Examples of Request

  • com.jcabi.http.Request
  • com.linkedin.r2.message.Request
    @author Chris Pettitt @version $Revision$
  • com.logica.smpp.pdu.Request
  • com.marklogic.xcc.Request
  • com.maverick.multiplex.Request
  • com.mmoscene.h4j.communication.Request
  • com.ning.http.client.Request
    The Request class can be used to construct HTTP request: {@code Request r = new RequestBuilder().setUrl("url") .setRealm((new Realm.RealmBuilder()).setPrincipal(user) .setPassword(admin) .setRealmName("MyRealm") .setScheme(Realm.AuthScheme.DIGEST).build()); r.execute();}
  • com.paymentech.orbital.sdk.request.Request
  • com.proofpoint.http.client.Request
  • com.pugh.sockso.web.Request
  • com.spidercache.node.Request
    Basic container class to be used for passing requests between nodes. @author Michael Grube
  • com.squareup.okhttp.Request
  • com.sun.grizzly.tcp.Request
  • com.sun.research.wadl.x2006.x10.Request
    An encapsulation of the request received.

    The static method parse() is responsible for creating this object. @author Mark Reinhold @author Brad R. Wetmore @version 1.3, 05/11/17

  • com.sun.research.ws.wadl.Request
    3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType"> <sequence> <element ref="{http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02}doc" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="{http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02}param" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="{http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02}representation" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <any processContents='lax' namespace='##other' maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <anyAttribute processContents='lax' namespace='##other'/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
  • com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.Request
    @author WS Development Team
  • com.taobao.zeus.socket.protocol.Protocol.Request
  • com.twitter.finagle.httpx.Request
  • com.vmware.example.sqlfire.domain.Request
  • com.volantis.map.agent.Request
    A request to the Media Conversion Program for a url that can be used externally to access the transcoded asset for the current device.

    Warning: This is a facade provided for use by user code, not for implementation by user code. User implementations of this interface are highly likely to be incompatible with future releases of the product at both binary and source levels.

  • com.volantis.vdp.scs.util.Request
    A class representing HTTP/HTTPs requests, mapping its all params to class fields.
  • com.vtence.molecule.Request
  • com.wordnik.swaggersocket.protocol.Request
  • common.Request
  • cu.ftpd.modules.requests.Request
    @author Markus Jevring @since 2007-okt-10 : 13:41:44 @version $Id: Request.java 292 2009-03-04 19:44:36Z jevring $
  • de.anomic.crawler.retrieval.Request
  • de.offis.mosaik.api.SimpyIoSocket.Request
  • edu.bellevue.its.migration.entities.Request
    Request generated by hbm2java
  • edu.ubb.warp.model.Request
    Request model class @author Balazs
  • edu.wpi.cs.wpisuitetng.network.Request
    This class represents a Request. It can be observed by one or more RequestObservers. A Request can be sent synchronously or asynchronously. By default, a Request is asynchronous upon construction. When a synchronous Request is sent, it will block, causing the current thread to pause while the Request is sent and while waiting for a Response. The RequestObservers that have been added to the Request will not be notified. In most cases, you will not want to send a synchronous Request. When a Request is sent asynchronously, a new thread is created which sends the Request, generates a Response, and notifies any RequestObservers that have been added to the Request. TODO add equals method
  • fitnesse.http.Request
  • gnu.x11.Request
    An encapsulation of the request received.

    The static method parse() is responsible for creating this object. @author Mark Reinhold @author Brad R. Wetmore @version 1.3, 05/11/17

