Examples of WhereClauseVO

Examples of com.centraview.report.valueobject.WhereClauseVO

   * @return
  private ArrayList convertRStoWhereClauseVO(ResultSet rs)
    ArrayList whereClauses = new ArrayList();
    WhereClauseVO wcvo = null;
    int cfCounter = 0;
    try {
      while (rs.next()) {
        String tableId = rs.getString(4);
        int fieldId = rs.getInt(8);
        wcvo = new WhereClauseVO();
        // if it is a custom field rig up the WhereClauseVO
        if (tableId.equals(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID)) {
          // We are a custom field criteria
          // Find out if we are scalar or multiple.
          CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
          try {
            String customFieldTypeQuery = "SELECT fieldType, recordType, name FROM customfield WHERE customFieldId = ?";
            cvdal.setInt(1, fieldId);
            Collection typeResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
            // RecordType will help us build the relationship query
            String customFieldType = null;
            Number recordType = null;
            String customFieldName = null;
            if (typeResults != null) {
              Iterator typeIterator = typeResults.iterator();
              if (typeIterator.hasNext()) {
                HashMap type = (HashMap) typeIterator.next();
                customFieldType = (String) type.get("fieldType");
                recordType = (Number) type.get("recordType");
                customFieldName = (String) type.get("name");
              } // end if (typeResults != null)
            } // end if (typeIterator.hasNext())
            // get the moduleId from the customfield recordtype
            cvdal.setSqlQuery("SELECT moduleid FROM cvtable WHERE tableid = ?");
            cvdal.setInt(1, recordType.intValue());
            Collection moduleCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
            Iterator moduleIterator = moduleCollection.iterator();
            HashMap moduleMap = (HashMap) moduleIterator.next();
            Number moduleId = (Number) moduleMap.get("moduleid");
            // Use moduleId to get the primary table and primarykey field to
            // join against.
            InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
            Object oh = ctx.lookup("local/AdvancedSearch");
            AdvancedSearchLocalHome cfh = (AdvancedSearchLocalHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(oh,
            AdvancedSearchLocal localAdvancedSearch = (AdvancedSearchLocal) cfh.create();
            HashMap primaryTableMap = localAdvancedSearch.getPrimaryTableForModule(moduleId.intValue());
            if (customFieldType.equals("SCALAR")) {
              wcvo.setFieldName("customfieldscalar" + cfCounter + ".value");
              wcvo.setRelationshipQuery("customfieldscalar" + cfCounter + ".customfieldId = " + rs.getInt(8) + " AND customfieldscalar" + cfCounter
                  + ".recordId = " + primaryTableMap.get("TableName") + "." + primaryTableMap.get("TablePrimaryKey"));
              wcvo.setRealTableName("customfieldscalar customfieldscalar" + cfCounter);
            } else {
              wcvo.setFieldName("customfieldvalue" + cfCounter + ".value");
              wcvo.setRelationshipQuery("customfieldmultiple" + cfCounter + ".customfieldId = " + rs.getInt(8) + " AND customfieldmultiple"
                  + cfCounter + ".recordid = " + primaryTableMap.get("TableName") + "." + primaryTableMap.get("TablePrimaryKey")
                  + " AND customfieldvalue" + cfCounter + ".valueid = customfieldmultiple" + cfCounter + ".valueid");
              wcvo.setRealTableName("customfieldvalue customfieldvalue" + cfCounter + ", customfieldmultiple customfieldmultiple" + cfCounter);
          } finally {
            cvdal = null;
        } else { // otherwise just build from the query
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("[Exception][ReportFacadeEJB.convertRStoWhereClauseVO] Exception Thrown: " + e);
      throw new EJBException(e);
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Examples of com.centraview.report.valueobject.WhereClauseVO

    StringBuffer orderClause = new StringBuffer();

    StringBuffer clause = new StringBuffer();

    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    WhereClauseVO wcvo = null;

