Package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature

Source Code of me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.BunkerLot

package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature;

import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid;

import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.ConnectedLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.RoadLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.LootProvider.LootLocation;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.SpawnProvider.SpawnerLocation;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.BlackMagic;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.ByteChunk;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Direction;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Direction.General;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Direction.Stair;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Direction.TrapDoor;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.RealChunk;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.SupportChunk;

public class BunkerLot extends ConnectedLot {

  private final static int FloorHeight = DataContext.FloorHeight;
  // these MUST be given in chunk segment units (currently 16)
  private final static int bunkerSegment = 16;
  private final static int bunkerBuffer = bunkerSegment;
  private final static int bunkerBelowStreet = bunkerSegment;
  private final static int bunkerMinHeight = bunkerSegment * 2;
  private final static int bunkerMaxHeight = bunkerSegment * 6;

  protected boolean firstOne = false;
  protected int bottomOfBunker;
  protected int topOfBunker;
  protected enum BilgeType {EMPTY, WATER, LAVA, ICE};

  protected BilgeType bilgeType;
  protected BunkerType buildingType;
  public BunkerLot(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ, boolean firstOne) {
    super(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ);
    this.firstOne = firstOne;
    // been here?
    bottomOfBunker = calcSegmentOrigin(platmap.generator.streetLevel) - bunkerBelowStreet;
    topOfBunker = calcBunkerCeiling(platmap.generator);
//    platmap.generator.reportMessage("minHeight = " + minHeight +
//      " calcSegmentOrigin(minHeight) = " + calcSegmentOrigin(minHeight) +
//      " calcSegmentOrigin(minHeight) - bunkerBuffer = " + (calcSegmentOrigin(minHeight) - bunkerBuffer) +
//      " -> topOfBunker = " + topOfBunker);
    // initial rolls, using two different odds engines
    bilgeType =    getRandomBilgeType(platmapOdds);
    buildingType = getRandomBunkerType(chunkOdds, firstOne);
  public PlatLot newLike(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
    return new BunkerLot(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ, false);

  public boolean makeConnected(PlatLot relative) {
    boolean result = super.makeConnected(relative);

    // other bits
    if (result && relative instanceof BunkerLot) {
      BunkerLot bunker = (BunkerLot)relative;
      bilgeType = bunker.bilgeType;
    return result;
  public long getConnectedKey() {
    return connectedkey = 135792468; // all bunkers share this key
  public boolean isValidStrataY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ) {
    return bunkerIsValidStrataY(generator, blockX, blockY, blockZ, bottomOfBunker, topOfBunker);
  protected boolean isShaftableLevel(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY) {
    return bunkerIsShaftableLevel(generator, blockY, bottomOfBunker, topOfBunker)&&
         super.isShaftableLevel(generator, blockY);
  public static boolean bunkerIsValidStrataY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ,
      int bottomOfBunker, int topOfBunker) {
    return blockY < bottomOfBunker || blockY >= topOfBunker;
  public static boolean bunkerIsShaftableLevel(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY,
    int bottomOfBunker, int topOfBunker) {
    return (blockY < bottomOfBunker - bunkerBuffer || blockY > topOfBunker - bunkerSegment - bunkerBuffer);
  public final static Material supportMaterial = Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK;
  public final static Material platformMaterial = Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK;
  public final static Material crosswalkMaterial = Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK;
  public final static Material railingMaterial = Material.IRON_FENCE;
  public final static Material buildingMaterial = Material.STAINED_CLAY;
  public final static Material windowMaterial = Material.GLASS;
  private static int calcSegmentOrigin(int y) {
    return (y / bunkerSegment) * bunkerSegment;
  public static int calcBunkerMinHeight(WorldGenerator generator) {
    return calcSegmentOrigin(generator.streetLevel) + bunkerMinHeight - bunkerBelowStreet + bunkerBuffer;
  public static int calcBunkerMaxHeight(WorldGenerator generator) {
    return calcSegmentOrigin(generator.streetLevel) + bunkerMaxHeight - bunkerBelowStreet + bunkerBuffer;
  private int calcBunkerCeiling(WorldGenerator generator) {
    return Math.min(calcBunkerMaxHeight(generator), calcSegmentOrigin(blockYs.minHeight) - bunkerBuffer);