  • io.airlift.http.client.Request
  • io.higgs.http.client.Request
  • io.s4.message.Request
  • io.teknek.intravert.model.Request
  • isbndb.Request
  • it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.model.Request
    This bean is the model of a layerUpdate request. Is used by the Unredd flows to deserialize the info.xml file provided as a part of the flow input.
  • javax.sip.message.Request
    etf.org/rfc/rfc3261.txt"> RFC3261: This specifications also supports the following method name extensions, documented in the following standards track RFCs: A valid SIP request formulated by a User Agent Client MUST, at a minimum, contain the following header fields: To, From, CSeq, Call-ID, Max-Forwards, and Via; all of these header fields are mandatory in all SIP requests. These six header fields are the fundamental building blocks of a SIP message, as they jointly provide for most of the critical message routing services including the addressing of messages, the routing of responses, limiting message propagation, ordering of messages, and the unique identification of transactions. These header fields are in addition to the mandatory request line, which contains the method, Request-URI, and SIP version. @author BEA Systems, NIST @version 1.2
  • javax.ws.rs.core.Request
    3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.5">HTTP/1.1, section 10.3.5 for details of the headers that are expected to accompany a {@code 304 Not Modified}response. @author Paul Sandoz @author Marc Hadley @author Marek Potociar @since 1.0
  • jp.ameba.mongo.protocol.Request
    {@link Request} @author suguru
  • juzu.impl.request.Request
    @author Julien Viet
  • lineage2.gameserver.model.Request
    @author Mobius @version $Revision: 1.0 $
  • litmus.functional.Request
  • mongrel2.Request
    Generic request as received from mongrel2. @author Karl Ostendorf
  • my.code.concurrency.c02.taskqueue.common.Request
    Simplified request @author espinosa
  • net.infopeers.restrant.Request
  • net.java.dev.wadl.x2009.x02.RequestDocument.Request
  • net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.TelePlusPlus.Request
  • net.sourceforge.pebble.logging.Request
    Represents a requested URL along with a count of how many times it has been accessed. @author Simon Brown
  • net.unto.twitter.methods.Request
  • net.windwards.dnsfrontend.dialog.Request
  • nexj.core.rpc.Request
    The object containing the incoming request to the server.
  • org.agilewiki.jactor.lpc.Request
    A request.
  • org.agorava.api.rest.Request
    A REST request @author Antoine Sabot-Durand
  • org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.Request
  • org.apache.ambari.server.api.services.Request
    Provides information on the current request.
  • org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.Request
    The request object carries the properties or property ids required to satisfy a resource request. The request object also contains any temporal (date range) information, if any, for each requested property.
  • org.apache.cactus.Request
    Tagging interface that represents all Requests objects that are used on the Cactus client side to store information related to the request that will be sent to the Cactus redirector (on the Cactus Server side). @version $Id: Request.java 238991 2004-05-22 11:34:50Z vmassol $
  • org.apache.catalina.Request
    A Request is the Catalina-internal facade for a ServletRequest that is to be processed, in order to produce the corresponding Response. @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 466595 $ $Date: 2006-10-21 23:24:41 +0100 (Sat, 21 Oct 2006) $
  • org.apache.catalina.connector.Request
    Wrapper object for the Coyote request. @author Remy Maucherat @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 901 $ $Date: 2009-01-15 10:49:36 -0500 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) $
  • org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request
    Defines an interface to provide client request information . @author Davanum Srinivas @author Carsten Ziegeler @author Berin Loritsch @version CVS $Id: Request.java,v 1.1 2003/03/09 00:09:28 pier Exp $
  • org.apache.cocoon.portal.wsrp.consumer.Request
    Defines a request from the end-user to the swing consumer as result of an interaction (e.g. click on hyperlink) of the end-user with the representation of a remote portlet.
    Due to the two phase protocol of WSRP this request carries information which need to be passed back to the producer in order to process the interaction at the producer-side.
    @author Carsten Ziegeler @author Michel Alessandrini @version $Id: Request.java 264755 2005-08-30 10:29:21Z cziegeler $
  • org.apache.coyote.Request
    This is a low-level, efficient representation of a server request. Most fields are GC-free, expensive operations are delayed until the user code needs the information. Processing is delegated to modules, using a hook mechanism. This class is not intended for user code - it is used internally by tomcat for processing the request in the most efficient way. Users ( servlets ) can access the information using a facade, which provides the high-level view of the request. For lazy evaluation, the request uses the getInfo() hook. The following ids are defined: Tomcat defines a number of attributes: @author James Duncan Davidson [duncan@eng.sun.com] @author James Todd [gonzo@eng.sun.com] @author Jason Hunter [jch@eng.sun.com] @author Harish Prabandham @author Alex Cruikshank [alex@epitonic.com] @author Hans Bergsten [hans@gefionsoftware.com] @author Costin Manolache @author Remy Maucherat
  • org.apache.geronimo.messaging.Request
    Encapsulates a method invocation. @version $Rev: 46019 $ $Date: 2004-09-14 04:56:06 -0500 (Tue, 14 Sep 2004) $
  • org.apache.geronimo.webservices.WebServiceContainer.Request
  • org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request
  • org.apache.isis.runtimes.dflt.remoting.common.exchange.Request
  • org.apache.isis.viewer.html.request.Request
    The Request object represents all the information collected from the user when requesting the server do something.
  • org.apache.isis.viewer.scimpi.dispatcher.processor.Request
  • org.apache.james.protocols.api.Request
    Request received from the client
  • org.apache.s4.message.Request
  • org.apache.servicemix.bean.support.Request
  • org.apache.sling.testing.tools.http.Request
    Request class with convenience with... methods to add headers, parameters etc.
  • org.apache.sshd.sftp.Request
    ache.org">Apache MINA Project
  • org.apache.stanbol.commons.testing.http.Request
    Request class with convenience withXxx methods to add headers, parameters, etc.
  • org.apache.tapestry.services.Request
    Generic version of {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest}, used to encapsulate the Servlet API version, and to help bridge the differences between Servlet API and Porlet API.
  • org.apache.tapestry5.services.Request
    Generic version of {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest}, used to encapsulate the Servlet API version, and to help bridge the differences between Servlet API and Porlet API.

