Examples of XMLStreamReader2

Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

     * is encountered.
    protected void skipToEndElement()
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLStreamReader2 sr = mStreamReader;
        /* Here we have two choices: first, depth of current START_ELEMENT should
         * match that of matching END_ELEMENT. Additionally, START_ELEMENT's depth
         * for hierarchic cursors must be baseDepth+1.
        //int endDepth = sr.getDepth();
        int endDepth = mBaseDepth+1;

        while (true) {
            int type = sr.next();
            if (type == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
                int depth = sr.getDepth();
                if (depth > endDepth) {
                if (depth != endDepth) { // sanity check
                    _throwWrongEndElem(endDepth, depth);
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        /* Base depth to match is always known by the child in question,
         * so let's ask it (hierarchic cursor parent also knows it)
        final int endDepth = child.getBaseParentCount();
        final XMLStreamReader2 sr = mStreamReader;

        for (int type = sr.getEventType(); true; type = sr.next()) {
            if (type == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
                int depth = sr.getDepth();
                if (depth > endDepth) {
                if (depth != endDepth) { // sanity check
                    _throwWrongEndElem(endDepth, depth);
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        // to require the stax2 API no matter what.
        XMLStreamReader effectiveReader = reader;
        if (effectiveReader instanceof DepthXMLStreamReader) {
            effectiveReader = ((DepthXMLStreamReader)reader).getReader();
        final XMLStreamReader2 reader2 = (XMLStreamReader2)effectiveReader;
        XMLValidationSchema vs = getValidator(endpoint, serviceInfo);
        if (vs == null) {
            return false;
        reader2.setValidationProblemHandler(new ValidationProblemHandler() {

            public void reportProblem(XMLValidationProblem problem) throws XMLValidationException {
                throw new Fault(new Message("READ_VALIDATION_ERROR", LOG, problem.getMessage()),
        return true;
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

            f.setProperty(WstxInputProperties.P_BASE_URL, file.toURL());

        int total = 0;
        XMLStreamReader2 sr;

        // Let's deal with gzipped files too?
        if (file.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
            System.out.println("[gzipped input file!]");
            sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader
                (new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream
                                       (new FileInputStream(file)), "UTF-8"));
        } else {
            sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(file);
            //sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(new StreamSource(file));

        int type = sr.getEventType();

        System.out.println("START: version = '"+sr.getVersion()
                           +"', xml-encoding = '"+sr.getCharacterEncodingScheme()
                           +"', input encoding = '"+sr.getEncoding()+"'");

        //while (sr.hasNext()) {
        while (type != END_DOCUMENT) {
            type = sr.next();
            total += type; // so it won't be optimized out...

            boolean hasName = sr.hasName();


            // Uncomment for location info debugging:
            LocationInfo li = sr.getLocationInfo();
            System.out.println(" BEGIN: "+li.getStartLocation());
            //System.out.println(" CURR:  "+li.getCurrentLocation());
            System.out.println(" END:   "+li.getEndLocation());

            if (sr.hasText()) {
                String text = null;

                // Choose normal or streaming
                if (true) {
                    text = sr.getText();
                } else {
                    StringWriter swr = new StringWriter();
                    int gotLen = sr.getText(swr, false);
                    text = swr.toString();
                    if (gotLen != text.length()) {
                        throw new Error("Error: lengths didn't match: getText() returned "+gotLen+", but String has "+text.length()+" chars.");

                if (text != null) { // Ref. impl. returns nulls sometimes
                    total += text.length(); // to prevent dead code elimination
                if (type == CHARACTERS || type == CDATA || type == COMMENT) {
                    System.out.println(" Text("+text.length()+") = '"+text+"'.");
                    if (text.length() == 1) {
                        System.out.println(" [first char code: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(text.charAt(0))+"]");
                } else if (type == SPACE) {
                    System.out.print(" Ws = '"+text+"'.");
                    char c = (text.length() == 0) ? ' ': text.charAt(text.length()-1);
                    if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
                } else if (type == DTD) {
                    DTDInfo info = sr.getDTDInfo();
                    System.out.println(" DTD (root "
                                       +", sysid "+getNullOrStr(info.getDTDSystemId())
                                       +", pubid "+getNullOrStr(info.getDTDPublicId())
                    List entities = (List) sr.getProperty("javax.xml.stream.entities");
                    List notations = (List) sr.getProperty("javax.xml.stream.notations");
                    int entCount = (entities == null) ? -1 : entities.size();
                    int notCount = (notations == null) ? -1 : notations.size();
                    System.out.print("  ("+entCount+" entities, "+notCount
                                       +" notations), sysid ");
                    System.out.print(", declaration = <<");
                } else if (type == ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
                    // entity ref
                    System.out.println(" Entity ref: &"+sr.getLocalName()+" -> '"+sr.getText()+"'.");
                    hasName = false; // to suppress further output
                } else { // PI?