  public int getBottomY(WorldGenerator generator) {
    return bottomOfBunker;
  public int getTopY(WorldGenerator generator) {
    return topOfBunker;

  public RoadLot repaveLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap) {
    return new RoadThroughBunkerLot(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ, generator.connectedKeyForPavedRoads, false, this);
  protected void generateActualChunk(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) {
  protected void generateActualBlocks(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) {
    if (buildingType == BunkerType.ENTRY)
      reportLocation(generator, "Bunker", chunk.getOriginX(), chunk.getOriginZ());

    // where is the surface?
//    int surfaceY = getSurfaceAtY(6, 6);
//    generator.reportMessage("SurfaceY = " + surfaceY + " TopOfBunker = " + topOfBunker + " MinHeight = " + minHeight);
//    generator.reportMessage("TopOfBunker = " + topOfBunker + " MinHeight = " + minHeight);
    // do it!
    blockYs.lift(generateBunker(generator, platmap, chunk, chunkOdds, context, platX, platZ, blockYs.averageHeight,
                  bottomOfBunker, topOfBunker, bilgeType, buildingType));
    // add some surface
    generateSurface(generator, chunk, true);
  public static int generateBunker(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds,
      DataContext context, int platX, int platZ, int surfaceY,
      int bottomOfBunker, int topOfBunker, BilgeType bilgeType, BunkerType buildingType) {
    // precalculate
    int yBottom = bottomOfBunker;//calcSegmentOrigin(generator.sidewalkLevel) - bunkerBelowStreet;
    int yTop4 = topOfBunker;//calcBunkerCeiling(generator);
    int yTop3 = yTop4 - 2;
    int yTop2 = yTop4 - bunkerSegment;
    int yTop1 = yTop2 - 2;
    int yPlatform = calcSegmentOrigin(yBottom) + 6;
    int yRange = (yTop2 - yPlatform) / 3;
    int yPlatformTop = Math.min(Math.max(yPlatform + bunkerSegment * 2, odds.getRandomInt(yRange) + yRange * 2), yTop1);
    // bottom
    chunk.setLayer(yBottom, supportMaterial);
    // clear out stuff?
    switch (bilgeType) {
    case WATER:
      chunk.setLayer(yBottom + 1, Material.STATIONARY_WATER);
    case LAVA:
      chunk.setLayer(yBottom + 1, Material.STATIONARY_LAVA);
    case ICE:
      chunk.setLayer(yBottom + 1, Material.ICE);
    case EMPTY:
    // hold up buildings
    generateSupport(chunk, odds, context, 3, yBottom + 1, 3);
    generateSupport(chunk, odds, context, 3, yBottom + 1, 10);
    generateSupport(chunk, odds, context, 10, yBottom + 1, 3);
    generateSupport(chunk, odds, context, 10, yBottom + 1, 10);
    // vertical beams
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, 2, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 0, 1, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 1, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, 2, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 15, 16, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 14, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 14, 16, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 0, 1, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 15, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 1, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 14, 16, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 15, 16, supportMaterial, 2);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 15, yBottom + 1, yTop3, 14, supportMaterial, 2);
    // near top cross beams
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, yTop1, yTop2, 0, 2, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, yTop1, yTop2, 14, 16, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, yTop1, yTop2, 2, 14, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, yTop1, yTop2, 2, 14, supportMaterial);
    // top cross beams
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, yTop3, yTop4, 0, 2, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, yTop3, yTop4, 14, 16, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, yTop3, yTop4, 2, 14, supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, yTop3, yTop4, 2, 14, supportMaterial);
//    // clear out space between the top cross beams
//    chunk.setBlocks(2, 14, yTop3, yTop4, 2, 14, airId);
    // draw platform
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 2, 14, yPlatform, 2, 14, platformMaterial, 1);
    // draw crosswalks
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, yPlatform, 0, 2, crosswalkMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, yPlatform, 7, 9, crosswalkMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, yPlatform, 14, 16, crosswalkMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, yPlatform, 7, 9, crosswalkMaterial);
    // draw railing
    chunk.setBlocks(2, 7, yPlatform + 1, 2, 3, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(9, 14, yPlatform + 1, 2, 3, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(2, 7, yPlatform + 1, 13, 14, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(9, 14, yPlatform + 1, 13, 14, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(2, 3, yPlatform + 1, 3, 7, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(13, 14, yPlatform + 1, 3, 7, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(2, 3, yPlatform + 1, 9, 13, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(13, 14, yPlatform + 1, 9, 13, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(6, 7, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 0, 2, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(9, 10, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 0, 2, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(6, 7, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 14, 16, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(9, 10, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 14, 16, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 6, 7, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 9, 10, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 6, 7, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, yPlatform, yPlatform + 2, 9, 10, railingMaterial);
