Examples of SerializableClass

Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

        final ObjectResolver objectPreResolver = this.objectPreResolver;
        Object obj = original;
        Class<?> objClass;
        int id;
        boolean isArray, isEnum;
        SerializableClass info;
        boolean unreplaced = true;
        final int configuredVersion = this.configuredVersion;
        try {
            for (;;) {
                if (obj == null) {
                final int rid;
                if (! unshared && (rid = instanceCache.get(obj, -1)) != -1) {
                    final int diff = rid - instanceSeq;
                    if (diff >= -256) {
                    } else if (diff >= -65536) {
                    } else {
                // Check for a global pre replacement, before any user replacement is called
                obj = objectPreResolver.writeReplace(obj);
                final ObjectTable.Writer objectTableWriter;
                if (! unshared && (objectTableWriter = objectTable.getObjectWriter(obj)) != null) {
                    if (configuredVersion == 1) {
                        objectTableWriter.writeObject(getBlockMarshaller(), obj);
                    } else {
                        objectTableWriter.writeObject(this, obj);
                objClass = obj.getClass();
                id = getBasicClasses(configuredVersion).get(objClass, -1);
                // First, non-replaceable classes
                if (id == ID_CLASS_CLASS) {
                    final Class<?> classObj = (Class<?>) obj;
                    // If a class is one we have an entry for, we just write that byte directly.
                    // These guys can't be written directly though, otherwise they'll get confused with the objects
                    // of the corresponding type.
                    final int cid = BASIC_CLASSES_V2.get(classObj, -1);
                    switch (cid) {
                        case -1:
                        case ID_SINGLETON_MAP_OBJECT:
                        case ID_SINGLETON_SET_OBJECT:
                        case ID_SINGLETON_LIST_OBJECT:
                        case ID_EMPTY_MAP_OBJECT:
                        case ID_EMPTY_SET_OBJECT:
                        case ID_EMPTY_LIST_OBJECT: {
                            // If the class is one of the above special object types, then we write a
                            // full NEW_OBJECT+CLASS_CLASS header followed by the class byte, or if there is none, write
                            // the full class descriptor.

                        default: {
                    // not reached
                isEnum = obj instanceof Enum;
                isArray = objClass.isArray();
                // objects with id != -1 will never make use of the "info" param in *any* way
                info = isArray || isEnum || id != -1 ? null : registry.lookup(objClass);
                // replace once - objects with id != -1 will not have replacement methods but might be globally replaced
                if (unreplaced) {
                    if (info != null) {
                        // check for a user replacement
                        if (info.hasWriteReplace()) {
                            obj = info.callWriteReplace(obj);
                    // Check for a global replacement
                    obj = objectResolver.writeReplace(obj);
                    if (obj != original) {
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Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

        if (superclass != null && serializabilityChecker.isSerializable(superclass)) {
            doWriteSerializableObject(registry.lookup(superclass), obj, superclass);
        if (info.hasWriteObject()) {
            final RiverObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = getObjectOutputStream();
            final SerializableClass oldInfo = objectOutputStream.swapClass(info);
            final Object oldObj = objectOutputStream.swapCurrent(obj);
            final int restoreState = objectOutputStream.start();
            boolean ok = false;
            try {
                info.callWriteObject(obj, objectOutputStream);
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Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

        if (classTableWriter != null) {
            classCache.put(objClass, classSeq++);
            writeClassTableData(objClass, classTableWriter);
        } else {
            final SerializableClass info = registry.lookup(objClass);
            if (info.hasWriteObject()) {
            } else {
            classCache.put(objClass, classSeq++);
            classResolver.annotateClass(this, objClass);
            final SerializableField[] fields = info.getFields();
            final int cnt = fields.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
                SerializableField field = fields[i];
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Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

                        throw new NotSerializableException(descriptor.getClass().getName());
                    final Object obj;
                    final int idx;
                    final Class<?> objClass = descriptor.getType();
                    final SerializableClass sc = registry.lookup(objClass);
                    if ((descriptor.getFlags() & SC_EXTERNALIZABLE) != 0) {
                        if (sc.hasObjectInputConstructor()) {
                            obj = sc.callObjectInputConstructor(blockUnmarshaller);
                        } else if (sc.hasPublicNoArgConstructor()) {
                            obj = sc.callNoArgConstructor();
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidClassException(objClass.getName(), "Class is non-public or has no public no-arg constructor");
                        idx = instanceCache.size();
                        instanceCache.add(unshared ? UNSHARED : obj);
                        if (obj instanceof Externalizable) {
                            final Externalizable externalizable = (Externalizable) obj;
                            if ((descriptor.getFlags() & SC_BLOCK_DATA) != 0) {
                            } else {
                                // data is not in block format!
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidObjectException("Created object should be Externalizable but it is not");
                    } else {
                        Class<?> nonSerializable;
                        for (nonSerializable = objClass.getSuperclass(); serializabilityChecker.isSerializable(nonSerializable); nonSerializable = nonSerializable.getSuperclass()) {
                            if (nonSerializable == Object.class) break;
                        obj = sc.callNonInitConstructor(nonSerializable);
                        if (obj instanceof Externalizable) {
                            throw new InvalidObjectException("Created object should not be Externalizable but it is");
                        idx = instanceCache.size();
                        instanceCache.add(unshared ? UNSHARED : obj);
                        doReadSerialObject(descriptor, obj);
                    if (sc.hasReadResolve()) {
                        final Object replacement = sc.callReadResolve(obj);
                        if (! unshared) instanceCache.set(idx, replacement);
                        return replaceOrReturn(unshared, replacement, idx);
                    return replaceOrReturn(unshared, obj, idx);
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Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

