Package org.jruby

Examples of org.jruby.Ruby$DaemonThreadFactory

    public static IRubyObject for_fd(IRubyObject socketClass, IRubyObject fd) {
        return for_fd(socketClass.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), socketClass, fd);
    @JRubyMethod(frame = true, meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject for_fd(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject socketClass, IRubyObject fd) {
        Ruby ruby = context.getRuntime();
        if (fd instanceof RubyFixnum) {
            RubySocket socket = (RubySocket)((RubyClass)socketClass).allocate();
            // normal file descriptor..try to work with it
            ChannelDescriptor descriptor = socket.getDescriptorByFileno((int)((RubyFixnum)fd).getLongValue());
            if (descriptor == null) {
                throw ruby.newErrnoEBADFError();
            Channel mainChannel = descriptor.getChannel();

            if (mainChannel instanceof SocketChannel) {
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    public static IRubyObject gethostbyaddr(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        return gethostbyaddr(recv.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), recv, args);
    @JRubyMethod(required = 1, rest = true, meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject gethostbyaddr(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        IRubyObject[] ret = new IRubyObject[4];
        ret[0] = runtime.newString(intoAddress(runtime,args[0].convertToString().toString()).getCanonicalHostName());
        ret[1] = runtime.newArray();
        ret[2] = runtime.newFixnum(2); // AF_INET
        ret[3] = args[0];
        return runtime.newArrayNoCopy(ret);
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    public static IRubyObject getservbyname(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        return getservbyname(recv.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), recv, args);
    @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1, meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject getservbyname(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        int argc = Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 1, 2);
        String name = args[0].convertToString().toString();
        String service = argc == 1 ? "tcp" : args[1].convertToString().toString();
        Integer port = IANA.serviceToPort.get(name + "/" + service);
        if(port == null) {
            throw sockerr(runtime, "no such service " + name + "/" + service);
        return runtime.newFixnum(port.intValue());
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    @JRubyMethod(meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject gethostbyname(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject hostname) {
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(hostname.convertToString().toString());
            Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
            IRubyObject[] ret = new IRubyObject[4];
            ret[0] = runtime.newString(addr.getCanonicalHostName());
            ret[1] = runtime.newArray();
            ret[2] = runtime.newFixnum(2); // AF_INET
            ret[3] = runtime.newString(intoString(runtime,addr));
            return runtime.newArrayNoCopy(ret);
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            throw sockerr(context.getRuntime(), "gethostbyname: name or service not known");
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    //def self.getaddrinfo(host, port, family = nil, socktype = nil, protocol = nil, flags = nil)
    @JRubyMethod(required = 2, optional = 4, meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject getaddrinfo(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        args = Arity.scanArgs(context.getRuntime(),args,2,4);
        try {
            Ruby r = context.getRuntime();
            IRubyObject host = args[0];
            IRubyObject port = args[1];

            if(port instanceof RubyString) {
                port = getservbyname(context, recv, new IRubyObject[]{port});

            //IRubyObject family = args[2];
            IRubyObject socktype = args[3];
            //IRubyObject protocol = args[4];
            //IRubyObject flags = args[5];
            boolean sock_stream = true;
            boolean sock_dgram = true;
            if(!socktype.isNil()) {
                int val = RubyNumeric.fix2int(socktype);
                if(val == 1) {
                    sock_dgram = false;
                } else if(val == 2) {
                    sock_stream = false;
            InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(host.isNil() ? null : host.convertToString().toString());
            List<IRubyObject> l = new ArrayList<IRubyObject>();
            for(int i=0;i<addrs.length;i++) {
                IRubyObject[] c;
                if(sock_dgram) {
                    c = new IRubyObject[7];
                    c[0] = r.newString("AF_INET");
                    c[1] = port;
                    c[2] = r.newString(addrs[i].getCanonicalHostName());
                    c[3] = r.newString(addrs[i].getHostAddress());
                    c[4] = r.newFixnum(PF_INET);
                    c[5] = r.newFixnum(SOCK_DGRAM);
                    c[6] = r.newFixnum(IPPROTO_UDP);
                if(sock_stream) {
                    c = new IRubyObject[7];
                    c[0] = r.newString("AF_INET");
                    c[1] = port;
                    c[2] = r.newString(addrs[i].getCanonicalHostName());
                    c[3] = r.newString(addrs[i].getHostAddress());
                    c[4] = r.newFixnum(PF_INET);
                    c[5] = r.newFixnum(SOCK_STREAM);
                    c[6] = r.newFixnum(IPPROTO_TCP);
            return r.newArray(l);
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            throw sockerr(context.getRuntime(), "getaddrinfo: name or service not known");
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    public static IRubyObject getnameinfo(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        return getnameinfo(recv.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), recv, args);
    @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1, meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject getnameinfo(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        int argc = Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 1, 2);
        int flags = argc == 2 ? RubyNumeric.num2int(args[1]) : 0;
        IRubyObject arg0 = args[0];

        String host, port;
        if (arg0 instanceof RubyArray) {
            List list = ((RubyArray)arg0).getList();
            int len = list.size();
            if (len < 3 || len > 4) {
                throw runtime.newArgumentError("array size should be 3 or 4, "+len+" given");
            // TODO: validate port as numeric
            host = list.get(2).toString();
            port = list.get(1).toString();
        } else if (arg0 instanceof RubyString) {
            String arg = ((RubyString)arg0).toString();
            Matcher m = STRING_ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(arg);
            if (!m.matches()) {
                throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid address string");
            if ((host = == null || host.length() == 0 ||
                    (port = == null || port.length() == 0) {
                throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid address string");
        } else {
            throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid args");
        InetAddress addr;
        try {
            addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            throw sockerr(runtime, "unknown host: "+ host);
        if ((flags & NI_NUMERICHOST) == 0) {
            host = addr.getCanonicalHostName();
        } else {
            host = addr.getHostAddress();
        return runtime.newArray(runtime.newString(host), runtime.newString(port));

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    public IRubyObject get_array_of_int8(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject offset, IRubyObject length) {
        int count = Util.int32Value(length);
        checkBounds(context, offset, count * 2);
        byte[] array = new byte[count];
        getMemoryIO().get(getOffset(offset), array, 0, array.length);
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyArray arr = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, array.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            arr.add(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, array[i]));
        return arr;
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    public IRubyObject get_array_of_int16(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject offset, IRubyObject length) {
        int count = Util.int32Value(length);
        checkBounds(context, offset, count * 2);
        short[] array = new short[count];
        getMemoryIO().get(getOffset(offset), array, 0, array.length);
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyArray arr = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, array.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            arr.add(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, array[i]));
        return arr;
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    public IRubyObject get_array_of_int32(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject offset, IRubyObject length) {
        int count = Util.int32Value(length);
        checkBounds(context, offset, count * 4);
        int[] array = new int[count];
        getMemoryIO().get(getOffset(offset), array, 0, array.length);
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyArray arr = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, array.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            arr.add(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, array[i]));
        return arr;
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    public IRubyObject get_array_of_int64(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject offset, IRubyObject length) {
        int count = Util.int32Value(length);
        checkBounds(context, offset, count * 4);
        long[] array = new long[count];
        getMemoryIO().get(getOffset(offset), array, 0, array.length);
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyArray arr = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, array.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            arr.add(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, array[i]));
        return arr;
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Related Classes of org.jruby.Ruby$DaemonThreadFactory

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