Examples of TabletStatusMessage

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

    try {
      majCStats = _majorCompact(reason);
      if (reason == MajorCompactionReason.CHOP) {
        MetadataTable.chopped(getExtent(), this.tabletServer.getLock());
        tabletServer.enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.CHOPPED, extent));
    } catch (CompactionCanceledException mcce) {
      log.debug("Major compaction canceled, extent = " + getExtent());
      throw new RuntimeException(mcce);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

      if (t == null) {
        // Tablet has probably been recently unloaded: repeated master
        // unload request is crossing the successful unloaded message
        if (!recentlyUnloadedCache.containsKey(extent)) {
          log.info("told to unload tablet that was not being served " + extent);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_FAILURE_NOT_SERVING, extent));
      try {
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        if ((t.isClosing() || t.isClosed()) && e instanceof IllegalStateException) {
          log.debug("Failed to unload tablet " + extent + "... it was alread closing or closed : " + e.getMessage());
        } else {
          log.error("Failed to close tablet " + extent + "... Aborting migration", e);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_ERROR, extent));
      // stop serving tablet - client will get not serving tablet
      // exceptions
      recentlyUnloadedCache.put(extent, System.currentTimeMillis());
      try {
        TServerInstance instance = new TServerInstance(clientAddress, getLock().getSessionId());
        TabletLocationState tls = null;
        try {
          tls = new TabletLocationState(extent, null, instance, null, null, false);
        } catch (BadLocationStateException e) {
          log.error("Unexpected error ", e);
        log.debug("Unassigning " + tls);
      } catch (DistributedStoreException ex) {
        log.warn("Unable to update storage", ex);
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        log.warn("Unable determine our zookeeper session information", e);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.warn("Interrupted while getting our zookeeper session information", e);
      // tell the master how it went
      enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOADED, extent));
      // roll tablet stats over into tablet server's statsKeeper object as
      // historical data
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

        synchronized (openingTablets) {
        log.warn("Failed to verify tablet " + extent, e);
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

      if (locationToOpen == null) {
        log.debug("Reporting tablet " + extent + " assignment failure: unable to verify Tablet Information");
        synchronized (openingTablets) {
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));

      Tablet tablet = null;
      boolean successful = false;
      try {
        TabletResourceManager trm = resourceManager.createTabletResourceManager();
        // this opens the tablet file and fills in the endKey in the
        // extent
        tablet = new Tablet(TabletServer.this, locationToOpen, extent, trm, tabletsKeyValues);
         * If a minor compaction starts after a tablet opens, this indicates a log recovery occurred. This recovered data must be minor compacted.
         * There are three reasons to wait for this minor compaction to finish before placing the tablet in online tablets.
         * 1) The log recovery code does not handle data written to the tablet on multiple tablet servers. 2) The log recovery code does not block if memory is
         * full. Therefore recovering lots of tablets that use a lot of memory could run out of memory. 3) The minor compaction finish event did not make it to
         * the logs (the file will be in !METADATA, preventing replay of compacted data)... but do not want a majc to wipe the file out from !METADATA and then
         * have another process failure... this could cause duplicate data to replay
        if (tablet.getNumEntriesInMemory() > 0 && !tablet.minorCompactNow(MinorCompactionReason.SYSTEM)) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Minor compaction after recovery fails for " + extent);

        Assignment assignment = new Assignment(extent, getTabletSession());
        synchronized (openingTablets) {
          synchronized (onlineTablets) {
            onlineTablets.put(extent, tablet);
        tablet = null; // release this reference
        successful = true;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn("exception trying to assign tablet " + extent + " " + locationToOpen, e);
        if (e.getMessage() != null)
        String table = extent.getTableId().toString();
        ProblemReports.getInstance().report(new ProblemReport(table, TABLET_LOAD, extent.getUUID().toString(), getClientAddressString(), e));
      if (!successful) {
        synchronized (unopenedTablets) {
          synchronized (openingTablets) {
        log.warn("failed to open tablet " + extent + " reporting failure to master");
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));
        long reschedule = Math.min((1l << Math.min(32, retryAttempt)) * 1000, 10 * 60 * 1000l);
        log.warn(String.format("rescheduling tablet load in %.2f seconds", reschedule / 1000.));
        SimpleTimer.getInstance().schedule(new TimerTask() {
          public void run() {
            log.info("adding tablet " + extent + " back to the assignment pool (retry " + retryAttempt + ")");
            AssignmentHandler handler = new AssignmentHandler(extent, retryAttempt + 1);
            if (extent.isMeta()) {
              if (extent.isRootTablet()) {
                new Daemon(new LoggingRunnable(log, handler), "Root tablet assignment retry").start();
              } else {
            } else {
        }, reschedule);
      } else {
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOADED, extent));
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