    // When we are building creating a non table field then we must have to make
    // the list for those field
    // then add it to the create table back
    StringBuffer nonTableFieldQuery = new StringBuffer();

    // It a collection of query which we have to run after creating the table
    // we must have to build this query by joining the field relation ship with
    // the primary table
    // then update the column in the temporary table.
    ArrayList updateQueryList = new ArrayList();

    ReportVO report = new ReportVO();
    report = this.getStandardReport(userId, reportId);
    try {
      InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
      Object oh = ctx.lookup("local/AdvancedSearch");
      AdvancedSearchLocalHome cfh = (AdvancedSearchLocalHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(oh,
      AdvancedSearchLocal localAdvancedSearch = (AdvancedSearchLocal) cfh.create();

      // Here is where the advanced Search is actually performed and the results
      // effect the
      // results of the report query.
      String whereClause = localAdvancedSearch.getWhereClauseForReport(userId, search, "");

      HashMap primaryTableMap = localAdvancedSearch.getPrimaryTableForModule(report.getModuleId());
      // get the primary Table Name and Table Primary Key incase If the user
      // doesn't selects the primary key
      // You must have to add a hidden field in your report criteria coz primary
      // key only link to all other tables
      String primaryKey = primaryTableMap.get("TablePrimaryKey").toString();
      String primaryTable = primaryTableMap.get("TableName").toString();

      ArrayList tableIds = new ArrayList();
      int tableId = ((Number) primaryTableMap.get("TableID")).intValue();

      // add select statement to query string to create the temporary Table
      strQuery.append("SELECT DISTINCT ");

      // add select statement to final query string to generate Report Query
      finalQuery.append("SELECT DISTINCT ");

      // select searchtable.tablename, searchfield.fieldname,
      // reportcontent.sequencenumber, searchtable.searchtableid,
      // searchfield.isontable, searchfield.realtablename,
      // searchfield.relationshipquery, reportcontent.fieldid from searchtable,
      // searchfield,
      // reportcontent where reportcontent.reportid = ? and
      // searchfield.searchfieldid = reportcontent.fieldid and
      // searchtable.searchtableid = reportcontent.tableId order by
      // reportcontent.sequencenumber
      dataAccessLayer.setInt(1, reportId);
      resultSet = dataAccessLayer.executeQueryNonParsed();

      whereClauseCollection = this.convertRStoWhereClauseVO(resultSet);

      // we are going to reuse the resultSet reference so clean up here.
      try {
        resultSet = null;
      } catch (SQLException se) {}

      // making select clause
      // oddly from the Where Clause VO, apparently it can double as a Select
      // Clause VO ;-)
      boolean first = true;

      // Build the Select QueryFields List
      Collection selectQueryList = new ArrayList();

      // Build the Select non Table Fields List
      Collection nonTableFieldList = new ArrayList();

      // Build the Select final Query Fields List
      Collection finalQueryList = new ArrayList();

      // If the user as not selected the primary key then we must have to add
      // that key in the table
      boolean primaryKeyFlag = true;

      // Iterate the Where claues and get the information of the Field.
      // If field is in on the table then add it to the selectQueryList
      // If field is not on the table then add it to the nonTableFieldList
      Iterator it = whereClauseCollection.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        wcvo = (WhereClauseVO) it.next();

        if (wcvo.getIsOnTable().equals("Y")) {
          // we must have to check wheather the user wants to view the primary
          // key column or not
          // If not then we must have to add the primary key in the temporary
          // Table
          if (wcvo.getFieldName() != null && (wcvo.getFieldName().trim()).equalsIgnoreCase(primaryKey.trim())) {
            primaryKeyFlag = false;
          }// end of if(wcvo.getFieldName() != null &&
            // (wcvo.getFieldName().trim()).equalsIgnoreCase(primaryKey.trim()))

          // Add on table field to the query list
          selectQueryList.add(wcvo.getTableName() + "." + wcvo.getFieldName() + " ");