    // build a bunker
    switch (buildingType) {
    case BALLSY:
      return generateBallsyBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case ENTRY:
      return generateEntryBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop, yTop2, surfaceY);
    case FLOORED:
      return generateFlooredBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case GROWING:
      return generateGrowingBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case PYRAMID:
      return generatePyramidBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case QUAD:
      return generateQuadBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case RECALL:
      return generateRecallBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    case TANK:
      return generateTankBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
//    case MISSILE:
//      return generateMissileBunker(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop, surfaceY);
    case ROAD:
      return generateRoadTunnel(generator, context, chunk, odds, yPlatform + 1, yPlatformTop);
    return 0;
  public static int generateEntryBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds,
      int y1, int y2, int topOfBunker, int surfaceY) {
    // walls
    chunk.setBlocks(5, 11, y1, surfaceY + 4, 5, 11, buildingMaterial);
    // do it!
    MineEntranceLot.generateStairWell(generator, chunk, odds, 6, 6, y1,
        surfaceY, surfaceY, surfaceY + DataContext.FloorHeight + 1,
        Material.QUARTZ_STAIRS, Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK, Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK); // Make the last one air if you want an easy way down
    // roof!
    chunk.setBlocks(6, 10, surfaceY + 4, surfaceY + 5, 6, 10, buildingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 5, surfaceY + 6, 7, 9, buildingMaterial);
    // camo
    chunk.camoClay(5, 11, surfaceY - 2, surfaceY + 6, 5, 11, odds);
    // bottom doors
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 2, 5, 6, Material.AIR);
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 2, 10, 11, Material.AIR);
    chunk.setBlocks(5, 6, y1, y1 + 2, 7, 9, Material.AIR);
    chunk.setBlocks(10, 11, y1, y1 + 2, 7, 9, Material.AIR);
    // top doors
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 5, 6, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 10, 11, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(5, 6, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 7, 9, railingMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(10, 11, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 7, 9, railingMaterial);
    // put in some windows
    for (int y = y1 + 3; y < topOfBunker - 3; y = y + 3) {
      if (odds.flipCoin())
        chunk.setBlocks(7, 8 + odds.getRandomInt(2), y, y + 2, 5, 6, windowMaterial);
      if (odds.flipCoin())
        chunk.setBlocks(8 - odds.getRandomInt(2), 9, y, y + 2, 10, 11, windowMaterial);
      if (odds.flipCoin())
        chunk.setBlocks(5, 6, y, y + 2, 7, 8 + odds.getRandomInt(2), windowMaterial);
      if (odds.flipCoin())
        chunk.setBlocks(10, 11, y, y + 2, 8 - odds.getRandomInt(2), 9, windowMaterial);
    // lift the surface?
    return 7;
//  public static int generateMissileBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2, int surfaceY) {
//    // walls
//    chunk.setCircle(7, 7, 3, y1 + 5, surfaceY + 6, buildingMaterial, false);
//    chunk.setCircle(7, 7, 2, y1 + 5, surfaceY + 6, Material.AIR, true);
//    chunk.setCircle(7, 7, 2, surfaceY + 3, surfaceY + 5, Material.IRON_BLOCK, true);
//    // camo the exit
//    chunk.camoClay(3, 12, surfaceY - 2, surfaceY + 6, 3, 12, odds);
////    // do it!
////    MineEntranceLot.generateStairWell(generator, chunk, odds, 6, 6, y1, minHeight, surfaceY,
////        Material.QUARTZ_STAIRS, Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK, Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK); // Make the last one air if you want an easy way down
////    // roof!
////    chunk.setBlocks(6, 10, surfaceY + 4, surfaceY + 5, 6, 10, buildingMaterial);
////    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 5, surfaceY + 6, 7, 9, buildingMaterial);
////    // bottom doors
////    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 2, 5, 6, Material.AIR);
////    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 2, 10, 11, Material.AIR);
////    chunk.setBlocks(5, 6, y1, y1 + 2, 7, 9, Material.AIR);
////    chunk.setBlocks(10, 11, y1, y1 + 2, 7, 9, Material.AIR);
////    // top doors
////    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 5, 6, railingMaterial);
////    chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 10, 11, railingMaterial);
////    chunk.setBlocks(5, 6, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 7, 9, railingMaterial);
////    chunk.setBlocks(10, 11, surfaceY + 1, surfaceY + 3, 7, 9, railingMaterial);
//    // lift the surface?
//    return 7;
//  }
  public static int generateGrowingBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 4;
    int x2 = x1 + 8;
    int y = y1;
    int z1 = 4;
    int z2 = z1 + 8;
    int Height = FloorHeight;

