Examples of WALEdit

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

   * @throws IOException
  private void internalDelete(Delete delete, UUID clusterId,
      boolean writeToWAL) throws IOException {
    Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> familyMap = delete.getFamilyMap();
    WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();
    /* Run coprocessor pre hook outside of locks to avoid deadlock */
    if (coprocessorHost != null) {
      if (coprocessorHost.preDelete(delete, walEdit, writeToWAL)) {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit


  private void doPreMutationHook(BatchOperationInProgress<Pair<Mutation, Integer>> batchOp)
      throws IOException {
    /* Run coprocessor pre hook outside of locks to avoid deadlock */
    WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();
    if (coprocessorHost != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < batchOp.operations.length; i++) {
        Pair<Mutation, Integer> nextPair = batchOp.operations[i];
        Mutation m = nextPair.getFirst();
        if (m instanceof Put) {
          if (coprocessorHost.prePut((Put) m, walEdit, m.getWriteToWAL())) {
            // pre hook says skip this Put
            // mark as success and skip in doMiniBatchMutation
            batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
        } else if (m instanceof Delete) {
          if (coprocessorHost.preDelete((Delete) m, walEdit, m.getWriteToWAL())) {
            // pre hook says skip this Delete
            // mark as success and skip in doMiniBatchMutation
            batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
        } else {
          // In case of passing Append mutations along with the Puts and Deletes in batchMutate
          // mark the operation return code as failure so that it will not be considered in
          // the doMiniBatchMutation
          batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = new OperationStatus(OperationStatusCode.FAILURE,
              "Put/Delete mutations only supported in batchMutate() now");
        if (!walEdit.isEmpty()) {
          batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors[i] = walEdit;
          walEdit = new WALEdit();
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

    Set<byte[]> deletesCfSet = null;
    // variable to note if all Delete items are for the same CF -- metrics related
    boolean deletesCfSetConsistent = true;
    long startTimeMs = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();

    WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();

    MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry w = null;
    long txid = 0;
    boolean walSyncSuccessful = false;
    boolean locked = false;

    /** Keep track of the locks we hold so we can release them in finally clause */
    List<Integer> acquiredLocks = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(batchOp.operations.length);
    // reference family maps directly so coprocessors can mutate them if desired
    Map<byte[],List<KeyValue>>[] familyMaps = new Map[batchOp.operations.length];
    // We try to set up a batch in the range [firstIndex,lastIndexExclusive)
    int firstIndex = batchOp.nextIndexToProcess;
    int lastIndexExclusive = firstIndex;
    boolean success = false;
    int noOfPuts = 0, noOfDeletes = 0;
    try {
      // ------------------------------------
      // STEP 1. Try to acquire as many locks as we can, and ensure
      // we acquire at least one.
      // ----------------------------------
      int numReadyToWrite = 0;
      long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
      while (lastIndexExclusive < batchOp.operations.length) {
        Pair<Mutation, Integer> nextPair = batchOp.operations[lastIndexExclusive];
        Mutation mutation = nextPair.getFirst();
        Integer providedLockId = nextPair.getSecond();

        Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> familyMap = mutation.getFamilyMap();
        // store the family map reference to allow for mutations
        familyMaps[lastIndexExclusive] = familyMap;

        // skip anything that "ran" already
        if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive].getOperationStatusCode()
            != OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {

        try {
          if (mutation instanceof Put) {
            checkTimestamps(mutation.getFamilyMap(), now);
          } else {
            prepareDelete((Delete) mutation);
        } catch (NoSuchColumnFamilyException nscf) {
          LOG.warn("No such column family in batch mutation", nscf);
          batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive] = new OperationStatus(
              OperationStatusCode.BAD_FAMILY, nscf.getMessage());
        } catch (DoNotRetryIOException fsce) {
          // The only thing that throws a generic DoNotRetryIOException in the above code is
          // checkTimestamps so that DoNotRetryIOException means that timestamps were invalid.
          // If more checks are added, be sure to revisit this assumption.
          LOG.warn("Batch Mutation did not pass sanity check", fsce);
          batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive] = new OperationStatus(
              OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE, fsce.getMessage());
        // If we haven't got any rows in our batch, we should block to
        // get the next one.
        boolean shouldBlock = numReadyToWrite == 0;
        Integer acquiredLockId = null;
        try {
          acquiredLockId = getLock(providedLockId, mutation.getRow(),
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          LOG.warn("Failed getting lock in batch put, row="
                  + Bytes.toStringBinary(mutation.getRow()), ioe);
        if (acquiredLockId == null) {
          // We failed to grab another lock
          assert !shouldBlock : "Should never fail to get lock when blocking";
          break; // stop acquiring more rows for this batch
        if (providedLockId == null) {

        if (mutation instanceof Put) {
          // If Column Families stay consistent through out all of the
          // individual puts then metrics can be reported as a mutliput across
          // column families in the first put.
          if (putsCfSet == null) {
            putsCfSet = mutation.getFamilyMap().keySet();
          } else {
            putsCfSetConsistent = putsCfSetConsistent
                && mutation.getFamilyMap().keySet().equals(putsCfSet);
        } else {
          if (deletesCfSet == null) {
            deletesCfSet = mutation.getFamilyMap().keySet();
          } else {
            deletesCfSetConsistent = deletesCfSetConsistent
                && mutation.getFamilyMap().keySet().equals(deletesCfSet);

