Examples of symmetric()

Examples of net.algart.math.IPoint.symmetric()

            //     }
            // and if the checks "i < 0" lead to the same stable result (almost always true or, little better,
            // almost always false), then CPU can optimize this branching.
//            System.out.println("QUICK");
            final IPoint min = pattern.coordMin().toRoundedPoint();
            final Pattern shiftedPattern = pattern.shift(min.symmetric().toPoint()); // "normalized" coordinates >=0
            final Matrix<?> shiftedSrc = Matrices.asShifted(src, min.coordinates());
            Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> clone = Arrays.SMM.newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
            Matrices.copy(arrayContext == null ? null : arrayContext.part(0.0, 0.05),
                clone, shiftedSrc);
            Matrix<? extends PArray> lazy = asProcessed(requiredType, clone, additionalMatrices, shiftedPattern);
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Examples of net.algart.math.IPoint.symmetric()

        assert bufSize < size;

        final IPoint min = pattern.coordMin().toRoundedPoint();
        final Pattern shiftedPattern = pattern.shift(min.symmetric().toPoint()); // "normalized" coordinates >=0
        final Matrix<? extends PArray> shiftedSrc = Matrices.asShifted(src, min.coordinates()).cast(PArray.class);

        final long[] dimensions = src.dimensions();
        final long lSize = Arrays.longMul(dimensions, 0, dimensions.length - 1);
        final long lastDim = dimensions[dimensions.length - 1];
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Examples of net.algart.math.IPoint.symmetric()

                Point o = p.area().min();
                IPoint localOffset = o.toRoundedPoint();
                assert o.equals(localOffset.toPoint());
                Matrix<T> casted = Matrices.asFuncMatrix(Func.IDENTITY, requiredType, m);
                // - must be before subMatr, if requiredType allows outsideValue, but the source matrix does not
                return casted.subMatr(localOffset.symmetric().coordinates(), dimensions,
            if (p instanceof UniversalFramePosition
                && ((UniversalFramePosition)p).inverseTransform() instanceof LinearOperator)
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Examples of net.algart.math.IPoint.symmetric()

                IPoint localOffset = o.toRoundedPoint();
                assert o.equals(localOffset.toPoint());
                Matrix<? extends PArray> m = localFrame.matrix();
                m = Matrices.asFuncMatrix(Func.IDENTITY, DoubleArray.class, m);
                // - we need Double virtual matrix to provide correct NaN values to the combining function
                m = m.subMatr(localOffset.symmetric().coordinates(), dimensions, Matrix.ContinuationMode.NAN_CONSTANT);
            return Matrices.asFuncMatrix(
                ((CoordinateFreeStitchingMethod<?>) stitchingMethod).combiningFunc(),
                requiredType, expandedMatrices);
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Examples of net.algart.math.IPoint.symmetric()

                Point preciseRectEndOrStart = negativeSegments ? ptn.coordMax() : ptn.coordMin();
                assert preciseRectEndOrStart.isInteger();
                // - this method is called only in union-decomposition mode,
                // which is not used for non-integer or (N+1)-dimensional patterns
                rectEndOrStart = preciseRectEndOrStart.toRoundedPoint();
                normalized = ptn.shift(rectEndOrStart.symmetric().toPoint());
                // normalized segment has origin at the left or right end:
                // so minkowskiIncrement will consists of little positive / negative points
                // that provide good (small) leftward / rightward shifts
                minkowskiIncrement = lastNormalized == null ?
                    null :
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