      majCStats = _majorCompact(reason);
      if (reason == MajorCompactionReason.CHOP) {
        MetadataTable.chopped(getExtent(), this.tabletServer.getLock());
        tabletServer.enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.CHOPPED, extent));
    } catch (CompactionCanceledException mcce) {
      log.debug("Major compaction canceled, extent = " + getExtent());
      throw new RuntimeException(mcce);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

      if (t == null) {
        // Tablet has probably been recently unloaded: repeated master
        // unload request is crossing the successful unloaded message
        if (!recentlyUnloadedCache.containsKey(extent)) {
          log.info("told to unload tablet that was not being served " + extent);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_FAILURE_NOT_SERVING, extent));

      try {
      } catch (Throwable e) {

        if ((t.isClosing() || t.isClosed()) && e instanceof IllegalStateException) {
          log.debug("Failed to unload tablet " + extent + "... it was alread closing or closed : " + e.getMessage());
        } else {
          log.error("Failed to close tablet " + extent + "... Aborting migration", e);

        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_ERROR, extent));

      // stop serving tablet - client will get not serving tablet
      // exceptions
      recentlyUnloadedCache.put(extent, System.currentTimeMillis());

      try {
        TServerInstance instance = new TServerInstance(clientAddress, getLock().getSessionId());
        TabletLocationState tls = new TabletLocationState(extent, null, instance, null, null, false);
        log.debug("Unassigning " + tls);
      } catch (DistributedStoreException ex) {
        log.warn("Unable to update storage", ex);
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        log.warn("Unable determine our zookeeper session information", e);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.warn("Interrupted while getting our zookeeper session information", e);

      // tell the master how it went
      enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOADED, extent));

      // roll tablet stats over into tablet server's statsKeeper object as
      // historical data
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

        throw new RuntimeException(e);

      if (tabletsInRange == null) {
        log.info("Reporting tablet " + extent + " assignment failure: unable to verify Tablet Information");
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));
        synchronized (openingTablets) {
      // If extent given is not the one to be opened, update
      if (tabletsInRange.size() != 1 || !tabletsInRange.containsKey(extent)) {


        synchronized (openingTablets) {
          for (KeyExtent e : tabletsInRange.keySet())
      } else {
        // remove any metadata entries for the previous tablet
        Iterator<Key> iter = tabletsKeyValues.keySet().iterator();
        Text row = extent.getMetadataEntry();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          Key key = iter.next();
          if (!key.getRow().equals(row)) {
      if (tabletsInRange.size() > 1) {
        log.debug("Master didn't know " + extent + " was split, letting it know about " + tabletsInRange.keySet());
        enqueueMasterMessage(new SplitReportMessage(extent, tabletsInRange));

      // create the tablet object
      for (Entry<KeyExtent,Text> entry : tabletsInRange.entrySet()) {
        Tablet tablet = null;
        boolean successful = false;

        final KeyExtent extentToOpen = entry.getKey();
        Text locationToOpen = entry.getValue();

        if (onlineTablets.containsKey(extentToOpen)) {
          // know this was from fixing a split, because initial check
          // would have caught original extent
          log.warn("Something is screwy!  Already serving tablet " + extentToOpen + " derived from fixing split. Original extent = " + extent);
          synchronized (openingTablets) {

        try {
          TabletResourceManager trm = resourceManager.createTabletResourceManager();

