Package org.ofbiz.workflow

Examples of org.ofbiz.workflow.WfException

                // this is either the first activity defined or specified as an ExtendedAttribute
                // since this is defined in XPDL, we don't care if canStart is set.
                start = getDefinitionObject().getRelatedOne("DefaultStartWorkflowActivity");
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e.getNested());
        if (start == null)
            throw new CannotStart("No initial activity available");

        if (Debug.verboseOn())
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        WfActivity activity = WfFactory.getWfActivity(delegator, workEffortId);
        WfAssignment fromAssign = null;

        // check status and delegateAfterStart attribute
        if (activity.state().equals("open.running") && !activity.getDefinitionObject().getBoolean("delegateAfterStart").booleanValue())
            throw new WfException("This activity cannot be delegated once it has been started");

        if (fromPartyId == null && fromRoleTypeId == null && fromFromDate == null) {
            Iterator i = activity.getIteratorAssignment();
            fromAssign = (WfAssignment);
            if (i.hasNext()) {
                throw new WfException("Cannot locate the assignment to delegate from, there is more then one " +
                        "assignment for this activity.");

        if (fromAssign == null) {
            fromAssign = WfFactory.getWfAssignment(delegator, workEffortId, fromPartyId, fromRoleTypeId, fromFromDate);

        // check for a restartOnDelegate
        WfActivity newActivity = null;
        if (activity.getDefinitionObject().getBoolean("restartOnDelegate").booleanValue()) {
            // this only applies to running single assignment activities
            if (activity.state().equals("open.running") && activity.howManyAssignment() == 0) {
                try {
                } catch (CannotStop cs) {
                    throw new WfException("Cannot stop the current activity");
                } catch (NotRunning nr) {
                    throw new WfException("Current activity is not running; cannot abort");
                String parentProcessId = activity.container().runtimeKey();
                newActivity = WfFactory.getWfActivity(activity.getDefinitionObject(), parentProcessId);
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     * @see org.ofbiz.workflow.WfProcess#activityComplete(org.ofbiz.workflow.WfActivity)
    public synchronized void activityComplete(WfActivity activity) throws WfException {
        if (!activity.state().equals("closed.completed"))
            throw new WfException("Activity state is not completed");
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[WfProcess.activityComplete] : Activity (" + + ") is complete", module);
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     * @return GenericResultWaiter of the start job.
     * @throws WfException
    public void start(String workEffortId) throws WfException {
        if (dispatcher == null) {
            throw new WfException("LocalDispatcher is null; cannot create job for activity startup");

        WfActivity activity = WfFactory.getWfActivity(delegator, workEffortId);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Starting activity: " +, module);
        if (activityRunning(activity))
            throw new WfException("Activity is already running");

        Job job = new StartActivityJob(activity);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Job: " + job, module);
        try {
        } catch (JobManagerException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);

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                GenericValue toActivity = null;

                try {
                    toActivity = trans.getRelatedOne("ToWorkflowActivity");
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                    throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);

                // check for a join
                String join = "WJT_AND"; // default join is AND
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        Collection toTrans = null;

        try {
            toTrans = toActivity.getRelated("ToWorkflowTransition");
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);

        // get a list of followed transition to this activity
        Collection followed = null;

        try {
            Map fields = new HashMap();
            fields.put("processWorkEffortId", dataObject.getString("workEffortId"));
            fields.put("toActivityId", toActivity.getString("activityId"));
            followed = getDelegator().findByAnd("WorkEffortTransBox", fields);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[WfProcess.joinTransition] : toTrans (" + toTrans.size() + ") followed (" +
                (followed.size() + 1) + ")", module);

        // check to see if all transition requirements are met
        if (toTrans.size() == (followed.size() + 1)) {
            Debug.logVerbose("[WfProcess.joinTransition] : All transitions have followed.", module);
            try {
                Map fields = new HashMap();
                fields.put("processWorkEffortId", dataObject.getString("workEffortId"));
                fields.put("toActivityId", toActivity.getString("activityId"));
                getDelegator().removeByAnd("WorkEffortTransBox", fields);
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } else {
            Debug.logVerbose("[WfProcess.joinTransition] : Waiting for transitions to finish.", module);
            try {
                Map fields = new HashMap();
                fields.put("processWorkEffortId", dataObject.getString("workEffortId"));
                fields.put("toActivityId", toActivity.getString("activityId"));
                fields.put("transitionId", transition.getString("transitionId"));
                GenericValue obj = getDelegator().makeValue("WorkEffortTransBox", fields);

            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);
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    public void suspend(String workEffortId) throws WfException {
        WfActivity activity = WfFactory.getWfActivity(delegator, workEffortId);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Suspending activity: " +, module);
        if (!activityRunning(activity))
            throw new WfException("Activity is not running");

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        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = this.getDispatcher();

        // get the job manager
        JobManager jm = dispatcher.getJobManager();
        if (jm == null) {
            throw new WfException("No job manager found on the service dispatcher; cannot start activity");

        // using the StartActivityJob class to run the activity within its own thread
        try {
            Job activityJob = new StartActivityJob(activity, req);
        } catch (JobManagerException e) {
            throw new WfException("JobManager error", e);

        // the GenericRequester object will hold any exceptions; and report the job as failed
        if (req.status() == GenericResultWaiter.SERVICE_FAILED) {
            Throwable reqt = req.getThrowable();
            if (reqt instanceof CannotStart)
                Debug.logVerbose("[WfProcess.startActivity] : Cannot start activity. Waiting for manual start.", module);
            else if (reqt instanceof AlreadyRunning)
                throw new WfException("Activity already running", reqt);
                throw new WfException("Activity error", reqt);
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    public void resume(String workEffortId) throws WfException {
        WfActivity activity = WfFactory.getWfActivity(delegator, workEffortId);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Resuming activity: " +, module);
        if (activityRunning(activity))
            throw new WfException("Activity is already running");

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        Collection fromCol = null;

        try {
            fromCol = fromActivity.getDefinitionObject().getRelated("FromWorkflowTransition");
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);

        // check for a split
        String split = "WST_AND"; // default split is AND
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.workflow.WfException

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