      // we should record the timestamp only after we have acquired the rowLock,
      // otherwise, newer puts/deletes are not guaranteed to have a newer timestamp
      now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
      byte[] byteNow = Bytes.toBytes(now);

      // Nothing to put/delete -- an exception in the above such as NoSuchColumnFamily?
      if (numReadyToWrite <= 0) return 0L;

      // We've now grabbed as many mutations off the list as we can

      // ------------------------------------
      // STEP 2. Update any LATEST_TIMESTAMP timestamps
      // ----------------------------------
      for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
        // skip invalid
        if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
            != OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) continue;
        Mutation mutation = batchOp.operations[i].getFirst();
        if (mutation instanceof Put) {
          updateKVTimestamps(familyMaps[i].values(), byteNow);
        } else {
          prepareDeleteTimestamps(familyMaps[i], byteNow);

      lock(this.updatesLock.readLock(), numReadyToWrite);
      locked = true;

      // ------------------------------------
      // Acquire the latest mvcc number
      // ----------------------------------
      w = mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert();

      // calling the pre CP hook for batch mutation
      if (coprocessorHost != null) {
        MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Pair<Mutation, Integer>> miniBatchOp =
          new MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Pair<Mutation, Integer>>(batchOp.operations,
          batchOp.retCodeDetails, batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors, firstIndex, lastIndexExclusive);
        if (coprocessorHost.preBatchMutate(miniBatchOp)) return 0L;

      // ------------------------------------
      // STEP 3. Write back to memstore
      // Write to memstore. It is ok to write to memstore
      // first without updating the HLog because we do not roll
      // forward the memstore MVCC. The MVCC will be moved up when
      // the complete operation is done. These changes are not yet
      // visible to scanners till we update the MVCC. The MVCC is
      // moved only when the sync is complete.
      // ----------------------------------
      long addedSize = 0;
      for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
        if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
            != OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
        addedSize += applyFamilyMapToMemstore(familyMaps[i], w);

      // ------------------------------------
      // STEP 4. Build WAL edit
      // ----------------------------------
      for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
        // Skip puts that were determined to be invalid during preprocessing
        if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
            != OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
        batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = OperationStatus.SUCCESS;

        Mutation m = batchOp.operations[i].getFirst();
        if (!m.getWriteToWAL()) {
          if (m instanceof Put) {
        // Add WAL edits by CP
        WALEdit fromCP = batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors[i];
        if (fromCP != null) {
          for (KeyValue kv : fromCP.getKeyValues()) {
        addFamilyMapToWALEdit(familyMaps[i], walEdit);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

   * @param writeToWAL if true, then we should write to the log
   * @throws IOException
  private void internalPut(Put put, UUID clusterId, boolean writeToWAL) throws IOException {
    Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> familyMap = put.getFamilyMap();
    WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();
    /* run pre put hook outside of lock to avoid deadlock */
    if (coprocessorHost != null) {
      if (coprocessorHost.prePut(put, walEdit, writeToWAL)) {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

                180000) / 2);
        long lastReport = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();

        while ((entry = reader.next()) != null) {
          HLogKey key = entry.getKey();
          WALEdit val = entry.getEdit();

          if (reporter != null) {
            intervalEdits += val.size();
            if (intervalEdits >= interval) {
              // Number of edits interval reached
              intervalEdits = 0;
              long cur = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
              if (lastReport + period <= cur) {
                status.setStatus("Replaying edits..." +
                    " skipped=" + skippedEdits +
                    " edits=" + editsCount);
                // Timeout reached
                if(!reporter.progress()) {
                  msg = "Progressable reporter failed, stopping replay";
                  throw new IOException(msg);
                reported_once = true;
                lastReport = cur;

          // Start coprocessor replay here. The coprocessor is for each WALEdit
          // instead of a KeyValue.
          if (coprocessorHost != null) {
            status.setStatus("Running pre-WAL-restore hook in coprocessors");
            if (coprocessorHost.preWALRestore(this.getRegionInfo(), key, val)) {
              // if bypass this log entry, ignore it ...

