Package org.voltdb.expressions

Examples of org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression

            numOfGroupByColumns = mvComplexGroupbyCols.size();

            for (AbstractExpression expr: mvComplexGroupbyCols) {
                if (expr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
                    TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) expr;
                    if (tve.getColumnIndex() == partitionColIndex) {
                        // If group by columns contain partition column from source table.
                        // Then, query on MV table will have duplicates from each partition.
                        // There is no need to fix this case, so just return.
                        return false;
        } else {
            CatalogMap<ColumnRef> mvSimpleGroupbyCols = mvInfo.getGroupbycols();
            numOfGroupByColumns = mvSimpleGroupbyCols.size();

            for (ColumnRef colRef: mvSimpleGroupbyCols) {
                if (colRef.getColumn().getIndex() == partitionColIndex) {
                    // If group by columns contain partition column from source table.
                    // Then, query on MV table will have duplicates from each partition.
                    // There is no need to fix this case, so just return.
                    return false;
        assert(numOfGroupByColumns > 0);
        m_mvTableScan = mvTableScan;

        Set<String> mvDDLGroupbyColumnNames = new HashSet<String>();
        List<Column> mvColumnArray =
                CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(table.getColumns(), "index");

        // Start to do real materialized view processing to fix the duplicates problem.
        // (1) construct new projection columns for scan plan node.
        Set<SchemaColumn> mvDDLGroupbyColumns = new HashSet<SchemaColumn>();
        NodeSchema inlineProjSchema = new NodeSchema();
        for (SchemaColumn scol: scanColumns) {

        String mvTableAlias = getMVTableAlias();

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfGroupByColumns; i++) {
            Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
            String colName = mvCol.getName();

            TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, colName, colName, i);
            tve.setTypeSizeBytes(mvCol.getType(), mvCol.getSize(), mvCol.getInbytes());


            SchemaColumn scol = new SchemaColumn(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, colName, colName, tve);

            if (!scanColumns.contains(scol)) {
                // construct new projection columns for scan plan node.

        // Record the re-aggregation type for each scan columns.
        Map<String, ExpressionType> mvColumnReAggType = new HashMap<String, ExpressionType>();
        for (int i = numOfGroupByColumns; i < mvColumnArray.size(); i++) {
            Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
            ExpressionType reAggType = ExpressionType.get(mvCol.getAggregatetype());

            if (reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT_STAR ||
                    reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT) {
                reAggType = ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM;
            mvColumnReAggType.put(mvCol.getName(), reAggType);

        m_scanInlinedProjectionNode = new ProjectionPlanNode();

        // (2) Construct the reAggregation Node.

        // Construct the reAggregation plan node's aggSchema
        m_reAggNode = new HashAggregatePlanNode();
        int outputColumnIndex = 0;
        // inlineProjSchema contains the group by columns, while aggSchema may do not.
        NodeSchema aggSchema = new NodeSchema();

        // Construct reAggregation node's aggregation and group by list.
        for (SchemaColumn scol: scanColumns) {
            if (mvDDLGroupbyColumns.contains(scol)) {
                // Add group by expression.
            } else {
                ExpressionType reAggType = mvColumnReAggType.get(scol.getColumnName());
                assert(reAggType != null);
                AbstractExpression agg_input_expr = scol.getExpression();
                assert(agg_input_expr instanceof TupleValueExpression);
                // Add aggregation information.
                m_reAggNode.addAggregate(reAggType, false, outputColumnIndex, agg_input_expr);

        // Collect all TVEs that need to be do re-aggregation in coordinator.
        List<TupleValueExpression> needReAggTVEs = new ArrayList<TupleValueExpression>();
        List<AbstractExpression> aggPostExprs = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();

        for (int i=numOfGroupByColumns; i < mvColumnArray.size(); i++) {
            Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
            String colName = mvCol.getName();

            TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, colName, colName);
            tve.setTypeSizeBytes(mvCol.getType(), mvCol.getSize(), mvCol.getInbytes());


        collectReAggNodePostExpressions(joinTree, needReAggTVEs, aggPostExprs);
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            Map<String, ExpressionType> mvColumnAggType, List<ParsedColInfo> displayColumns, List<ParsedColInfo> groupByColumns) {

        // Condition (1): Group by columns must be part of or all from MV DDL group by TVEs.
        for (ParsedColInfo gcol: groupByColumns) {
            assert(gcol.expression instanceof TupleValueExpression);
            TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) gcol.expression;
            if (tve.getTableName().equals(getMVTableName()) && !mvDDLGroupbyColumnNames.contains(tve.getColumnName())) {
                return false;

