Examples of PathBuilder

Examples of com.mysema.query.types.path.PathBuilder

     * @return query to filter entities according pagination configuration data.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    protected Predicate getPredicate(PaginationConfiguration config) {

        PathBuilder<T> entityPath = new PathBuilder(entityClass, getAliasName(entityClass));
        BooleanExpression predicate = null;

        Map<String, Object> filters = config.getFilters();
        if (filters != null) {
          // first we process nonstandard filters
            List<String> filtersToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();
            predicate = processNonStandardFilters(filters, filtersToRemove, entityPath);
            removeUsedFilters(filtersToRemove, filters);
            if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : filters.entrySet()) {
                    String key = entry.getKey();
                    Object filter = entry.getValue();
                    if (filter != null) {

                        // if ranged search (from - to fields)
                        if (key.contains("fromRange-")) {
                            // CHECKSTYLE:OFF
                            String parsedKey = key.substring(10);
                            // CHECKSTYLE:ON
                            if (filter instanceof Number) {
                                NumberPath path = createNumberPath(entityPath, parsedKey, filter);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.goe((Number) filter));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Date) {
                                DatePath path = entityPath.getDate(parsedKey, Date.class);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.goe((Date) filter));
                        } else if (key.contains("toRange-")) {
                            // CHECKSTYLE:OFF
                            String parsedKey = key.substring(8);
                            // CHECKSTYLE:ON
                            if (filter instanceof Number) {
                                NumberPath path = createNumberPath(entityPath, parsedKey, filter);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.loe((Number) filter));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Date) {
                                DatePath path = entityPath.getDate(parsedKey, Date.class);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.loe((Date) filter));
                        } else if (key.contains("list-")) {
                            // CHECKSTYLE:OFF
                            // if searching elements from list
                            String parsedKey = key.substring(5);
                            // CHECKSTYLE:ON
                            ListPath path = entityPath.getList(parsedKey, filter.getClass());
                            predicate = and(predicate, path.contains(filter));
                        } else { // if not ranged search
                            if (filter instanceof String) {
                                StringPath path = entityPath.getString(key);
                                String filterString = (String) filter;
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.startsWithIgnoreCase(filterString));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Date) {
                                DatePath path = entityPath.getDate(key, Date.class);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.eq(filter));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Number) {
                                NumberPath path = createNumberPath(entityPath, key, filter);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.eq(filter));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Boolean) {
                                BooleanPath path = entityPath.getBoolean(key);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.eq((Boolean) filter));
                            } else if (filter instanceof Enum) {
                                EnumPath path = entityPath.getEnum(key, Enum.class);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.eq(filter));
                            } else if (BaseEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())) {
                                PathBuilder path = entityPath.get(key);
                                predicate = and(predicate, path.eq(filter));

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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.model.path.PathBuilder

        return type;

    public Path parsePath(String path) {

        PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilderImpl();
//        PathImpl pathImpl = new PathImpl();

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(path, "/");
        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = tokenizer.nextToken();

            // Try and convert it to an integer.
            try {
                int index = Integer.parseInt(token);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // Assume it is a property name.

        return builder.getPath();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

            if (p != null) {
                int index = p.getNameElement().getNormalizedIndex();
                if (index > Path.INDEX_DEFAULT) {
                    Path.Element[] elems = p.getElements();
                    PathBuilder pb = new PathBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= elems.length - 2; i++) {
                    pb.addLast(p.getNameElement().getName(), index - 1);

                    NodeId prevSibling = idFactory.createNodeId(itemId.getUniqueID(), pb.getPath());
                    if (removedNodeIds.contains(prevSibling)) {
                        nodeId = prevSibling;
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

     * @param name the name to create the path from.
     * @return a path with a single element.
    private static Path createPath(Name name) {
        try {
            PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder();
            return builder.getPath();
        } catch (MalformedPathException e) {
            // never happens, we just added an element
            throw new InternalError();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

                        // step within a predicate
                        RelationQueryNode tmp = factory.createRelationQueryNode(
                                null, RelationQueryNode.OPERATION_NOT_NULL);
                        node.childrenAccept(this, tmp);
                        if (tmpRelPath == null) {
                            tmpRelPath = new PathBuilder();
                        PathQueryNode relPath = tmp.getRelativePath();
                        LocationStepQueryNode[] steps = relPath.getPathSteps();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

