
Examples of

          objectStore = theEC.parentObjectStore();

        i = parentEditingContexts.count();
        while (i-- > 0) {
          EOEditingContext theEC = (EOEditingContext)parentEditingContexts.objectAtIndex(i);
          NSArray objectsMatchingQualifier = ERXEOControlUtilities.insertedObjects(theEC, entityNames, qualifier);
          if (objectsMatchingQualifier.count() > 0) {
            // fault the previous batch down
            objects = EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(theEC, objects);
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                NSMutableArray temp = new NSMutableArray(att.rules());
                GSVRule ru=null;
                for(int s=0;s<temp.count();s++){
                    ru = (GSVRule)temp.objectAtIndex(s);
                        errorMessage = "There is already a rule named: "+ selectedRule().ruleName();
                        return null;
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    public NSDictionary valDictFromSearchForLookup(Object aval) {
        Object lowVal = null;
        Object highVal = null;
        NSMutableArray possibleValuesToUse = possibleValuesToUse();
        Object maxVal = possibleValuesToUse.lastObject();
        Object minVal = possibleValuesToUse.objectAtIndex(0);
        double v = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(aval);
        double maxv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(maxVal);
        double minv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(minVal);

        if (!isPeriodic()) {
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            if (nextIndex == pvcount) {
                return null;

            lowVal = possibleValuesToUse.objectAtIndex(i);
            highVal = possibleValuesToUse.objectAtIndex(nextIndex);
            minv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(lowVal);
            maxv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(highVal);

            if ((v <= maxv) && (v > minv)) {
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            if (nextIndex == pvcount) {
                return null;

            lowVal = possibleValuesToUse.objectAtIndex(i);
            highVal = possibleValuesToUse.objectAtIndex(nextIndex);
            minv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(lowVal);
            maxv = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(highVal);

            if ((v <= maxv) && (v > minv)) {
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            Object value = eokeyvaluequalifier.value();
            Object obj;
            if(value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue || (value instanceof EOQualifierVariable)) {
                NSMutableDictionary mapping = new NSMutableDictionary(l);
                 for(int j = 0; j < l; j++) {
                    mapping.setObjectForKey(value, destinationAttibuteNames.objectAtIndex(j));
                obj = mapping;
            } else {
                NSMutableDictionary mapping = new NSMutableDictionary(l);
                for(int j = 0; j < l; j++) {
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              //"Added: " + item + " " + colCounts);
            //"Start: " + item + "  " + currentRow + "/" + rowSpan + " " + currentCol + "/" + colSpan + " " + colCounts);
            for(int i = row; i < row + rowSpan; i++) {
              int currentMaxColumns = ((Integer) colCounts.objectAtIndex(i)).intValue();
              currentMaxColumns = currentMaxColumns - (colSpan - (i == row ? 1 : 0));
              colCounts.replaceObjectAtIndex(Integer.valueOf(currentMaxColumns), i);
              //"Curr: " + item + "  " + i + "/" + rowSpan + " " + currentMaxColumns + "/" + colSpan + " " + colCounts);
            //"Intern: " + item + "  " + currentRow + "/" + rowSpan + " " + currentCol + "/" + colSpan + " " + colCounts);
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              currentMaxColumns = currentMaxColumns - (colSpan - (i == row ? 1 : 0));
              colCounts.replaceObjectAtIndex(Integer.valueOf(currentMaxColumns), i);
              //"Curr: " + item + "  " + i + "/" + rowSpan + " " + currentMaxColumns + "/" + colSpan + " " + colCounts);
            //"Intern: " + item + "  " + currentRow + "/" + rowSpan + " " + currentCol + "/" + colSpan + " " + colCounts);
            int currentRowMaxColums = ((Integer) colCounts.objectAtIndex(row)).intValue();
            total += rowSpan * colSpan;
            col += colSpan;
            if(col >= currentRowMaxColums) {
              col = 0;
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    NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = _ppbproject.fileListForKey("FRAMEWORKS", false);

    if (nsmutablearray != null) {
      int i = 0;
      for (int j = nsmutablearray.count(); i < j; i++) {
        String s = (String) nsmutablearray.objectAtIndex(i);
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      if (nsmutablearray == null) {
      int j = 0;
      for (int k = nsmutablearray.count(); j < k; j++) {
        String s = (String) nsmutablearray.objectAtIndex(j);
        if (NSPathUtilities.pathIsEqualToString(NSPathUtilities.pathExtension(s), "eomodeld")) {
          String s1 = _ppbproject.contentsFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "Resources" + File.separator + s;
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