Package org.jruby.util

Examples of org.jruby.util.JRubyFile

            path = path.substring("classpath:/".length());
            InputStream is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
            // FIXME: don't use RubyIO for this
            return new ChannelDescriptor(Channels.newChannel(is), flags);
        } else {
            JRubyFile theFile = JRubyFile.create(cwd,path);

            if (theFile.isDirectory() && flags.isWritable()) {
                throw new DirectoryAsFileException();

            if (flags.isCreate()) {
                if (theFile.exists() && flags.isExclusive()) {
                    throw new FileExistsException(path);
                try {
                    fileCreated = theFile.createNewFile();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    // See JRUBY-4380.
                    // MRI behavior: raise Errno::ENOENT in case
                    // when the directory for the file doesn't exist.
                    // Java in such cases just throws IOException.
                    File parent = theFile.getParentFile();
                    if (parent != null && parent != theFile && !parent.exists()) {
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
                    } else if (!theFile.canWrite()) {
                        throw new PermissionDeniedException(path);
                    } else {
                        // for all other IO errors, just re-throw the original exception
                        throw ioe;
            } else {
                if (!theFile.exists()) {
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

            FileDescriptor fileDescriptor;
            FileChannel fileChannel;
            boolean isInAppendMode;
            if (flags.isWritable() && !flags.isReadable()) {
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(theFile, flags.isAppendable());
                fileChannel = fos.getChannel();
                fileDescriptor = fos.getFD();
                isInAppendMode = true;
            } else {
                RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(theFile, flags.toJavaModeString());
                fileChannel = raf.getChannel();
                fileDescriptor = raf.getFD();
                isInAppendMode = false;

            // call chmod after we created the RandomAccesFile
            // because otherwise, the file could be read-only
            if (fileCreated) {
                // attempt to set the permissions, if we have been passed a POSIX instance,
                // perm is > 0, and only if the file was created in this call.
                if (posix != null && perm > 0) {
                    posix.chmod(theFile.getPath(), perm);

            try {
                if (flags.isTruncate()) fileChannel.truncate(0);
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        for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
            String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
            // check current directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource
            try {
                JRubyFile file = JRubyFile.create(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
                debugLogTry("resourceFromCWD", file.toString());
                if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) {
                    boolean absolute = true;
                    foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, getFileName(file, namePlusSuffix), absolute);
                    state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
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        for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
            String namePlusSuffix = path + suffix;
            // check home directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource
            try {
                JRubyFile file = JRubyFile.create(home, RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
                debugLogTry("resourceFromHome", file.toString());
                if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) {
                    boolean absolute = true;

                    state.loadName = file.getPath();
                    foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, state.loadName, absolute);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) {
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                    if (reportedPath.charAt(0) != '.') {
                        reportedPath = "./" + reportedPath;
                    loadPathEntry = JRubyFile.create(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), loadPathEntry).getAbsolutePath();
                JRubyFile actualPath = JRubyFile.create(loadPathEntry, RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
                if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE) {
                    debugLogTry("resourceFromLoadPath", "'" + actualPath.toString() + "' " + actualPath.isFile() + " " + actualPath.canRead());
                if (actualPath.canRead()) {
                    foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(actualPath, reportedPath, absolute);
        } catch (SecurityException secEx) {
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            return entry.isDirectory() ?
                recv.getRuntime().getFalse() :

        JRubyFile file = file(filename);

        return runtime.newBoolean(file.exists() && file.isFile());
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    @JRubyMethod(name = "grpowned?", required = 1, module = true)
    public static IRubyObject grpowned_p(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename) {
        Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
        JRubyFile file = file(filename);

        // JRUBY-4446, grpowned? always returns false on Windows
        if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) {
            return runtime.getFalse();
        return runtime.newBoolean(file.exists() && runtime.getPosix().stat(file.getAbsolutePath()).isGroupOwned());
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    @JRubyMethod(name = "identical?", required = 2, module = true)
    public static IRubyObject identical_p(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename1, IRubyObject filename2) {
        Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
        JRubyFile file1 = file(filename1);
        JRubyFile file2 = file(filename2);

        if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS || !runtime.getPosix().isNative()) {
            // posix stat uses inodes to determine indentity, and windows has no inodes
            // (they are always zero), so we use canonical paths instead. (JRUBY-5726)
            // If we can't load a native POSIX, use this same logic. (JRUBY-6982)
            try {
                return runtime.newBoolean(file1.exists() && file2.exists() &&
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // this is indicative of something really wrong, but for now...
                return runtime.getFalse();

        return runtime.newBoolean(file1.exists() && file2.exists() &&
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    @JRubyMethod(name = "owned?", required = 1, module = true)
    public static IRubyObject owned_p(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename) {
        Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
        JRubyFile file = file(filename);

        return runtime.newBoolean(file.exists() && runtime.getPosix().stat(file.getAbsolutePath()).isOwned());
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    @JRubyMethod(name = "pipe?", required = 1, module = true)
    public static IRubyObject pipe_p(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename) {
        Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
        JRubyFile file = file(filename);

        return runtime.newBoolean(file.exists() && runtime.getPosix().stat(file.getAbsolutePath()).isNamedPipe());
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            return entry.isDirectory() ?
                recv.getRuntime().getFalse() :

        JRubyFile file = file(filename);

        return runtime.newBoolean(file.exists() && file.canRead());
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Related Classes of org.jruby.util.JRubyFile

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