Package java.math

Examples of java.math.BigDecimal.divide()

                BigDecimal tmp1 = a.multiply(b_two_j_p_1, mContext);
                tmp1 = pa.multiply(tmp1, mContext);
                BigDecimal tmp2 = pma.multiply(b_j, mContext);
                // P[j+1](a)
                BigDecimal ppa = tmp1.subtract(tmp2, mContext);
                ppa = ppa.divide(b_j_p_1, mContext);

                // Compute P[j+1](b)
                // ppb = ((2 * j + 1) * b * pb - j * pmb) / (j + 1);

                tmp1 = b.multiply(b_two_j_p_1, mContext);
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                tmp1 = b.multiply(b_two_j_p_1, mContext);
                tmp1 = pb.multiply(tmp1, mContext);
                tmp2 = pmb.multiply(b_j, mContext);
                // P[j+1](b)
                BigDecimal ppb = tmp1.subtract(tmp2, mContext);
                ppb = ppb.divide(b_j_p_1, mContext);

                pma = pa;
                pa = ppa;
                pmb = pb;
                pb = ppb;
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                    tmp1 = c.multiply(b_two_j_p_1, mContext);
                    tmp1 = pc.multiply(tmp1, mContext);
                    tmp2 = pmc.multiply(b_j, mContext);
                    // P[j+1](c)
                    BigDecimal ppc = tmp1.subtract(tmp2, mContext);
                    ppc = ppc.divide(b_j_p_1, mContext);

                    pmc = pc;
                    pc = ppc;
                // Now pc = P[n+1](c) and pmc = P[n](c).
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            tmp1 = tmp1.multiply(nP);
            tmp1 = tmp1.pow(2, mContext);
            BigDecimal tmp2 = c.pow(2, mContext);
            tmp2 = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(tmp2, mContext);
            tmp2 = tmp2.multiply(two, mContext);
            tmp2 = tmp2.divide(tmp1, mContext);

            points[i] = c;
            weights[i] = tmp2;

            final int idx = numberOfPoints - i - 1;
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      // BigDecimal customerMinusInternalDivideCustomer =
      // contributionMargin
      // .divide(ownProductionCostCustomer, 2,
      // RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);

      return contributionMargin.divide(ownProductionCostCustomer, 2,

      // return BigDecimal.valueOf(1).subtract(
      // customerMinusInternalDivideCustomer);
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            if (persons.compareTo(new BigDecimal("2")) == 0)
                rentalAdjustment = rentalAdjustment.add(secondPersonPerc);
        rentalAdjustment = rentalAdjustment.add(new BigDecimal(100))// add final 100 percent for first person
        rentalAdjustment = rentalAdjustment.divide(new BigDecimal(100), scale, rounding).multiply(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(length)));
//        Debug.logInfo("rental parameters....Nbr of persons:" + persons + " extra% 2nd person:" + secondPersonPerc + " extra% Nth person:" + nthPersonPerc + " Length: " + length + "  total rental adjustment:" + rentalAdjustment ,module);
        return rentalAdjustment; // return total rental adjustment

    public static BigDecimal getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(List<GenericValue> orderItems, List<GenericValue> adjustments, boolean includeOther, boolean includeTax, boolean includeShipping) {
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                        } else if (adj.get("sourcePercentage") != null) {
                            // pro-rate the amount
                            // set decimals = 100 means we don't round this intermediate value, which is very important
                            BigDecimal percent = adj.getBigDecimal("sourcePercentage");
                            percent = percent.divide(new BigDecimal(100), 100, ROUNDING);
                            amount = billingAmount.multiply(percent);
                            amount = amount.divide(originalOrderItemQuantity, 100, ROUNDING);
                            amount = amount.multiply(billingQuantity);
                            amount = amount.setScale(invoiceTypeDecimals, ROUNDING);
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            adjAmount = amount;
        else if (adj.get("sourcePercentage") != null) {
            // pro-rate the amount
            BigDecimal percent = adj.getBigDecimal("sourcePercentage");
            percent = percent.divide(new BigDecimal(100), 100, rounding);
            BigDecimal amount = ZERO;
            // make sure the divisor is not 0 to avoid NaN problems; just leave the amount as 0 and skip it in essense
            if (divisor.signum() != 0) {
                // multiply first then divide to avoid rounding errors
                amount = percent.multiply(divisor);
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                if (codSurchargeApplyToNoPackages) {
                    codSurchargeAmount = "0";
                codSurchargePackageAmount = new BigDecimal(codSurchargeAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);
                if (codSurchargeSplitBetweenPackages) {
                    codSurchargePackageAmount = codSurchargePackageAmount.divide(new BigDecimal(shipmentPackageRouteSegs.size()), decimals, rounding);

                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(destTelecomNumber)) {
                    Debug.logInfo("Voice notification service will not be requested for COD shipmentId " + shipmentId + ", shipmentRouteSegmentId " + shipmentRouteSegmentId + " - missing destination phone number", module);
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                    GenericValue taxAdjustment =;
                    if ("SALES_TAX".equals(taxAdjustment.getString("orderAdjustmentTypeId"))) {
                        taxPercentage = taxPercentage.add(taxAdjustment.getBigDecimal("sourcePercentage"));
                        BigDecimal adjAmount = taxAdjustment.getBigDecimal("amount");
                        taxTotal = taxTotal.add(adjAmount);
                        priceWithTax = priceWithTax.add(adjAmount.divide(quantity,salestaxCalcDecimals,salestaxRounding));
                        Debug.logInfo("For productId [" + productId + "] added [" + adjAmount.divide(quantity,salestaxCalcDecimals,salestaxRounding) + "] of tax to price for geoId [" + taxAdjustment.getString("taxAuthGeoId") + "], new price is [" + priceWithTax + "]", module);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
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