Examples of processRemaining()

Examples of org.apache.oozie.util.TimestampedMessageParser.processRemaining()


            // If it's just the one server (this server), then we don't need to do any more processing and can just copy it directly
            if (parsers.size() == 1) {
                TimestampedMessageParser parser = parsers.get(0);
                parser.processRemaining(writer, bufferLen);
            else {
                // Now that we have a Reader for each server to get the logs from that server, we have to collate them.  Within each
                // server, the logs should already be in the correct order, so we can take advantage of that.  We'll use the
                // BufferedReaders to read the messages from the logs of each server and put them in order without having to bring
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Examples of org.apache.oozie.util.TimestampedMessageParser.processRemaining()

                // If there's only one parser left in the map, then we can simply copy the rest of its lines directly to be faster
                if (timestampMap.size() == 1) {
                    TimestampedMessageParser parser = timestampMap.values().iterator().next();
                    writer.write(parser.getLastMessage())// don't forget the last message read by the parser
                    parser.processRemaining(writer, bufferLen, bytesWritten + parser.getLastMessage().length());
        finally {
            for (TimestampedMessageParser parser : parsers) {
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