    Material emptyMaterial = Material.AIR;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    boolean firstFloor = true;
    while (y + Height < y2) {
      // walls please
      chunk.setClayWalls(x1, x2, y, y + Height - 1, z1, z2, coreColor);
      // doors
      if (firstFloor) {
        chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, y, y + 2, z1    , z1 + 1, emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, y, y + 2, z2 - 1, z2    , emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x1    , x1 + 1, y, y + 2, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x2 - 1, x2    , y, y + 2, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, emptyMaterial);
        firstFloor = false;
      // interspace
      chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y + Height - 1, y + Height, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, detailColor);
      // make things bigger
      y += Height;
      Height += FloorHeight;
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;

  public static int generateFlooredBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 4;
    int x2 = x1 + 8;
    int z1 = 4;
    int z2 = z1 + 8;
    int y3 = y2 - 2;
    Material emptyMaterial = Material.AIR;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    boolean firstFloor = true;
    for (int y = y1; y < y3; y += FloorHeight) {
      // walls please
      chunk.setClayWalls(x1, x2, y, y + FloorHeight - 1, z1, z2, coreColor);
      // windows in the wall
      chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 2, x2 - 2, y + 1, y + 2, z1, z1 + 1, windowMaterial);
      chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 2, x2 - 2, y + 1, y + 2, z2 - 1, z2, windowMaterial);
      chunk.setBlocks(x1, x1 + 1, y + 1, y + 2, z1 + 2, z2 - 2, windowMaterial);
      chunk.setBlocks(x2 - 1, x2, y + 1, y + 2, z1 + 2, z2 - 2, windowMaterial);
      // doors
      if (firstFloor) {
        chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, y, y + 2, z1    , z1 + 1, emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, y, y + 2, z2 - 1, z2    , emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x1    , x1 + 1, y, y + 2, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, emptyMaterial);
        chunk.setBlocks(x2 - 1, x2    , y, y + 2, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, emptyMaterial);
        firstFloor = false;
      // interspace
      chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y + FloorHeight - 1, y + FloorHeight, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, detailColor);
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;

