Package org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.policy

Source Code of org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.policy.PolicyCollection$VersionComparator

*  Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
*  WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
*  Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.policy;

import com.sun.xacml.AbstractPolicy;
import com.sun.xacml.EvaluationCtx;
import com.sun.xacml.MatchResult;
import com.sun.xacml.Policy;
import com.sun.xacml.PolicyMetaData;
import com.sun.xacml.PolicyReference;
import com.sun.xacml.PolicySet;
import com.sun.xacml.Target;
import com.sun.xacml.TargetMatch;
import com.sun.xacml.TargetSection;
import com.sun.xacml.VersionConstraints;

import com.sun.xacml.combine.PolicyCombiningAlgorithm;

import com.sun.xacml.ctx.Status;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.EntitlementException;

public class PolicyCollection {

    // the actual collection of policies
    private LinkedHashMap<String, TreeSet<AbstractPolicy>> policies;

    // the single instance of the comparator we'll use for managing versions
    private VersionComparator versionComparator = new VersionComparator();

    // the optional combining algorithm used when wrapping multiple policies
    private PolicyCombiningAlgorithm combiningAlg;

    // the optional policy id used when wrapping multiple policies
    private URI parentId;

    // default target that matches anything, used in wrapping policies
    private static final Target target;

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PolicyCollection.class);

     * This static initializer just sets up the default target, which is used by all wrapping policy
     * sets.
    static {
        target = new Target(new TargetSection(null, TargetMatch.SUBJECT,
                PolicyMetaData.XACML_VERSION_2_0), new TargetSection(null, TargetMatch.RESOURCE,
                PolicyMetaData.XACML_VERSION_2_0), new TargetSection(null, TargetMatch.ACTION,
                PolicyMetaData.XACML_VERSION_2_0), new TargetSection(null, TargetMatch.ENVIRONMENT,

     * Creates a new <code>PolicyCollection</code> that will return errors when multiple policies
     * match for a given request.
    public PolicyCollection(PolicyCombiningAlgorithm combiningAlg) {
        policies = new LinkedHashMap<String, TreeSet<AbstractPolicy>>();
        this.combiningAlg = combiningAlg;

     * Creates a new <code>PolicyCollection</code> that will create a new top-level PolicySet when
     * multiple policies match for a given request.
     * @param combiningAlg
     *            the algorithm to use in a new PolicySet when more than one policy applies
     * @param parentPolicyId
     *            the identifier to use for the new PolicySet
    public PolicyCollection(PolicyCombiningAlgorithm combiningAlg, URI parentPolicyId) {
        policies = new LinkedHashMap<String, TreeSet<AbstractPolicy>>();

        this.combiningAlg = combiningAlg;
        this.parentId = parentPolicyId;

     * Adds a new policy to the collection, and uses the policy's identifier as the reference
     * identifier. If this identifier already exists in the collection, and this policy does not
     * represent a new version of the policy, then the policy is not added.
     * @param policy
     *            the policy to add
     * @return true if the policy was added, false otherwise
    public boolean addPolicy(AbstractPolicy policy) {
        return addPolicy(policy, policy.getId().toString());

     * *Adds a new policy to the collection using the given identifier as the reference identifier.
     * If this identifier already exists in the collection, and this policy does not represent a new
     * version of the policy, then the policy is not added.
     * @param policy
     * @param identifier
     * @return
    public boolean addPolicy(AbstractPolicy policy, String identifier) {
        if (policies.containsKey(identifier)) {
            // this identifier is already is use, so see if this version is
            // already in the set
            TreeSet<AbstractPolicy> set = policies.get(identifier);
            return set.add(policy);
        } else {
            // this identifier isn't already being used, so create a new
            // set in the map for it, and add the policy
            TreeSet<AbstractPolicy> set = new TreeSet<AbstractPolicy>(versionComparator);
            policies.put(identifier, set);
            return set.add(policy);

     * Attempts to retrieve a policy based on the given context. If multiple policies match then
     * this will either throw an exception or wrap the policies under a new PolicySet (depending on
     * how this instance was constructed). If no policies match, then this will return null. See the
     * comment in the class header about how this behaves when multiple versions of the same policy
     * exist.
     * @param context
     * @return
     * @throws EntitlementException
    public AbstractPolicy getPolicy(EvaluationCtx context) throws EntitlementException {
        // setup a list of matching policies
        ArrayList<AbstractPolicy> list = new ArrayList<AbstractPolicy>();
        // get an iterator over all the identifiers
        Iterator<TreeSet<AbstractPolicy>> it = policies.values().iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            // for each identifier, get only the most recent policy
            AbstractPolicy policy =;

