Package com.hazelcast.config

Examples of com.hazelcast.config.NetworkConfig

        Parameter memberPassword = getParameter(HazelcastConstants.GROUP_PASSWORD);
        if (memberPassword != null) {
            groupConfig.setPassword((String) memberPassword.getValue());

        NetworkConfig nwConfig = primaryHazelcastConfig.getNetworkConfig();
        Parameter localMemberHost = getParameter(HazelcastConstants.LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST);
        if (localMemberHost != null) {
            nwConfig.setPublicAddress(((String) localMemberHost.getValue()).trim());
        } else {
            try {
                String ipAddress = Utils.getIpAddress();
            } catch (SocketException e) {
                log.error("Could not set local member host", e);
        Parameter localMemberPort = getParameter(HazelcastConstants.LOCAL_MEMBER_PORT);
        if (localMemberPort != null) {
            String port = ((String) localMemberPort.getValue()).trim();
            nwConfig.setPort(Integer.parseInt(port))// localMemberPort

        MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig("foo");

        if (clusterManagementMode) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, GroupManagementAgent>> entry : groupManagementAgents.entrySet()) {
                for (GroupManagementAgent agent : entry.getValue().values()) {
                    if (agent instanceof HazelcastGroupManagementAgent) {
                        ((HazelcastGroupManagementAgent) agent).init(primaryHazelcastConfig,
        primaryHazelcastInstance = HazelcastInstanceManager.getInstance().init(primaryHazelcastConfig);


        clusteringMessageTopic = primaryHazelcastInstance.getTopic(HazelcastConstants.CLUSTERING_MESSAGE_TOPIC);
        clusteringMessageTopic.addMessageListener(new HazelcastClusterMessageListener(configurationContext));
        ITopic<ControlCommand> controlCommandTopic = primaryHazelcastInstance.getTopic(HazelcastConstants.CONTROL_COMMAND_TOPIC);
        controlCommandTopic.addMessageListener(new HazelcastControlCommandListener(configurationContext));

        final Member localMember = primaryHazelcastInstance.getCluster().getLocalMember();
        org.apache.axis2.clustering.Member carbonLocalMember =
                MemberUtils.getLocalMember(primaryDomain, nwConfig.getPublicAddress(), nwConfig.getPort());"Local member: [" + localMember.getUuid() + "] - " + carbonLocalMember);
        MemberUtils.getMembersMap(primaryHazelcastInstance, primaryDomain).put(localMember.getUuid(),
        membershipScheme.joinGroup();"Cluster initialization completed");
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    private int groupMgtPort;
    private TcpIpConfig tcpIpConfig;

    public void init(Config primaryHazelcastConfig,
                     ConfigurationContext configurationContext) {
        NetworkConfig primaryNwConfig = primaryHazelcastConfig.getNetworkConfig();
        Config config = new Config();
        NetworkConfig groupNwConfig = config.getNetworkConfig();


        tcpIpConfig = groupNwConfig.getJoin().getTcpIpConfig();

        GroupConfig groupConfig = config.getGroupConfig();
        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.getHazelcastInstanceByName(domain);
        if (hazelcastInstance == null) {
            hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
        hazelcastInstance.getCluster().addMembershipListener(new GroupMembershipListener());
        localMemberUUID = hazelcastInstance.getCluster().getLocalMember().getUuid();
        Member localMember =
                MemberUtils.getLocalMember(domain, groupNwConfig.getPublicAddress(),
                                           groupMgtPort);"Group management local member for domain [" + domain + "],sub-domain [" +
                 subDomain + "] UUID: " + localMemberUUID + ". " + localMember);
        MemberUtils.getMembersMap(hazelcastInstance, domain).put(localMemberUUID, localMember);
        members = MemberUtils.getMembersMap(hazelcastInstance, domain);
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    public SerializationContext getSerializationContext() {
        return node.getSerializationService().getSerializationContext();

