Package railo.runtime.img.vecmath

Examples of railo.runtime.img.vecmath.Vector3f

  public ShadeFilter() {
    bumpHeight = 1.0f;
    bumpSoftness = 5.0f;
    //l = new Vector3f();
    v = new Vector3f();
    //n = new Vector3f();
    //shadedColor = new Color4f();
    //diffuse_color = new Color4f();
    //specular_color = new Color4f();
    tmpv = new Vector3f();
    tmpv2 = new Vector3f();
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  protected int[] filterPixels( int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace ) {
    int index = 0;
    int[] outPixels = new int[width * height];
    float width45 = Math.abs(6.0f * bumpHeight);
    boolean invertBumps = bumpHeight < 0;
    Vector3f position = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vector3f viewpoint = new Vector3f(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f, viewDistance);
    Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
    Color4f c = new Color4f();
    Function2D bump = bumpFunction;

    if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP || bump == null) {
      if ( bumpSoftness != 0 ) {
        int bumpWidth = width;
        int bumpHeight = height;
        int[] bumpPixels = inPixels;
        if ( bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP && bumpFunction instanceof ImageFunction2D ) {
          ImageFunction2D if2d = (ImageFunction2D)bumpFunction;
          bumpWidth = if2d.getWidth();
          bumpHeight = if2d.getHeight();
          bumpPixels = if2d.getPixels();
        Kernel kernel = GaussianFilter.makeKernel( bumpSoftness );
        int [] tmpPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight];
        int [] softPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight];
        GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, true, false, false, ConvolveFilter.CLAMP_EDGES);
        GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, true, false, false, ConvolveFilter.CLAMP_EDGES);
        bump = new ImageFunction2D(softPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA);
      } else
        bump = new ImageFunction2D(inPixels, width, height, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA);

    Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f n = new Vector3f();

    // Loop through each source pixel
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      float ny = y;
      position.y = y;
      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        float nx = x;
        // Calculate the normal at this point
        if (bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_BEVEL) {
          // Complicated and slower method
          // Calculate four normals using the gradients in +/- X/Y directions
          int count = 0;
          normal.x = normal.y = normal.z = 0;
          float m0 = width45*bump.evaluate(nx, ny);
          float m1 = x > 0 ? width45*bump.evaluate(nx - 1.0f, ny)-m0 : -2;
          float m2 = y > 0 ? width45*bump.evaluate(nx, ny - 1.0f)-m0 : -2;
          float m3 = x < width-1 ? width45*bump.evaluate(nx + 1.0f, ny)-m0 : -2;
          float m4 = y < height-1 ? width45*bump.evaluate(nx, ny + 1.0f)-m0 : -2;
          if (m1 != -2 && m4 != -2) {
            v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (m1 != -2 && m2 != -2) {
            v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = -1.0f; v2.z = m2;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (m2 != -2 && m3 != -2) {
            v1.x = 0.0f; v1.y = -1.0f; v1.z = m2;
            v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 0.0f; v2.z = m3;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (m3 != -2 && m4 != -2) {
            v1.x = 1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m3;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;
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    public void prepare(int width, int height) {
      float lx = (float)(Math.cos(azimuth) * Math.cos(elevation));
      float ly = (float)(Math.sin(azimuth) * Math.cos(elevation));
      float lz = (float)Math.sin(elevation);
      direction = new Vector3f(lx, ly, lz);
      if (type != DISTANT) {
        lx *= distance;
        ly *= distance;
        lz *= distance;
        lx += width * centreX;
        ly += height * centreY;
      position = new Vector3f(lx, ly, lz);
      realColor.set( new Color(color) );
      cosConeAngle = (float)Math.cos(coneAngle);
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    addLight(new DistantLight());
    bumpHeight = 1.0f;
    bumpSoftness = 5.0f;
    bumpShape = 0;
    material = new Material();
    l = new Vector3f();
    v = new Vector3f();
    n = new Vector3f();
    shadedColor = new Color4f();
    diffuse_color = new Color4f();
    specular_color = new Color4f();
    tmpv = new Vector3f();
    tmpv2 = new Vector3f();
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  protected int[] filterPixels( int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace ) {
    int index = 0;
    int[] outPixels = new int[width * height];
    float width45 = Math.abs(6.0f * bumpHeight);
    boolean invertBumps = bumpHeight < 0;
    Vector3f position = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vector3f viewpoint = new Vector3f(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f, viewDistance);
    Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
    Color4f envColor = new Color4f();
    Color4f diffuseColor = new Color4f( new Color(material.diffuseColor) );
    Color4f specularColor = new Color4f( new Color(material.specularColor) );
    Function2D bump = bumpFunction;

