Examples of evaluate()

Examples of ca.eandb.jmist.framework.function.ConstantFunction1.evaluate()

    System.out.printf("sacWater=%f", SAC_WATER.evaluate(lambda));
    System.out.printf("nWall=%f", iorAntidermalWall.evaluate(lambda));
    System.out.printf("nMesophyll=%f", iorMesophyll.evaluate(lambda));
    System.out.printf("dryBulkDensity=%f", dryBulkDensity);

    if (bifacial) {

Examples of caltrop.interpreter.ExprEvaluator.evaluate()

                Expression valExpr = decls[i].getInitialValue();

                // Note: this assumes that declarations are
                // ordered by eager dependency
                Object value = (valExpr == null) ? _theContext.createNull()
                        : eval.evaluate(valExpr);
                env.bind(var, value);

Examples of caltrop.interpreter.StmtEvaluator.evaluate()

        final Action action = envAction;
        final StmtEvaluator eval = new StmtEvaluator(context, env);
        final Statement[] body = action.getBody();

        for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {

     * Compute the output tokens and send them to the specified (at

Examples of cc.mallet.cluster.evaluate.ClusteringEvaluator.evaluate()

    ArrayList<Clustering> predictions = new ArrayList<Clustering>();
    for (int i = 0; i < testing.size(); i++) {
      Clustering clustering = testing.get(i);
      Clustering predicted = clusterer.cluster(clustering.getInstances());
      logger.info(evaluator.evaluate(clustering, predicted));

Examples of cc.mallet.cluster.evaluate.ClusteringEvaluators.evaluate()

        new MUCEvaluator(),
        new AccuracyEvaluator()});

    System.err.println("truth:" + testing);
    System.err.println("pred: " + predictedClusters);       
    System.err.println(evaluators.evaluate(testing, predictedClusters));          
   * Sample a InstanceList and its true clustering.
   * @param alph

Examples of cc.mallet.extract.ExtractionEvaluator.evaluate()

      eval.test (extor.getAcrf (), testing, "Final results");

    if ((extractionEval != null) && (testing != null)) {
      Extraction extraction = extor.extract (testing);
      extractionEval.evaluate (extraction);
      timing.tick ("Evaluting");

    System.out.println ("Total time (ms) = " + timing.elapsedTime ());

Examples of cc.mallet.fst.TokenAccuracyEvaluator.evaluate()

    crf.addFullyConnectedStatesForLabels ();
    CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood crft = new CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood (crf);
    TokenAccuracyEvaluator eval = new TokenAccuracyEvaluator (new InstanceList[] {training, testing}, new String[] {"Training", "Testing"});
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      crft.train (training, 1);

    CRFExtractor extor = hackCrfExtor (crf);
    Extraction e1 = extor.extract (new ArrayIterator (data1));

Examples of cc.mallet.fst.TransducerEvaluator.evaluate()

    MEMM memm = new MEMM (pipe2, null);
    memm.addFullyConnectedStatesForLabels ();
    MEMMTrainer memmt = new MEMMTrainer (memm);
    TransducerEvaluator memmeval = new TokenAccuracyEvaluator (new InstanceList[] {training2, testing2}, new String[] {"Training2", "Testing2"});
    memmt.train (training2, 5);

    CRFExtractor extor2 = hackCrfExtor (memm);
    Extraction e2 = extor2.extract (new ArrayIterator (data1));

    if (!htmlDir.exists ()) htmlDir.mkdir ();

Examples of cc.mallet.grmm.learning.ACRFEvaluator.evaluate()

    boolean ret = true;
    for (Iterator it = evals.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
      ACRFEvaluator evaluator = (ACRFEvaluator) it.next ();
      // Return false (i.e., stop training) if any sub-evaluator does.
      ret = ret && evaluator.evaluate (acrf, iter, training, validation, testing);
    return ret;

  public void test (InstanceList gold, List returned, String description)

Examples of cc.plural.jsonij.jpath.functions.RegexFunction.evaluate()

                                String functionName = functionCondition.getFunctionName();
                                FunctionArgument[] funtionArguments = functionCondition.getArguments();

                                if(functionName.equals("regex")) {
                                    RegexFunction regexFunction = new RegexFunction();
                                    Value result = regexFunction.evaluate(funtionArguments, checkElement);
                                    if(result == null) {
                                        expressionValid = false;
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