          // user wants to see the column so we have to add in the final query
          // also
          finalQueryList.add(" `" + wcvo.getFieldName() + "` ");
        }// end of if (wcvo.getIsOnTable().equals("Y"))
        else {

          // create a unique name for the non table field and then we must have
          // to add the field id to it..
          String nonTableField = "adHocField";
          int customTableID = 0;

          // we will check wheather the current field is belonging to
          // customfield table
          if (SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID != null && !SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID.equals("")) {
            customTableID = Integer.parseInt(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID);

          // If its belonging to custom field table then we must have to concat
          // the "CF"
          // to the uniquie field name why we have to do that since user might
          // select the fieldID 1 belonging to the searchtable
          // for customfield can also have field id 1
          // It will get conflicted and break the report
          if (wcvo.getSearchTableId() == customTableID) {
            nonTableField += "CF";

          // add the non Table field in the list
          nonTableFieldList.add(" `" + nonTableField + wcvo.getFieldId() + "`   Text NOT NULL default '' ");

          // add the user selected field in the final query
          finalQueryList.add(nonTableField + wcvo.getFieldId() + " ");

          // build the update script for the non table fields
          StringBuffer updateQuery = new StringBuffer();
          updateQuery.append("UPDATE tempAdHocReport ");
          String relationShipQuery = wcvo.getRelationshipQuery();
          String realTableName = wcvo.getRealTableName();

          // alias determination
          Collection alias = new ArrayList();
          StringTokenizer aliasCommaTokens = new StringTokenizer(realTableName, ",");
          while (aliasCommaTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String aliasRealTable = aliasCommaTokens.nextToken();
            StringTokenizer aliasTokens = new StringTokenizer(aliasRealTable, " ");
            String tempTableName = aliasTokens.nextToken();
            if (aliasTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            }// end of if(aliasTokens.hasMoreTokens())
          }// end of while(aliasCommaTokens.hasMoreTokens())

          if (realTableName != null) {
            updateQuery.append(" , " + realTableName);
            String thisRelationship = "";
            if (relationShipQuery != null) {
              StringTokenizer relationshipTokens = new StringTokenizer(relationShipQuery, " ");
              while (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String thisToken = relationshipTokens.nextToken();
                int index = thisToken.indexOf(".");
                if (index > -1) {
                  String tableName = thisToken.substring(0, index);
                  // Incase if you added the new line to the Query then before
                  // check for the occurance. We will eliminate the new line
                  // return character.
                  tableName = tableName.replaceAll("\n", "");
                  if (!(realTableName.indexOf(tableName) != -1) && (!alias.contains(tableName))) {
                    updateQuery.append(", " + tableName);
                  } // end of if statement (!tables.contains(tableName))
                } // end of if statement (index > -1)
              } // end of while loop (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens())

              updateQuery.append(" SET `" + nonTableField + wcvo.getFieldId() + "` = " + wcvo.getFieldName() + " ");
              updateQuery.append(" WHERE " + primaryTable + "." + primaryKey + " = tempAdHocReport." + primaryKey + " " + whereClause);
              thisRelationship = " AND " + relationShipQuery;

              // if the sub relationShip column is empty then we must have to
              // add the value to the update query
              String subRelationShipQuery = wcvo.getSubRelationShipQuery();
              if (subRelationShipQuery != null && !subRelationShipQuery.equals("")) {
                thisRelationship += subRelationShipQuery;
              }// end of if(subRelationShipQuery != null &&
                // !subRelationShipQuery.equals(""))
            }// end of if (relationShipQuery != null)
          }// end of if(realTableName != null)


        }// end of else for if (wcvo.getIsOnTable().equals("Y"))
      }// end of while (it.hasNext())

      Iterator thisTableIterator = selectQueryList.iterator();
      while (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
        String currentTable = (String) thisTableIterator.next();
        if (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
          strQuery.append(", ");
        } // end of if statement (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
      } // end of while loop (thisTableIterator.hasNext())

