Examples of Session

  • org.jscsi.initiator.connection.Session


    A session or Initiator Target Nexus is a directed communication from an iSCSI Initiator to an iSCSI Target. Each session can contain several connections. This allows a better usage of bandwidth and decreases latency times. The Abstract Class is used to implement serveral single- and multithreaded variants of Sessions @author Volker Wildi, University of Konstanz @author Patrice Matthias Brend'amour, University of Kontanz @author Sebastian Graf, University of Kontanz

  • org.knopflerfish.service.console.Session
    Control interface for a command session. @author Gatespace AB @version $Revision: $ @see ConsoleService
  • org.lealone.engine.Session
    A session represents an embedded database connection. When using the server mode, this object resides on the server side and communicates with a SessionRemote object on the client side.
  • org.menacheri.jetclient.app.Session
    This interface abstracts a session in jetclient. A session can be thought of as a high level connection to a remote jetserver. Internally it can have TCP as well as UDP connections. The session also has event dispatching capabilities. So when an event comes into the session, it will get dispatched to the appropriate {@link EventHandler}. @author Abraham Menacherry
  • org.menacheri.jetserver.app.Session
  • org.mobicents.slee.util.Session
  • org.modeshape.jcr.api.Session
    A specialization of the standard JCR {@link javax.jcr.Session} interface that returns the ModeShape-specific extensioninterfaces from {@link #getWorkspace()}, {@link #getRepository()}, and {@link #getValueFactory()}.
  • org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.AbstractSessionManager.Session
  • org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Session
  • org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Session
    Implements the javax.jms.Session interface.

    A Session object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages. A session serves several purposes:

    A session can create and service multiple message producers and consumers.
  • org.openbravo.model.ad.access.Session
    Entity class for entity ADSession (stored in table AD_Session). NOTE: This class should not be instantiated directly. To instantiate this class the {@link org.openbravo.base.provider.OBProvider} should be used.
  • org.openiaml.model.model.scopes.Session
  • org.openntf.domino.Session
    The Interface Session is the root of the Domino Objects containment hierarchy, providing access to the other Domino objects, and represents the Domino environment of the current program.
  • org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.Session
  • org.openrdf.store.Session
    Stores thread-based session information. Sessions are typically initialized in servers.
  • org.parosproxy.paros.model.Session
    To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
  • org.renjin.eval.Session
    Outermost context for R evaluation.

    The Session corresponds to an R process of the original interpreter, but multiple Renjin Sessions can be live within a single JVM.

  • org.richfaces.application.push.Session

    Session represents user’s subscription to a set of topics. This set is immutable, so new session should be created if user wants to add/remove subscriptions to some topics.

    Session does multiplexing for messages from several topics, so that only a single client connection is required to for data transfer.

    When session is created, it is getting unique UUID identifier, that client uses to communicate to that session.

    When client is subscribed to a set of topics associated with some session, session fires SessionPreSubscriptionEvent, so that application developer can control subscriptions according to access rights.

    Session is kept alive for ( {@link #getMaxInactiveInterval()}) minutes since the last time it has been accessed. Note that push can work in either polling (long polling) and persistent connection (WebSocket) modes, so session should be kept-alive correctly in both cases.

    @author Nick Belaevski
  • org.rstudio.studio.client.workbench.model.Session
  • org.sd_network.vfsshell.Session
    A session folder.

    $Id$ @author Masatoshi Sato

  • org.serviceconnector.service.Session
    The Class Session. Provides unique id and an attribute map to store data. A session represents virtual relation between a client and a server. Session activity is observed by a timer. The timer gets initialized when adding the session to the registry. It gets reseted when session is used by requests.
  • org.smpp.Session
    Class Session provides all methods necessary for communication with SMSC using SMPP protocol, i.e. methods for sending PDUs as defined in SMPP specification as well as receiving responses for sent PDUs and waiting for PDUs whose sending was initiated by SMSC.
    Instance of Session represents one connection of ESME to a SMSC. Multiple connections can be established using multiple Sessions.

    Session uses Connection object which is instantiated outside of the Session. This way is the Session made independent on the communication protocol and Session's code isn't populated by protocol dependent initialisation.