        // check existence
        if (!hasNode(srcName.getName(), srcName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { srcName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + " has no child node with name " + name);

        if (dstName != null && !hasNode(dstName.getName(), dstName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { dstName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + " has no child node with name " + name);

        // make sure this node is checked-out and neither protected nor locked
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_CHECKED_OUT
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        make sure the session is allowed to reorder child nodes.
        since there is no specific privilege for reordering child nodes,
        test if the the node to be reordered can be removed and added,
        i.e. treating reorder similar to a move.
        TODO: properly deal with sns in which case the index would change upon reorder.
        AccessManager acMgr = session.getAccessManager();
        PathBuilder pb = new PathBuilder(getPrimaryPath());
        pb.addLast(srcName.getName(), srcName.getIndex());
        Path childPath = pb.getPath();
        if (!acMgr.isGranted(childPath, Permission.ADD_NODE | Permission.REMOVE_NODE)) {
            String msg = "Not allowed to reorder child node " + session.getJCRPath(childPath) + ".";
            throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder


        NodeId parentId = getParentId();
        NodeImpl parentNode = (NodeImpl) getParent();
        Path parentPath = parentNode.getPrimaryPath();
        PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder(parentPath);

        ChildNodeEntry entry =
        if (entry == null) {
            String msg = "failed to build path of " + id + ": "
                    + parentId + " has no child entry for "
                    + id;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg);
        // add to path
        if (entry.getIndex() == 1) {
        } else {
            builder.addLast(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
        return builder.getPath();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

        // check existence
        if (!hasNode(srcName.getName(), srcName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { srcName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + " has no child node with name " + name);
        if (dstName != null && !hasNode(dstName.getName(), dstName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { dstName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder


        NodeId parentId = getParentId();
        NodeImpl parentNode = (NodeImpl) getParent();
        Path parentPath = parentNode.getPrimaryPath();
        PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder(parentPath);

        ChildNodeEntry entry =
        if (entry == null) {
            String msg = "failed to build path of " + id + ": "
                    + parentId + " has no child entry for "
                    + id;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg);
        // add to path
        if (entry.getIndex() == 1) {
        } else {
            builder.addLast(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
        return builder.getPath();
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.name.PathBuilder

        if (len == 0) {
            throw new MalformedPathException("empty path");

        // check if absolute path
        PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder(factory);
        int pos = 0;
        if (jcrPath.charAt(0) == '/') {
            if (parent != null) {
                throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a relative path.");

        // add master if present
        if (parent != null) {

        // parse the path
        int state;
        if (jcrPath.charAt(0) == '[') {
            if (parent != null) {
                throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a relative path.");
            state = STATE_IDENTIFIER;
        } else {
            state = STATE_PREFIX_START;

        int lastPos = pos;

        String name = null;

        int index = Path.INDEX_UNDEFINED;
        boolean wasSlash = false;

        boolean checkFormat = (nameResolver == null);

        while (pos <= len) {
            char c = pos == len ? EOF : jcrPath.charAt(pos);
            // special check for whitespace
            if (c != ' ' && Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
                c = '\t';
            switch (c) {
                case '/':
                case EOF:
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START && c != EOF) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. double slash '//' not allowed.");
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX
                            || state == STATE_NAME
                            || state == STATE_INDEX_END
                            || state == STATE_URI_END) {

                        // eof pathelement
                        if (name == null) {
                            if (wasSlash) {
                                throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path: Trailing slashes not allowed in prefixes and names.");
                            name = jcrPath.substring(lastPos, pos - 1);

