Package org.nasutekds.server.replication.common

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ServerState

      // contain null character (string termination of serverid string ..) it
      // cannot be decoded using getNextLength() like the other fields. The
      // only way is to rely on the end of the input buffer : and that forces
      // the ServerState to be the last. This should be changed and we want to
      // have more than one ServerState field.
      serverState = new ServerState(in, pos, in.length - 1);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
      throw new DataFormatException("UTF-8 is not supported by this jvm.");
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      // contain null character (string termination of serverid string ..) it
      // cannot be decoded using getNextLength() like the other fields. The
      // only way is to rely on the end of the input buffer : and that forces
      // the ServerState to be the last. This should be changed and we want to
      // have more than one ServerState field.
      serverState = new ServerState(in, pos, in.length - 1);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
      throw new DataFormatException("UTF-8 is not supported by this jvm.");
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      // contain null character (string termination of serverid string ..) it
      // cannot be decoded using getNextLength() like the other fields. The
      // only way is to rely on the end of the input buffer : and that forces
      // the ServerState to be the last. This should be changed and we want to
      // have more than one ServerState field.
      serverState = new ServerState(in, pos, in.length - 1);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
      throw new DataFormatException("UTF-8 is not supported by this jvm.");
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      attributes.add(Attributes.create("missing-changes", String

      /* get the Server State */
      AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder("server-state");
      ServerState state = md.getRSStates(serverId);
      if (state != null)
        for (String str : state.toStringSet())
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         * changes. Some changes may only be stored in the backing DB
         * of the servers.
         * The total size of the receive queue is calculated by doing
         * the sum of the number of missing changes for every dbHandler.
        ServerState dbState = replicationServerDomain.getDbServerState();
        return ServerState.diffChanges(dbState, serverState);
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              // let's get the eligible part of the domain
              ServerState startSS = domain.getStartState();
              ServerState endSS= domain.getEligibleState(crossDomainEligibleCN,

              ChangeNumber fcn = startSS.getMaxChangeNumber(cn.getServerId());
              ChangeNumber lcn = endSS.getMaxChangeNumber(cn.getServerId());

              // if the draftCNDb change record, is out of the eligible part
              //  of the domain, then it can be removed.
              if (cn.older(fcn)||cn.newer(lcn))
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      attributes.add(Attributes.create("approximate-delay", String

      /* get the Server State */
      AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder("server-state");
      ServerState state = md.getLDAPServerState(serverId);
      if (state != null)
        for (String str : state.toStringSet())
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    Iterator<Integer> lsiStateItr = this.LDAPStates.keySet().iterator();
    while (lsiStateItr.hasNext())
      Integer lsiSid =;
      ServerState lsiState = this.LDAPStates.get(lsiSid);
      Long lsiMissingChanges = (long)0;
      if (lsiState != null)
        Iterator<Integer> lsjMaxItr = this.maxCNs.keySet().iterator();
        while (lsjMaxItr.hasNext())
          Integer lsjSid =;
          ChangeNumber lsjMaxCN = this.maxCNs.get(lsjSid);
          ChangeNumber lsiLastCN = lsiState.getMaxChangeNumber(lsjSid);

          int missingChangesLsiLsj =
            ChangeNumber.diffSeqNum(lsjMaxCN, lsiLastCN);

          mds +=
            "+ diff("+lsjMaxCN+"-"

          // Regarding a DS that is generating changes. If it is a local DS1,
          // we get its server state, store it, then retrieve server states of
          // remote DSs. When a remote server state is coming, it may contain
          // a change number for DS1 which is newer than the one we locally
          // stored in the server state of DS1. To prevent seeing DS1 has
          // missing changes whereas it is wrong, we replace the value with 0
          // if it is a low value. We cannot overwrite big values as they may be
          // useful for a local server retrieving changes it generated earlier,
          // when it is recovering from an old snapshot and the local RS is
          // sending him the changes it is missing.
          if (lsjSid.equals(lsiSid)) {
            if (missingChangesLsiLsj <= 50)
              missingChangesLsiLsj = 0;
              mds += " (diff replaced by 0 as for server id " + lsiSid + ")";

          lsiMissingChanges += missingChangesLsiLsj;
      mds += "=" + lsiMissingChanges;

    // Computes the missing changes counters for RS :
    // Sum the difference of sequence numbers for each element in the States.

    for (int lsiSid : RSStates.keySet())
      ServerState lsiState = this.RSStates.get(lsiSid);
      Long lsiMissingChanges = (long)0;
      if (lsiState != null)
        Iterator<Integer> lsjMaxItr = this.maxCNs.keySet().iterator();
        while (lsjMaxItr.hasNext())
          int lsjSid =;
          ChangeNumber lsjMaxCN = this.maxCNs.get(lsjSid);
          ChangeNumber lsiLastCN = lsiState.getMaxChangeNumber(lsjSid);

          int missingChangesLsiLsj =
            ChangeNumber.diffSeqNum(lsjMaxCN, lsiLastCN);

          mds +=
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    // LDAP data
    Iterator<Integer> lsite = LDAPStates.keySet().iterator();
    while (lsite.hasNext())
      Integer sid =;
      ServerState ss = LDAPStates.get(sid);
      mds += "\nLSData(" + sid + ")=\t" + "state=[" + ss.toString()
      + "] afmd=" + this.getApproxFirstMissingDate(sid);

      mds += " missingDelay=" + this.getApproxDelay(sid);

      mds +=" missingCount=" + missingChanges.get(sid);

    // RS data
    rsite = RSStates.keySet().iterator();
    while (rsite.hasNext())
      Integer sid =;
      ServerState ss = RSStates.get(sid);
      mds += "\nRSData(" + sid + ")=\t" + "state=[" + ss.toString()
      + "] missingCount=" + missingChangesRS.get(sid);

    mds += "\n--";
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    ChangeNumber latestRsChangeNumber = null;
    for (Integer rsId : bestServers.keySet())
      ReplicationServerInfo replicationServerInfo = bestServers.get(rsId);
      ServerState rsState = replicationServerInfo.getServerState();
      ChangeNumber rsChangeNumber = rsState.getMaxChangeNumber(localServerId);
      if (rsChangeNumber == null)
        rsChangeNumber = new ChangeNumber(0, 0, localServerId);

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Related Classes of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ServerState

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