Examples of XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

        _javaClass = array.getComponentType();
        //-- create element descriptor
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl desc = null;
        FieldHandler handler = null;
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(_javaClass, "_elements", null, NodeType.Element);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                return object;
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                //-- do nothing
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                //-- not used
                return null;
        } );
        elements[0] = desc;
        fields[0] = desc;
    } //-- RootArrayDescriptor()
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl


    public SQLDateClassDescriptor() {
        if (_contentDescriptor == null) {
            _contentDescriptor = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(String.class,
                "content", "content", NodeType.Text);

            //-- setHandler
            DateFieldHandler dfh = new DateFieldHandler(
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

        FieldDescriptor        fieldDesc;
        CollectionType         colType  = fieldMap.getCollection();
        String                 xmlName  = null;
        NodeType               nodeType = null;
        String                 match    = null;
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl xmlDesc;
        boolean                isReference = false;
        boolean                isXMLTransient = false;

        //-- handle special case for HashMap/Hashtable
        if ((fieldMap.getType() == null) && (colType != null)) {
            if ((colType == CollectionType.HASHTABLE) ||
                (colType == CollectionType.MAP))

        // Create an XML field descriptor
        fieldDesc = super.createFieldDesc( javaClass, fieldMap );

        BindXml xml = fieldMap.getBindXml();

        boolean deriveNameByClass = false;

        if (xml != null) {
            //-- xml name
            xmlName = xml.getName();

            //-- node type
            if ( xml.getNode() != null )
                nodeType = NodeType.getNodeType( xml.getNode().toString() );

            //-- matches
            match = xml.getMatches();

            //-- reference
            isReference = xml.getReference();

            //-- XML transient
            isXMLTransient = xml.getTransient();

            //-- autonaming
            BindXmlAutoNamingType autoName = xml.getAutoNaming();
            if (autoName != null) {
                deriveNameByClass = (autoName == BindXmlAutoNamingType.DERIVEBYCLASS);

        //-- transient
        //-- XXXX -> if it's transient we probably shouldn't do all
        //-- XXXX -> the unecessary work
        isXMLTransient = isXMLTransient || fieldDesc.isTransient();

        //-- handle QName for xmlName
        String namespace = null;
        if ((xmlName != null) && (xmlName.length() > 0)){
            if (xmlName.charAt(0) == '{') {
                int idx = xmlName.indexOf('}');
                if (idx < 0) {
                    throw new MappingException("Invalid QName: " + xmlName);
                namespace = xmlName.substring(1, idx);
                xmlName = xmlName.substring(idx+1);
            else if (xmlName.startsWith(XML_PREFIX)) {
                namespace = Namespaces.XML_NAMESPACE;
                xmlName = xmlName.substring(4);

        if (nodeType == null) {
            if (isPrimitive(javaClass))
                nodeType = _primitiveNodeType;
                nodeType = NodeType.Element;

        //-- Create XML name if necessary. Note if name is to be derived
        //-- by class..we just make sure we set the name to null...
        //-- the Marshaller does this during runtime. This allows
        //-- Collections to be handled properly.
        if ((!deriveNameByClass) && ((xmlName == null) && (match == null)))
            xmlName = _naming.toXMLName( fieldDesc.getFieldName() );
            match = xmlName + ' ' + fieldDesc.getFieldName();

        xmlDesc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl( fieldDesc, xmlName, nodeType, _primitiveNodeType );

        //-- transient?

        //--set a default fieldValidator
        xmlDesc.setValidator(new FieldValidator());
        //-- enable use parent namespace if explicit one doesn't exist

        //-- If deriveNameByClass we need to reset the name to
        //-- null because XMLFieldDescriptorImpl tries to be smart
        //-- and automatically creates the name.
        if (deriveNameByClass) {

        //-- namespace
        if (namespace != null) {

        //-- matches
        if (match != null) {
            //-- special fix for xml-name since XMLFieldDescriptorImpl
            //-- will create a default name based off the field name
            if (xmlName == null) xmlDesc.setXMLName(null);