    The Request service is a {@linkplain org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.PropertyShadowBuilder shadow} of the currentthread's request.

  • org.apache.tiles.request.Request
    Encapsulation of request information. @version $Rev: 1332134 $ $Date: 2012-04-30 05:23:19 -0400 (Mon, 30 Apr 2012) $
  • org.apache.tomcat.core.Request
    This is a low-level, efficient representation of a server request. Most fields are GC-free, expensive operations are delayed until the user code needs the information. Most processing is delegated to modules, using a hook mechanism. This class is not intended for user code - it is used internally by tomcat for processing the request in the most efficient way. Users ( servlets ) can access the information using a facade, which provides the high-level view of the request. For lazy evaluation, the request uses the getInfo() hook. The following ids are defined: Tomcat defines a number of attributes: @author James Duncan Davidson [duncan@eng.sun.com] @author James Todd [gonzo@eng.sun.com] @author Jason Hunter [jch@eng.sun.com] @author Harish Prabandham @author Alex Cruikshank [alex@epitonic.com] @author Hans Bergsten [hans@gefionsoftware.com] @author Costin Manolache
  • org.apache.wicket.Request
    Base class for page request implementations allowing access to request parameters. A Request has a URL and a parameter map. You can retrieve the URL of the request with getURL(). The entire parameter map can be retrieved via getParameterMap(). Individual parameters can be retrieved via getParameter(String). If multiple values are available for a given parameter, they can be retrieved via getParameters(String). @author Jonathan Locke
  • org.apache.wicket.request.Request
    Request object. @author Matej Knopp
  • org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request
    This is the structure that represents a request moving through a chain of RequestProcessors. There are various pieces of information that is tacked onto the request as it is processed.
  • org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.server.Request
    This is the structure that represents a request moving through a chain of RequestProcessors. There are various pieces of information that is tacked onto the request as it is processed.
  • org.ardverk.dht.storage.message.Request
  • org.asynchttpclient.Request
    The Request class can be used to construct HTTP request:
     Request r = new RequestBuilder().setUrl("url") .setRealm((new Realm.RealmBuilder()).setPrincipal(user) .setPassword(admin) .setRealmName("MyRealm") .setScheme(Realm.AuthScheme.DIGEST).build()); 
  • org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.Request
  • org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.request.Request
    Base class representing a request to perform an action on the datastore. All requests have 2 methods - constructor and execute. They build an SQL statement, and execute it.
  • org.dspace.services.model.Request
  • org.eclipse.gef.Request
  • org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request

    {@link Request} represents a HTTP request, and offers a fluent interface to customizevarious attributes such as the path, the headers, the content, etc.

    You can create {@link Request} objects via {@link HttpClient#newRequest(String)} andyou can send them using either {@link #send()} for a blocking semantic, or{@link #send(Response.CompleteListener)} for an asynchronous semantic.