  public static int generateRecallBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int buildingWidth = 10;
    int x1 = (chunk.width - buildingWidth) / 2;
    int x2 = x1 + buildingWidth;
    int z1 = x1;
    int z2 = z1 + buildingWidth;
    Material emptyMaterial = Material.AIR;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    // lower bit
    chunk.setClayWalls(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y1, y1 + 1, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, coreColor);
    chunk.setClayWalls(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y1 + 1, y1 + 2, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, coreColor);
    // make it so we can walk into the
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 1, z1 + 2, emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y1, y1 + 2, z2 - 2, z2 - 1, emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 1, x1 + 2, y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x2 - 2, x2 - 1, y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, emptyMaterial);
    int y = y1 + 2;
    int Height = FloorHeight;
    while (y + Height < y2) {
      int yTop = y + Height - 1;
      // texture
      for (int i = 1; i < buildingWidth; i += 2) {
        chunk.setClay(x1 + i, y, yTop, z1, detailColor);
        chunk.setClay(x1 + i - 1, y, yTop, z2 - 1, detailColor);
        chunk.setClay(x1, y, yTop, z1 + i, detailColor);
        chunk.setClay(x2 - 1, y, yTop, z1 + i - 1, detailColor);
      // inner wall
      chunk.setClayWalls(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y, yTop, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, coreColor);
      // cap it off
      chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, yTop, yTop + 1, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, detailColor);
      // make things bigger
      y += Height;
      Height += FloorHeight;
    generateTreat(generator, chunk, odds, 5, y1, 5);
    generateTreat(generator, chunk, odds, 10, y1, 10);
    generateTrick(generator, chunk, odds, 10, y1, 5);
    generateTrick(generator, chunk, odds, 5, y1, 10);
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;

  public static int generateBallsyBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 2;
    int x2 = x1 + 12;
    int z1 = 2;
    int z2 = z1 + 12;
    int y3 = y2 - 5;

    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    // initial pylon
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, coreColor);
    // rest of the pylon and balls
    for (int y = y1 + 2; y < y3; y += 6) {
      // center pylon
      chunk.setClay(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y, y + 6, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, coreColor);
      // balls baby!
      generateBallsyBuildingBall(chunk, odds, x1, y, z1);
      generateBallsyBuildingBall(chunk, odds, x1, y, z2 - 5);
      generateBallsyBuildingBall(chunk, odds, x2 - 5, y, z1);
      generateBallsyBuildingBall(chunk, odds, x2 - 5, y, z2 - 5);
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;
  public static void generateBallsyBuildingBall(SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x, int y, int z) {
    if (odds.flipCoin()) {
      DyeColor ballColor = odds.getRandomColor();
      // bottom
      chunk.setClay(x + 1, x + 4, y, y + 1, z + 1, z + 4, ballColor);
      // sides
      chunk.setGlassWalls(x, x + 5, y + 1, y + 4, z, z + 5, ballColor);
      // top
      chunk.setClay(x + 1, x + 4, y + 4, y + 5, z + 1, z + 4, ballColor);

