Examples of placeOfBirth()

Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Male.placeOfBirth()

                EntityBuilder<MaleEntity> maleBuilder = unitOfWork.newEntityBuilder( MaleEntity.class );
                Male jackDoe = maleBuilder.instance();
                jackDoe.name().set( "Jack Doe" );
                jackDoe.title().set( Person.Title.DR );
                jackDoe.placeOfBirth().set( penang );
                jackDoe.yearOfBirth().set( 1970 );
                jackDoe.interests().add( 0, cars );
                jackDoe.wife().set( annDoe );
                jackDoe.password().set( "passwordOfJohnDoe" );
                jackDoe.mainAccount().set( jacksAccount );
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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
        // should return Joe and Ann Doe
        Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
            eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Kuala Lumpur" ),
            NO_VARIABLES );
        assertNames( entities, JOE, ANN );
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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
        // should return Jack Doe
        Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
            and( ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ), eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) ),
            NO_VARIABLES );
        assertNames( entities, JACK );
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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
            new OrderBy[]
            orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.name() )
            NO_VARIABLES );
        assertNames( false, entities, ANN, JOE, JACK );
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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

    public void script04()
        throws EntityFinderException
        QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.module.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
        Person personTemplate = templateFor( Person.class );
        City placeOfBirth = personTemplate.placeOfBirth().get();
        Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where( eq( placeOfBirth.name(), "Kuala Lumpur" ) ) );
        System.out.println( "*** script04: " + query );
        verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Joe Doe", "Ann Doe" );

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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

    public void script04_ne()
        throws EntityFinderException
        QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.module.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
        Person personTemplate = templateFor( Person.class );
        City placeOfBirth = personTemplate.placeOfBirth().get();
        Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where( ne( placeOfBirth.name(), "Kuala Lumpur" ) ) );
        System.out.println( "*** script04_ne: " + query );
        verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        throws EntityFinderException
        QueryBuilder<Nameable> qb = this.module.newQueryBuilder( Nameable.class );
        Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
        Query<Nameable> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where(
            and( ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ), eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) ) ) );
        System.out.println( "*** script07: " + query );
        verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.module.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
        // should return all Persons sorted by name of the city they were born, and then by year they were born
        Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
        Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb );
        query.orderBy( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.yearOfBirth() ) );
        System.out.println( "*** script21: " + query );
        verifyOrderedResults( query, "Ann Doe", "Joe Doe", "Jack Doe" );

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Examples of org.qi4j.test.indexing.model.Person.placeOfBirth()

        Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
        final Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( this.module
            .newQueryBuilder( Person.class )
            .where( queries.get( "script21" ) ) );
        query.orderBy( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.yearOfBirth() ) );
        System.out.println( "*** script21: " + query );
        verifyOrderedResults( query, "Ann Doe", "Joe Doe", "Jack Doe" );

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