Examples of canSetProperty()

Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value longValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG);
        Value longValues[] = new Value[] {longValue};
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and values are of type LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), longValues));

        Value booleanValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BOOLEAN);
        Value booleanValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, booleanValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type BooleanValue",
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value booleanValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BOOLEAN);
        Value booleanValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, booleanValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type BooleanValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), booleanValues));

        Value nameValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.NAME);
        Value nameValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, nameValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type NameValue",
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value nameValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.NAME);
        Value nameValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, nameValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type NameValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), nameValues));

        Value pathValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.PATH);
        Value pathValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, pathValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type PathValue",
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value pathValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.PATH);
        Value pathValues[] = new Value[] {doubleValue, pathValue};
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and values are of type PathValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), pathValues));

     * Tests if canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) returns false
     * if value does not satsfy the value constraints of the property def
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        NodeType nodeType = propDef.getDeclaringNodeType();

        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must " +
                "return false if value does not match the value constraints.",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), value));

     * Tests if canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) returns
     * false if values do not satisfy the value constraints of the property def
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        NodeType nodeType = propDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
        Value values[] = new Value[] {value};

        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) must " +
                "return false if values do not match the value constraints.",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), values));
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value anyStringValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.STRING);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Long and value is a StringValue " +
                "that is not convertible to a LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), anyStringValue));

        Value longStringValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG).getString());
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Long and value is a StringValue " +
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value longStringValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG).getString());
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Long and value is a StringValue " +
                "that is convertible to a LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), longStringValue));

        Value anyBinaryValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Long and value is a UTF-8 " +
                "BinaryValue that is not convertible to a LongValue",
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value anyBinaryValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Long and value is a UTF-8 " +
                "BinaryValue that is not convertible to a LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), anyBinaryValue));

        Value longBinaryValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG).getString(), PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Long and value is a UTF-8 " +
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Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType.canSetProperty()

        Value longBinaryValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG).getString(), PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Long and value is a UTF-8 " +
                "BinaryValue that is convertible to a LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), longBinaryValue));

        Value dateValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.DATE);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Long and value is a DateValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), dateValue));
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