          // this opens the tablet file and fills in the endKey in the
          // extent
          tablet = new Tablet(TabletServer.this, locationToOpen, extentToOpen, trm, tabletsKeyValues);
           * If a minor compaction starts after a tablet opens, this indicates a log recovery occurred. This recovered data must be minor compacted.
           * There are three reasons to wait for this minor compaction to finish before placing the tablet in online tablets.
           * 1) The log recovery code does not handle data written to the tablet on multiple tablet servers. 2) The log recovery code does not block if memory
           * is full. Therefore recovering lots of tablets that use a lot of memory could run out of memory. 3) The minor compaction finish event did not make
           * it to the logs (the file will be in !METADATA, preventing replay of compacted data)... but do not want a majc to wipe the file out from !METADATA
           * and then have another process failure... this could cause duplicate data to replay
          if (tablet.getNumEntriesInMemory() > 0 && !tablet.minorCompactNow()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Minor compaction after recovery fails for " + extentToOpen);

          Assignment assignment = new Assignment(extentToOpen, getTabletSession());

          synchronized (openingTablets) {
            synchronized (onlineTablets) {
              onlineTablets.put(extentToOpen, tablet);
          tablet = null; // release this reference
          successful = true;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          log.warn("exception trying to assign tablet " + extentToOpen + " " + locationToOpen, e);
          if (e.getMessage() != null)
          String table = extent.getTableId().toString();
          ProblemReports.getInstance().report(new ProblemReport(table, TABLET_LOAD, extentToOpen.getUUID().toString(), getClientAddressString(), e));

        if (!successful) {
          synchronized (unopenedTablets) {
            synchronized (openingTablets) {
          log.warn("failed to open tablet " + extentToOpen + " reporting failure to master");
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extentToOpen));
          long reschedule = Math.min((1l << Math.min(32, retryAttempt)) * 1000, 10 * 60 * 1000l);
          log.warn(String.format("rescheduling tablet load in %.2f seconds", reschedule / 1000.));
          SimpleTimer.getInstance().schedule(new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
              log.info("adding tablet " + extent + " back to the assignment pool (retry " + retryAttempt + ")");
              AssignmentHandler handler = new AssignmentHandler(extentToOpen, retryAttempt + 1);
              if (isMetaDataTablet) {
                if (Constants.ROOT_TABLET_EXTENT.equals(extent)) {
                  new Thread(new LoggingRunnable(log, handler), "Root tablet assignment retry").start();
                } else {
              } else {
          }, reschedule);
        } else {
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOADED, extentToOpen));
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

    try {
      majCStats = _majorCompact(reason);
      if (reason == MajorCompactionReason.CHOP) {
        MetadataTable.chopped(getExtent(), this.tabletServer.getLock());
        tabletServer.enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.CHOPPED, extent));
    } catch (CompactionCanceledException mcce) {
      log.debug("Major compaction canceled, extent = " + getExtent());
      throw new RuntimeException(mcce);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

      if (t == null) {
        // Tablet has probably been recently unloaded: repeated master
        // unload request is crossing the successful unloaded message
        if (!recentlyUnloadedCache.containsKey(extent)) {
          log.info("told to unload tablet that was not being served " + extent);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_FAILURE_NOT_SERVING, extent));
      try {
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        if ((t.isClosing() || t.isClosed()) && e instanceof IllegalStateException) {
          log.debug("Failed to unload tablet " + extent + "... it was alread closing or closed : " + e.getMessage());
        } else {
          log.error("Failed to close tablet " + extent + "... Aborting migration", e);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_ERROR, extent));
      // stop serving tablet - client will get not serving tablet
      // exceptions
      recentlyUnloadedCache.put(extent, System.currentTimeMillis());
      try {
        TServerInstance instance = new TServerInstance(clientAddress, getLock().getSessionId());
        TabletLocationState tls = null;
        try {
          tls = new TabletLocationState(extent, null, instance, null, null, false);
        } catch (BadLocationStateException e) {
          log.error("Unexpected error ", e);
        log.debug("Unassigning " + tls);
      } catch (DistributedStoreException ex) {
        log.warn("Unable to update storage", ex);
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        log.warn("Unable determine our zookeeper session information", e);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.warn("Interrupted while getting our zookeeper session information", e);
      // tell the master how it went
      enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOADED, extent));
      // roll tablet stats over into tablet server's statsKeeper object as
      // historical data
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

        synchronized (openingTablets) {
        log.warn("Failed to verify tablet " + extent, e);
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

      if (locationToOpen == null) {
        log.debug("Reporting tablet " + extent + " assignment failure: unable to verify Tablet Information");
        synchronized (openingTablets) {
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));