    Code example of binding, sending one message and unbinding:

     Connection conn = new TCPIPConnection("", 6543); Session session = new Session(conn); BindRequest breq = new BindTransmitter(); breq.setSystemId("MYNAME"); breq.setPassword("my_pswdx"); Response resp = session.bind(breq); if (resp.getCommandStatus() == Data.ESME_ROK) { SubmitSM msg = new SubmitSM(); msg.setSourceAddr("3538998765432"); msg.setDestAddr("3538619283746"); msg.setShortMessage("Hello, world!"); resp = session.submit(msg); if (resp.getCommandStatus() == Data.ESME_ROK) { System.out.println("Message submitted. Status=" + resp.getCommandStatus()); } else { System.out.println("Message submission failed. Status=" + resp.getCommandStatus()); } session.unbind(); } else { System.out.println("Couldn't bind. Status=" + resp.getCommandStatus()); } 
    Note that the cycle bind - send PDU's - unbind can be called several times for once created session.

    Particular methods for sending PDUs to SMSC return responses to the sent PDUs. They return null if no response is received in time specified by the receive timeout in receiver. This means that the methods wait for response corresponding to the request. The corresponding response is recognized using sequence number of the sent PDU and a corresponding response command id.
    The session can work in assynchronous manner, i.e. it doesn't wait for response for the sent request, instead all responses are handled by instance of callback class ServerPDUEventListener whenever they are received.
    The Session class checks if operations invoked are valid in the current state of the session. If not, then such operation throws WrongSessionStateException expcetion. For example it's incorrect to try to submit a message if the session is bound as receiver. The checking if the operation is valid in the current state of session is turned off by default. @author Logica Mobile Networks SMPP Open Source Team @version $Revision: 1.4 $ @see Connection @see Transmitter @see Receiver @see ServerPDUEventListener

  • org.spout.api.protocol.Session
  • org.springframework.integration.file.remote.session.Session
  • org.springframework.session.Session
    Provides a way to identify a user in an agnostic way. This allows the session to be used by an HttpSession, WebSocket Session, or even non web related sessions. @author Rob Winch @since 1.0
  • org.subethamail.smtp.server.Session
    The thread that handles a connection. This class passes most of it's responsibilities off to the CommandHandler. @author Jon Stevens @author Jeff Schnitzer
  • org.tamacat.httpd.session.Session

    {@code Session} interface like HttpSession of Servlet-API.

  • org.teiid.adminapi.Session
    A Session is a lasting connection between a client and a Teiid System. A user may be allowed to have multiple sessions active simultaneously.
  • org.travsoup.wrappers.Session
    Do not use this without permission. User: harrynoob Date: 12-5-13 Time: 16:21
  • org.uberfire.java.nio.security.Session
    TODO: update me
  • org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.Session
  • org.wkh.bateman.trade.Session
  • org.wso2.carbon.rule.core.Session
    Runtime connection between the rule engine and its users
  • org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session
    A user session.

    To get the current session, use {@link Sessions#getCurrent}, or {@link Desktop#getSession}.

    A session, {@link Session}, might have multiple pages, {@link Page}, while a page belongs to exactly one session. A page, {@link Page}, might have many components, {@link Component}, while a component belongs to exactly one page. @author tomyeh

  • parrot.server.SessionManager.Session
  • play.mvc.Http.Session
  • play.mvc.Scope.Session
  • pt.opensoft.msg.Session
  • quickfix.Session
  • railo.runtime.type.scope.Session
  • ratpack.session.Session
  • remote.motecontrol.client.Session
    Created on Sep 19, 2005 @author zept
  • rocks.xmpp.core.session.model.Session
    org/rfcs/rfc3921.html#session">3. Session Establishment

    If a server supports sessions, it MUST include a {@code } element qualified by the 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session' namespace in the stream features it advertises to a client after the completion of stream authentication as defined in [XMPP-CORE].

    Upon being so informed that session establishment is required (and after completing resource binding), the client MUST establish a session if it desires to engage in instant messaging and presence functionality; it completes this step by sending to the server an IQ stanza of type "set" containing an empty {@code } child element qualified by the 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session' namespace.

    Note: Session establishment has been removed from the updated specification.