    @see Response
  • org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request
    Jetty Request.

    Implements {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest} from the javax.servlet.http package.

    The standard interface of mostly getters, is extended with setters so that the request is mutable by the handlers that it is passed to. This allows the request object to be as lightweight as possible and not actually implement any significant behavior. For example

    A request instance is created for each connection accepted by the server and recycled for each HTTP request received via that connection. An effort is made to avoid reparsing headers and cookies that are likely to be the same for requests from the same connection.

    The form content that a request can process is limited to protect from Denial of Service attacks. The size in bytes is limited by {@link ContextHandler#getMaxFormContentSize()} or if there is no context then the "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize" {@link Server}attribute. The number of parameters keys is limited by {@link ContextHandler#getMaxFormKeys()} or if there is no context then the"org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormKeys" {@link Server} attribute.

  • org.eclipse.webdav.http.client.Request
    An HTTP request message.

    Note: This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.

  • org.elasticsearch.hadoop.rest.Request
  • org.exolab.jms.net.connector.Request
    A Request wraps all of the information needed to invoke a method on a remote object. @author Tim Anderson @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/04/14 15:08:06 $ @see Response @see Connection
  • org.fao.geonet.kernel.region.Request
    Represents a search request for regions. All predicates will be ORed together. @author jeichar
  • org.gatein.pc.test.unit.protocol.request.Request
    @author Julien Viet @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  • org.geoserver.ows.Request
    A collection of the informations collected and parsed by the {@link Dispatcher} while doing its dispatching work. In case of dispatchingexceptions some fields may be left blank, depending how far the dispatching went. @author Justin DeOliveira @author Andrea Aime
  • org.ggp.base.player.request.grammar.Request
  • org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request
    Wrapper object for the Coyote request. @author Remy Maucherat @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2007/03/14 02:15:42 $
  • org.gradle.gradleplugin.foundation.request.Request
    This represents a reques to gradle that is executed in a separate process using the ProcessLauncherServer. @author mhunsicker
  • org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.table.TableModelHelper.Request
  • org.hpi.dialogue.protocol.request.Request
    @author Jean Villete
  • org.ibeans.api.Request
  • org.jacorb.orb.dii.Request
    DII requests @author Gerald Brose, FU Berlin @version $Id: Request.java,v 1.29 2009-05-03 21:35:55 andre.spiegel Exp $
  • org.jboss.dna.graph.request.Request
    The abstract base class for all classes representing requests to be executed against a {@link RepositoryConnection}.
  • org.jboss.dna.graph.requests.Request
  • org.jboss.test.ws.interop.nov2007.wsse.EchoDataSet.Request
    3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType"> <sequence> <element name="echoResult" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
  • org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GmsImpl.Request
  • org.jivesoftware.xmpp.workgroup.request.Request

    Database compatible workgroup request information.

    @author Derek DeMoro
  • org.jredis.protocol.Request
    [TODO: document me!] @author Joubin Houshyar (alphazero@sensesay.net) @version alpha.0, 04/02/09 @since alpha.0
  • org.junit.runner.Request
    A Request is an abstract description of tests to be run. Older versions of JUnit did not need such a concept--tests to be run were described either by classes containing tests or a tree of {@link org.junit.Test}s. However, we want to support filtering and sorting, so we need a more abstract specification than the tests themselves and a richer specification than just the classes.

    The flow when JUnit runs tests is that a Request specifies some tests to be run -> a {@link org.junit.runner.Runner} is created for each class implied by the Request ->the {@link org.junit.runner.Runner} returns a detailed {@link org.junit.runner.Description}which is a tree structure of the tests to be run. @since 4.0

  • org.mortbay.jetty.Request
    Jetty Request.

    Implements {@link javax.servlet.HttpServletRequest} from the {@link javax.servlet} package.

