Examples of performNonSelectingQuery()

Examples of org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()


    public void testSelect() {
        DataContext context = createDataContext();

        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (1, 'AAAA')"));
        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (2, 'BBBB')"));
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()

        DataContext context = createDataContext();

        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (1, 'AAAA')"));
        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (2, 'BBBB')"));
        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC2 (GENERIC1_ID, ID, NAME) VALUES (1, 1, 'CCCCC')"));
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()

                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (1, 'AAAA')"));
        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (2, 'BBBB')"));
        context.performNonSelectingQuery(new SQLTemplate(
                "INSERT INTO GENERIC2 (GENERIC1_ID, ID, NAME) VALUES (1, 1, 'CCCCC')"));

        Expression qual = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("name", "AAAA");
        SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery("Generic1", qual);
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