        //-- reference


        if (xml != null) {
            //-- has class descriptor for type specified
            if (xml.getClassMapping() != null) {
                ClassDescriptor cd = createDescriptor(xml.getClassMapping());
            //-- has location path?
            if (xml.getLocation() != null) {
            //is the value type needs specific handling
            //such as QName or NCName support?
            String xmlType = xml.getType();
            TypeValidator validator = null;
            if (NCNAME.equals(xmlType)) {
                validator = new NameValidator(NameValidator.NCNAME);
                xmlDesc.setValidator(new FieldValidator(validator));
            //-- special properties?
            Property[] props = xml.getProperty();
            if ((props != null) && (props.length > 0)) {
                for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < props.length; pIdx++) {
                    Property prop = props[pIdx];
                    xmlDesc.setProperty(prop.getName(), prop.getValue());

        //-- Get collection type
        if (colType == null) {
            //-- just in case user forgot to use collection="..."
            //-- in the mapping file
            Class type = fieldDesc.getFieldType();
            if (CollectionHandlers.hasHandler(type)) {
                String typeName = CollectionHandlers.getCollectionName(type);
                colType = CollectionType.valueOf(typeName);
        //-- isMapped item
        if (colType != null) {   
            if ((colType == CollectionType.HASHTABLE) ||
                (colType == CollectionType.MAP))
                //-- Make sure user is not using an addMethod
                //-- before setting the mapped field to true.
                String methodName = fieldMap.getSetMethod();
                if (methodName != null) {
                    if (!methodName.startsWith("add")) {
                else xmlDesc.setMapped(true);

            //-- special NodeType.Namespace handling
            //-- prevent FieldHandlerImpl from using CollectionHandler
            //-- during calls to #getValue
            if ((nodeType == NodeType.Namespace) || (xmlDesc.isMapped())) {
                Object handler = xmlDesc.getHandler();
                if (handler instanceof FieldHandlerImpl) {
                    FieldHandlerImpl handlerImpl = (FieldHandlerImpl)handler;
                    handlerImpl.setConvertFrom(new IdentityConvertor());
            //-- wrap collection in element?
            if (nodeType == NodeType.Element) {
                if (fieldMap.hasContainer() && (!fieldMap.getContainer())) {
                    xmlDesc = wrapCollection(xmlDesc);
        //-- is Type-Safe Enumeration?
        //-- This is not very clean, we should have a way
        //-- to specify something is a type-safe enumeration
        //-- without having to guess.
        else if ((!isReference) && (!isXMLTransient)) {
            Class fieldType = xmlDesc.getFieldType();
            if (!isPrimitive(fieldType)) {
                //-- make sure no default constructor
                Constructor cons = null;
                try {
                    cons = fieldType.getConstructor(EMPTY_ARGS);
                    if (!Modifier.isPublic(cons.getModifiers())) {
                        cons = null;
                catch(NoSuchMethodException nsmx) {
                    //-- Do nothing
                try {
                    if (cons == null) {
                        //-- make sure a valueOf factory method
                        //-- exists and no user specified handler exists
                        Method method = fieldType.getMethod(VALUE_OF, STRING_ARG);
                        Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
                        if ((returnType != null) && fieldType.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) {
                            if (fieldMap.getHandler() == null) {
                                //-- Use EnumFieldHandler
                                FieldHandler handler = xmlDesc.getHandler();
                                handler = new EnumFieldHandler(fieldType, handler);
                catch(NoSuchMethodException nsmx) {
                    //-- Do nothing
        //-- constructor argument?
        String setter = fieldMap.getSetMethod();
        if (setter != null) {
            if (setter.startsWith("%")) {
                int index = 0;
                setter = setter.substring(1);
                index = Integer.parseInt(setter);
                if ((index < 1) || (index > 9)) {
                    throw new MappingException("mapper.invalidParameterIndex", setter);
                //-- adjust index to base zero

        return xmlDesc;
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl


    public SQLTimestampClassDescriptor() {
        if (_contentDescriptor == null) {
            _contentDescriptor = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(String.class,
                "content", "content", NodeType.Text);

            //-- setHandler
            SQLTimestampFieldHandler handler = new SQLTimestampFieldHandler();
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