    The standard interface of mostly getters, is extended with setters so that the request is mutable by the handlers that it is passed to. This allows the request object to be as lightweight as possible and not actually implement any significant behaviour. For example

    A request instance is created for each {@link HttpConnection} accepted by the server and recycled for each HTTP request received via that connection. An effort is made to avoid reparsing headers and cookies that are likely to be the same for requests from the same connection. @author gregw
  • org.nutz.http.Request
  • org.objectweb.celtix.bindings.Request
  • org.omg.CORBA.Request
  • org.opensaml.liberty.paos.Request
    Liberty Alliance PAOS Request header.
  • org.opensaml.saml1.core.Request
    This interface defines how the SAML1 Request objects behave.
  • org.opensaml.saml2.ecp.Request
    SAML 2.0 ECP Request SOAP header.
  • org.opensocial.Request
    OpenSocial data request; encapsulates all information required to execute a request including RESTful URL template, RPC method name, and any parameters required by the provider. Typically, Request objects aren't instantiated by clients directly but are instead returned by service class methods. Requests are executed by passing them into a {@link Client}'s send method. @author Jason Cooper
  • org.our2unes.itunes.client.request.Request
    @author jbarnettTo change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
  • org.owasp.webscarab.model.Request
    This class represents a request that can be sent to an HTTP server. @author rdawes
  • org.restlet.Request
    Generic request sent by client connectors. It is then received by server connectors and processed by {@link Restlet}s. This request can also be processed by a chain of Restlets, on both client and server sides. Requests are uniform across all types of connectors, protocols and components. @see org.restlet.Response @see org.restlet.Uniform @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.restlet.client.Request
    Generic request sent by client connectors. It is then received by server connectors and processed by {@link Restlet}s. This request can also be processed by a chain of Restlets, on both client and server sides. Requests are uniform across all types of connectors, protocols and components. @see org.restlet.client.Response @see org.restlet.client.Uniform @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.restlet.data.Request
  • org.restsql.core.Request
    Represents a single CRUD request on a specific SQL Resource. @author Mark Sawers
  • org.richfaces.application.push.Request
    Request encapsulates active browser request to the server. @author Nick Belaevski
  • org.simpleframework.http.Request
    The Request is used to provide an interface to the HTTP entity body and message header. This provides methods that allow the entity body to be acquired as a stream, string, or if the message is a multipart encoded body, then the individual parts of the request body can be acquired.

    This can also maintain data during the request lifecycle as well as the session lifecycle. A Session is made available for convenience. It provides a means for the services to associate data with a given client session, which can be retrieved when there are subsequent requests sent to the server.

    It is important to note that the entity body can be read multiple times from the request. Calling getInputStream will start reading from the first byte in the body regardless of the number of times it is called. This allows POST parameters as well as multipart bodies to be read from the stream if desired. @author Niall Gallagher

  • org.sonar.api.server.ws.Request
    @since 4.2
  • org.syncany.operations.daemon.messages.api.Request
  • org.vfny.geoserver.Request
    Defines a general Request type and provides accessor methods for universal request information.

    Also provides access to the HttpRequest that spawned this GeoServer Request. This HttpRequest is most often used to lookup information stored in the Web Container (such as the GeoServer Global information).

    @author Rob Hranac, TOPP @author Chris Holmes, TOPP @author Gabriel Roldan @author $Author: Alessio Fabiani (alessio.fabiani@gmail.com) $ (last modification) @author $Author: Simone Giannecchini (simboss1@gmail.com) $ (last modification) @version $Id: Request.java 11513 2009-03-01 04:39:08Z groldan $
  • org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Request
    this class extends HttpRequestMessage to cope with HTTP request. One subtely here: note how each field acessor never throws an exception, but rather is provided with a default value: this is in the hope that sometime, HTTP will not require all the parsing it requires right now.
  • org.w3c.www.protocol.http.Request
    The client side idea of a request. Requests are created only by the HttpManager, by cloning its template request that defines the default (application wide) request settings.
  • org.wiztools.restclient.Request
    @author subwiz
  • org.wiztools.restclient.bean.Request
    @author subwiz
  • org.wymiwyg.wrhapi.Request
  • org.xrace.desjardins.request.Request
    All possible request for rp @version $Revision$ $Date$
  • org.xrace.desjardins.trx.Request
    Class Request. @version $Revision$ $Date$
  • org.yaac.shared.egql.Request
    @author Max Zhu (thebbsky@gmail.com)
  • org.zkybase.cmdb.cli.Request
    @author Willie Wheeler (willie.wheeler@gmail.com)
  • play.mvc.Http.Request
  • pt.opensoft.msg.Request
    @author Luis Pereira @version 1.0
  • ratpack.http.Request
    A request to be handled.
  • rocks.xmpp.extensions.receipts.model.Request
    xtensions/xep-0184.html">XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts @see XML Schema
  • ru.bmstu.datalog.data.Request
    Realizes the representation Datalog request. @author art-vybor
  • ru.portnyagin.helpdeskru.model.Request
  • spark.Request
    Provides information about the HTTP request @author Per Wendel
  • sunlabs.brazil.server.Request
    Represents an HTTP transaction. A new instance is created by the server for each connection.

