
Examples of

        ModificationItem modifyOp = new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute(
            "subschemaSubentry", "cn=anotherSchema" ) );

            ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN_DEBBIE_HARRY, new ModificationItem[]
                { modifyOp } );

            fail( "modification of entry should fail" );
        catch ( InvalidAttributeValueException e )

        // modify object classes, add two more
        Attributes attributes = LdifUtils.createJndiAttributes( "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
            "objectClass: inetOrgPerson" );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" ); newOcls = attributes.get( "objectClass" );

        ModificationItem addModOp = new ModificationItem(
            DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, desc1 );

            ctx.modifyAttributes( rdn, new ModificationItem[]
                { addModOp } );
        catch ( AttributeModificationException ame )

        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true ); desc = new BasicAttribute( "description", newDescription );
        attributes.put( desc );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" ); newDesc = attributes.get( "description" );

        displayName.add( "Fiona A." );
        attrs.put( displayName );

            ctx.modifyAttributes( "cn=Fiona Apple", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
            fail( "modification of entry should fail" );
        catch ( InvalidAttributeValueException e )

        // Add a binary attribute
        byte[] newValue = new byte[]
            { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "userCertificate;binary", newValue, true );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN_TORI_AMOS, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );

        // Verify, that attribute value is added
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( RDN_TORI_AMOS );
        Attribute attr = attrs.get( "userCertificate" );
        assertNotNull( attr );

        // modify object classes, add two more
        Attributes attributes = LdifUtils.createJndiAttributes( "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
            "objectClass: inetOrgPerson" );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" ); newOcls = attributes.get( "objectClass" );

        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true ); desc = new BasicAttribute( "description", newDescription );
        attributes.put( desc );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" ); newDesc = attributes.get( "description" );

        // Add a binary attribute
        byte[] newValue = new byte[]
            { ( byte ) 0x80, ( byte ) 0x81, ( byte ) 0x82, ( byte ) 0x83 };
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "userCertificate;binary", newValue, true );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN_TORI_AMOS, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );

        // Verify, that attribute value is added
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( RDN_TORI_AMOS );
        Attribute attr = attrs.get( "userCertificate" );
        assertNotNull( attr );

        // Add a ;binary attribute
        byte[] newValue = new byte[]
            { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "userCertificate;binary", newValue );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN_TORI_AMOS, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );

        // Search entry an request ;binary attribute
        SearchControls sctls = new SearchControls();
        sctls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
        sctls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]

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