          if (firstSeqIdInLog == -1) {
            firstSeqIdInLog = key.getLogSeqNum();
          // Now, figure if we should skip this edit.
          if (key.getLogSeqNum() <= currentEditSeqId) {
          currentEditSeqId = key.getLogSeqNum();
          boolean flush = false;
          for (KeyValue kv: val.getKeyValues()) {
            // Check this edit is for me. Also, guard against writing the special
            // METACOLUMN info such as HBASE::CACHEFLUSH entries
            if (kv.matchingFamily(HLog.METAFAMILY) ||
                !Bytes.equals(key.getEncodedRegionName(), this.regionInfo.getEncodedNameAsBytes())) {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

    try {
      // 1. run all pre-hooks before the atomic operation
      // if any pre hook indicates "bypass", bypass the entire operation

      // one WALEdit is used for all edits.
      WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();
      if (coprocessorHost != null) {
        for (Mutation m : mutations) {
          if (m instanceof Put) {
            if (coprocessorHost.prePut((Put) m, walEdit, m.getWriteToWAL())) {
              // by pass everything
          } else if (m instanceof Delete) {
            Delete d = (Delete) m;
            if (coprocessorHost.preDelete(d, walEdit, d.getWriteToWAL())) {
              // by pass everything

      long txid = 0;
      boolean walSyncSuccessful = false;
      boolean locked = false;

      // 2. acquire the row lock(s)
      acquiredLocks = new ArrayList<Integer>(rowsToLock.size());
      for (byte[] row : rowsToLock) {
        // attempt to lock all involved rows, fail if one lock times out
        Integer lid = getLock(null, row, true);
        if (lid == null) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to acquire lock on "
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(row));

      // 3. acquire the region lock
      lock(this.updatesLock.readLock(), acquiredLocks.size());
      locked = true;

      // 4. Get a mvcc write number
      MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry w = mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert();

      long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
      byte[] byteNow = Bytes.toBytes(now);
      try {
        // 5. Check mutations and apply edits to a single WALEdit
        for (Mutation m : mutations) {
          if (m instanceof Put) {
            Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> familyMap = m.getFamilyMap();
            checkTimestamps(familyMap, now);
            updateKVTimestamps(familyMap.values(), byteNow);
          } else if (m instanceof Delete) {
            Delete d = (Delete) m;
            prepareDeleteTimestamps(d.getFamilyMap(), byteNow);
          } else {
            throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
                "Action must be Put or Delete. But was: "
                    + m.getClass().getName());
          if (m.getWriteToWAL()) {
            addFamilyMapToWALEdit(m.getFamilyMap(), walEdit);

        // 6. append all edits at once (don't sync)
        if (walEdit.size() > 0) {
          txid = this.log.appendNoSync(regionInfo,
              this.htableDescriptor.getName(), walEdit,
              HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID, now, this.htableDescriptor);

        // 7. apply to memstore
        long addedSize = 0;
        for (Mutation m : mutations) {
          addedSize += applyFamilyMapToMemstore(m.getFamilyMap(), w);
        flush = isFlushSize(this.addAndGetGlobalMemstoreSize(addedSize));

        // 8. release region and row lock(s)
        locked = false;
        if (acquiredLocks != null) {
          for (Integer lid : acquiredLocks) {
          acquiredLocks = null;

        // 9. sync WAL if required
        if (walEdit.size() > 0) {
        walSyncSuccessful = true;

        // 10. advance mvcc
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

      throws IOException {
    // TODO: Use MVCC to make this set of appends atomic to reads
    byte[] row = append.getRow();
    checkRow(row, "append");
    boolean flush = false;
    WALEdit walEdits = null;
    List<KeyValue> allKVs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(append.size());
    Map<Store, List<KeyValue>> tempMemstore = new HashMap<Store, List<KeyValue>>();
    long before = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
    long size = 0;
    long txid = 0;

    // Lock row
    try {
      Integer lid = getLock(lockid, row, true);
      try {
        long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
        // Process each family
        for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<KeyValue>> family : append.getFamilyMap()
            .entrySet()) {

          Store store = stores.get(family.getKey());
          List<KeyValue> kvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(family.getValue().size());

          // Get previous values for all columns in this family
          Get get = new Get(row);
          for (KeyValue kv : family.getValue()) {
            get.addColumn(family.getKey(), kv.getQualifier());
          List<KeyValue> results = get(get, false);

          // Iterate the input columns and update existing values if they were
          // found, otherwise add new column initialized to the append value

