Package org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.IntersectionVertex

public class TestOverlayGraph extends TestCase {
    public void testBasic() throws Exception {
        Graph g = new Graph();
        Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "a", 5, 5);
        Vertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "b", 6, 5);
        Vertex c = new IntersectionVertex(g, "c", 7, 5);
        Vertex d = new IntersectionVertex(g, "d", 8, 5);
        // vary weights so edges are not considered equal
        Edge ab = new SimpleEdge(a, b, 1, 1);
        Edge bc1 = new SimpleEdge(b, c, 1, 1);
        Edge bc2 = new SimpleEdge(b, c, 2, 2);
        Edge bc3 = new SimpleEdge(b, c, 3, 3);
        Edge cd1 = new SimpleEdge(c, d, 1, 1);
        Edge cd2 = new SimpleEdge(c, d, 2, 2);
        Edge cd3 = new SimpleEdge(c, d, 3, 3);
        OverlayGraph og = new OverlayGraph(g);
        assertEquals(g.countVertices(), og.countVertices());
        assertEquals(g.countEdges(), og.countEdges());
        for (Vertex v : g.getVertices()) {
            for (Edge e : v.getOutgoing()) {
            for (Edge e : v.getIncoming()) {
        assertTrue(og.getIncoming(a).size() == 0);
        assertTrue(og.getOutgoing(d).size() == 0);
        // add an edge that is not in the overlay
        Edge ad = new FreeEdge(a, d);
        assertTrue(d.getIncoming().size() == 4);
        assertTrue(og.getIncoming(d).size() == 3);
        assertTrue(a.getOutgoing().size() == 2);
        assertTrue(og.getOutgoing(a).size() == 1);
        // remove edges from overlaygraph
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    public void testCalculateTurnAngle() {
        // Graph for a fictional grid city with turn restrictions
        IntersectionVertex v1 = vertex("maple_1st", new Coordinate(2.0, 2.0), false);
        IntersectionVertex v2 = vertex("maple_2nd", new Coordinate(2.0, 1.0), false);
        StreetEdge e1 = edge(v1, v2, 1.0, false);

        // Edge has same first and last angle.
        assertEquals(90, e1.getInAngle());
        assertEquals(90, e1.getOutAngle());
        // 2 new ones
        IntersectionVertex v3 = vertex("test2", new Coordinate(1.0, 1.0), false);
        // Second edge
        StreetEdge e2 = edge(v2, v3, 1.0, false);

        assertEquals(0, e2.getInAngle());
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(-73.990989, 40.750167);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(-73.988049, 40.749094);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(-73.984981, 40.747761);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        // Two edges.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(-73.990989, 40.750167);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(-73.988049, 40.749094);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(-73.984981, 40.747761);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        v.freeFlowing = (true);
        // Two edges.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(-73.990989, 40.750167);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(-73.988049, 40.749094);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(-73.984981, 40.747761);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        // Two edges - will infer that the vertex is free-flowing since there is no light.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(-73.990989, 40.750167);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(-73.988049, 40.749094);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(-73.984981, 40.747761);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        // Two edges.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(40.750167, -73.990989);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(40.749094, -73.988049);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(40.748509, -73.988693);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        // Two edges.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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        Coordinate a = new Coordinate(40.750167, -73.990989);
        Coordinate b = new Coordinate(40.749094, -73.988049);
        Coordinate c = new Coordinate(40.749760 , -73.987749);
        // A vertex for each. No light.
        IntersectionVertex u = vertex("from_v", a, false);
        IntersectionVertex v = vertex("intersection", b, false);
        IntersectionVertex w = vertex("to_v", c, false);
        // Two edges.
        StreetEdge fromEdge = edge(u, v, 1.0, false);
        StreetEdge toEdge = edge(v, w, 1.0, false);
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     * Private Methods

    private IntersectionVertex vertex(String label, Coordinate coord, boolean hasLight) {
        IntersectionVertex v = new IntersectionVertex(_graph, label, coord.y, coord.x);
        v.trafficLight = (hasLight);
        return v;
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                if (creativeName == null || area.parent.getTag("name") != null)
                    creativeName = wayPropertySet.getCreativeNameForWay(area.parent);
                for (Ring ring : area.outermostRings) {
                    for (OSMNode node : ring.nodes) {
                        envelope.expandToInclude(new Coordinate(node.lon,;
                        IntersectionVertex accessVertex = getVertexForOsmNode(node, area.parent);
                        if (accessVertex.getIncoming().isEmpty()
                                || accessVertex.getOutgoing().isEmpty())
            // Check P+R accessibility by walking and driving.
            TraversalRequirements walkReq = new TraversalRequirements(new RoutingRequest(
            TraversalRequirements driveReq = new TraversalRequirements(new RoutingRequest(
            boolean walkAccessibleIn = false;
            boolean carAccessibleIn = false;
            boolean walkAccessibleOut = false;
            boolean carAccessibleOut = false;
            for (IntersectionVertex accessVertex : accessVertexes) {
                for (Edge incoming : accessVertex.getIncoming()) {
                    if (incoming instanceof StreetEdge) {
                        if (walkReq.canBeTraversed((StreetEdge)incoming))
                            walkAccessibleIn = true;
                        if (driveReq.canBeTraversed((StreetEdge)incoming))
                            carAccessibleIn = true;
                for (Edge outgoing : accessVertex.getOutgoing()) {
                    if (outgoing instanceof StreetEdge) {
                        if (walkReq.canBeTraversed((StreetEdge)outgoing))
                            walkAccessibleOut = true;
                        if (driveReq.canBeTraversed((StreetEdge)outgoing))
                            carAccessibleOut = true;
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Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.IntersectionVertex

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