Examples of plus()

Examples of edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Expr.plus()

             if (n<=0) break;
             if (lastSize>0 && lastSize<=n) throw new ErrorFatal("An internal error occurred in the evaluator.");
             Type extra = ts.iterator().next().type();
             type = type.merge(extra);
             sum = sum.plus(extra.toExpr());
          // Now, write out the tupleset
          A4TupleSet ts = (A4TupleSet)(sol.eval(expr));
          for(A4Tuple t: ts) {
             if (prefix.length()>0) { out.print(prefix); prefix=""; }

Examples of edu.umd.cloud9.io.map.HMapSIW.plus()

        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      Iterator<HMapSIW> iter = values.iterator();
      HMapSIW map = new HMapSIW();

      while (iter.hasNext()) {

      context.write(key, map);

Examples of flanagan.analysis.ErrorProp.plus()

           for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfTEmeasurementsGrating; i++){
                ErrorProp theta = new ErrorProp(this.anglesRadTM[i], this.errorsRadTM[i]);
                ErrorProp order = new ErrorProp((double)this.gratingOrderTE[i], 0.0D);
                ErrorProp calc = ErrorProp.sin(theta);
                calc = calc.times(superRI);
                calc = calc.plus(lambda.times(order).over(pitch));
                this.effectiveRefractiveIndicesTE[i] = calc.getValue();
                this.effectiveErrorsTE[i] = calc.getError();
           super.enterTEmodeData(this.thicknessesTE, this.effectiveRefractiveIndicesTE, this.effectiveErrorsTE, this.modeNumbersTE);

Examples of flanagan.circuits.Phasor.plus()

                            for(int i=0; i<this.length; i++)sumcc.plus(cc[i]);
            case 15: Phasor[] pp = this.getArray_as_Phasor();
                    Phasor sumpp = Phasor.zero();
                    for(int i=0; i<this.length; i++)sumpp.plus(pp[i]);
            default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data type not identified by this method");
        this.sumDone = true;

Examples of flanagan.complex.Complex.plus()

                    bi = null;
                    sumbi = null;
            case 14: Complex[] cc = this.getArray_as_Complex();
                    Complex sumcc = Complex.zero();
                            for(int i=0; i<this.length; i++)sumcc.plus(cc[i]);
            case 15: Phasor[] pp = this.getArray_as_Phasor();
                    Phasor sumpp = Phasor.zero();
                    for(int i=0; i<this.length; i++)sumpp.plus(pp[i]);

Examples of geom.Position.plus()

  protected abstract void draw(Graphics2D g2D, Position topLeft, ColourScheme colourScheme);

  public Position getCentre(Position topLeft) {
    Position corner = getPosition(topLeft);
    Offset innerCentre = getInnerRectangle().getCentre();
    return corner.plus(innerCentre);

Examples of java.time.LocalDateTime.plus()

    // Test altering component fields using delta method plusXXX()
    LocalDateTime futureDateTime = localDateTime.plusWeeks(3);
    expectedDate = LocalDate.of(localDateTime.getYear(), Month.SEPTEMBER, 20);
    assertThat(futureDateTime, is(LocalDateTime.of(expectedDate, expectedTime)));
    // Test altering component fields using generic delta method plus(value, Unit)
    futureDateTime = futureDateTime.plus(1, ChronoUnit.WEEKS);
    expectedDate = LocalDate.of(localDateTime.getYear(), Month.SEPTEMBER, 27);
    assertThat(futureDateTime, is(LocalDateTime.of(expectedDate, expectedTime)));


Examples of java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate.plus()

            int yearLen = date.lengthOfYear();
            int newYearWeek = computeWeek(offset, yearLen + weekDef.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek());
            wowby = Math.min(wowby, newYearWeek - 1);

            int days = -offset + (dow - 1) + (wowby - 1) * 7;
            return date.plus(days, DAYS);

        private final String name;
        private final WeekFields weekDef;
        private final TemporalUnit baseUnit;

Examples of javax.time.Duration.plus()

     * @throws ArithmeticException if the calculation overflows
    public Duration toEstimatedDuration() {
        Duration dur = Duration.ZERO;
        for (PeriodField field : this) {
            dur = dur.plus(field.toEstimatedDuration());
        return dur;


Examples of javolution.text.Text.plus()

    public Text toText() {
        // We use Text concatenation instead of TextBuilder to avoid copying
        // the text representation of the record values (unknown length).
        Text text = Text.valueOf("{");
        for (Record r = head(), end = tail(); (r = r.getNext()) != end;) {
            text = text.plus(valueOf(r));
            if (r.getNext() != end) {
                text = text.plus(", ");
        return text.plus("}");
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