      // if the user as not selected the primary key then we must have to add
      // that field
      // so that we don't break the association for the update script
      if (primaryKeyFlag) {
        strQuery.append(", " + primaryTable + "." + primaryKey);

      thisTableIterator = finalQueryList.iterator();
      while (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
        String currentTable = (String) thisTableIterator.next();
        if (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
          finalQuery.append(", ");
        } // end of if statement (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
      } // end of while loop (thisTableIterator.hasNext())

      finalQuery.append(" FROM `tempAdHocReport` ");

      thisTableIterator = nonTableFieldList.iterator();
      if (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
        while (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
          String currentTable = (String) thisTableIterator.next();
          if (thisTableIterator.hasNext()) {
            nonTableFieldQuery.append(", ");
          } // end of if statement (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
        } // end of while loop (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
      // getting table ids
      it = whereClauseCollection.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        wcvo = (WhereClauseVO) it.next();
        if ((tableId != wcvo.getSearchTableId()) && (!tableIds.contains(new Integer(wcvo.getSearchTableId())))) {
          tableIds.add(new Integer(wcvo.getSearchTableId()));
        }// end of if ((tableId != wcvo.getSearchTableId()) &&
          // (!tableIds.contains(new Integer(wcvo.getSearchTableId()))))
      }// end of while (it.hasNext())

      ArrayList fromTables = new ArrayList();

      dataAccessLayer.setInt(1, reportId);
      resultSet = dataAccessLayer.executeQueryNonParsed();

      // geting tables for from statement
      while (resultSet.next()) {
        String tableName = resultSet.getString(1);
        // Make sure we aren't adding the uncessesary customfield
        // table in to the from clause.
        if (!tableName.equals("customfield")) {
        }// end of if (!tableName.equals("customfield"))
      }// end of while (resultSet.next())
      // we are going to reuse the resultSet reference so clean up here.
      try {
        resultSet = null;
      } catch (SQLException se) {}

      first = true;

      strQuery.append(" FROM ");

      // making all from tables
      String table = "";
      it = fromTables.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        table = it.next().toString();
        if (first) {
          first = false;
          strQuery.append(" " + table);
        } else {
          strQuery.append(", " + table);

      strQuery.append(" WHERE 1=1 ");

      // add order by statement to query string
      dataAccessLayer.setInt(1, reportId);
      resultSet = dataAccessLayer.executeQueryNonParsed();

      // build the order by clause and the sorting which ever is selected by the
      // user
      first = true;
      while (resultSet.next()) {
        if (first) {
          finalQuery.append(" ORDER BY ");
          first = false;
        } else {
          finalQuery.append(", ");
        // Loop through the whereClauseCollection and find the right field name
        // to
        // stick in the ORDER BY Statement. Maybe there could be a smarter way
        // then looping
        // each time, but on average there shouldn't be more than 3 sorts
        // anyway.
        it = whereClauseCollection.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          int orderTableId = resultSet.getInt(1);
          int orderFieldId = resultSet.getInt(2);
          WhereClauseVO current = (WhereClauseVO) it.next();
          // if the tableId and fieldId from the orderbyclause query match, then
          // throw in the
          // same name we used in the SELECT part of the query.
          if (current.getTableId() == orderTableId && current.getFieldId() == orderFieldId) {
            if (current.getIsOnTable().equals("Y")) {
              finalQuery.append(current.getFieldName() + " ");
            }// end of if (current.getIsOnTable().equals("Y")
            else {
              String nonTableField = "adHocField";
              int customTableID = 0;
              if (SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID != null && !SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID.equals("")) {
                customTableID = Integer.parseInt(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID);
              if (current.getSearchTableId() == customTableID) {
                nonTableField += "CF";
              finalQuery.append(nonTableField + current.getFieldId() + " ");
            }// end of else the if (current.getIsOnTable().equals("Y")
          }// end of if (current.getTableId() == orderTableId &&
            // current.getFieldId() == orderFieldId)
        } // end while (it.hasNext())
        // Stick the ASC or DESC in there.
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