Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNWCAccess

        if (paths == null || paths.length == 0) {
        final Map entriesMap = new SVNHashMap();
        Map pathsTokensMap = new SVNHashMap();
        final SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        try {
            final SVNURL topURL = collectLockInfo(wcAccess, paths, entriesMap, pathsTokensMap, false, breakLock);
            SVNRepository repository = createRepository(topURL, paths[0], wcAccess, true);
            final SVNURL rootURL = repository.getRepositoryRoot(true);
            repository.unlock(pathsTokensMap, breakLock, new ISVNLockHandler() {
                public void handleLock(String path, SVNLock lock, SVNErrorMessage error) throws SVNException {

                public void handleUnlock(String path, SVNLock lock, SVNErrorMessage error) throws SVNException {
                    SVNURL fullURL = rootURL.appendPath(path, false);
                    LockInfo lockInfo = (LockInfo) entriesMap.get(fullURL);
                    SVNEventAction action = null;
                    SVNAdminArea dir = wcAccess.probeRetrieve(lockInfo.myFile);
                    if (error == null || (error != null && error.getErrorCode() != SVNErrorCode.FS_LOCK_OWNER_MISMATCH)) {
                        SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(lockInfo.myFile, false);

                        SVNVersionedProperties props = dir.getProperties(entry.getName());

                        if (props.getPropertyValue(SVNProperty.NEEDS_LOCK) != null) {
                            SVNFileUtil.setReadonly(dir.getFile(entry.getName()), true);
                        action = SVNEventAction.UNLOCKED;
                    if (error != null) {
                        action = SVNEventAction.UNLOCK_FAILED;
                    if (action != null) {
                        handleEvent(SVNEventFactory.createLockEvent(dir.getFile(lockInfo.myFile.getName()), action, lock, error), ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
        } finally {
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        boolean local = (revision == null || !revision.isValid() || revision.isLocal()) &&
                (pegRevision == null || !pegRevision.isValid() || pegRevision.isLocal());

        if (!local) {
            SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
            SVNRevision wcRevision = null;
            SVNURL url = null;
            try {
                wcAccess.probeOpen(path, false, 0);
                SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(path, false);
                url = entry.getSVNURL();
                if (url == null) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_MISSING_URL,
                            "''{0}'' has no URL", path);
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
                wcRevision = SVNRevision.create(entry.getRevision());
            } finally {
            doInfo(url, pegRevision == null || !pegRevision.isValid() || pegRevision.isLocal() ?
                    wcRevision : pegRevision, revision, depth, handler);
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     * @throws SVNException if <code>path</code> is neither versioned nor
     *                      even exported
     * @since  1.2
    public String doGetWorkingCopyID(final File path, String trailURL, final boolean committed) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        try {
  , false, 0);
        } catch (SVNException e) {
            SVNFileType pathType = SVNFileType.getType(path);
            if (pathType == SVNFileType.DIRECTORY) {
                return "exported";
            } else if (pathType == SVNFileType.NONE) {
                throw e;
            return "'" + path + "' is not versioned and not exported";
        } finally {
        SVNStatusClient statusClient = new SVNStatusClient((ISVNAuthenticationManager) null, getOptions());
        final long[] maxRevision = new long[1];
        final long[] minRevision = new long[]{-1};
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     * @param  directory     working copy path
     * @throws SVNException
     * @since  1.2
    public void doCleanupWCProperties(File directory) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = SVNWCAccess.newInstance(this);
        try {
            SVNAdminArea dir =, true, true, -1);
            if (dir != null) {
                SVNPropertiesManager.deleteWCProperties(dir, null, true);
        } finally {
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     * @throws SVNException
     * @since  1.2
    public void doSetWCFormat(File directory, int format) throws SVNException {
        SVNAdminAreaInfo info = null;
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = SVNWCAccess.newInstance(this);
        try {
            info = wcAccess.openAnchor(directory, false, -1);
            setWCFormat(info, info.getTarget(), format);
        } finally {
        if (!isIgnoreExternals() && info != null) {
            Collection processedDirs = new SVNHashSet();
            Map externals = info.getOldExternals();
            // update both old and new externals.
            for (Iterator paths = externals.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) {
                String path = (String);
                String value = (String) externals.get(path);
                if (value == null) {

