
Examples of

                if (!name.startsWith("java:")) {
                    name = environment.getDefaultContext() + name;

                // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
                LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);

                //add any injection targets
                remoteInterfaceType = processInjectionTargets(resourceInjectionTarget, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, ejbRef, remoteInterfaceType);

                final BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration;
                EjbInjectionSource ejbInjectionSource = null;

                if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
                    if (!lookup.startsWith("java:")) {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new EjbLookupInjectionSource(lookup, remoteInterfaceType));
                    } else {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
                } else {

                    if (remoteInterfaceType == null) {
                        throw MESSAGES.couldNotDetermineEjbRefForInjectionTarget(name, resourceInjectionTarget);
                    if (!isEmpty(ejbName)) {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(ejbName, remoteInterfaceType.getName(), name, deploymentUnit, appclient));
                    } else {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(remoteInterfaceType.getName(), name, deploymentUnit, appclient));

                if (ejbInjectionSource != null) {
                    deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(EjbDeploymentAttachmentKeys.EJB_INJECTIONS, ejbInjectionSource);

        if (remoteEnvironment instanceof Environment && !appclient) {
            EJBLocalReferencesMetaData ejbLocalRefs = ((Environment) remoteEnvironment).getEjbLocalReferences();
            if (ejbLocalRefs != null) {
                for (EJBLocalReferenceMetaData ejbRef : ejbLocalRefs) {
                    String name = ejbRef.getEjbRefName();
                    String ejbName = ejbRef.getLink();
                    String lookup = ejbRef.getLookupName() != null ? ejbRef.getLookupName() : ejbRef.getMappedName();
                    String localInterface = ejbRef.getLocal();
                    String localHome = ejbRef.getLocalHome();
                    Class<?> localInterfaceType = null;

                    //if a home is specified this is the type that is bound
                    if (!isEmpty(localHome)) {
                        try {
                            localInterfaceType = index.classIndex(localHome).getModuleClass();
                        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                            throw MESSAGES.failedToLoadViewClass(e, localHome);
                    } else if (!isEmpty(localInterface)) {
                        try {
                            localInterfaceType = index.classIndex(localInterface).getModuleClass();
                        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                            throw MESSAGES.failedToLoadViewClass(e, localInterface);

                    if (!name.startsWith("java:")) {
                        name = environment.getDefaultContext() + name;

                    // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
                    LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);

                    //add any injection targets
                    localInterfaceType = processInjectionTargets(resourceInjectionTarget, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, ejbRef, localInterfaceType);

                    if (localInterfaceType == null) {
                        throw MESSAGES.couldNotDetermineEjbLocalRefForInjectionTarget(name, resourceInjectionTarget);
                    final BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration;
                    EjbInjectionSource ejbInjectionSource = null;

                    if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
                        if (!lookup.startsWith("java:")) {
                            bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new EjbLookupInjectionSource(lookup, localInterfaceType));
                        } else {
                            bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
                    } else if (!isEmpty(ejbName)) {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(ejbName, localInterfaceType.getName(), name, deploymentUnit, appclient));
                    } else {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(localInterfaceType.getName(), name, deploymentUnit, appclient));
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        //appclient lookups are always optional
        //as they could reference local interfaces that are not present
        if(appclient) {
            return new OptionalLookupInjectionSource(localContextName);
        } else {
            return new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName);
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            // setup the injection target
            final InjectionTarget injectionTarget = new FieldInjectionTarget(fieldInfo.declaringClass().name().toString(), fieldName, fieldInfo.type().name().toString());
            // source is always local ENC jndi
            final InjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName);
            final ResourceInjectionConfiguration injectionConfiguration = new ResourceInjectionConfiguration(injectionTarget, injectionSource);
            eeModuleClassDescription.getConfigurators().add(new ClassConfigurator() {
                public void configure(DeploymentPhaseContext context, EEModuleClassDescription description, EEModuleClassConfiguration configuration) throws
                        DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
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            // setup the injection configuration
            final InjectionTarget injectionTarget = new MethodInjectionTarget(methodInfo.declaringClass().name().toString(), methodName, methodInfo.args()[0].name().toString());
            // source is always local ENC jndi name
            final InjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName);
            final ResourceInjectionConfiguration injectionConfiguration = new ResourceInjectionConfiguration(injectionTarget, injectionSource);

            eeModuleClassDescription.getConfigurators().add(new ClassConfigurator() {
                public void configure(DeploymentPhaseContext context, EEModuleClassDescription description, EEModuleClassConfiguration configuration) throws
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                if (!name.startsWith("java:")) {
                    name = environment.getDefaultContext() + name;

                // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
                LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);

                //add any injection targets
                processInjectionTargets(moduleDescription, applicationClasses, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, puRef, EntityManagerFactory.class);

                BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = null;
                if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
                } else if (!isEmpty(persistenceUnitName)) {
                    InjectionSource puBindingSource = this.getPersistenceUnitBindingSource(deploymentUnit, persistenceUnitName);
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, puBindingSource);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Support for persistence-unit-ref without a lookup or persistence-unit-name, isn't yet implemented");
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                if (!name.startsWith("java:")) {
                    name = environment.getDefaultContext() + name;

                // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
                LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);
                //add any injection targets
                processInjectionTargets(moduleDescription, applicationClasses, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, puRef, EntityManager.class);

                BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = null;
                if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
                } else if (!isEmpty(persistenceUnitName)) {
                    PropertiesMetaData properties = puRef.getProperties();
                    Map map = new HashMap();
                    if (properties != null) {
                        for (PropertyMetaData prop : properties) {
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        //give preference to lookup
        if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
            if (!lookup.startsWith("java:")) {
                valueSource = new EjbLookupInjectionSource(lookup, targetDescription.getDeclaredValueClassName());
            } else {
                valueSource = new LookupInjectionSource(lookup);
        } else if (!isEmpty(beanName)) {
            valueSource = ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(beanName, beanInterface, localContextName);
        } else {
            valueSource = ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(beanInterface, localContextName);
        if (ejbInjectionSource != null) {
            deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(EjbDeploymentAttachmentKeys.EJB_INJECTIONS, ejbInjectionSource);
        // our injection comes from the local lookup, no matter what.
        final ResourceInjectionConfiguration injectionConfiguration = targetDescription != null ?
                new ResourceInjectionConfiguration(targetDescription, new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName)) : null;

        // Create the binding from whence our injection comes.
        final BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(localContextName, valueSource);

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        InjectionSource valueSource = null;
        final boolean isEnvEntryType = this.isEnvEntryType(injectionType, module);
        final boolean isResourceRefType = RESOURCE_REF_ENTRIES.contains(injectionType);
        boolean createBinding = true;
        if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
            valueSource = new LookupInjectionSource(lookup);
        } else if (isEnvEntryType) {
            // if it's a env-entry type then we do *not* create a BindingConfiguration to bind to the ENC
            // since the binding (value) for env-entry is always driven from a deployment descriptor.
            // The deployment descriptor processing and subsequent binding in the ENC is taken care off by a
            // different Deployment unit processor. If the value isn't specified in the deployment descriptor,
            // then there will be no binding the ENC and that's what is expected by the Java EE 6 spec. Furthermore,
            // if the @Resource is a env-entry binding then the injection target will be optional since in the absence of
            // a env-entry-value, there won't be a binding and effectively no injection. This again is as expected by spec.
        } else if (!isResourceRefType) {
            final EEResourceReferenceProcessor resourceReferenceProcessor = EEResourceReferenceProcessorRegistry.getResourceReferenceProcessor(injectionType);
            if (resourceReferenceProcessor == null) {
                logger.warnf("Can't handle @Resource for ENC name: %s on class %s since it's missing a \"lookup\" (or \"mappedName\") value and isn't of any known type", localContextName, classDescription.getClassName());
            valueSource = resourceReferenceProcessor.getResourceReferenceBindingSource(phaseContext, eeModuleDescription, classDescription, injectionType, localContextName, targetDescription);
            if (valueSource == null) {
                logger.warnf("Could not find binding source for @Resource, for ENC name: %s on class %s " +
                        " of type: %s from resource reference processor: %s", localContextName, classDescription.getClassName(), injectionType, resourceReferenceProcessor);
        } else {
            //handle resource reference types
            createBinding = false;
            valueSource = new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName);

        final boolean createBindingFinal = createBinding;

        // EE.5.2.4
        // Each injection of an object corresponds to a JNDI lookup. Whether a new
        // instance of the requested object is injected, or whether a shared instance is
        // injected, is determined by the rules described above.

        // Because of performance we allow any type of InjectionSource.

        if (valueSource == null) {
            // the ResourceInjectionConfiguration is created by LazyResourceInjection
            LazyResourceInjection lazyResourceInjection = new LazyResourceInjection(targetDescription, localContextName , classDescription);
        } else {
            // our injection comes from the local lookup, no matter what.
            final InjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(localContextName);
            final ResourceInjectionConfiguration injectionConfiguration = targetDescription != null ?
                    new ResourceInjectionConfiguration(targetDescription, injectionSource) : null;

            final BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(localContextName, valueSource);
            // TODO: class hierarchies? shared bindings?
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                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException("Could not load " + resourceEnvRef.getType() + " referenced in env-entry ", e);
            // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
            LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);

            classType = processInjectionTargets(moduleDescription, applicationClasses, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, resourceEnvRef, classType);
            if (classType == null) {
                throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException("Could not determine type for resource-env-ref " + name);
            BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = null;
            if (!isEmpty(resourceEnvRef.getLookupName())) {
                bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(resourceEnvRef.getLookupName()));
            } else {
                //check if it is a well known type
                final String lookup = ResourceInjectionAnnotationParsingProcessor.FIXED_LOCATIONS.get(classType.getName());
                if (lookup != null) {
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
                } else {
                    //TODO: how are we going to handle these? Previously they would have been handled by jboss-*.xml
                    if (resourceEnvRef.getResourceEnvRefName().startsWith("java:")) {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(resourceEnvRef.getResourceEnvRefName()));
                    } else {
                        bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource("java:jboss/resources/" + resourceEnvRef.getResourceEnvRefName()));
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                    throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException("Could not load " + resourceRef.getType() + " referenced in env-entry ", e);

            // our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
            LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);
            classType = processInjectionTargets(moduleDescription, applicationClasses, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, resourceRef, classType);
            if (classType == null) {
                throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException("Could not determine type for resource-ref " + name);
            BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = null;
            if (!isEmpty(resourceRef.getLookupName())) {
                bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(resourceRef.getLookupName()));
            } else {
                if (!resourceRef.getResourceRefName().startsWith("java:")) {
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource("java:jboss/resources/" + resourceRef.getResourceRefName()));
                } else {
                    bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(resourceRef.getResourceRefName()));
        return bindings;
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