Package edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml

Source Code of edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ObjectFactory

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// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2009.06.25 at 10:11:38 AM CDT

package edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Author;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Authors;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Caption;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Cell;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ClaML;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Class;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ClassKind;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ClassKinds;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Display;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ExcludeModifier;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Fragment;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.History;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Identifier;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Include;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.IncludeDescendants;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Label;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.List;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ListItem;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Meta;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ModifiedBy;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Modifier;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ModifierClass;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ObjectFactory;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Para;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Reference;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Row;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Rubric;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.RubricKind;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.RubricKinds;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.SubClass;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.SuperClass;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.TBody;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.TFoot;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.THead;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Table;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Term;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Title;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.UsageKind;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.UsageKinds;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ValidModifierClass;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Variant;
import edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.Variants;

* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml package.
* <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups.  Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {

     * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml
    public ObjectFactory() {

     * Create an instance of {@link ClassKinds }
    public ClassKinds createClassKinds() {
        return new ClassKinds();

     * Create an instance of {@link Title }
    public Title createTitle() {
        return new Title();

     * Create an instance of {@link ClaML }
    public ClaML createClaML() {
        return new ClaML();

     * Create an instance of {@link Display }
    public Display createDisplay() {
        return new Display();

     * Create an instance of {@link History }
    public History createHistory() {
        return new History();

     * Create an instance of {@link RubricKind }
    public RubricKind createRubricKind() {
        return new RubricKind();

     * Create an instance of {@link Table }
    public Table createTable() {
        return new Table();

     * Create an instance of {@link Fragment }
    public Fragment createFragment() {
        return new Fragment();

     * Create an instance of {@link ValidModifierClass }
    public ValidModifierClass createValidModifierClass() {
        return new ValidModifierClass();

     * Create an instance of {@link ClassKind }
    public ClassKind createClassKind() {
        return new ClassKind();

     * Create an instance of {@link THead }
    public THead createTHead() {
        return new THead();

     * Create an instance of {@link Cell }
    public Cell createCell() {
        return new Cell();

     * Create an instance of {@link Meta }
    public Meta createMeta() {
        return new Meta();

     * Create an instance of {@link TBody }
    public TBody createTBody() {
        return new TBody();

     * Create an instance of {@link TFoot }
    public TFoot createTFoot() {
        return new TFoot();

     * Create an instance of {@link ListItem }
    public ListItem createListItem() {
        return new ListItem();

     * Create an instance of {@link Reference }
    public Reference createReference() {
        return new Reference();

     * Create an instance of {@link UsageKinds }
    public UsageKinds createUsageKinds() {
        return new UsageKinds();

     * Create an instance of {@link SubClass }
    public SubClass createSubClass() {
        return new SubClass();

     * Create an instance of {@link Term }
    public Term createTerm() {
        return new Term();

     * Create an instance of {@link Include }
    public Include createInclude() {
        return new Include();

     * Create an instance of {@link RubricKinds }
    public RubricKinds createRubricKinds() {
        return new RubricKinds();

     * Create an instance of {@link Rubric }
    public Rubric createRubric() {
        return new Rubric();

     * Create an instance of {@link ModifierClass }
    public ModifierClass createModifierClass() {
        return new ModifierClass();

     * Create an instance of {@link ModifiedBy }
    public ModifiedBy createModifiedBy() {
        return new ModifiedBy();

     * Create an instance of {@link Label }
    public Label createLabel() {
        return new Label();

     * Create an instance of {@link Para }
    public Para createPara() {
        return new Para();

     * Create an instance of {@link UsageKind }
    public UsageKind createUsageKind() {
        return new UsageKind();

     * Create an instance of {@link IncludeDescendants }
    public IncludeDescendants createIncludeDescendants() {
        return new IncludeDescendants();

     * Create an instance of {@link Author }
    public Author createAuthor() {
        return new Author();

     * Create an instance of {@link Authors }
    public Authors createAuthors() {
        return new Authors();

     * Create an instance of {@link ExcludeModifier }
    public ExcludeModifier createExcludeModifier() {
        return new ExcludeModifier();

     * Create an instance of {@link SuperClass }
    public SuperClass createSuperClass() {
        return new SuperClass();

     * Create an instance of {@link Modifier }
    public Modifier createModifier() {
        return new Modifier();

     * Create an instance of {@link Variants }
    public Variants createVariants() {
        return new Variants();

     * Create an instance of {@link List }
    public List createList() {
        return new List();

     * Create an instance of {@link Variant }
    public Variant createVariant() {
        return new Variant();

     * Create an instance of {@link Class }
    public Class createClass() {
        return new Class();

     * Create an instance of {@link Identifier }
    public Identifier createIdentifier() {
        return new Identifier();

     * Create an instance of {@link Caption }
    public Caption createCaption() {
        return new Caption();

     * Create an instance of {@link Row }
    public Row createRow() {
        return new Row();


Related Classes of edu.mayo.bmi.guoqian.claml.ObjectFactory

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