Package joptsimple

Examples of joptsimple.OptionParser.acceptsAll()

                .withValuesConvertedBy(new EnumConverter<LifecycleState>(LifecycleState.class))

        incrementalIdxStateOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("incremental"), "Incremental indexing state, one of "
                        + IncrementalIndexingState.SUBSCRIBE_AND_CONSUME
                        + ", " + IncrementalIndexingState.SUBSCRIBE_DO_NOT_CONSUME
                        + ", " + IncrementalIndexingState.DO_NOT_SUBSCRIBE)
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                .withValuesConvertedBy(new EnumConverter<IncrementalIndexingState>(IncrementalIndexingState.class))

        batchIdxStateOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("batch"), "Batch indexing state, can only be set to "
                        + BatchIndexingState.BUILD_REQUESTED + (". This will trigger a batch rebuild of the index in "
                        + "\"direct write\" mode (scanning over all records and sending the results to a live solr cluster)."))
                .withValuesConvertedBy(new EnumConverter<BatchIndexingState>(BatchIndexingState.class))
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                .withValuesConvertedBy(new EnumConverter<BatchIndexingState>(BatchIndexingState.class))

        defaultBatchIndexCliArgumentsOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("dbc", "default-batch-cli-arguments"),
                        "Default batch indexing cli arguments for this indexer. On update, use this option without"
                                + " filename argument to clear the setting. Note that not all options of the map reduce"
                                + " batch index job make sense in this context, because it only supports direct write to"
                                + " a running solr cluster (i.e. --reducers 0)")
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                                + " filename argument to clear the setting. Note that not all options of the map reduce"
                                + " batch index job make sense in this context, because it only supports direct write to"
                                + " a running solr cluster (i.e. --reducers 0)")

        batchIndexCliArgumentsOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("bc", "batch-cli-arguments"),
                        "Batch indexing cli arguments to use for the next batch index build triggered, this overrides"
                                + " the default batch index cli arguments (if any). On update, use this option without"
                                + " filename argument to clear the setting. Note that not all options of the map reduce"
                                + " batch index job make sense in this context, because it only supports direct write to"
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     * Optionally override this to add CLI options. The canonical usage is to first call super,
     * and then add your own options to it.
    protected OptionParser setupOptionParser() {
        OptionParser parser =  new OptionParser();
        parser.acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("h", "help"), "shows help for this command");
        parser.acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("dl", "default-log"), "don't override log4j config");
        return parser;

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     * and then add your own options to it.
    protected OptionParser setupOptionParser() {
        OptionParser parser =  new OptionParser();
        parser.acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("h", "help"), "shows help for this command");
        parser.acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("dl", "default-log"), "don't override log4j config");
        return parser;

     * The name of this command, for use in informational messages.
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    protected OptionParser setupOptionParser() {
        OptionParser parser = super.setupOptionParser();

        nameOption = parser.acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("n", "name"), "a name for the index").withRequiredArg().ofType(

        return parser;
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        OptionParser parser =  new OptionParser();
        OptionSpec enableJmxOption = parser.accepts("enable-jmx",
                "use JMX to retrieve info from HBase regionservers (port " + ReplicationStatusRetriever.HBASE_JMX_PORT + ")");
        OptionSpec<String> zkOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(ImmutableList.of("z"), "ZooKeeper connection string, defaults to localhost")
        OptionSpec<Integer> hbaseMasterPortOption = parser
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        OptionSpec<String> zkOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(ImmutableList.of("z"), "ZooKeeper connection string, defaults to localhost")
        OptionSpec<Integer> hbaseMasterPortOption = parser
                .acceptsAll(ImmutableList.of("hbase-master-port"), "HBase Master web ui port number")

        OptionSet options = null;
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    protected OptionParser setupOptionParser() {
        OptionParser parser = super.setupOptionParser();

        zkOption = parser
                        .acceptsAll(Lists.newArrayList("z", "zookeeper"), "ZooKeeper connection string. Can also be " +
                                "specified through environment variable " + ZK_ENV_VAR)

        return parser;
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