Examples of Pipe

Examples of com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.pipe.Pipe

public class StandalonePipeAssembler implements PipelineAssembler {

    public Pipe createClient(ClientPipeAssemblerContext context) {
        Pipe head = context.createTransportPipe();
        head = context.createSecurityPipe(head);

        if (dump) {
            // for debugging inject a dump pipe. this is left in the production code,
            // as it would be very handy for a trouble-shooting at the production site.
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Examples of com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Pipe

public class StandalonePipeAssembler implements PipelineAssembler {

    public Pipe createClient(ClientPipeAssemblerContext context) {
        Pipe head = context.createTransportPipe();
        head = context.createSecurityPipe(head);

        if (dump) {
            // for debugging inject a dump pipe. this is left in the production code,
            // as it would be very handy for a trouble-shooting at the production site.
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Examples of com.tinkerpop.pipes.Pipe


    public static boolean optimizePipelineForVertexQuery(final GremlinPipeline pipeline, final Pipe pipe) {
        VertexQueryPipe queryPipe = null;
        for (int i = pipeline.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            final Pipe temp = pipeline.get(i);
            if (temp instanceof VertexQueryPipe) {
                queryPipe = (VertexQueryPipe) temp;
            } else if (!(temp instanceof IdentityPipe))

        if (null != queryPipe) {
            if (pipe instanceof EdgesVerticesPipe) {
                if (queryPipe.getResultElementClass().equals(Vertex.class))
                    return false;
            } else if (pipe instanceof VerticesVerticesPipe) {
                if (queryPipe.getResultElementClass().equals(Vertex.class))
                    return false;
                queryPipe.setDirection(((VerticesVerticesPipe) pipe).getDirection());
                queryPipe.setLabels(((VerticesVerticesPipe) pipe).getLabels());
                queryPipe.setBranchFactor(((VerticesVerticesPipe) pipe).getBranchFactor());
            } else if (pipe instanceof VerticesEdgesPipe) {
                if (queryPipe.getResultElementClass().equals(Vertex.class))
                    return false;
                queryPipe.setDirection(((VerticesEdgesPipe) pipe).getDirection());
                queryPipe.setLabels(((VerticesEdgesPipe) pipe).getLabels());
                queryPipe.setBranchFactor(((VerticesEdgesPipe) pipe).getBranchFactor());
            } else if (pipe instanceof PropertyFilterPipe) {
                if (queryPipe.getResultElementClass().equals(Vertex.class))
                    return false;
                final PropertyFilterPipe temp = (PropertyFilterPipe) pipe;
                queryPipe.addHasContainer(new QueryPipe.HasContainer(temp.getKey(), temp.getPredicate(), temp.getValue()));
            } else if (pipe instanceof IntervalFilterPipe) {
                if (queryPipe.getResultElementClass().equals(Vertex.class))
                    return false;
                final IntervalFilterPipe temp = (IntervalFilterPipe) pipe;
                queryPipe.addIntervalContainer(new QueryPipe.IntervalContainer(temp.getKey(), temp.getStartValue(), temp.getEndValue()));
            } else if (pipe instanceof RangeFilterPipe) {
                queryPipe.setLowRange(((RangeFilterPipe) pipe).getLowRange());
                queryPipe.setHighRange(((RangeFilterPipe) pipe).getHighRange());
            pipeline.addPipe(new IdentityPipe());
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Examples of com.vst.model.Pipe

            if (count > 0) {
                result += "Диаметр не может быть удален, так как он используется  " + count + " раз(а) в других справочниках:<br>";

                result += "<table><tr><td>Спаравочник</td><td>Деталь</td></tr>";
                for (int i = 0; i < pipeList.size(); i++) {
                    Pipe o = (Pipe) pipeList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=pipe\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:  " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Толщина:  " + o.getThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < tapList.size(); i++) {
                    Tap o = (Tap) tapList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=tap\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:  " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Толщина:  " + o.getThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() +
                            "<li>Угол:     " + o.getCorner() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < transitionList.size(); i++) {
                    Transition o = (Transition) transitionList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=transition\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Первый диаметр:  " + o.getFirstDiametr() +
                            "<li>Первая толщина:  " + o.getFirstThickness() +
                            "<li>Второй длиаметр:  " + o.getSecondDiametr() +
                            "<li>Вторая толщина:  " + o.getSecondThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < teeList.size(); i++) {
                    Tee o = (Tee) teeList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=tee\"><ul>" +
                             "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Первый диаметр:  " + o.getFirstDiametr() +
                            "<li>Первая толщина:  " + o.getFirstThickness() +
                            "<li>Второй длиаметр:  " + o.getSecondDiametr() +
                            "<li>Вторая толщина:  " + o.getSecondThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < zaglushkaList.size(); i++) {
                    Zaglushka o = (Zaglushka) zaglushkaList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=zaglushka\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:  " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Толщина:  " + o.getThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < flangeList.size(); i++) {
                    Flange o = (Flange) flangeList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=flange\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:  " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Толщина:  " + o.getThickness() +
                            "<li>Материал: " + o.getMaterial() +
                            "<li>Давление: " + o.getPressure() + "</ul></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < armatureList.size(); i++) {
                    Armature o = (Armature) armatureList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=armature\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Название:   " + o.getName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:    " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Материал:   " + o.getMaterial() +
                            "<li>Маркировка: " + o.getMarks() +
                            "<li>Давление:   " + o.getPressure() + "</ul</a></td></tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < oborList.size(); i++) {
                    Oborudovanie o = (Oborudovanie) oborList.get(i);
                    result += "<tr><td>" + o.getDetailTypes().getTypeName() + "</td><td><a href=\"" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString().replaceAll("/lookDiameter.html", "") + "/lookDetail.html?type=oborudovanie\"><ul>" +
                            "<li>" + o.getGost().getGostName() +
                            "<li>Диаметр:   " + o.getDiametr() +
                            "<li>Название:  " + o.getName() +
                            "<li>Стоимость:   " + o.getExpenses() +
                            "<li>Давление:  " + o.getPressure() + "</ul></a></td></tr>";