    public Collection<Integer> getOutboundPorts() {
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = node.getConfig().getNetworkConfig();
        final Collection<String> portDefinitions = networkConfig.getOutboundPortDefinitions() == null
                ? Collections.<String>emptySet() : networkConfig.getOutboundPortDefinitions();
        final Set<Integer> ports = networkConfig.getOutboundPorts() == null
                ? new HashSet<Integer>() : new HashSet<Integer>(networkConfig.getOutboundPorts());
        if (portDefinitions.isEmpty() && ports.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet(); // means any port
        if (portDefinitions.contains("*") || portDefinitions.contains("0")) {
            return Collections.emptySet(); // means any port
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    public void pickAddress() throws Exception {
        if (publicAddress != null || bindAddress != null) {
        try {
            final NetworkConfig networkConfig = node.getConfig().getNetworkConfig();
            final AddressDefinition bindAddressDef = pickAddress(networkConfig);
            final boolean reuseAddress = networkConfig.isReuseAddress();
            final boolean bindAny = node.getGroupProperties().SOCKET_SERVER_BIND_ANY.getBoolean();
            final int portCount = networkConfig.getPortCount();
             * why setReuseAddress(true)?
             * when the member is shutdown,
             * the server socket port will be in TIME_WAIT state for the next
             * 2 minutes or so. If you start the member right after shutting it down
             * you may not be able to bind to the same port because it is in TIME_WAIT
             * state. if you set reuseAddress=true then TIME_WAIT will be ignored and
             * you will be able to bind to the same port again.
             * this will cause problem on windows
             * see
             * By default if the OS is Windows then reuseAddress will be false.
            log(Level.FINEST, "inet reuseAddress:" + reuseAddress);
            InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress;
            ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
            int port = networkConfig.getPort();

            Throwable error = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < portCount; i++) {
                 * Instead of reusing the ServerSocket/ServerSocketChannel, we are going to close and replace them on
                 * every attempt to find a free port. The reason to do this is because in some cases, when concurrent
                 * threads/processes try to acquire the same port, the ServerSocket gets corrupted and isn't able to find
                 * any free port at all (no matter if there are more than enough free ports available). We have seen this
                 * happening on Linux and Windows environments.
                serverSocketChannel =;
                serverSocket = serverSocketChannel.socket();
                try {
                    if (bindAny) {
                        inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(port);
                    } else {
                        inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddressDef.inetAddress, port);
                    log(Level.FINEST, "Trying to bind inet socket address:" + inetSocketAddress);
                    serverSocket.bind(inetSocketAddress, 100);
                    log(Level.FINEST, "Bind successful to inet socket address:" + inetSocketAddress);
                } catch (final Exception e) {

                    if (networkConfig.isPortAutoIncrement()) {
                        error = e;
                    } else {
                        String msg = "Port [" + port + "] is already in use and auto-increment is " +
                                "disabled. Hazelcast cannot start.";
                        logger.severe(msg, e);
                        throw new HazelcastException(msg, error);
            if (serverSocket == null || !serverSocket.isBound()) {
                throw new HazelcastException("ServerSocket bind has failed. Hazelcast cannot start! " +
                        "config-port: " + networkConfig.getPort() + ", latest-port: " + port, error);
            bindAddress = createAddress(bindAddressDef, port);
            log(Level.INFO, "Picked " + bindAddress + ", using socket " + serverSocket + ", bind any local is " + bindAny);
            AddressDefinition publicAddressDef = getPublicAddress(node.getConfig(), port);
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        return null;