      Tablet tablet = null;
      boolean successful = false;
      try {
        TabletResourceManager trm = resourceManager.createTabletResourceManager();
        // this opens the tablet file and fills in the endKey in the
        // extent
        tablet = new Tablet(TabletServer.this, locationToOpen, extent, trm, tabletsKeyValues);
         * If a minor compaction starts after a tablet opens, this indicates a log recovery occurred. This recovered data must be minor compacted.
         * There are three reasons to wait for this minor compaction to finish before placing the tablet in online tablets.
         * 1) The log recovery code does not handle data written to the tablet on multiple tablet servers. 2) The log recovery code does not block if memory is
         * full. Therefore recovering lots of tablets that use a lot of memory could run out of memory. 3) The minor compaction finish event did not make it to
         * the logs (the file will be in !METADATA, preventing replay of compacted data)... but do not want a majc to wipe the file out from !METADATA and then
         * have another process failure... this could cause duplicate data to replay
        if (tablet.getNumEntriesInMemory() > 0 && !tablet.minorCompactNow(MinorCompactionReason.SYSTEM)) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Minor compaction after recovery fails for " + extent);

        Assignment assignment = new Assignment(extent, getTabletSession());
        synchronized (openingTablets) {
          synchronized (onlineTablets) {
            onlineTablets.put(extent, tablet);
        tablet = null; // release this reference
        successful = true;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn("exception trying to assign tablet " + extent + " " + locationToOpen, e);
        if (e.getMessage() != null)
        String table = extent.getTableId().toString();
        ProblemReports.getInstance().report(new ProblemReport(table, TABLET_LOAD, extent.getUUID().toString(), getClientAddressString(), e));
      if (!successful) {
        synchronized (unopenedTablets) {
          synchronized (openingTablets) {
        log.warn("failed to open tablet " + extent + " reporting failure to master");
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOAD_FAILURE, extent));
        long reschedule = Math.min((1l << Math.min(32, retryAttempt)) * 1000, 10 * 60 * 1000l);
        log.warn(String.format("rescheduling tablet load in %.2f seconds", reschedule / 1000.));
        SimpleTimer.getInstance().schedule(new TimerTask() {
          public void run() {
            log.info("adding tablet " + extent + " back to the assignment pool (retry " + retryAttempt + ")");
            AssignmentHandler handler = new AssignmentHandler(extent, retryAttempt + 1);
            if (extent.isMeta()) {
              if (extent.isRootTablet()) {
                new Daemon(new LoggingRunnable(log, handler), "Root tablet assignment retry").start();
              } else {
            } else {
        }, reschedule);
      } else {
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.LOADED, extent));
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Examples of org.apache.accumulo.server.tabletserver.mastermessage.TabletStatusMessage

      if (t == null) {
        // Tablet has probably been recently unloaded: repeated master
        // unload request is crossing the successful unloaded message
        if (!recentlyUnloadedCache.containsKey(extent)) {
          log.info("told to unload tablet that was not being served " + extent);
          enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_FAILURE_NOT_SERVING, extent));
      try {
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        if ((t.isClosing() || t.isClosed()) && e instanceof IllegalStateException) {
          log.debug("Failed to unload tablet " + extent + "... it was alread closing or closed : " + e.getMessage());
        } else {
          log.error("Failed to close tablet " + extent + "... Aborting migration", e);
        enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOAD_ERROR, extent));
      // stop serving tablet - client will get not serving tablet
      // exceptions
      recentlyUnloadedCache.put(extent, System.currentTimeMillis());
      try {
        TServerInstance instance = new TServerInstance(clientAddress, getLock().getSessionId());
        TabletLocationState tls = new TabletLocationState(extent, null, instance, null, null, false);
        log.debug("Unassigning " + tls);
      } catch (DistributedStoreException ex) {
        log.warn("Unable to update storage", ex);
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        log.warn("Unable determine our zookeeper session information", e);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.warn("Interrupted while getting our zookeeper session information", e);
      // tell the master how it went
      enqueueMasterMessage(new TabletStatusMessage(TabletLoadState.UNLOADED, extent));
      // roll tablet stats over into tablet server's statsKeeper object as
      // historical data
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