Examples of Selector

@version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/11/26 01:50:44 $ @author Tim Anderson
  • org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Selector
    A selector is the part of a CSS rule that defines to which element a style applies in the graph. @author Antoine Dutot @author Yoann Pign�
  • org.jamesii.asf.database.hibernate.Selector
    Hibernate implementation of a selector. @author Roland Ewald
  • org.jamesii.asf.spdm.generators.Selector
    Super class for selectors, implements idea of using a predictor (see {@link IPerfComparisonPredictor}) to sort a list. @author Roland Ewald
  • org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Selector
  • org.jboss.jms.selector.Selector
    This class implements a Message Selector. @author Norbert Lataille @author Juha Lindfors @author Jason Dillon @author Scott Stark @author Tim Fox @version $Revision: 2284 $$Id: Selector.java 2284 2007-02-13 06:47:23Z ovidiu.feodorov@jboss.com $
  • org.jboss.jms.server.selector.Selector
    This class implements a Message Selector. @author Norbert Lataille @author Juha Lindfors @author Jason Dillon @author Scott Stark @author Tim Fox @version $Revision: 3168 $$Id: Selector.java 3168 2007-10-03 02:34:11Z clebert.suconic@jboss.com $
  • org.jitterbit.application.ui.widget.SectionedSplitPane.Selector
  • org.mizartools.dli.Selector
  • org.modeshape.jcr.query.model.Selector
  • org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Selector
    MapCSS selector. A rule has two parts, a selector and a declaration block e.g.
     way[highway=residential]     { width: 10; color: blue; }  
    The selector decides, if the declaration block gets applied or not. All implementing classes of Selector are immutable.
  • org.sbml.jsbml.ext.multi.Selector
    A selector is a mask describing the rules that an entity has to pass in order to be used or rejected. This selector is built of different components, carrying state features. The components can be bound together or not. In a population-based model, the selector, when applied to a pool of entities, permits to filter it, and to obtain a further, more refined, entity pool.

    A selector can be reused in various places of a model, to restrict the application of a procedure to a certain set of topologies and states. Selectors can be used to refine the initial conditions of a species, for instance to specify the initial distribution of different states and topologies. They can also be used in a reaction to decide if a this reaction happens, or to modulate its velocity, in function of the state or topology of a reactant.

    A selector defines the list of components composing the mask, that are species type existing under a given state (that can be an ensemble of elementary states). In addition to the components, the selector lists the possible or mandatory bonds, as well as the components that must not be bound. It is to be noted that a selector must not necessarily be the most parsimonious. One can use the selectors to describe the fine-grained topology of complexes, even if this topology is not used to decide upon particular reactions. @author Nicolas Rodriguez @since 1.0 @version $Rev: 1639 $

  • org.scale7.cassandra.pelops.Selector
    Facilitates the selective retrieval of column data from rows in a Cassandra keyspace.

    Note:The methods that are marked as throwing {@link org.scale7.cassandra.pelops.exceptions.NotFoundException}are the only methods in Pelops that throw exceptions under non-failure conditions. @author dominicwilliams

  • org.scopemvc.core.Selector
  • org.skyscreamer.yoga.selector.Selector
  • org.w3c.css.sac.Selector
    This interface defines a selector.

    Remarks: Not all the following selectors are supported (or will be supported) by CSS.

    All examples are CSS2 compliant. @version $Revision: 1.12 $ @author Philippe Le Hegaret

  • org.w3c.flex.forks.css.sac.Selector
    This interface defines a selector.

    Remarks: Not all the following selectors are supported (or will be supported) by CSS.

    All examples are CSS2 compliant. @version $Revision: 1.2 $ @author Philippe Le Hegaret

  • org.xhtmlrenderer.css.newmatch.Selector
    A Selector is really a chain of CSS selectors that all need to be valid for the selector to match. @author Torbjörn Gannholm
  • org.xorm.query.Selector
  • org.zkoss.selector.model.Selector
    @author simonpai
  • r.nodes.exec.Selector
  • reactor.event.selector.Selector
    A {@literal Selector} is a wrapper around an arbitrary object. @author Jon Brisbin @author Stephane Maldini @author Andy Wilkinson
  • tripleplay.ui.Selector
    Maintains a single selected item among a specified set of {@code Element} instances. Theelements may be added individually, or the children of an {@code Elements} may be trackedautomatically.

    A click on a tracked element that implements {@code Clickable} makes it the selected item, or{@code selected} can be used to manually control the selected item.

  • Examples of org.scopemvc.core.Selector

         * dialog subview on model changes.
        public void modelChanged(ModelChangeEvent inEvent) {
            logObj.info("ModelChangeEvent: " + inEvent.getSelector());

            Selector selector = inEvent.getSelector();

            if (selector.startsWith(CacheSyncTypesModel.FACTORY_LABEL_SELECTOR)) {
                modified = true;
                logObj.info("** Factory selection modified..");
            else {
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    Examples of org.skyscreamer.yoga.selector.Selector


        public <T> void eventOccurred( RenderingEvent<T> event ) throws IOException
            Selector selector = event.getSelector();
            if (event.getType() != RenderingEventType.POJO_CHILD || selector.isInfluencedExternally())

            Class<T> instanceType = event.getValueType();
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    Examples of org.w3c.css.sac.Selector

         * Parses a selector.
        protected Selector parseSelector() {
            SimpleSelector ss = parseSimpleSelector();
            Selector result = ss;

            pseudoElement = null;

            loop: for (;;) {
                switch (current) {
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    Examples of org.w3c.flex.forks.css.sac.Selector

