItem
    A "list-item" object in XSL-FO.
  • org.jboss.as.console.client.widgets.forms.ListItem
    @author Heiko Braun @date 5/12/11
  • org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.ListItem
    @author Heiko Braun @date 5/12/11
  • org.jbox2d.testbed.framework.TestbedModel.ListItem
  • org.sonatype.maven.polyglot.ruby.ConfigVisitor.ListItem
  • org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.ListItem
    Component implementing an HTML list item. @author Sergio Bossa @author Peter Bona
  • org.zkoss.zul.Listitem
    A list item.

    Default {@link #getZclass}: z-listitem (since 5.0.0) @author tomyeh

  • pivot.wtk.content.ListItem
    Default list item implementation. @author gbrown

  • Examples of com.lowagie.text.ListItem

                else if (element.type() == LwgElement.LIST) {
                    com.lowagie.text.List list = (com.lowagie.text.List)element;
                    ArrayList items = list.getItems();
                    ListItem item = null;
                    float listIndentation = list.getIndentationLeft();
                    int count = 0;
                    Stack stack = new Stack();
                    for (int k = 0; k < items.size(); ++k) {
                        Object obj = items.get(k);
                        if (obj instanceof ListItem) {
                            if (count == listIdx) {
                                item = (ListItem)obj;
                            else ++count;
                        else if (obj instanceof com.lowagie.text.List) {
                            stack.push(new Object[]{list, new Integer(k), new Float(listIndentation)});
                            list = (com.lowagie.text.List)obj;
                            items = list.getItems();
                            listIndentation += list.getIndentationLeft();
                            k = -1;
                        if (k == items.size() - 1) {
                            if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
                                Object objs[] = (Object[])stack.pop();
                                list = (com.lowagie.text.List)objs[0];
                                items = list.getItems();
                                k = ((Integer)objs[1]).intValue();
                                listIndentation = ((Float)objs[2]).floatValue();
                    int status = 0;
                    for (int keep = 0; keep < 2; ++keep) {
                        float lastY = yLine;
                        boolean createHere = false;
                        if (compositeColumn == null) {
                            if (item == null) {
                                listIdx = 0;
                                continue main_loop;
                            compositeColumn = new ColumnText(canvas);
                            compositeColumn.setUseAscender(firstPass ? useAscender : false);
                            compositeColumn.setIndent(item.getIndentationLeft() + listIndentation + item.getFirstLineIndent());
                            compositeColumn.setRightIndent(item.getIndentationRight() + list.getIndentationRight());
                            compositeColumn.setLeading(item.getLeading(), item.getMultipliedLeading());
                            if (!firstPass) {
                                yLine -= item.getSpacingBefore();
                            createHere = true;
                        compositeColumn.leftX = leftX;
                        compositeColumn.rightX = rightX;
                        compositeColumn.yLine = yLine;
                        compositeColumn.rectangularWidth = rectangularWidth;
                        compositeColumn.rectangularMode = rectangularMode;
                        compositeColumn.minY = minY;
                        compositeColumn.maxY = maxY;
                        boolean keepCandidate = (item.getKeepTogether() && createHere && !firstPass);
                        status = compositeColumn.go(simulate || (keepCandidate && keep == 0));
                        if ((status & NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0 && keepCandidate) {
                            compositeColumn = null;
                            yLine = lastY;
                            return NO_MORE_COLUMN;
                        if (simulate || !keepCandidate)
                        if (keep == 0) {
                            compositeColumn = null;
                            yLine = lastY;
                    firstPass = false;
                    yLine = compositeColumn.yLine;
                    linesWritten += compositeColumn.linesWritten;
                    descender = compositeColumn.descender;
                    if (!Float.isNaN(compositeColumn.firstLineY) && !compositeColumn.firstLineYDone) {
                        if (!simulate)
                            showTextAligned(canvas, LwgElement.ALIGN_LEFT, new LwgPhrase(item.getListSymbol()), compositeColumn.leftX + listIndentation, compositeColumn.firstLineY, 0);
                        compositeColumn.firstLineYDone = true;
                    if ((status & NO_MORE_TEXT) != 0) {
                        compositeColumn = null;
                        yLine -= item.getSpacingAfter();
                    if ((status & NO_MORE_COLUMN) != 0)
                        return NO_MORE_COLUMN;
                else if (element.type() == LwgElement.PTABLE) {
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    Examples of com.lowagie.text.ListItem