  public static int generateQuadBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 2;
    int x2 = x1 + 12;
    int z1 = 2;
    int z2 = z1 + 12;
    int ySegment = Math.max(1, (y2 - y1) / 5);
    int yRange = ySegment * 3;
    int yBase = y1 + ySegment;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    int colY1 = yBase + odds.getRandomInt(yRange);
    int colY2 = yBase + odds.getRandomInt(yRange);
    int colY3 = yBase + odds.getRandomInt(yRange);
    int colY4 = yBase + odds.getRandomInt(yRange);
    // four towers
    generateQuadTowers(chunk, odds, x1, x1 + 5, y1, colY1, z1, z1 + 5, coreColor, detailColor);
    generateQuadTowers(chunk, odds, x1, x1 + 5, y1, colY2, z2 - 5, z2, coreColor, detailColor);
    generateQuadTowers(chunk, odds, x2 - 5, x2, y1, colY3, z1, z1 + 5, coreColor, detailColor);
    generateQuadTowers(chunk, odds, x2 - 5, x2, y1, colY4, z2 - 5, z2, coreColor, detailColor);
    // now randomly place connectors
    generateQuadConnectors(chunk, odds, x1, x1 + 5, y1 + 3, Math.min(colY1, colY2) - 3, z1 + 5, z1 + 7, true);
    generateQuadConnectors(chunk, odds, x1 + 5, x1 + 7, y1 + 3, Math.min(colY1, colY3) - 3, z1, z1 + 5, false);
    generateQuadConnectors(chunk, odds, x1 + 7, x1 + 12, y1 + 3, Math.min(colY3, colY4) - 3, z1 + 5, z1 + 7, true);
    generateQuadConnectors(chunk, odds, x1 + 5, x1 + 7, y1 + 3, Math.min(colY2, colY4) - 3, z1 + 7, z1 + 12, false);
    //TODO make them hollow
    //TODO vertical windows
    //TODO horizontal connections from time to time, place treasures here
    //TODO spiral staircase up the middle
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;
  public static void generateQuadTowers(SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2,
      DyeColor coreColor, DyeColor detailColor) {
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 2, x2 - 2, y1, y1 + 1, z1 + 2, z2 - 2, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y1 + 1, y1 + 2, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, detailColor);
    chunk.setClayWalls(x1, x2, y1 + 2, y2 - 2, z1, z2, coreColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 2, y2 - 1, z1 + 1, z2 - 1, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 2, x2 - 2, y2 - 1, y2, z1 + 2, z2 - 2, detailColor);
  private static void generateQuadConnectors(SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2, boolean doX) {
    int px1 = x1;
    int px2 = x2;
    int py1 = y1;
    int pz1 = z1;
    int pz2 = z2;
    while (py1 < y2) {
      if (doX) {
        int lx = px1;
        do {
          px1 = x1 + odds.getRandomInt(x2 - x1);
          px2 = px1 + 1;
        } while (px1 == lx);
      } else {
        int lz = pz1;
        do {
          pz1 = z1 + odds.getRandomInt(z2 - z1);
          pz2 = pz1 + 1;
        } while (pz1 == lz);
      chunk.setClay(px1, px2, py1, py1 + 1, pz1, pz2, odds.getRandomColor());
      py1 = py1 + 1;
  public static int generateTankBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 4;
    int x2 = x1 + 8;
    int z1 = 4;
    int z2 = z1 + 8;
    int yBottom = y1 + 4;
    int yTop = y2;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    // supports
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x1 + 3, y1, yBottom, z1 + 1, z1 + 3, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 1, x1 + 3, y1, yBottom, z2 - 3, z2 - 1, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x2 - 3, x2 - 1, y1, yBottom, z1 + 1, z1 + 3, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x2 - 3, x2 - 1, y1, yBottom, z2 - 3, z2 - 1, detailColor);
    // bottom bit
    chunk.setClay(x1, x2, yBottom, yBottom + 1, z1, z2, coreColor);
    // walls
    chunk.setClay(x1, x2, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1 - 1, z1, coreColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1, x2, yBottom + 1, yTop, z2    , z2 + 1, coreColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 - 1, x1, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1, z2, coreColor);
    chunk.setClay(x2    , x2 + 1, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1, z2, coreColor);
    // make it so we can see in a bit
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1 - 1, z1, windowMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 3, x2 - 3, yBottom + 1, yTop, z2    , z2 + 1, windowMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 - 1, x1, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, windowMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x2    , x2 + 1, yBottom + 1, yTop, z1 + 3, z2 - 3, windowMaterial);
    // put a top on it
    chunk.setClay(x1, x2, yTop, yTop + 1, z1, z2, coreColor);
    // fill it in
    chunk.setBlocks(x1, x2, yBottom + 1, yBottom + ((yTop - yBottom) / 3) * 2, z1, z2, getFillMaterial(odds));
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;
  private static Material getFillMaterial(Odds odds) {
    switch (odds.getRandomInt(10)) {
    case 1:
      return Material.STATIONARY_LAVA;
    case 2:
      return Material.PACKED_ICE;
    case 3:
      return Material.SNOW_BLOCK;
    case 4:
      return Material.SPONGE;
    case 5:
      return Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK;
    case 6:
      return Material.COAL_BLOCK;
    case 7:
      return Material.HARD_CLAY;
    case 8:
      return Material.ENDER_STONE;
    case 9:
      return Material.EMERALD_BLOCK;
      return Material.STATIONARY_WATER;