          // Avoid as much copying as possible. Every byte is copied at most
          // once.
          // Would be nice if KeyValue had scatter/gather logic
          int idx = 0;
          for (KeyValue kv : family.getValue()) {
            KeyValue newKV;
            if (idx < results.size()
                && results.get(idx).matchingQualifier(kv.getBuffer(),
                    kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength())) {
              KeyValue oldKv = results.get(idx);
              // allocate an empty kv once
              newKV = new KeyValue(row.length, kv.getFamilyLength(),
                  kv.getQualifierLength(), now, KeyValue.Type.Put,
                  oldKv.getValueLength() + kv.getValueLength());
              // copy in the value
              System.arraycopy(oldKv.getBuffer(), oldKv.getValueOffset(),
                  newKV.getBuffer(), newKV.getValueOffset(),
              System.arraycopy(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getValueOffset(),
                  newKV.getValueOffset() + oldKv.getValueLength(),
            } else {
              // allocate an empty kv once
              newKV = new KeyValue(row.length, kv.getFamilyLength(),
                  kv.getQualifierLength(), now, KeyValue.Type.Put,
              // copy in the value
              System.arraycopy(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getValueOffset(),
                  newKV.getBuffer(), newKV.getValueOffset(),
            // copy in row, family, and qualifier
            System.arraycopy(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getRowOffset(),
                newKV.getBuffer(), newKV.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowLength());
            System.arraycopy(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getFamilyOffset(),
                newKV.getBuffer(), newKV.getFamilyOffset(),
            System.arraycopy(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getQualifierOffset(),
                newKV.getBuffer(), newKV.getQualifierOffset(),


            // Append update to WAL
            if (writeToWAL) {
              if (walEdits == null) {
                walEdits = new WALEdit();

          // store the kvs to the temporary memstore before writing HLog
          tempMemstore.put(store, kvs);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

    // TODO: Use MVCC to make this set of increments atomic to reads
    byte [] row = increment.getRow();
    checkRow(row, "increment");
    TimeRange tr = increment.getTimeRange();
    boolean flush = false;
    WALEdit walEdits = null;
    List<KeyValue> allKVs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(increment.numColumns());
    Map<Store, List<KeyValue>> tempMemstore = new HashMap<Store, List<KeyValue>>();
    long before = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
    long size = 0;
    long txid = 0;

    // Lock row
    try {
      Integer lid = getLock(lockid, row, true);
      try {
        long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
        // Process each family
        for (Map.Entry<byte [], NavigableMap<byte [], Long>> family :
          increment.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) {

          Store store = stores.get(family.getKey());
          List<KeyValue> kvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(family.getValue().size());

          // Get previous values for all columns in this family
          Get get = new Get(row);
          for (Map.Entry<byte [], Long> column : family.getValue().entrySet()) {
            get.addColumn(family.getKey(), column.getKey());
          get.setTimeRange(tr.getMin(), tr.getMax());
          List<KeyValue> results = get(get, false);

          // Iterate the input columns and update existing values if they were
          // found, otherwise add new column initialized to the increment amount
          int idx = 0;
          for (Map.Entry<byte [], Long> column : family.getValue().entrySet()) {
            long amount = column.getValue();
            if (idx < results.size() &&
                results.get(idx).matchingQualifier(column.getKey())) {
              KeyValue kv = results.get(idx);
              if(kv.getValueLength() == Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG) {
                amount += Bytes.toLong(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getValueOffset(), Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG);
              } else {
                // throw DoNotRetryIOException instead of IllegalArgumentException
                throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
                    "Attempted to increment field that isn't 64 bits wide");

            // Append new incremented KeyValue to list
            KeyValue newKV = new KeyValue(row, family.getKey(), column.getKey(),
                now, Bytes.toBytes(amount));

            // Append update to WAL
            if (writeToWAL) {
              if (walEdits == null) {
                walEdits = new WALEdit();

          //store the kvs to the temporary memstore before writing HLog
          tempMemstore.put(store, kvs);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit


          // now log it:
          if (writeToWAL) {
            long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
            WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit();
            // Using default cluster id, as this can only happen in the
            // orginating cluster. A slave cluster receives the final value (not
            // the delta) as a Put.
            txid = this.log.appendNoSync(regionInfo, this.htableDescriptor.getName(),
                walEdit, HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID, now,
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit

    long seenEntries = 0;
    HLog.Entry entry =
        this.repLogReader.readNextAndSetPosition(this.entriesArray, this.currentNbEntries);
    while (entry != null) {
      WALEdit edit = entry.getEdit();
      // Remove all KVs that should not be replicated
      HLogKey logKey = entry.getKey();
      // don't replicate if the log entries originated in the peer
      if (!logKey.getClusterId().equals(peerClusterId)) {
        // Don't replicate catalog entries, if the WALEdit wasn't
        // containing anything to replicate and if we're currently not set to replicate
        if (!(Bytes.equals(logKey.getTablename(), HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME) ||
            Bytes.equals(logKey.getTablename(), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME)) &&
            edit.size() != 0 && replicating.get()) {
          // Only set the clusterId if is a local key.
          // This ensures that the originator sets the cluster id
          // and all replicas retain the initial cluster id.
          // This is *only* place where a cluster id other than the default is set.
          if (HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID == logKey.getClusterId()) {
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