    private int calculateTryCount() {
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = config.getNetworkConfig();
        int timeoutSeconds = networkConfig.getJoin().getMulticastConfig().getMulticastTimeoutSeconds();
        int tryCountCoefficient = 1000 / publishInterval;
        int tryCount = timeoutSeconds * tryCountCoefficient;
        String host = node.getThisAddress().getHost();
        int lastDigits;
        try {
            lastDigits = Integer.parseInt(host.substring(host.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            lastDigits = RandomPicker.getInt(512);
        lastDigits = lastDigits % 100;
        int portDiff = node.getThisAddress().getPort() - networkConfig.getPort();
        tryCount += lastDigits + portDiff * timeoutSeconds * 3;
        return tryCount;
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    private Collection<Address> getPossibleAddresses() {
        final Collection<String> possibleMembers = getMembers();
        final Set<Address> possibleAddresses = new HashSet<Address>();
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = config.getNetworkConfig();
        for (String possibleMember : possibleMembers) {
            AddressHolder addressHolder = AddressUtil.getAddressHolder(possibleMember);
            try {
                boolean portIsDefined = addressHolder.port != -1 || !networkConfig.isPortAutoIncrement();
                int count = portIsDefined ? 1 : MAX_PORT_TRIES;
                int port = addressHolder.port != -1 ? addressHolder.port : networkConfig.getPort();
                AddressMatcher addressMatcher = null;
                try {
                    addressMatcher = AddressUtil.getAddressMatcher(addressHolder.address);
                } catch (InvalidAddressException ignore) {
                if (addressMatcher != null) {
                    final Collection<String> matchedAddresses;
                    if (addressMatcher.isIPv4()) {
                        matchedAddresses = AddressUtil.getMatchingIpv4Addresses(addressMatcher);
                    } else {
                        // for IPv6 we are not doing wildcard matching
                        matchedAddresses = Collections.singleton(addressHolder.address);
                    for (String matchedAddress : matchedAddresses) {
                        addPossibleAddresses(possibleAddresses, null, InetAddress.getByName(matchedAddress), port, count);
                } else {
                    final String host = addressHolder.address;
                    final InterfacesConfig interfaces = networkConfig.getInterfaces();
                    if (interfaces.isEnabled()) {
                        final InetAddress[] inetAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(host);
                        if (inetAddresses.length > 1) {
                            for (InetAddress inetAddress : inetAddresses) {
                                if (AddressUtil.matchAnyInterface(inetAddress.getHostAddress(),
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        return null;

    private int calculateTryCount() {
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = config.getNetworkConfig();
        int timeoutSeconds = networkConfig.getJoin().getMulticastConfig().getMulticastTimeoutSeconds();
        int tryCountCoefficient = 1000 / publishInterval;
        int tryCount = timeoutSeconds * tryCountCoefficient;
        String host = node.getThisAddress().getHost();
        int lastDigits;
        try {
            lastDigits = Integer.parseInt(host.substring(host.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            lastDigits = RandomPicker.getInt(512);
        lastDigits = lastDigits % 100;
        int portDiff = node.getThisAddress().getPort() - networkConfig.getPort();
        tryCount += lastDigits + portDiff * timeoutSeconds * 3;
        return tryCount;
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    private Collection<Address> getPossibleAddresses() {
        final Collection<String> possibleMembers = getMembers();
        final Set<Address> possibleAddresses = new HashSet<Address>();
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = config.getNetworkConfig();
        for (String possibleMember : possibleMembers) {
            AddressHolder addressHolder = AddressUtil.getAddressHolder(possibleMember);
            try {
                boolean portIsDefined = addressHolder.getPort() != -1 || !networkConfig.isPortAutoIncrement();
                int count = portIsDefined ? 1 : MAX_PORT_TRIES;
                int port = addressHolder.getPort() != -1 ? addressHolder.getPort() : networkConfig.getPort();
                AddressMatcher addressMatcher = null;
                try {
                    addressMatcher = AddressUtil.getAddressMatcher(addressHolder.getAddress());
                } catch (InvalidAddressException ignore) {
                if (addressMatcher != null) {
                    final Collection<String> matchedAddresses;
                    if (addressMatcher.isIPv4()) {
                        matchedAddresses = AddressUtil.getMatchingIpv4Addresses(addressMatcher);
                    } else {
                        // for IPv6 we are not doing wildcard matching
                        matchedAddresses = Collections.singleton(addressHolder.getAddress());
                    for (String matchedAddress : matchedAddresses) {
                        addPossibleAddresses(possibleAddresses, null, InetAddress.getByName(matchedAddress), port, count);
                } else {
                    final String host = addressHolder.getAddress();
                    final InterfacesConfig interfaces = networkConfig.getInterfaces();
                    if (interfaces.isEnabled()) {
                        final InetAddress[] inetAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(host);
                        if (inetAddresses.length > 1) {
                            for (InetAddress inetAddress : inetAddresses) {
                                if (AddressUtil.matchAnyInterface(inetAddress.getHostAddress(),
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        return node.getSerializationService().getPortableContext();

