Examples of PartSpecInfo

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ArchiveUtils.PartSpecInfo

    if (tbl.getTableType() != TableType.MANAGED_TABLE) {
      throw new HiveException("ARCHIVE can only be performed on managed tables");

    Map<String, String> partSpec = simpleDesc.getPartSpec();
    PartSpecInfo partSpecInfo = PartSpecInfo.create(tbl, partSpec);
    List<Partition> partitions = db.getPartitions(tbl, partSpec);

    Path originalDir = null;

    // when we have partial partitions specification we must assume partitions
    // lie in standard place - if they were in custom locations putting
    // them into one archive would involve mass amount of copying
    // in full partition specification case we allow custom locations
    // to keep backward compatibility
    if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
      throw new HiveException("No partition matches the specification");
    } else if(partSpecInfo.values.size() != tbl.getPartCols().size()) {
      // for partial specifications we need partitions to follow the scheme
      for(Partition p: partitions){
        if(partitionInCustomLocation(tbl, p)) {
          String message = String.format("ARCHIVE cannot run for partition " +
                      "groups with custom locations like %s", p.getLocation());
          throw new HiveException(message);
      originalDir = partSpecInfo.createPath(tbl);
    } else {
      Partition p = partitions.get(0);
      // partition can be archived if during recovery
      if(ArchiveUtils.isArchived(p)) {
        originalDir = new Path(getOriginalLocation(p));
      } else {
        originalDir = p.getPartitionPath();

    Path intermediateArchivedDir = new Path(originalDir.getParent(),
        originalDir.getName() + INTERMEDIATE_ARCHIVED_DIR_SUFFIX);
    Path intermediateOriginalDir = new Path(originalDir.getParent(),
        originalDir.getName() + INTERMEDIATE_ORIGINAL_DIR_SUFFIX);

    console.printInfo("intermediate.archived is " + intermediateArchivedDir.toString());
    console.printInfo("intermediate.original is " + intermediateOriginalDir.toString());

    String archiveName = "data.har";
    FileSystem fs = null;
    try {
      fs = originalDir.getFileSystem(conf);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);

    URI archiveUri = (new Path(originalDir, archiveName)).toUri();
    URI originalUri = ArchiveUtils.addSlash(originalDir.toUri());
    ArchiveUtils.HarPathHelper harHelper = new ArchiveUtils.HarPathHelper(
        conf, archiveUri, originalUri);

    // we checked if partitions matching specification are marked as archived
    // in the metadata; if they are and their levels are the same as we would
    // set it later it means previous run failed and we have to do the recovery;
    // if they are different, we throw an error
    for(Partition p: partitions) {
      if(ArchiveUtils.isArchived(p)) {
        if(ArchiveUtils.getArchivingLevel(p) != partSpecInfo.values.size()) {
          String name = ArchiveUtils.getPartialName(p, ArchiveUtils.getArchivingLevel(p));
          String m = String.format("Conflict with existing archive %s", name);
          throw new HiveException(m);
        } else {
          throw new HiveException("Partition(s) already archived");

    boolean recovery = false;
    if (pathExists(intermediateArchivedDir)
        || pathExists(intermediateOriginalDir)) {
      recovery = true;
      console.printInfo("Starting recovery after failed ARCHIVE");

    // The following steps seem roundabout, but they are meant to aid in
    // recovery if a failure occurs and to keep a consistent state in the FS

    // Steps:
    // 1. Create the archive in a temporary folder
    // 2. Move the archive dir to an intermediate dir that is in at the same
    //    dir as the original partition dir. Call the new dir
    //    intermediate-archive.
    // 3. Rename the original partition dir to an intermediate dir. Call the
    //    renamed dir intermediate-original
    // 4. Rename intermediate-archive to the original partition dir
    // 5. Change the metadata
    // 6. Delete the original partition files in intermediate-original

    // The original partition files are deleted after the metadata change
    // because the presence of those files are used to indicate whether
    // the original partition directory contains archived or unarchived files.

    // Create an archived version of the partition in a directory ending in
    // ARCHIVE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR_SUFFIX that's the same level as the partition,
    // if it does not already exist. If it does exist, we assume the dir is good
    // to use as the move operation that created it is atomic.
    HadoopShims shim = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims();
    if (!pathExists(intermediateArchivedDir) &&
        !pathExists(intermediateOriginalDir)) {

      // First create the archive in a tmp dir so that if the job fails, the
      // bad files don't pollute the filesystem
      Path tmpPath = new Path(driverContext.getCtx()
                    .getExternalTmpFileURI(originalDir.toUri()), "partlevel");

      console.printInfo("Creating " + archiveName +
                        " for " + originalDir.toString());
      console.printInfo("in " + tmpPath);
      console.printInfo("Please wait... (this may take a while)");

      // Create the Hadoop archive
      int ret=0;
      try {
        int maxJobNameLen = conf.getIntVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEJOBNAMELENGTH);
        String jobname = String.format("Archiving %s@%s",
          tbl.getTableName(), partSpecInfo.getName());
        jobname = Utilities.abbreviate(jobname, maxJobNameLen - 6);
        conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HADOOPJOBNAME, jobname);
        ret = shim.createHadoopArchive(conf, originalDir, tmpPath, archiveName);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new HiveException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ArchiveUtils.PartSpecInfo

    if (tbl.getTableType() != TableType.MANAGED_TABLE) {
      throw new HiveException("UNARCHIVE can only be performed on managed tables");

    Map<String, String> partSpec = simpleDesc.getPartSpec();
    PartSpecInfo partSpecInfo = PartSpecInfo.create(tbl, partSpec);
    List<Partition> partitions = db.getPartitions(tbl, partSpec);

    int partSpecLevel = partSpec.size();

    Path originalDir = null;

    // when we have partial partitions specification we must assume partitions
    // lie in standard place - if they were in custom locations putting
    // them into one archive would involve mass amount of copying
    // in full partition specification case we allow custom locations
    // to keep backward compatibility
    if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
      throw new HiveException("No partition matches the specification");
    } else if(partSpecInfo.values.size() != tbl.getPartCols().size()) {
      // for partial specifications we need partitions to follow the scheme
      for(Partition p: partitions){
        if(partitionInCustomLocation(tbl, p)) {
          String message = String.format("UNARCHIVE cannot run for partition " +
                      "groups with custom locations like %s", p.getLocation());
          throw new HiveException(message);
      originalDir = partSpecInfo.createPath(tbl);
    } else {
      Partition p = partitions.get(0);
      if(ArchiveUtils.isArchived(p)) {
        originalDir = new Path(getOriginalLocation(p));
      } else {
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