                if (type == CHARACTERS) {
                    boolean isSpace = sr.isWhiteSpace();
                    int len = sr.getTextLength();

                    if (isSpace) {
                        text = sr.getText();
                        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                            char c = text.charAt(i);
                            if (c == ' ') {
                            } else if (c == '\t') {
//if(true) throw new Error("TAB!");
                            } else if (c == '\r') {
                            } else if (c == '\n') {
                            } else {
                        text = sb.toString();

            if (type == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
                System.out.println(" PI target = '"+sr.getPITarget()+"'.");
                System.out.println(" PI data = '"+sr.getPIData()+"'.");
            } else if (type == START_ELEMENT) {
                String prefix = sr.getPrefix();
                if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
                //System.out.println("[first char 0x"+Integer.toHexString(sr.getLocalName().charAt(0))+"]");
                System.out.print(" {ns '");
                System.out.print("'}> ");
                int count = sr.getAttributeCount();
                int nsCount = sr.getNamespaceCount();
                int idIx = sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex();
                System.out.println(" ["+nsCount+" ns, "+count+" attrs, id: "
                                   +((idIx < 0) ? "none" : ("#"+idIx))+"]");
                // debugging:
                for (int i = 0; i < nsCount; ++i) {
                    System.out.println(" ns#"+i+": '"+sr.getNamespacePrefix(i)
                                     +"' -> '"+sr.getNamespaceURI(i)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                    String val = sr.getAttributeValue(i);
                    System.out.print(" attr#"+i+"("+sr.getAttributeType(i)+"): "+sr.getAttributePrefix(i)
                                     +" ("+sr.getAttributeNamespace(i)
                                     +") -> '"+val
                                     +"' ["+(val.length())+"]");
                    System.out.println(sr.isAttributeSpecified(i) ?
                                       "[specified]" : "[Default]");
                System.out.print(" [Loc -> "+sr.getLocation()+"]");
            } else if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
                String prefix = sr.getPrefix();
                if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
                System.out.print(" {ns '");
                System.out.print("'}> ");
                int nsCount = sr.getNamespaceCount();
                System.out.print(" ["+nsCount+" ns unbound]");
                System.out.print(" [Loc -> "+sr.getLocation()+"]");
            } else if (type == START_DOCUMENT) { // only for multi-doc mode
                System.out.print("XML-DECL: version = '"+sr.getVersion()
                                 +"', xml-decl-encoding = '"+sr.getCharacterEncodingScheme()
                                 +"', app-encoding = '"+sr.getEncoding()
                                 +"', stand-alone set: "+sr.standaloneSet());
        return total;
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

    protected int test3(byte[] bdata, char[] cdata, File file)
        throws Exception
        XMLInputFactory2 f = (XMLInputFactory2) mInputFactory;
        XMLStreamReader2 sr;

        if (bdata != null) {
            sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader
                (new ByteArrayInputStream(bdata)
        } else {
            sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(new CharArrayReader(cdata));
        sr = (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(file);

        int result = 0;

        while (sr.hasNext()) {
            int type = sr.next();
            if (type == CHARACTERS) { // let's prevent skipping
                result += sr.getTextLength();
            result += type; // so it won't be optimized out...
        return result;
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        case COMMENT:
            return new WComment(loc, r.getText());
        case DTD:
            // Not sure if we really need this defensive coding but...
            if (r instanceof XMLStreamReader2) {
                XMLStreamReader2 sr2 = (XMLStreamReader2) r;
                DTDInfo dtd = sr2.getDTDInfo();
                return new WDTD(loc,
                                dtd.getDTDSystemId(), dtd.getDTDPublicId(),
                                (DTDSubset) dtd.getProcessedDTD());
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        /* Let's also add trailing CDATA, to ensure no coalescing is done
         * when not requested
        String XML = "<root>" + CONTENT_IN + "<![CDATA[cdata]]></root>";
        XMLStreamReader2 sr = getReader(XML, false);
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertTokenType(CHARACTERS, sr.next());
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        sr.getText(sw, false);
        String act = sw.toString();
        if (!act.equals(CONTENT_OUT)) {
            if (CONTENT_OUT.startsWith(act)) {
                fail("Streaming text accessors returned partial match; first "
                     +act.length()+" chars of the expected "
                     +CONTENT_OUT.length()+" chars");
            fail("Content accessed using streaming text accessor (len "
                     +act.length()+"; exp "+CONTENT_OUT.length()+" chars) wrong: "
                 +"expected ["+CONTENT_OUT+"], got ["+act+"]");