    public Collection<Integer> getOutboundPorts() {
        final NetworkConfig networkConfig = node.getConfig().getNetworkConfig();
        final Collection<String> portDefinitions = getPortDefinitions(networkConfig);
        final Set<Integer> ports = getPorts(networkConfig);
        if (portDefinitions.isEmpty() && ports.isEmpty()) {
            // means any port
            return Collections.emptySet();
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    public void pickAddress() throws Exception {
        if (publicAddress != null || bindAddress != null) {
        try {
            final NetworkConfig networkConfig = node.getConfig().getNetworkConfig();
            final AddressDefinition bindAddressDef = pickAddress(networkConfig);
            final boolean reuseAddress = networkConfig.isReuseAddress();
            final boolean bindAny = node.getGroupProperties().SOCKET_SERVER_BIND_ANY.getBoolean();
            final int portCount = networkConfig.getPortCount();
             * why setReuseAddress(true)?
             * when the member is shutdown,
             * the server socket port will be in TIME_WAIT state for the next
             * 2 minutes or so. If you start the member right after shutting it down
             * you may not be able to bind to the same port because it is in TIME_WAIT
             * state. if you set reuseAddress=true then TIME_WAIT will be ignored and
             * you will be able to bind to the same port again.
             * this will cause problem on windows
             * see
             * By default if the OS is Windows then reuseAddress will be false.
            log(Level.FINEST, "inet reuseAddress:" + reuseAddress);
            InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress;
            ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
            int port = networkConfig.getPort();

            Throwable error = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < portCount; i++) {
                 * Instead of reusing the ServerSocket/ServerSocketChannel, we are going to close and replace them on
                 * every attempt to find a free port. The reason to do this is because in some cases, when concurrent
                 * threads/processes try to acquire the same port, the ServerSocket gets corrupted and isn't able to
                 * find any free port at all (no matter if there are more than enough free ports available). We have
                 * seen this happening on Linux and Windows environments.
                serverSocketChannel =;
                serverSocket = serverSocketChannel.socket();
                try {
                    if (bindAny) {
                        inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(port);
                    } else {
                        inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddressDef.inetAddress, port);
                    log(Level.FINEST, "Trying to bind inet socket address:" + inetSocketAddress);
                    serverSocket.bind(inetSocketAddress, 100);
                    log(Level.FINEST, "Bind successful to inet socket address:" + inetSocketAddress);
                } catch (final Exception e) {

                    if (networkConfig.isPortAutoIncrement()) {
                        error = e;
                    } else {
                        String msg = "Port [" + port + "] is already in use and auto-increment is "
                                + "disabled. Hazelcast cannot start.";
                        logger.severe(msg, e);
                        throw new HazelcastException(msg, error);
            if (serverSocket == null || !serverSocket.isBound()) {
                throw new HazelcastException("ServerSocket bind has failed. Hazelcast cannot start! "
                        + "config-port: " + networkConfig.getPort() + ", latest-port: " + port, error);
            bindAddress = createAddress(bindAddressDef, port);
            log(Level.INFO, "Picked " + bindAddress + ", using socket " + serverSocket + ", bind any local is "
                    + bindAny);
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Related Classes of com.hazelcast.config.NetworkConfig

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