    Provides a set of accessor functions to fetch the individual fields of the HTTP request.

    Utility methods that are generically useful for manipulating HTTP requests are included here as well. An instance of this class is passed to handlers. There will be exactly one request object per thead at any time.

    The fields {@link #headers}, {@link #query}, and {@link #url}, and the method {@link #getQueryData()}are most often used to examine the content of the request. The field {@link #props}contains information about the server, or up-stream handlers.

    The methods {@link #sendResponse(String,String,int)} and{@link Request#sendError(int,String)}are commonly used to return content to the client. The methods {@link #addHeader(String)} and{@link #setStatus(int)} can be used to modify the response headersand return code respectively before the response is sent.

    Many of the other methods are used internally, but can be useful to handlers that need finer control over the output that the above methods provide. Note that the order of the methods is important. For instance, the user cannot change the HTTP response headers (by calling the addHeader method or by modifying the responseHeaders field) after having already sent an HTTP response.

    A number of the fields in the Request object are public, by design. Many of the methods are convenience methods; the underlying data fields are meant to be accessed for more complicated operations, such as changing the URL or deleting HTTP response headers. @see Handler @see Server @author Stephen Uhler (stephen.uhler@sun.com) @author Colin Stevens (colin.stevens@sun.com) @version 2.6

  • unibg.overencrypt.protocol.Request
    Manages the request at client-side. @author Flavio Giovarruscio & Riccardo Tribbia @version 1.0
  • us.codecraft.webmagic.Request
    Object contains url to crawl.
    It contains some additional information.
    @author code4crafter@gmail.com
    @since 0.1.0
  • ve.net.dcs.sc.component.Request
    .ve @author Saul Pina - spina@dcs.net.ve @see Client
  • xbird.engine.Request
    @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
  • yalp.mvc.Http.Request
  • zendeskapi.models.requests.Request
    @author jgroth

  • Examples of com.sun.research.ws.wadl.Request


        private com.sun.research.ws.wadl.Method generateMethod(AbstractResource r, final Map<String, Param> wadlResourceParams, final AbstractResourceMethod m) {
            com.sun.research.ws.wadl.Method wadlMethod = _wadlGenerator.createMethod(r, m);
            // generate the request part
            Request wadlRequest = generateRequest(r, m, wadlResourceParams);
            if (wadlRequest != null) {
            // generate the response part
            final List<Response> responses = generateResponses(r, m);
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.Request

        private WebParamAnnotation getWebParamAnnotation(Operation operation, JavaParameter javaParameter) {
          WebParamAnnotation webParamAnnotation = new WebParamAnnotation();
            Parameter param = javaParameter.getParameter();
            Request req = operation.getRequest();
            Response res = operation.getResponse();

            boolean header = isHeaderParam(param, req) ||
                (res != null && isHeaderParam(param, res));
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of com.taobao.zeus.socket.protocol.Protocol.Request

      public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e)
          throws Exception {
        SocketMessage sm=(SocketMessage) e.getMessage();
          final Request request=Request.newBuilder().mergeFrom(sm.getBody()).build();
          Operate op=request.getOperate();
          if(op==Operate.Schedule || op==Operate.Manual || op==Operate.Debug){
            completionService.submit(new Callable<Response>() {
              private WorkerBeExecute execute=new WorkerBeExecute();
              public Response call() throws Exception {
                return execute.execute(context, request).get();
          }else if(request.getOperate()==Operate.Cancel){
            completionService.submit(new Callable<Response>() {
              private WorkerBeCancel cancel=new WorkerBeCancel();
              public Response call() throws Exception {
                return cancel.execute(context, request).get();
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    Examples of com.twitter.finagle.httpx.Request


