Examples of search()

Examples of org.apache.abdera.ext.opensearch.server.OpenSearchUrlAdapter.search()

            OpenSearchUrlInfo urlInfo = this.getMatchingUrlInfo(requestContext);
            if (urlInfo != null) {
                OpenSearchUrlAdapter adapter = urlInfo.getOpenSearchUrlAdapter();
                if (adapter != null) {
                    Map<String, String> params = this.getUrlParametersFromRequest(requestContext, urlInfo);
                    return adapter.search(requestContext, params);
                } else {
                    return ProviderHelper.notfound(requestContext);
            } else {
                return ProviderHelper.notfound(requestContext);

Examples of org.apache.bcel.util.InstructionFinder.search()

  InstructionHandle ih;
  String pattern;

  // Remove seqences of ALOAD, POP (GTM)
  pattern = "`ALOAD'`POP'`Instruction'";
  for(Iterator iter=find.search(pattern); iter.hasNext();){
      InstructionHandle[] match = (InstructionHandle[])iter.next();
      try {
    if ((!match[0].hasTargeters()) && (!match[1].hasTargeters())) {
                    il.delete(match[0], match[1]);

Examples of org.apache.blur.server.IndexSearcherClosable.search()

        query.add(new TermQuery(new Term(ROW_ID, rowId)), Occur.MUST);
      } else {
        query.add(new TermQuery(new Term(ROW_ID, rowId)), Occur.MUST);
        query.add(new TermQuery(BlurUtil.PRIME_DOC_TERM), Occur.MUST);
      TopDocs topDocs = searcher.search(query, 1);
      if (topDocs.totalHits > 1) {
        if (selector.recordOnly) {
          LOG.warn("Rowid [" + rowId + "], recordId [" + recordId
              + "] has more than one prime doc that is not deleted.");
        } else {

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore.search()

    public static List<Row> executeLocally(RangeSliceCommand command) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Table.open(command.keyspace).getColumnFamilyStore(command.column_family);
        if (cfs.indexManager.hasIndexFor(command.row_filter))
            return cfs.search(command.row_filter, command.range, command.maxResults, command.predicate, command.maxIsColumns);
            return cfs.getRangeSlice(command.super_column, command.range, command.maxResults, command.predicate, command.row_filter, command.maxIsColumns, command.isPaging);

    public void doVerb(MessageIn<RangeSliceCommand> message, String id)

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.utils.IntervalTree.search()

        intervals.add(new Interval(49,60));

        IntervalTree it = new IntervalTree(intervals);

        assertEquals(3,it.search(new Interval(4,4)).size());

        assertEquals(4, it.search(new Interval(4, 5)).size());

        assertEquals(7, it.search(new Interval(-1,10)).size());

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.components.search.LuceneCocoonSearcher.search()


            Term term = new Term("body", "tutorial");
            Query query = new TermQuery(term);

            Hits hits = searcher.search(query);

             * The indexing doesn't work at the moment when the tests are executed because the
             * cocoon:// protocol is not supported in the test environment.

Examples of org.apache.commons.math.optimization.univariate.BracketFinder.search()

    for (int i = 1; i <= retries && !interrupt; i++) {
      try {
        BracketFinder bracketFinder = new BracketFinder(growthLimit,

        bracketFinder.search(function, goal, min, max);

        BrentOptimizer extremaFinder = new BrentOptimizer();

        extremeTime = extremaFinder.optimize(function, goal,
            bracketFinder.getLo(), bracketFinder.getHi(),

Examples of org.apache.directory.ldap.client.api.LdapConnection.search()

        Dn base = new Dn( "ou=tests,ou=system" );
        Dn userDn = new Dn( "uid=" + uid + ",ou=users,ou=system" );
        LdapConnection userCtx = getConnectionAs( userDn, password );
        EntryCursor cursor = userCtx.search( base.getName(), filter, scope, "*" );
        int counter = 0;
        while ( cursor.next() )
            Entry result = cursor.get();

Examples of org.apache.directory.ldap.client.api.LdapNetworkConnection.search()

        ps.setReturnECs( true );
        ps.setCritical( true );
        sr.addControl( ps );
        final SearchCursor cursor = connection.search( sr );
        final List<Entry> entryList = new ArrayList<Entry>();
        Runnable r = new Runnable()

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.CoreSession.search()

        CoreSession coreSession = service.getAdminSession();
        DN dn = new DN( "ou=nobody,ou=apache,ou=roles,o=Mnn,c=WW,ou=system" );
            coreSession.search( dn, "(ObjectClass=*)", false );
        catch ( ReferralException re )
            int nbRefs = 0;
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