Examples of transform()

Examples of playn.core.Layer.transform()

            @Override public void willInit (int count) {
                // concatenate the transform of all layers above our target layer
                xform.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
                Layer xlayer = layer;
                while (xlayer != null) {
                    xlayer = xlayer.parent();
                // finally pre-concatenate the root transform as we're bypassing normal rendering

Examples of railo.transformer.cfml.ExprTransformer.transform()

      if(isNonName) {
          int pos=data.cfml.getPos();
          try {
          catch(TemplateException ete) {
             else throw ete;

Examples of rationals.transformations.Normalizer.transform()

        Normalizer normalizer=new Normalizer();
        Automaton tempMinimizedAuto=minimizerDeterminizer.transform(automaton);
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.delta().size()>=automaton.delta().size())
            return automaton;
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.initials().size()!=1 || tempMinimizedAuto.terminals().size()!=1)
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.delta().size()>automaton.delta().size())
            return automaton;
        return tempMinimizedAuto;
    protected void useStandardAutomataConnector(Automaton biggerPropertyAutomaton,Automaton smallerPropertyAutomaton,Transition transition) {

Examples of rationals.transformations.Reducer.transform()

    protected Automaton minimizeAndNormalizeAutomaton(Automaton automaton) {
        Reducer minimizerDeterminizer=new Reducer();
        Normalizer normalizer=new Normalizer();
        Automaton tempMinimizedAuto=minimizerDeterminizer.transform(automaton);
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.delta().size()>=automaton.delta().size())
            return automaton;
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.initials().size()!=1 || tempMinimizedAuto.terminals().size()!=1)
        if (tempMinimizedAuto.delta().size()>automaton.delta().size())

Examples of ru.aristar.jnuget.rss.NuPkgToRssTransformer.transform()

        Collection<? extends Nupkg> files = getPackages(packageSource, filter, searchTerm, targetFramework);
        logger.debug("Получено {} пакетов", new Object[]{files.size()});
        //Преобразовать пакеты в RSS
        NugetContext nugetContext = new NugetContext(getCurrentStorageURI());
        NuPkgToRssTransformer toRssTransformer = nugetContext.createToRssTransformer();
        PackageFeed feed = toRssTransformer.transform(files, orderBy, skip, top);
        return feed;

     * Возвращает коллекцию пакетов, соответствующую условиям поиска

Examples of soot.BodyTransformer.transform()


                        // FIXME: pass in the options.
                        // Currently this is not possible because the
                        // internalTransform method is protected.
                        transformer.transform(body, phaseName, options);
                } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Exception occurred while processing "
                            + method);
                    throw ex;

Examples of sun.java2d.loops.TransformBlit.Transform()

                TransformBlit blit = TransformBlit.getFromCache(srcType,

                if (blit != null) {
                    blit.Transform(srcData, dstData,
                                   sg.composite, sg.getCompClip(),
                                   tx, interpType,
                                   sx1, sy1, 0, 0, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1);

Examples of sun.java2d.loops.TransformHelper.Transform()

             * All helpers are native at this point, but some MaskBlit
             * objects are implemented in Java, so we need to check.
            if (maskblit.getNativePrim() != 0) {
                // We can render directly.
                helper.Transform(maskblit, srcData, dstData,
                                 sg.composite, clip,
                                 itx, interpType,
                                 sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
                                 dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2,
                                 null, 0, 0);

Examples of sun.print.ProxyGraphics2D.transform()

               / wPrinterJob.getXRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES,
               / wPrinterJob.getYRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES);
        /* NB User space now has to be at 72 dpi for this calc to be correct */
        proxy.transform(new AffineTransform(getPageFormat().getMatrix()));

        painter.print(proxy, pageFormat, pageIndex);


Examples of wyil.transforms.RuntimeAssertions.transform()

      WyalFile wycsFile) {

    if (!RuntimeAssertions.getEnable()) {
      // inline constraints if they have not already been done.
      RuntimeAssertions rac = new RuntimeAssertions(this, filename);
      methodCase = rac.transform(methodCase, method);

    Type.FunctionOrMethod fmm = method.type();
    int paramStart = 0;
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