  public static int generatePyramidBunker(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int x1 = 2;
    int x2 = x1 + 12;
    int z1 = 2;
    int z2 = z1 + 12;
    DyeColor coreColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    DyeColor detailColor = odds.getRandomColor();
    Material emptyMaterial = Material.AIR;
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
      int y = y1 + i * 2;
      chunk.setClayWalls(x1 + i, x2 - i, y, y + 2, z1 + i, z2 - i, coreColor);

    // make it so we can walk through the pyramid
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 5, x2 - 5, y1, y1 + 2, z1    , z1 + 1, emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1 + 5, x2 - 5, y1, y1 + 2, z2 - 1, z2    , emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x1    , x1 + 1, y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 5, z2 - 5, emptyMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(x2 - 1, x2    , y1, y1 + 2, z1 + 5, z2 - 5, emptyMaterial);
    // top off the entry ways
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y1 + 2, y1 + 3, z1    , z1 + 1, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1 + 4, x2 - 4, y1 + 2, y1 + 3, z2 - 1, z2    , detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x1    , x1 + 1, y1 + 2, y1 + 3, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, detailColor);
    chunk.setClay(x2 - 1, x2    , y1 + 2, y1 + 3, z1 + 4, z2 - 4, detailColor);

    generateTreat(generator, chunk, odds, 3, y1, 3);
    generateTreat(generator, chunk, odds, 12, y1, 12);
    generateTrick(generator, chunk, odds, 12, y1, 3);
    generateTrick(generator, chunk, odds, 3, y1, 12);
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;