    @author Christian Schudt
  • se.despotify.client.protocol.Session
  • securite.Session
  • spark.Session
    Provides session information.
  • tridion.contentmanager.Session
  • xbird.client.command.Session
    @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
  • yalp.mvc.Scope.Session

  • Examples of com.kurento.kmf.jsonrpcconnector.Session

        public void handleRequest(final Transaction transaction,
            Request<String> request) throws Exception {

          Session session = transaction.getSession();

          if (session.isNew()) {
          } else {
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    Examples of com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session

       * @throws com.liferay.socialnetworking.NoSuchWallEntryException if a wall entry with the primary key could not be found
       * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
      public WallEntry remove(long wallEntryId)
        throws NoSuchWallEntryException, SystemException {
        Session session = null;

        try {
          session = openSession();

          WallEntry wallEntry = (WallEntry)session.get(WallEntryImpl.class,
              new Long(wallEntryId));

          if (wallEntry == null) {
            if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {
              _log.warn(_NO_SUCH_ENTITY_WITH_PRIMARY_KEY + wallEntryId);
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    Examples of com.logica.smpp.Session

        myAddressRange = addressRange;

        // create the session
        TCPIPConnection connection = new TCPIPConnection (myHost, myPort);
        connection.setReceiveTimeout (cReceiveTimeout);
        mySession = new Session (connection);

        // configure the bind request
        BindRequest request = null;
        if (access.equals (SmppAccessType.eTransmitter)) {
          request = new BindTransmitter ();
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    Examples of com.marklogic.xcc.Session

            if ("basic".equals(getOption(_auth_method, ""))) {

            Session session;

            try {
                session = contentSource.newSession ();
                Request request = session.newAdhocQuery (queryString);

                for (QName name : params.keySet()) {
                    XSString value = ValueFactory.newXSString (params.get(name));
                    XName xname = new XName(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalName());
                    XdmVariable myVariable = ValueFactory.newVariable (xname, value);
                    request.setVariable (myVariable);

                ResultSequence rs = session.submitRequest (request);

                while (rs.hasNext()) {
                    ResultItem rsItem = rs.next();
                    XdmItem item = rsItem.getItem();

                    // FIXME: This needs work...
                    if (item instanceof XdmDocument || item instanceof XdmElement) {
                        XdmNode xccXML = parseString(item.asString());
                    } else if (item instanceof XdmBinary) {
                        String base64 = Base64.encodeBytes(((XdmBinary) item).asBinaryData());
                        TreeWriter treeWriter = new TreeWriter(runtime);

                        if (XProcConstants.NS_XPROC_STEP.equals(wrapper.getNamespaceURI())) {
                            treeWriter.addAttribute(_encoding, "base64");
                        } else {
                            treeWriter.addAttribute(c_encoding, "base64");

                        XdmNode node = treeWriter.getResult();
                    } else {
                        String text = item.asString();
                        TreeWriter treeWriter = new TreeWriter(runtime);
                        XdmNode node = treeWriter.getResult();

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new XProcException(e);
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    Examples of com.mmoscene.h4j.network.sessions.Session

                int user = request.readInt();

                H4J.getDAO().getMessengerDAO().acceptFriendship(user, session.getHabbo().getId());

                if(H4J.getNetwork().getSessionManager().getOnlineStatusById(user)) {
                    Session sender = H4J.getNetwork().getSessionManager().getSessionById(user);


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    Examples of com.mysql.clusterj.Session

            sessionFactory3 = ClusterJHelper.getSessionFactory(modifiedProperties);
            errorIfNotEqual(where + " SessionFactory1 should be the same object as SessionFactory2", true,
                    sessionFactory1 == sessionFactory2);
            errorIfNotEqual(where + " SessionFactory1 should be the same object as SessionFactory3", true,
                    sessionFactory1 == sessionFactory3);
            Session session1 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            Employee e1 = session1.find(Employee.class, 0);
            checkSessions(where + " after get session1", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {1, 0});
            Session session2 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            Employee e2 = session2.find(Employee.class, 0);
            checkSessions(where + " after get session2", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {1, 1});
            Session session3 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            checkSessions(where + " nafter get session3", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {2, 1});
            Session session4 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            checkSessions(where + " after get session4", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {2, 2});
            Session session5 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            checkSessions(where + " after get session5", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {3, 2});
            Session session6 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            checkSessions(where + " after get session6", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {3, 3});

            checkSessions(where + " after close session1", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {2, 3});
            checkSessions(where + " after close session4", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {2, 2});
            checkSessions(where + " after close session5", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {1, 2});
            Session session7 = sessionFactory1.getSession();
            checkSessions(where + " after get session7", sessionFactory1, new Integer[] {2, 2});
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    Examples of com.openbravo.data.loader.Session