    // Apply the bump softness
    if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP || bump == null) {
      if ( bumpSoftness != 0 ) {
        int bumpWidth = width;
        int bumpHeight = height;
        int[] bumpPixels = inPixels;
        if ( bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP && bumpFunction instanceof ImageFunction2D ) {
          ImageFunction2D if2d = (ImageFunction2D)bumpFunction;
          bumpWidth = if2d.getWidth();
          bumpHeight = if2d.getHeight();
          bumpPixels = if2d.getPixels();
        int [] tmpPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight];
        int [] softPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
          BoxBlurFilter.blur( bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, (int)bumpSoftness );
          BoxBlurFilter.blur( tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, (int)bumpSoftness );
        Kernel kernel = GaussianFilter.makeKernel( bumpSoftness );
        GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, true, false, false, GaussianFilter.WRAP_EDGES );
        GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, true, false, false, GaussianFilter.WRAP_EDGES );
        bump = new ImageFunction2D(softPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA);
final Function2D bbump = bump;
if ( bumpShape != 0 ) {
  bump = new Function2D() {
    private Function2D original = bbump;

    public float evaluate(float x, float y) {
      float v = original.evaluate( x, y );
      switch ( bumpShape ) {
      case 1:
//        v = v > 0.5f ? 0.5f : v;
        v *= ImageMath.smoothStep( 0.45f, 0.55f, v );
      case 2:
        v = v < 0.5f ? 0.5f : v;
      case 3:
        v = ImageMath.triangle( v );
      case 4:
        v = ImageMath.circleDown( v );
      case 5:
        v = ImageMath.gain( v, 0.75f );
      return v;
      } else if ( bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_MAP )
        bump = new ImageFunction2D(inPixels, width, height, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA);

    float reflectivity = material.reflectivity;
    float areflectivity = (1-reflectivity);
    Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f n = new Vector3f();
    Light[] lightsArray = new Light[lights.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < lightsArray.length; i++)
      lightsArray[i].prepare(width, height);

    float[][] heightWindow = new float[3][width];
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
      heightWindow[1][x] = width45*bump.evaluate(x, 0);

    // Loop through each source pixel
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      boolean y0 = y > 0;
      boolean y1 = y < height-1;
      position.y = y;
      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
        heightWindow[2][x] = width45*bump.evaluate(x, y+1);
      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        boolean x0 = x > 0;
        boolean x1 = x < width-1;
        // Calculate the normal at this point
        if (bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_BEVEL) {
          // Complicated and slower method
          // Calculate four normals using the gradients in +/- X/Y directions
          int count = 0;
          normal.x = normal.y = normal.z = 0;
          float m0 = heightWindow[1][x];
          float m1 = x0 ? heightWindow[1][x-1]-m0 : 0;
          float m2 = y0 ? heightWindow[0][x]-m0 : 0;
          float m3 = x1 ? heightWindow[1][x+1]-m0 : 0;
          float m4 = y1 ? heightWindow[2][x]-m0 : 0;

          if (x0 && y1) {
            v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (x0 && y0) {
            v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = -1.0f; v2.z = m2;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (y0 && x1) {
            v1.x = 0.0f; v1.y = -1.0f; v1.z = m2;
            v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 0.0f; v2.z = m3;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;

          if (x1 && y1) {
            v1.x = 1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m3;
            v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4;
            n.cross(v1, v2);
            if (n.z < 0.0)
              n.z = -n.z;
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Related Classes of railo.runtime.img.vecmath.Vector3f

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