                result += "</table>";
            } else {
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Examples of com.xmlcalabash.io.Pipe

        } else {
            // Let's try HTTP
            HttpRequest httpReq = new HttpRequest(runtime, step);
            Pipe inputPipe = new Pipe(runtime);
            Pipe outputPipe = new Pipe(runtime);
            httpReq.setInput("source", inputPipe);
            httpReq.setOutput("result", outputPipe);

            TreeWriter req = new TreeWriter(runtime);
            req.addAttribute(_method, "HEAD");
            req.addAttribute(_href, uri.toASCIIString());
            req.addAttribute(_status_only, "true");
            req.addAttribute(_detailed, "true");

            for (QName name : new QName[] {_username, _password, _auth_method, _send_authorization } ) {
                RuntimeValue v = getOption(name);
                if (v != null) { req.addAttribute(name, v.getString()); }



            XdmNode result = S9apiUtils.getDocumentElement(outputPipe.read());
            int status = Integer.parseInt(result.getAttributeValue(_status));
            tree.addAttribute(_href, href.getString());
            tree.addAttribute(_status, ""+status);
            tree.addAttribute(_readable, status >= 200 && status < 400 ? "true" : "false");
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Examples of com.ziclix.python.sql.pipe.Pipe

     * @param bindings  the optional bindings for the destination, this allows morphing of types during the copy
     * @return the count of the total number of rows bulk copied, -1 if the query returned no rows
    protected PyObject bcp(String fromTable, String where, PyObject params, PyObject include, PyObject exclude, String toTable, PyObject bindings) {

        Pipe pipe = new Pipe();
        String _toTable = (toTable == null) ? fromTable : toTable;
        DBSource source = new DBSource(this.source, sourceDH, fromTable, where, include, params);
        DBSink sink = new DBSink(this.destination, destDH, _toTable, exclude, bindings, this.batchsize);

        return pipe.pipe(source, sink).__sub__(Py.newInteger(1));
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Examples of de.matrixweb.vfs.VFSUtils.Pipe

    final VFile snapshot = vfs.stack();
    try {
      final VFile source = vfs.find(input.getPath());
      final VFile target = vfs.find(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(input
          .getPath()) + "." + resultType);
      VFSUtils.pipe(source, target, new Pipe() {
        public void exec(final Reader reader, final Writer writer)
            throws IOException {
          callback.call(reader, writer);
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Examples of hudson.remoting.Pipe

     * @return
     *      identity of the server represented as a public key.
    public PublicKey authenticate(Iterable<KeyPair> privateKeys) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
        Pipe c2s = Pipe.createLocalToRemote();
        Pipe s2c = Pipe.createRemoteToLocal();
        entryPoint.authenticate("ssh",c2s, s2c);
        Connection c = new Connection(s2c.getIn(), c2s.getOut());

        try {
            byte[] sharedSecret = c.diffieHellman(false).generateSecret();
            PublicKey serverIdentity = c.verifyIdentity(sharedSecret);

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Examples of java.nio.channels.Pipe

    // NIO based pipe
    @JRubyMethod(name = "pipe", meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject pipe(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) throws Exception {
        // TODO: This isn't an exact port of MRI's pipe behavior, so revisit
       Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
       Pipe pipe = Pipe.open();
       RubyIO source = new RubyIO(runtime, pipe.source());
       RubyIO sink = new RubyIO(runtime, pipe.sink());
       return runtime.newArrayNoCopy(new IRubyObject[] { source, sink });
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Examples of java.nio.channels.Pipe


      log.info("starting event dispatch");
      //comm channels between reader and writer
      Pipe pipe = Pipe.open();
      Pipe.SinkChannel writerStream = pipe.sink();
      Pipe.SourceChannel readerStream = pipe.source();
       *  Needed for DbusEventBuffer.readEvents() to exit their loops when no more data is available.
       *  With Pipe mimicking ChunkedBodyReadableByteChannel, we need to make Pipe non-blocking on the
       *  reader side to achieve the behavior that ChunkedBodyReadableByte channel provides.
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