    private static SerializableClassDescriptor getSerializableClassDescriptor(final Class<?> subject, final ClassDescriptor superDescriptor) {
        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<SerializableClassDescriptor>() {
            public SerializableClassDescriptor run() {
                final SerializableClassRegistry reg = SerializableClassRegistry.getInstance();
                final SerializableClass serializableClass = reg.lookup(subject);
                final SerializableField[] fields = serializableClass.getFields();
                final boolean hasWriteObject = serializableClass.hasWriteObject();
                try {
                    return new BasicSerializableClassDescriptor(serializableClass, superDescriptor, fields, Externalizable.class.isAssignableFrom(subject) ? Protocol.ID_EXTERNALIZABLE_CLASS : hasWriteObject ? Protocol.ID_WRITE_OBJECT_CLASS : Protocol.ID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.jboss.marshalling.reflect.SerializableClass

        if ((cached = delegate.clone(replaced, this, classCloner)) != null) {
            clones.put(replaced, cached);
            return cached;
        final Class<?> objClass = replaced.getClass();
        final SerializableClass info = registry.lookup(objClass);
        if (replace) {
            if (info.hasWriteReplace()) {
                replaced = info.callWriteReplace(replaced);
            replaced = objectResolver.writeReplace(replaced);
            if (replaced != orig) {
                Object clone = clone(replaced, false);
                clones.put(orig, clone);
                return clone;
        final Class<?> clonedClass = (Class<?>) clone(objClass);
        final boolean sameClass = objClass == clonedClass;
        if (orig instanceof Enum) {
            if (sameClass) {
                // same class means same enum constants
                return orig;
            } else {
                final Class<? extends Enum> cloneEnumClass;
                //the actual object class may be a sub class of the enum class
                final Class<?> enumClass = ((Enum<?>) orig).getDeclaringClass();
                if(enumClass == objClass) {
                    cloneEnumClass = clonedClass.asSubclass(Enum.class);
                } else{
                    cloneEnumClass = ((Class<?>)clone(enumClass)).asSubclass(Enum.class);
                return Enum.valueOf(cloneEnumClass, ((Enum<?>) orig).name());
        if (Proxy.isProxyClass(objClass)) {
            return Proxy.newProxyInstance(clonedClass.getClassLoader(), clonedClass.getInterfaces(), (InvocationHandler) clone(getInvocationHandler(orig)));
        if (UNCLONED.contains(objClass)) {
            return orig;
        if (objClass.isArray()) {
            Object simpleClone = simpleClone(orig, objClass);
            if (simpleClone != null) return simpleClone;
            // must be an object array
            final Object[] origArray = (Object[]) orig;
            final int len = origArray.length;
            if (sameClass && len == 0) {
                clones.put(orig, orig);
                return orig;
            if (UNCLONED.contains(objClass.getComponentType())) {
                final Object[] clone = origArray.clone();
                clones.put(orig, clone);
                return clone;
            final Object[] clone;
            if (sameClass) {
                clone = origArray.clone();
            } else {
                clone = (Object[])Array.newInstance(clonedClass.getComponentType(), len);
            // deep clone
            clones.put(orig, clone);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                clone[i] = clone(origArray[i]);
            return clone;
        final SerializableClass cloneInfo = sameClass ? info : registry.lookup(clonedClass);
        // Now check the serializable types
        final Object clone;
        if (orig instanceof Externalizable) {
            final Externalizable externalizable = (Externalizable) orig;
            clone = cloneInfo.callNoArgConstructor();
            clones.put(orig, clone);
            final Queue<Step> steps = new ArrayDeque<Step>();
            final StepObjectOutput soo = new StepObjectOutput(steps);
            ((Externalizable) clone).readExternal(new StepObjectInput(steps));
        } else if (serializabilityChecker.isSerializable(objClass)) {
            Class<?> nonSerializable;
            for (nonSerializable = objClass.getSuperclass(); serializabilityChecker.isSerializable(nonSerializable); nonSerializable = nonSerializable.getSuperclass()) {
                if (nonSerializable == Object.class) break;
            clone = cloneInfo.callNonInitConstructor(nonSerializable);
            final Class<?> cloneClass = clone.getClass();
            if (! (serializabilityChecker.isSerializable(cloneClass))) {
                throw new NotSerializableException(cloneClass.getName());
            clones.put(orig, clone);
            initSerializableClone(orig, info, clone, cloneInfo);
        } else {
            throw new NotSerializableException(objClass.getName());
        replaced = clone;
        if (cloneInfo.hasReadResolve()) {
            replaced = cloneInfo.callReadResolve(replaced);
        replaced = objectPreResolver.readResolve(objectResolver.readResolve(replaced));
        if (replaced != clone) clones.put(orig, replaced);
        return replaced;
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