            // see if we match
            MatchResult match = policy.match(context);
            int result = match.getResult();

            // if there was an error, we stop right away
            if (result == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE) {
                log.error("Error occured while processing the XACML policy "
                        + policy.getId().toString());
                throw new EntitlementException(match.getStatus());

            // if we matched, we keep track of the matching policy...
            if (result == MatchResult.MATCH) {
                // ...first checking if this is the first match and if
                // we automatically nest policies

      "Matching XACML policy found " + policy.getId().toString());

                if ((combiningAlg == null) && (list.size() > 0)) {
                    ArrayList<String> code = new ArrayList<String>();
                    Status status = new Status(code, "too many applicable top-level policies");
                    throw new EntitlementException(status);


        // no errors happened during the search, so now take the right
        // action based on how many policies we found
        switch (list.size()) {
        case 0:
  "No matching XACML policy found");
            return null;
        case 1:
            return ((AbstractPolicy) (list.get(0)));
            return new PolicySet(parentId, combiningAlg, target, list);

     * Attempts to retrieve a policy based on the given identifier and other constraints. If there
     * are multiple versions of the identified policy that meet the version constraints, then the
     * most recent version is returned.
     * @param identifier
     * @param type
     * @param constraints
     * @return
    public AbstractPolicy getPolicy(String identifier, int type, VersionConstraints constraints) {
        TreeSet<AbstractPolicy> set = policies.get(identifier);

        // if we don't know about this identifier then there's nothing to do
        if (set == null)
            return null;

        // walk through the set starting with the most recent version, looking
        // for a match until we exhaust all known versions
        Iterator<AbstractPolicy> it = set.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            AbstractPolicy policy = (AbstractPolicy) (;
            if (constraints.meetsConstraint(policy.getVersion())) {
                // we found a valid version, so see if it's the right kind,
                // and if it is then we return it
                if (type == PolicyReference.POLICY_REFERENCE) {
                    if (policy instanceof Policy)
                        return policy;
                } else {
                    if (policy instanceof PolicySet)
                        return policy;

        // we didn't find a match
        return null;

     * A Comparator that is used within this class to maintain ordering amongst different versions
     * of the same policy. Note that it actually maintains reverse-ordering, since we want to
     * traverse the sets in decreasing, not increasing order.
     * Note that this comparator is only used when there are multiple versions of the same policy,
     * which in practice will probably happen far less (from this class' point of view) than
     * additions or fetches.
    class VersionComparator implements Comparator<AbstractPolicy> {
        public int compare(AbstractPolicy o1, AbstractPolicy o2) {
            // we swap the parameters so that sorting goes largest to smallest
            String v1 = ((AbstractPolicy) o2).getVersion();
            String v2 = ((AbstractPolicy) o1).getVersion();

            // do a quick check to see if the strings are equal (note that
            // even if the strings aren't equal, the versions can still
            // be equal)
            if (v1.equals(v2))
                return 0;

            // setup tokenizers, and walk through both strings one set of
            // numeric values at a time
            StringTokenizer tok1 = new StringTokenizer(v1, ".");
            StringTokenizer tok2 = new StringTokenizer(v2, ".");

            while (tok1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                // if there's nothing left in tok2, then v1 is bigger
                if (!tok2.hasMoreTokens())
                    return 1;

                // get the next elements in the version, convert to numbers,
                // and compare them (continuing with the loop only if the
                // two values were equal)
                int num1 = Integer.parseInt(tok1.nextToken());
                int num2 = Integer.parseInt(tok2.nextToken());

                if (num1 > num2)
                    return 1;

                if (num1 < num2)
                    return -1;

            // if there's still something left in tok2, then it's bigger
            if (tok2.hasMoreTokens())
                return -1;

            // if we got here it means both versions had the same number of
            // elements and all the elements were equal, so the versions
            // are in fact equal
            return 0;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        hash = 31 * hash + (null == this.policies ? 0 : this.policies.hashCode());
        hash = 31 * hash + (null == this.combiningAlg ? 0 : this.combiningAlg.hashCode());
        return hash;

Related Classes of org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.policy.PolicyCollection$VersionComparator

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