         * Parses a selector.
        protected Selector parseSelector() {
            SimpleSelector ss = parseSimpleSelector();
            Selector result = ss;

            pseudoElement = null;

            loop: for (;;) {
                switch (current) {
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    Examples of org.xhtmlrenderer.css.newmatch.Selector

            if (count == 1) {
                return (Selector)selectors.get(0);
            int lastDescendantOrChildAxis = Selector.DESCENDANT_AXIS;
            Selector result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
                Selector first = (Selector)selectors.get(i);
                Selector second = (Selector)selectors.get(i+1);
                Token combinator = (Token)combinators.get(i);
                if (first.getPseudoElement() != null) {
                    throw new CSSParseException(
                            "A simple selector with a pseudo element cannot be " +
                            "combined with another simple selector", getCurrentLine());
                boolean sibling = false;
                if (combinator == Token.TK_S) {
                    lastDescendantOrChildAxis = Selector.DESCENDANT_AXIS;
                } else if (combinator == Token.TK_GREATER) {
                    lastDescendantOrChildAxis = Selector.CHILD_AXIS;
                } else if (combinator == Token.TK_PLUS) {
                    sibling = true;

                second.setSpecificityB(second.getSpecificityB() + first.getSpecificityB());
                second.setSpecificityC(second.getSpecificityC() + first.getSpecificityC());
                second.setSpecificityD(second.getSpecificityD() + first.getSpecificityD());
                if (! sibling) {
                    if (result == null) {
                        result = first;
                } else {
                    if (result == null || result == first) {
                        result = second;
                    if (i > 0) {
                        for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                            Selector selector = (Selector)selectors.get(j);
                            if (selector.getChainedSelector() == first) {
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    Examples of org.xorm.query.Selector

                    // Having to explicitly check this here is a bit kludgy
                    boolean outerJoin = false;
                    if (condition instanceof SimpleCondition) {
                        Object operand = ((SimpleCondition) condition).getValue();
                        if (operand instanceof Selector) {
                            Selector next = (Selector) operand;
                            outerJoin = next.isOuterJoin();

                    if (!outerJoin && (whereClause.length() > 0)) {
                        whereClause.append(" AND ");
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    Examples of org.zkoss.selector.model.Selector

        List<Token> tokens = new Tokenizer().tokenize(selector);
        Parser p = new Parser();
        Selector model = p.parse(tokens, selector);
        System.out.println("\n\n==== Selector ====\n\n");
        System.out.println("\n\n==== Selector repacked ====\n\n");
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    Examples of r.nodes.exec.Selector

            protected final Object executeLoop(RArray array, boolean dropVal, int exactVal) {
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        return execute(array, dropVal, exactVal);
                    } catch (SpecializationException e) {
                        Selector failedSelector = (Selector) e.getResult();
                        for (int i = 0; i < selectorVals.length; ++i) {
                            if (selectorVals[i] == failedSelector) {
                                RAny index = failedSelector.getIndex();
                                SelectorNode newSelector = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, subset, index, selectorExprs[i], false, failedSelector.getTransition());
                                selectorExprs[i] = adoptChild(newSelector);
                                selectorVals[i] = newSelector.executeSelector(index);
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    Examples of reactor.event.selector.Selector

            dm.returnsProxy = type.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType());

            if(isOn(m)) {
              for(MethodSelectorResolver msr : selectorResolvers) {
                if(msr.supports(m)) {
                  Selector sel = msr.apply(m);
                  if(null != sel) {
                    selectors.put(m, sel);
                    dynamicMethods.put(m, dm);
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    Examples of tripleplay.ui.Selector

            return "UI: Selector";

        @Override protected Group createIface () {
            Group main = new Group(AxisLayout.vertical()), buttons;
            Selector sel;

            String font = Style.FONT.getDefault(main).name();
            Style.Binding<Font> hdr = Style.FONT.is(graphics().createFont(font, Font.Style.BOLD, 14));
                Style.FONT.is(graphics().createFont(font, Font.Style.PLAIN, 12))).create());

            main.add(new Label("Simple").addStyles(hdr));
            main.add(new Label("A single parent with buttons - at most one is selected."));
            main.add(buttons = new Group(AxisLayout.horizontal()).add(
                mkButt("A"), mkButt("B"), mkButt("C")));
            sel = new Selector(buttons, buttons.childAt(0));
            main.add(hookup("Selection:", sel));
            main.add(new Shim(10, 10));

            main.add(new Label("Mixed").addStyles(hdr));
            main.add(new Label("A single parent with two groups - one from each may be selected."));
            main.add(buttons = new Group(AxisLayout.horizontal()).add(
                mkButt("Alvin"), mkButt("Simon"), mkButt("Theodore"),
                mkButt("Alpha"), mkButt("Sigma"), mkButt("Theta")));
            sel = new Selector().add(buttons.childAt(0), buttons.childAt(1), buttons.childAt(2));
            main.add(hookup("Chipmunk:", sel));
            sel = new Selector().add(buttons.childAt(3), buttons.childAt(4), buttons.childAt(5));
            main.add(hookup("Greek Letter:", sel));
            main.add(new Shim(10, 10));

            Style.Binding<Background> box = Style.BACKGROUND.is(
                Background.bordered(0xffffffff, 0xff000000, 1).inset(5));
            main.add(new Label("Multiple parents").addStyles(hdr));
            main.add(new Label("At most one button may be selected."));
            main.add(buttons = new Group(AxisLayout.horizontal()).add(
                new Group(AxisLayout.vertical(), box).add(mkButt("R1C1"), mkButt("R2C1")),
                new Group(AxisLayout.vertical(), box).add(mkButt("R1C2"), mkButt("R2C2"))));
            sel = new Selector().add((Group)buttons.childAt(0)).add((Group)buttons.childAt(1));
            main.add(hookup("Selection:", sel));

            return main;
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