  private static double oddsOfWayDownFromTunnel = Odds.oddsVeryLikely;
  public static int generateRoadTunnel(WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int y1, int y2) {
    int underStreetY = generator.streetLevel - 3;
    int streetY = generator.streetLevel;
    // cross supports
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, underStreetY + 1, underStreetY + 2, 0, 2, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, underStreetY + 1, underStreetY + 2, 14, 16, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 2, underStreetY + 1, underStreetY + 2, 2, 14, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(14, 16, underStreetY + 1, underStreetY + 2, 2, 14, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, underStreetY, underStreetY + 1, 0, 1, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, underStreetY, underStreetY + 1, 15, 16, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(0, 1, underStreetY, underStreetY + 1, 2, 14, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    chunk.setBlocks(15, 16, underStreetY, underStreetY + 1, 2, 14, BunkerLot.supportMaterial);
    // center support
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 7, 9, y1, underStreetY + 2, 7, 9, supportMaterial, 2);
    //BUKKIT: simply changing the type of these blocks won't reset the metadata associated with the existing blocks, resulting in cracked bricks
    // fix up the tunnel walls
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, 2, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 0, 1, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 1, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, 2, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 15, 16, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 0, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 14, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 14, 16, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 0, 1, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 15, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 1, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 14, 16, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 15, 16, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, 15, streetY - 1, streetY + 6, 14, RoadThroughBunkerLot.wallMaterial, 0);
    // put in a way down?
    if (odds.playOdds(oddsOfWayDownFromTunnel)) {
      chunk.setTrapDoor(6, streetY, 7, TrapDoor.TOP_WEST);
      chunk.setLadder(6, y1, streetY, 7, General.WEST);
    // lift the surface? NOPE
    return 0;
  private final static Material springMat = Material.QUARTZ_STAIRS;
  private final static Material springBaseMat = Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK;
  private final static Material springCoreMat = Material.GLOWSTONE;
  private static void generateSupport(SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, DataContext context, int x, int y, int z) {
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, x, x + 3, y, z, z + 3, springBaseMat, 2);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x    , y + 1, z    , Stair.EAST, Stair.SOUTHFLIP, Stair.EAST);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x + 1, y + 1, z    , Stair.WESTFLIP, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x + 2, y + 1, z    , Stair.SOUTH, Stair.WESTFLIP, Stair.SOUTH);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x + 2, y + 1, z + 1, Stair.NORTHFLIP, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x + 2, y + 1, z + 2, Stair.WEST, Stair.NORTHFLIP, Stair.WEST);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x + 1, y + 1, z + 2, Stair.EASTFLIP, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x    , y + 1, z + 2, Stair.NORTH, Stair.EASTFLIP, Stair.NORTH);
    generateSpringBit(chunk, odds, x    , y + 1, z + 1, Stair.SOUTHFLIP, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP);

    chunk.setBlocks(x + 1, y + 1, y + 5, z + 1, springCoreMat);
    BlackMagic.setBlocks(chunk, x, x + 3, y + 4, z, z + 3, springBaseMat, 2);
  private static void generateSpringBit(SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x, int y, int z, Stair data1, Stair data2, Stair data3) {
    chunk.setStair(x, y    , z, springMat, data1);
    chunk.setStair(x, y + 1, z, springMat, data2);
    chunk.setStair(x, y + 2, z, springMat, data3);

  private static void generateTreat(WorldGenerator generator, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x, int y, int z) {
    // cool stuff?
    if (generator.settings.treasuresInBunkers && odds.playOdds(generator.settings.oddsOfTreasureInBunkers)) {
       chunk.setChest(x, y, z, Direction.General.NORTH, odds, generator.lootProvider, LootLocation.BUNKER);

  private static void generateTrick(WorldGenerator generator, SupportChunk chunk, Odds odds, int x, int y, int z) {

    // not so cool stuff?
    if (generator.settings.spawnersInBunkers && odds.playOdds(generator.settings.oddsOfSpawnerInBunkers)) {
      chunk.setSpawner(x, y, z, generator.spawnProvider.getEntity(generator, odds, SpawnerLocation.BUNKER));
  // note the different odds engines that these two functions use!
  private static BilgeType getRandomBilgeType(Odds platmapOdds) {
    switch (platmapOdds.getRandomInt(5)) {
    case 1:
      return BilgeType.WATER; // 1 out of 5
    case 2:
      return BilgeType.LAVA;  // 1 out of 5
    case 3:
      return BilgeType.ICE;   // 1 out of 5
      return BilgeType.EMPTY; // 2 out of 5
  private static BunkerType getRandomBunkerType(Odds chunkOdds, boolean firstOne) {
    if (firstOne)
      return BunkerType.ENTRY;
      switch (chunkOdds.getRandomInt(7)) {
      case 1:
        return BunkerType.BALLSY; 
      case 2:
        return BunkerType.FLOORED;
      case 3:
        return BunkerType.GROWING;
      case 4:
        return BunkerType.PYRAMID;
      case 5:
        return BunkerType.QUAD;   
      case 6:
        return BunkerType.RECALL; 
        return BunkerType.TANK;   

Related Classes of me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.BunkerLot

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