                SVNExternal[] externalDefs = SVNExternal.parseExternals("", value);
                for (int i = 0; i < externalDefs.length; i++) {
                    String externalPath = externalDefs[i].getPath();
                    File externalDir = new File(info.getAnchor().getRoot(), SVNPathUtil.append(path, externalPath));
                    if (processedDirs.add(externalDir)) {
                        //if externalDir is an empty unversioned dir SVNFileType won't help us to avoid
                      //getting in an infinite loop
                      try {
                , false, 0);
                        } catch (SVNException svne) {
                          if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.WC_NOT_DIRECTORY) {
                          throw svne;
                        } finally {

                        try {
                          doSetWCFormat(externalDir, format);
                        } catch (SVNException e) {
                          if (e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.WC_NOT_DIRECTORY) {
                          throw e;
            externals = info.getNewExternals();
            for (Iterator paths = externals.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) {
                String path = (String);
                String value = (String) externals.get(path);
                SVNExternal[] externalDefs = SVNExternal.parseExternals("", value);
                for (int i = 0; i < externalDefs.length; i++) {
                    String externalPath = externalDefs[i].getPath();
                    File externalDir = new File(info.getAnchor().getRoot(), SVNPathUtil.append(path, externalPath));
                    if (processedDirs.add(externalDir)) {
                        //if externalDir is an empty unversioned dir SVNFileType won't help us to avoid
                        //getting in an infinite loop
                        try {
                  , false, 0);
                        } catch (SVNException svne) {
                            if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.WC_NOT_DIRECTORY) {
                            throw svne;
                        } finally {

                      try {
                        doSetWCFormat(externalDir, format);
                      } catch (SVNException e) {
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        } catch (SVNException e) {
            if (!(force && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_EXISTS)) {
                throw e;
        SVNWCAccess access = parentDir.getWCAccess();
        SVNAdminArea dir = access.retrieve(path);
        Collection ignores = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        if (!noIgnore) {
            ignores = SVNStatusEditor.getIgnorePatterns(dir, SVNStatusEditor.getGlobalIgnores(getOptions()));
        File[] children = SVNFileListUtil.listFiles(dir.getRoot());
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        return topURL;

    private void crawlEntries(File path, SVNDepth depth, final Collection changeLists,
            final ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException {
        final SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        int admLockLevel = getLevelsToLockFromDepth(depth);
        try {
            wcAccess.probeOpen(path, false, admLockLevel);
            wcAccess.walkEntries(path, new ISVNEntryHandler() {
                public void handleEntry(File path, SVNEntry entry) throws SVNException {
                    if (entry.isDirectory() && !entry.isThisDir()) {
                    if (SVNWCAccess.matchesChangeList(changeLists, entry)) {
                        reportEntry(path, entry, handler);
                public void handleError(File path, SVNErrorMessage error) throws SVNException {
                    if (error != null && error.getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.UNVERSIONED_RESOURCE) {
                        SVNAdminArea dir = wcAccess.probeTry(path.getParentFile(), false, 0);
                        SVNTreeConflictDescription tc = dir.getTreeConflict(path.getName());
                        if (tc != null) {
                            SVNInfo info = SVNInfo.createInfo(path, tc);
                    SVNErrorManager.error(error, SVNLogType.WC);
            }, false, depth);
        } finally {

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    private boolean doRevert(File path, SVNAdminArea parent, SVNDepth depth, boolean useCommitTimes,
            Collection changeLists) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = parent.getWCAccess();
        SVNAdminArea dir = wcAccess.probeRetrieve(path);
        SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getEntry(path, false);
        SVNTreeConflictDescription treeConflict = wcAccess.getTreeConflict(path);
        if (entry == null && treeConflict == null) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNVERSIONED_RESOURCE, "Cannot revert unversioned item ''{0}''",
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
        if (entry != null && entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
            SVNFileType fileType = SVNFileType.getType(path);
            if (fileType != SVNFileType.DIRECTORY && !entry.isScheduledForAddition()) {
                SVNEvent event = SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(dir.getFile(entry.getName()), entry.getKind(), null, entry.getRevision(), SVNEventAction.FAILED_REVERT, null, null, null);
                return false;

        if (entry != null && entry.getKind() != SVNNodeKind.DIR && entry.getKind() != SVNNodeKind.FILE) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                    "Cannot revert ''{0}'': unsupported entry node kind", path);
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