                    // the password is encrypted
                    AltEncrypter cypher = new AltEncrypter("cypherkey" + sDBUser);
                    sDBPassword = cypher.decrypt(sDBPassword.substring(6));

                 return new Session(props.getProperty("db.URL"), sDBUser,sDBPassword);    

            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                throw new BasicException(AppLocal.getIntString("message.databasedrivererror"), e);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException eIA) {
                throw new BasicException(AppLocal.getIntString("message.databasedrivererror"), eIA);
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    Examples of com.ponysdk.core.servlet.Session


        public void startApplication(final JSONObject data, final Request request, final Response response) throws Exception {

            final Session session = request.getSession();

            synchronized (session) {
                Long reloadedViewID = null;
                boolean isNewHttpSession = false;
                Application application = (Application) session.getAttribute(Application.class.getCanonicalName());
                if (application == null) {
                    log.info("Creating a new application ... Session ID #" + session.getId() + " - " + request.getHeader("User-Agent") + " - " + request.getRemoteAddr());
                    final String applicationID = System.getProperty(SystemProperty.APPLICATION_ID);
                    final String applicationName = System.getProperty(SystemProperty.APPLICATION_NAME);
                    application = new Application(applicationID, applicationName, session, options);
                    session.setAttribute(Application.class.getCanonicalName(), application);
                    isNewHttpSession = true;
                } else {
                    if (data.has(APPLICATION.VIEW_ID)) reloadedViewID = data.getLong(APPLICATION.VIEW_ID);
                    log.info("Reloading application " + reloadedViewID + " on session #" + session.getId());

                final UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(application);

                if (reloadedViewID != null) {
                    final UIContext previousUIContext = application.getUIContext(reloadedViewID);
                    if (previousUIContext != null) previousUIContext.destroy();

                try {
                    final Txn txn = Txn.get();
                    txn.begin(new TxnContextHttp(true, request, response));
                    try {

                        final long receivedSeqNum = data.getLong(APPLICATION.SEQ_NUM);

                        final EntryPoint entryPoint = initializePonySession(uiContext);

                        final String historyToken = data.getString(HISTORY.TOKEN);
                        if (historyToken != null && !historyToken.isEmpty()) uiContext.getHistory().newItem(historyToken, false);

                        final PCookies pCookies = uiContext.getCookies();
                        final JSONArray cookies = data.getJSONArray(PROPERTY.COOKIES);
                        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length(); i++) {
                            final JSONObject jsoObject = cookies.getJSONObject(i);
                            final String name = jsoObject.getString(PROPERTY.KEY);
                            final String value = jsoObject.getString(PROPERTY.VALUE);
                            pCookies.cacheCookie(name, value);

                        if (isNewHttpSession) {
                        } else {
                    } catch (final Throwable e) {
                        log.error("Cannot send instructions to the browser, Session ID #" + session.getId(), e);
                } finally {
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    Examples of com.projity.session.Session

        doingOpenDialog = true;

        final ArrayList descriptors=new ArrayList();

          Session session=SessionFactory.getInstance().getSession(false);
        Job job=(Job)SessionFactory.callNoEx(session,"getLoadProjectDescriptorsJob",new Class[]{boolean.class,java.util.List.class,boolean.class},new Object[]{true,descriptors,!Environment.isAdministrator()});
          job.addSwingRunnable(new JobRunnable("Local: loadDocument"){ //$NON-NLS-1$
            public Object run() throws Exception{
                     final Closure setter=new Closure(){
                        public void execute(Object obj){

                    final Closure getter=new Closure(){
                        public void execute(Object obj){
                          final Object[] r=(Object[])obj;
                          if (r!=null){
                            DocumentData data=(DocumentData)r[0];
                            boolean openAs=(Boolean)r[1];

                    try {
                      boolean allowMaster = getCurrentFrame() == null && Environment.isAdministrator();
                      OpenProjectDialog.getInstance(getFrame(),descriptors,Messages.getString("Text.openProject"),allowMaster, true, null).execute(setter,getter); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    } finally {
                    doingOpenDialog = false;

                    return null;
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    Examples of com.redspr.redquerybuilder.core.client.engine.Session

    public class GwtTestSuggestEditorWidget extends AbstractTest {

        public void testDirtyKeepsValue() throws Exception {
            Session sess = getSession();

            Column col = sess.getDatabase().getMainSchema()

            final SuggestEditorWidget sew = new SuggestEditorWidget(sess, col);

            final List events = new ArrayList();
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