        //-- Make new class descriptor for the field that
        //-- will represent the container element <e>
        Class type = ContainerElement.class;
        XMLClassDescriptorImpl classDesc = new XMLClassDescriptorImpl(type);
        //-- make copy of fieldDesc and add it to our new class descriptor
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl newFieldDesc
            = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(fieldDesc,
        //-- nullify xmlName so that auto-naming will be enabled,
        //-- we can't do this in the constructor because
        //-- XMLFieldDescriptorImpl will create a default one.
        //-- add the field descriptor to our new class descriptor
        //-- reassociate the orignal class descriptor (for 'c')
        // of fieldDesc with our new classDesc
        //-- wrap the field handler in a special container field
        //-- handler that will actually do the delgation work
        FieldHandler handler = new ContainerFieldHandler(fieldDesc.getHandler());
        //-- Change fieldType of original field descriptor and
        //-- return new descriptor
        return new ContainerElementFieldDescriptor(fieldDesc, _primitiveNodeType);
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl


        _xmlName = xmlName;

        //-- Create FieldDescriptor
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl _desc
            = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(Object.class, "item", _xmlName,

        _desc.setHandler( new XMLFieldHandler() {

            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                return ((java.util.Vector)object).elements();
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

     //- Constructors -/

    public MappingDescriptor() {
        xmlName = "mapping";
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl  desc           = null;
        XMLFieldHandler         handler        = null;
        FieldValidator          fieldValidator = null;
        //-- initialize attribute descriptors

        attributes = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[1];
        //-- _href
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_href", "href", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Mapping target = (Mapping) object;
                return target.getHref();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Mapping target = (Mapping) object;
                    target.setHref( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[0] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _href
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- initialize element descriptors

        elements = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[0];
    } //-- org.exolab.castor.jdo.conf.MappingDescriptor()
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

     //- Constructors -/

    public ParamDescriptor() {
        xmlName = "param";
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl  desc           = null;
        XMLFieldHandler         handler        = null;
        FieldValidator          fieldValidator = null;
        //-- initialize attribute descriptors

        attributes = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[2];
        //-- _value
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_value", "value", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Param target = (Param) object;
                return target.getValue();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Param target = (Param) object;
                    target.setValue( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[0] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _value
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- _name
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_name", "name", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Param target = (Param) object;
                return target.getName();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Param target = (Param) object;
                    target.setName( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[1] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _name
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- initialize element descriptors

        elements = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[0];
    } //-- org.exolab.castor.jdo.conf.ParamDescriptor()
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

     //- Constructors -/

    public DriverDescriptor() {
        xmlName = "driver";
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl  desc           = null;
        XMLFieldHandler         handler        = null;
        FieldValidator          fieldValidator = null;
        //-- initialize attribute descriptors

        attributes = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[2];
        //-- _className
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_className", "class-name", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Driver target = (Driver) object;
                return target.getClassName();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Driver target = (Driver) object;
                    target.setClassName( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[0] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _className
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- _url
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_url", "url", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Driver target = (Driver) object;
                return target.getUrl();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Driver target = (Driver) object;
                    target.setUrl( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[1] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _url
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- initialize element descriptors

        elements = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[1];
        //-- _paramList
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(Param.class, "_paramList", "param", NodeType.Element);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Driver target = (Driver) object;
                return target.getParam();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Driver target = (Driver) object;
                    target.addParam( (Param) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                try {
                    Driver target = (Driver) object;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return new Param();
        } );
        elements[0] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _paramList
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();

    } //-- org.exolab.castor.jdo.conf.DriverDescriptor()
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Examples of org.exolab.castor.xml.util.XMLFieldDescriptorImpl

     //- Constructors -/

    public JndiDescriptor() {
        xmlName = "jndi";
        XMLFieldDescriptorImpl  desc           = null;
        XMLFieldHandler         handler        = null;
        FieldValidator          fieldValidator = null;
        //-- initialize attribute descriptors

        attributes = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[1];
        //-- _name
        desc = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl(java.lang.String.class, "_name", "name", NodeType.Attribute);
        handler = (new XMLFieldHandler() {
            public Object getValue( Object object )
                throws IllegalStateException
                Jndi target = (Jndi) object;
                return target.getName();
            public void setValue( Object object, Object value)
                throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
                try {
                    Jndi target = (Jndi) object;
                    target.setName( (java.lang.String) value);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            public void resetValue( Object object )
                setValue( object, null );
            public Object newInstance( Object parent ) {
                return null;
        } );
        attributes[0] = desc;

        //-- validation code for: _name
        fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
        fieldValidator.setValidator(new StringValidator());

        //-- initialize element descriptors

        elements = new XMLFieldDescriptorImpl[0];
    } //-- org.exolab.castor.jdo.conf.JndiDescriptor()
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