        Request request = Request.apply("/");

        Future<Response> response = client.apply(request);
          new FutureEventListener<Response>() {
            public void onSuccess(Response response) {
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    Examples of com.vmware.example.sqlfire.domain.Request

      public Request getRequest(String id) {
        logger.debug("Request Id: " + id);

        Request request = null;
        try {
          selectRequestStatement.setString(1, id);
          ResultSet rs = selectRequestStatement.executeQuery();
          while (rs.next()) {
            request = new Request();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
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    Examples of com.volantis.map.agent.Request

        private void processRequest(AgentRequest agentRequest) {
            Parameters inputParameters = descriptorStore.createParameters();
            ParameterNames outputParameters = descriptorStore.createParameterNames();

            final Request request = agentRequest.getRequest();
            final com.volantis.map.common.param.Parameters inputParams =
            final Iterator requestInputParams = inputParams.getParameterNames();
            try {
                while (requestInputParams.hasNext()) {
                    String paramName = (String) requestInputParams.next();
                        paramName, inputParams.getParameterValue(paramName));
            } catch (MissingParameterException e) {
                // this is not expected as we iterate through the parameter names
                throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e);

            Iterator requestOutputParams = request.getOutputParams().iterator();
            while (requestOutputParams.hasNext()) {
                String paramName = (String) requestOutputParams.next();

            // TODO later If there's an appropriate plugin, allow it to do pre-processing of the parameters.
            // plugin.preProcess(inputParameters, outputParameters, device);

            ResourceDescriptor descriptor = descriptorStore.createDescriptor(
                request.getResourceType(), inputParameters, outputParameters,

            // TODO later If there's an appropriate plugin, allow it to do post-processing of the parameters.
            // plugin.postProcess(outputParameters, device);

            MutableParameters callbackParameters = COMMON_FACTORY.createMutableParameters();
            Iterator processedParameters = descriptor.getOutputParameters().iterator();
            while (processedParameters.hasNext()) {
                Parameters.Entry entry = (Parameters.Entry) processedParameters.next();
                callbackParameters.setParameterValue(entry.getName(), entry.getValue());
            String externalId = descriptor.getExternalID();
            // base 64 can contain "/"
            externalId = externalId.replaceAll("/", "-");
                OUTPUT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, urlPrefix + externalId);

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.warn("error-executing-response-callback", request.getSourceURL(),e);
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    Examples of com.volantis.vdp.scs.util.Request

            if( !proxyHTTP && !proxyHTTPS ) {
                ListIterator iter = requests.listIterator() ;

                while( iter.hasNext() ) {
                    Request request = (Request) iter.next();

                    this.currentReqId = RequestIdentifierManager.getNewRequestId();
                    RequestManager.addReqIdConnection(currentReqId, this);

                    if( request.getType().equals("HTTPS")) {
                        SPSManager.sendHTTPSRequest(data, request,
                                currentReqId, this);
                    } else {
                        SPSManager.sendHTTPRequest(data, request,
                                currentReqId, this);

                    if( request.getConnection().equalsIgnoreCase("keep-alive") ) {
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    Examples of com.vtence.molecule.Request

                this.app = app;

            public void handle(org.simpleframework.http.Request simpleRequest, org.simpleframework.http.Response simpleResponse) {
                try {
                    Request request = new Request();
                    Response response = new Response();
                    build(simpleRequest, request);
                    app.handle(request, response);
                    commit(simpleResponse, response);
                } catch (Throwable failure) {
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    Examples of com.wordnik.swaggersocket.protocol.Request


        protected Request lookupRequest(AtmosphereRequest request) {
            Request swaggerSocketRequest = ssRequest.get();
            if (swaggerSocketRequest == null) {
                swaggerSocketRequest = (Request) request.getAttribute("swaggerSocketRequest");
            return swaggerSocketRequest;
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    Examples of common.Request

        return null;
      public String[] list() {
        AOR lookupAOR = new AOR(this.lookupAddress, this.lookupPort, 0);
        Request request = new Request(lookupAOR, "list", (new Object[] {}));
        Response response = Requestor.getInstance().sendInvocation(request);
        return ((String[]) response.getResult());
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