       * Creates a ListItem object based on a list of properties.
       * @param attributes
       * @return a ListItem
      public static ListItem getListItem(Properties attributes) {
        ListItem item = new ListItem(getParagraph(attributes));
        return item;
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    Examples of com.lowagie.text.ListItem

                    case LwgElement.LISTITEM: {
                        // we cast the element to a ListItem
                        ListItem listItem = (ListItem) element;

                        addSpacing(listItem.getSpacingBefore(), leading, listItem.getFont());

                        // we adjust the document
                        alignment = listItem.getAlignment();
                        indentation.listIndentLeft += listItem.getIndentationLeft();
                        indentation.indentRight += listItem.getIndentationRight();
                        leading = listItem.getTotalLeading();

                        // we prepare the current line to be able to show us the listsymbol
                        // we process the item

                        addSpacing(listItem.getSpacingAfter(), listItem.getTotalLeading(), listItem.getFont());

                        // if the last line is justified, it should be aligned to the left
                        if (line.hasToBeJustified()) {
                        // some parameters are set back to normal again
                        indentation.listIndentLeft -= listItem.getIndentationLeft();
                        indentation.indentRight -= listItem.getIndentationRight();
                    case LwgElement.RECTANGLE: {
                        LwgRectangle rectangle = (LwgRectangle) element;
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    Examples of com.pegaa.uploader.ui.filelist.item.ListItem

             File files[] = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
             if(files == null)return;
             int len = files.length;
             for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
                ListItem item = null;
                ListItemUI itemUI = new ListItemUI();

                int ind = this.selectedFileListModel.contains(files[i]);
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    Examples of com.ponysdk.ui.server.basic.PListBox.ListItem

                            rightRemovedItems.add(rightListBox.removeItem(i - 1));

                    for (int i = leftRemovedItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        final ListItem listItem = leftRemovedItems.get(i);
                        rightListBox.addItem(listItem.label, listItem.value);
                    for (int i = rightRemovedItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        final ListItem listItem = rightRemovedItems.get(i);
                        leftListBox.addItem(listItem.label, listItem.value);

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    Examples of edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ListItem

         * Create an instance of {@link ListItem }
        public ListItem createListItem() {
            return new ListItem();
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    Examples of io.conducive.client.ui.widgets.html.ListItem

        public Tour add(String heading, String message) {
            return add(null, heading, message, null);

        public Tour add(String id, String heading, String message, Position position) {
            ListItem listItem = new ListItem();
            if (id != null) {
                listItem.getElement().setAttribute("data-id", id);
            listItem.getElement().setAttribute("data-button", "OK");
            if (position != null) {
                listItem.getElement().setAttribute("data-options", "tipLocation: " + (position == Position.TOP ? "top" : "bottom"));
            listItem.wrap(h4().text(heading), div().html(message));
            if (items.size() > 0) {
                items.getLast().getElement().setAttribute("data-button", "Next");
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    Examples of net.mygwt.ui.client.widget.ListItem


      public Widget findItem(Object elem) {
        int size = list.getWidgetCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
          ListItem item = list.getItem(i);
          if (item.getData() == elem) {
            return item;
        return null;
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    Examples of org.apache.click.examples.control.html.list.ListItem

            paymentGroup.add(new Radio("credit", "Credit Card "));

            // Retrieve the paymentGroup's ListItem, and set its CSS class to "radio"
            ListItem item = (ListItem) fieldset.getHtmlList().getLast();
            item.setAttribute("class", "radio");

            fieldset.add(new TextField("cardholderName"));
            fieldset.add(new CreditCardField("cardNumber")).setRequired(true);
            fieldset.add(new IntegerField("expiry"));
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    Examples of org.apache.fop.fo.flow.ListItem

                    for (Iterator it = foNode.getChildNodes(); it.hasNext();) {
                        recurseFONode( (FONode) it.next() );
            } else if (foNode instanceof ListItem) {
                ListItem item = (ListItem) foNode;

            } else if (foNode instanceof Footnote) {
                Footnote fn = (Footnote)foNode;

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