        // And should get the following CDATA, then:
        assertTokenType(CDATA, sr.next());
        // and then closing element; let's not check CDATA contents here
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        /* Let's also add trailing text, to ensure no coalescing is done
         * when not requested
        String XML = "<root><![CDATA[" + CONTENT_INOUT + "]]>some text!</root>";
        XMLStreamReader2 sr = getReader(XML, false);
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertTokenType(CDATA, sr.next());
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        sr.getText(sw, false);
        String act = sw.toString();
        if (!act.equals(CONTENT_INOUT)) {
            if (CONTENT_INOUT.startsWith(act)) {
                fail("Streaming text accessors returned partial match; first "
                     +act.length()+" chars of the expected "
                     +CONTENT_INOUT.length()+" chars");
            fail("Content accessed using streaming text accessor (len "
                     +act.length()+"; exp "+CONTENT_INOUT.length()+" chars) wrong: "
                 +"expected ["+CONTENT_INOUT+"], got ["+act+"]");

        // And should get the following CHARACTERS then:
        assertTokenType(CHARACTERS, sr.next());
        // and then closing element; let's not check text contents here
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

        String CONTENT_OUT2 = "Then CDATA and text...\nneat-o!";

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            boolean first = (i == 0);
            String XML = "<root>" + (first ? CONTENT_IN1 : CONTENT_IN2) + "</root>";
            XMLStreamReader2 sr = getReader(XML, true);
            assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
            assertTokenType(CHARACTERS, sr.next());
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            sr.getText(sw, false);
            String act = sw.toString();
            String exp = first ? CONTENT_OUT1 : CONTENT_OUT2;
            if (!act.equals(exp)) {
                if (exp.startsWith(act)) {
                    fail("Streaming text accessors returned partial match; first "
                         +act.length()+" chars of the expected "
                         +exp.length()+" chars");
                fail("Content accessed using streaming text accessor (len "
                     +act.length()+"; exp "+exp.length()+" chars) wrong: "
                     +"expected ["+exp+"], got ["+act+"]");
            // and then closing element
            assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());
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Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2

    private void doTestXmlId(boolean xmlidEnabled,
                             boolean nsAware, boolean coal)
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLStreamReader2 sr = getReader(XML_WITH_XMLID, xmlidEnabled, nsAware, coal);
        final String xmlidType = xmlidEnabled ? "ID" : "CDATA";

        // root:
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertEquals(1, sr.getAttributeCount());
        assertEquals("id", sr.getAttributeLocalName(0));
        assertEquals("CDATA", sr.getAttributeType(0));
        assertEquals(-1, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());

        // leaf#1:
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertEquals(1, sr.getAttributeCount());
        assertEquals("abc", sr.getAttributeValue(0));
        if (xmlidEnabled) {
            assertEquals(0, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());
        } else {
            assertEquals(-1, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());
        assertEquals(xmlidType, sr.getAttributeType(0));
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());

        // leaf#2:
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertEquals(1, sr.getAttributeCount());
        assertEquals("foobar", sr.getAttributeValue(0));
        assertEquals("id", sr.getAttributeLocalName(0));
        assertEquals(-1, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());
        assertEquals("CDATA", sr.getAttributeType(0));
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());

        // leaf#3:
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, sr.next());
        assertEquals(1, sr.getAttributeCount());
        assertEquals(xmlidType, sr.getAttributeType(0));
        if (xmlidEnabled) {
            assertEquals(0, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());
        } else {
            assertEquals(-1, sr.getAttributeInfo().getIdAttributeIndex());

        // also, should be normalized:
        if (xmlidEnabled) {
            assertEquals("_otherId", sr.getAttributeValue(0));
        } else {
            assertEquals("  _otherId ", sr.getAttributeValue(0));
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, sr.next());

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