Package org.opentripplanner.routing.spt

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.ShortestPathTree

        Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");
        Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C");
        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_d, stop_c);
        ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);
        assertEquals(TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 11, 0, 0), path.getEndTime());
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        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_b);

        ShortestPathTree spt;
        GraphPath path;

        // route: bikes allowed, trip: no value
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_b, false);

        // route: bikes allowed, trip: bikes not allowed
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_d, stop_c);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);

        // route: bikes not allowed, trip: bikes allowed
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_c, stop_d);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
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        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.wheelchairAccessible = true;
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);

        ShortestPathTree spt;
        GraphPath path;

        // stop B is accessible, so there should be a path.
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_b);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(near_b, false);

        // stop C is not accessible, so there should be no path.
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_c);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(near_c, false);
        // stop E has no accessibility information, but we should still be able to route to it.
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_e);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(near_e, false);

        // from stop A to stop D would normally be trip 1.1 to trip 2.1, arriving at 00:30. But trip
        // 2 is not accessible, so we'll do 1.1 to 3.1, arriving at 01:00
        GregorianCalendar time = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.toSeconds(time);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, split_d);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        time.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1);
        time.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); //for the StreetTransitLink
        path = spt.getPath(split_d, false);
        assertEquals(TestUtils.toSeconds(time), path.getEndTime());
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        options.transferSlack = (0);
        GregorianCalendar startTime = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 11, 2, 8, 30, 0);
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, "agency:Q", destination.getLabel());
        ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        GraphPath path = spt.getPath(destination, false);

        long endTime = path.getEndTime();
        Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
        c.setTimeInMillis(endTime * 1000L);
        assertTrue(endTime - TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime) < 7200);
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    public void testFrequencies() {
        Vertex stop_u = graph.getVertex("agency:U_depart");
        Vertex stop_v = graph.getVertex("agency:V_arrive");

        ShortestPathTree spt;
        GraphPath path;

        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.setModes(new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT"));
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);
        // U to V - original stop times - shouldn't be used
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
        assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
        long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 6, 40, 0);
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

        // U to V - first frequency
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 7, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
        assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
        endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 7, 40, 0);
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

        // U to V - second frequency
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 14, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
        assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
        endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 14, 40, 0);
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());
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        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.optimize = OptimizeType.QUICK;
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_c, stop_d)
        ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        //when optimizing for speed, take the fast two-bus path
        GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
        assertEquals(TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 20, 0), path.getEndTime());
        //when optimizing for fewest transfers, take the slow one-bus path
        options.transferPenalty = 1800;
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
        assertEquals(TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 50, 0), path.getEndTime());

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        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, entrance, stop);
        ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop, false);
        assertEquals(TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 34), path.getEndTime());
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        GenericDijkstra search = new GenericDijkstra(options);
        search.setSkipEdgeStrategy(new ListedEdgesOnly(edges));
        Set<Edge> usedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>();
        for (Vertex vertex : startingVertices) {
            State state = new State(vertex, options);
            ShortestPathTree spt = search.getShortestPathTree(state);
            for (Vertex endVertex : startingVertices) {
                GraphPath path = spt.getPath(endVertex, false);
                if (path != null) {
                    for (Edge edge : path.edges) {
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        Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C_arrive");

        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 8, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_c);
        ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);
        assertEquals(6, path.states.size());
        long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 8, 30, 0);
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());
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        Vertex stop_e = graph.getVertex("agency:E");

        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0);

        ShortestPathTree spt;
        GraphPath path;

        // A to B
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_b);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_b, false);
        assertEquals(extractStopVertices(path), Lists.newArrayList(stop_a, stop_b));

        // A to C
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_c);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);
        assertEquals(extractStopVertices(path), Lists.newArrayList(stop_a, stop_c));

        // A to D
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_d);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
        assertEquals(extractStopVertices(path), Lists.newArrayList(stop_a, stop_c, stop_d));
        long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0) + 40 * 60;
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

        // A to E
        options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_e);
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

        path = spt.getPath(stop_e, false);
        assertEquals(extractStopVertices(path), Lists.newArrayList(stop_a, stop_c, stop_e));
        endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0) + 70 * 60;
        assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());
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Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.ShortestPathTree

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