        SVNFileType fileType = SVNFileType.getType(path);
        if (fileType == SVNFileType.UNKNOWN) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                    "Cannot revert ''{0}'': unsupported node kind in working copy", path);
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

        boolean reverted = false;
        if (SVNWCAccess.matchesChangeList(changeLists, entry)) {
            if (treeConflict != null) {
                reverted = true;
            if (entry != null) {
                if (entry.isScheduledForAddition()) {
                    boolean wasDeleted = false;
                    if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.FILE) {
                        wasDeleted = entry.isDeleted();
                        parent.removeFromRevisionControl(path.getName(), false, false);
                    } else if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                        SVNEntry entryInParent = parent.getEntry(path.getName(), true);
                        if (entryInParent != null) {
                            wasDeleted = entryInParent.isDeleted();
                        if (fileType == SVNFileType.NONE || wcAccess.isMissing(path)) {
                        } else {
                            dir.removeFromRevisionControl("", false, false);
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        if (depth == null || depth == SVNDepth.UNKNOWN) {
            depth = SVNDepth.EMPTY;
        File target = area.getFile(entry.getName());
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = area.getWCAccess();
        ISVNEntryHandler propGetHandler = new PropFetchHandler(changeLists, propName, handler, base);
        if (SVNDepth.FILES.compareTo(depth) <= 0 && entry.isDirectory()) {
            wcAccess.walkEntries(target, propGetHandler, false, depth);
        } else if (SVNWCAccess.matchesChangeList(changeLists, entry)) {
            if (propName == null) {//proplist hack for compatibility with subvsersion
                SVNVersionedProperties properties = base ? area.getBaseProperties(entry.getName()) : area.getProperties(entry.getName());
                if (propName != null) {
                    SVNPropertyValue propValue = properties.getPropertyValue(propName);
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        return tokens;

    private void doGetLocalFileContents(File path, OutputStream dst, SVNRevision revision, boolean expandKeywords) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        InputStream input = null;
        boolean hasMods = false;
        SVNVersionedProperties properties = null;

        try {
            SVNAdminArea area =, false, 0);
            SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(path, false);
            if (entry.getKind() != SVNNodeKind.FILE) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNVERSIONED_RESOURCE, "''{0}'' refers to a directory", path);
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            String name = path.getName();
            if (revision != SVNRevision.WORKING) {
                // get base version and base props.
                input = area.getBaseFileForReading(name, false);
                properties = area.getBaseProperties(name);
            } else {
                // get working version and working props.
                input = SVNFileUtil.openFileForReading(area.getFile(path.getName()), SVNLogType.WC);
                hasMods = area.hasPropModifications(name) || area.hasTextModifications(name, true);
                properties = area.getProperties(name);
            String charsetProp = properties.getStringPropertyValue(SVNProperty.CHARSET);
            String eolStyle = properties.getStringPropertyValue(SVNProperty.EOL_STYLE);
            String keywords = properties.getStringPropertyValue(SVNProperty.KEYWORDS);
            boolean special = properties.getPropertyValue(SVNProperty.SPECIAL) != null;
            byte[] eols = null;
            Map keywordsMap = null;
            String time = null;
            String charset = SVNTranslator.getCharset(charsetProp, path.getPath(), getOptions());
            eols = SVNTranslator.getEOL(eolStyle, getOptions());
            if (hasMods && !special) {
                time = SVNDate.formatDate(new Date(path.lastModified()));
            } else {
                time = entry.getCommittedDate();
            if (keywords != null) {
                String url = entry.getURL();
                String author = hasMods ? "(local)" : entry.getAuthor();
                String rev = hasMods ? entry.getCommittedRevision() + "M" : entry.getCommittedRevision() + "";
                keywordsMap = SVNTranslator.computeKeywords(keywords, expandKeywords ? url : null, author, time, rev, getOptions());
            OutputStream translatingStream = charset != null || eols != null || keywordsMap != null ? SVNTranslator.getTranslatingOutputStream(dst, charset, eols, false, keywordsMap, expandKeywords) : dst;
            try {
                SVNTranslator.copy(input, new SVNCancellableOutputStream(translatingStream, getEventDispatcher()));
                if (translatingStream != dst) {
            } catch (IOExceptionWrapper ioew) {
                throw ioew.getOriginalException();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (e instanceof SVNCancellableOutputStream.IOCancelException) {
                    SVNErrorManager.cancel(e.getMessage(), SVNLogType.NETWORK);
                SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, e.getMessage()), SVNLogType.WC);
        } finally {
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Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNWCAccess

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