                        // only add element if resolver not null. otherwise this
                        // is just a check for valid format.
                        if (checkFormat) {
                        } else {
                            Name qName = nameResolver.getQName(name);
                            builder.addLast(qName, index);
                        state = STATE_PREFIX_START;
                        lastPos = pos;
                        name = null;
                        index = Path.INDEX_UNDEFINED;
                    } else if (state == STATE_IDENTIFIER) {
                        if (c == EOF) {
                            // eof identifier reached                           
                            if (jcrPath.charAt(pos - 2) != ']') {
                                throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path: Unterminated identifier segment.");
                            String identifier = jcrPath.substring(lastPos, pos - 2);
                            if (checkFormat) {
                                if (identifierResolver != null) {
                                } // else ignore. TODO: rather throw?
                            } else if (identifierResolver == null) {
                                throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path: Identifier segments are not supported.");
                            } else if (normalizeIdentifier) {
                            } else {
                            state = STATE_PREFIX_START;
                            lastPos = pos;
                    } else if (state == STATE_DOT) {
                        lastPos = pos;
                        state = STATE_PREFIX_START;
                    } else if (state == STATE_DOTDOT) {
                        lastPos = pos;
                        state = STATE_PREFIX_START;
                    } else if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START && c == EOF) {
                        // ignore trailing slash
                    } else if (state != STATE_URI) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not a valid name character.");

                case '.':
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START) {
                        state = STATE_DOT;
                    } else if (state == STATE_DOT) {
                        state = STATE_DOTDOT;
                    } else if (state == STATE_DOTDOT) {
                        state = STATE_PREFIX;
                    } else if (state == STATE_INDEX_END) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not valid after index. '/' expected.");

                case ':':
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. Prefix must not be empty");
                    } else if (state == STATE_PREFIX) {
                        if (wasSlash) {
                            throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path: Trailing slashes not allowed in prefixes and names.");
                        state = STATE_NAME_START;
                        // don't reset the lastPos/pos since prefix+name are passed together to the NameResolver
                    } else if (state == STATE_IDENTIFIER || state == STATE_URI) {
                        // nothing do
                    } else {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not valid name character");

                case '[':
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX || state == STATE_NAME) {
                        if (wasSlash) {
                            throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path: Trailing slashes not allowed in prefixes and names.");
                        state = STATE_INDEX;
                        name = jcrPath.substring(lastPos, pos - 1);
                        lastPos = pos;
                    } else if (state == STATE_IDENTIFIER) {
                        // nothing do
                    } else {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not a valid name character.");

                case ']':
                    if (state == STATE_INDEX) {
                        try {
                            index = Integer.parseInt(jcrPath.substring(lastPos, pos - 1));
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. NumberFormatException in index: " + jcrPath.substring(lastPos, pos - 1));
                        if (index < Path.INDEX_DEFAULT) {
                            throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. Index number invalid: " + index);
                        state = STATE_INDEX_END;
                    } else if (state == STATE_IDENTIFIER) {
                        // nothing do
                    } else {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not a valid name character.");

                case ' ':
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START || state == STATE_NAME_START) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not valid name start");
                    } else if (state == STATE_INDEX_END) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not valid after index. '/' expected.");
                    } else if (state == STATE_DOT || state == STATE_DOTDOT) {
                        state = STATE_PREFIX;

                case '\t':
                    if (state != STATE_IDENTIFIER) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. Whitespace not a allowed in name.");
                case '*':
                case '|':
                    if (state != STATE_IDENTIFIER) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not a valid name character.");
                case '{':
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START && lastPos == pos-1) {
                        // '{' marks the start of a uri enclosed in an expanded name
                        // instead of the usual namespace prefix, if it is
                        // located at the beginning of a new segment.
                        state = STATE_URI;
                    } else if (state == STATE_NAME_START || state == STATE_DOT || state == STATE_DOTDOT) {
                        // otherwise it's part of the local name
                        state = STATE_NAME;

                case '}':
                    if (state == STATE_URI) {
                        state = STATE_URI_END;
                    if (state == STATE_PREFIX_START || state == STATE_DOT || state == STATE_DOTDOT) {
                        state = STATE_PREFIX;
                    } else if (state == STATE_NAME_START) {
                        state = STATE_NAME;
                    } else if (state == STATE_INDEX_END) {
                        throw new MalformedPathException("'" + jcrPath + "' is not a valid path. '" + c + "' not valid after index. '/' expected.");
            wasSlash = c == ' ';

        if (checkFormat) {
            // this was only for checking the format
            return null;
        } else {
            return builder.getPath();
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