        // Condition (2): Aggregation must be:
        for (ParsedColInfo dcol: displayColumns) {
            if (groupByColumns.contains(dcol)) {
            if (dcol.expression instanceof AggregateExpression == false) {
                return false;
            AggregateExpression aggExpr = (AggregateExpression) dcol.expression;
            if (aggExpr.getLeft() instanceof TupleValueExpression == false) {
                return false;
            ExpressionType type = aggExpr.getExpressionType();
            TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) aggExpr.getLeft();
            String columnName = tve.getColumnName();

            if (type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM && type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_MIN
                    && type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_MAX) {
                return false;

            if (tve.getTableName().equals(getMVTableName())) {
                if (mvColumnAggType.get(columnName) != type ) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                // The other join table.
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        if (coveringExpr == null) {
            // Match only the table's column that has the coveringColId
            if ((indexableExpr.getExpressionType() != ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE)) {
                return null;
            TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) indexableExpr;
            // Handle a simple indexed column identified by its column id.
            if ((coveringColId == tve.getColumnIndex()) &&
                (tableScan.getTableAlias().equals(tve.getTableAlias()))) {
                // A column match never requires parameter binding. Return an empty list.
                return s_reusableImmutableEmptyBinding;
            return null;
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        String tbName = m_table.getTypeName();
        String colName = partitionCol.getTypeName();

        TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(
                tbName, m_tableAlias, colName, colName, partitionCol.getIndex());
        tve.setTypeSizeBytes(partitionCol.getType(), partitionCol.getSize(), partitionCol.getInbytes());

        SchemaColumn scol = new SchemaColumn(tbName, m_tableAlias, colName, colName, tve);
        m_partitioningColumns = new ArrayList<SchemaColumn>();
        return m_partitioningColumns;
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            for (Column col : insertStmt.m_columns.keySet()) {
                if (partitioningCol.compareTo(col) == 0) {
                    List<SchemaColumn> partitioningColumns = stmtTargetTableScan.getPartitioningColumns();
                    assert(partitioningColumns.size() == 1);
                    AbstractExpression targetPartitionColExpr = partitioningColumns.get(0).getExpression();
                    TupleValueExpression selectedExpr = subquery.getOutputExpression(i);

                    Set<AbstractExpression> equivSet = new HashSet<>();
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            boolean existsInDisplayList = false;
            // Find whether the partition column is in output column list
            for (SchemaColumn outputCol: m_outputColumnList) {
                if (outputCol.getExpression() instanceof TupleValueExpression)
                    TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) outputCol.getExpression();
                    if (tve.getTableName().equals(partitionCol.getTableName()) &&
                        existsInDisplayList = true;

                        String colNameForParentQuery = outputCol.getColumnAlias();
                        partitionCol.reset(m_tableAlias, m_tableAlias,
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    /** Produce a tuple value expression for a column produced by this subquery */
    public TupleValueExpression getOutputExpression(int index) {
        SchemaColumn schemaCol = m_outputColumnList.get(index);
        TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(getTableAlias(), getTableAlias(),
                schemaCol.getColumnAlias(), schemaCol.getColumnAlias(), index);
        return tve;
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            // configure the count aggregate (sum) node to produce a single
            // output column containing the result of the sum.
            // Create a TVE that should match the tuple count input column
            // This TVE is magic.
            // really really need to make this less hard-wired
            TupleValueExpression count_tve = new TupleValueExpression(
                    "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "modified_tuples", "modified_tuples", 0);
            countNode.addAggregate(ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM, false, 0, count_tve);

            // The output column. Not really based on a TVE (it is really the
            // count expression represented by the count configured above). But
            // this is sufficient for now.  This looks identical to the above
            // TVE but it's logically different so we'll create a fresh one.
            TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(
                    "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "modified_tuples", "modified_tuples", 0);
            NodeSchema count_schema = new NodeSchema();
            SchemaColumn col = new SchemaColumn("VOLT_TEMP_TABLE",
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                    // So we construct one based on the output of the
                    // aggregate expression, the column alias provided by HSQL,
                    // and the offset into the output table schema for the
                    // aggregate node that we're computing.
                    // Oh, oh, it's magic, you know..
                    TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(
                            "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "", col.alias, outputColumnIndex);
                    tve.setTypeSizeBytes(rootExpr.getValueType(), rootExpr.getValueSize(),

                    boolean is_distinct = ((AggregateExpression)rootExpr).isDistinct();
                    aggNode.addAggregate(agg_expression_type, is_distinct, outputColumnIndex, agg_input_expr);
                    schema_col = new SchemaColumn("VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "", col.alias, tve);
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                for (; ithCovered < groupBys.size(); ithCovered++) {
                    AbstractExpression gbExpr = groupBys.get(ithCovered).expression;
                    if ( ! (gbExpr instanceof TupleValueExpression)) {
                    TupleValueExpression gbTVE = (TupleValueExpression)gbExpr;
                    // TVE column index has not been resolved currently
                    if ( ! fromTableAlias.equals(gbTVE.getTableAlias())) {
                    if (indexColumnName.equals(gbTVE.getColumnName())) {
                        foundPrefixedColumn = true;
                if (! foundPrefixedColumn) {
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression

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