Package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging

Examples of org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent

      stats_writer = new GlobalManagerStatsWriter( core );
    }catch( Throwable e ){
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Stats unavailable", e ));

    // Wait at least a few seconds before loading existing torrents.
    // typically the UI will call loadExistingTorrents before this runs
    // This is here in case the UI is stupid or forgets
    if (existingTorrentLoadDelay > 0) {
      loadTorrentsDelay = new DelayedEvent("GM:tld", existingTorrentLoadDelay,
          new AERunnable() {
            public void runSupport() {
              loadExistingTorrentsNow(false); // already async
    } else {
      // run sync

    if (progress_listener != null){
    // Initialize scraper after loadDownloads so that we can merge scrapes
    // into one request per tracker
    trackerScraper = TRTrackerScraperFactory.getSingleton();
      new TRTrackerScraperClientResolver()
        public int
        HashWrapper  torrent_hash )
             DownloadManager  dm = getDownloadManager(torrent_hash);
          if ( dm == null ){

            return( TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.ST_NOT_FOUND );
          int  dm_state = dm.getState();
          if (   dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_QUEUED ){
            return( TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.ST_QUEUED );
          }else if (   dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING ||
                dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_SEEDING ){
            return( TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.ST_RUNNING );
          return( TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.ST_OTHER );
        public boolean
        HashWrapper  hash,
        URL      url )
             DownloadManager  dm = getDownloadManager(hash);
          if ( dm == null ){
            return( false );
          String  nw = AENetworkClassifier.categoriseAddress( url.getHost());
          String[]  networks = dm.getDownloadState().getNetworks();
          for (int i=0;i<networks.length;i++){
            if ( networks[i] ==  nw ){
              return( true );
          return( false );
        public int[]
          HashWrapper hash )
          DownloadManager  dm = getDownloadManager(hash);
          if ( dm == null ){
            return( null );
        long cache = dm.getDownloadState().getLongAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_SCRAPE_CACHE );
        if ( cache == -1 ){
          return( null );
          int seeds     = (int)((cache>>32)&0x00ffffff);
          int leechers   = (int)(cache&0x00ffffff);
          return( new int[]{ seeds, leechers });
        public Object[]
          HashWrapper  hash )
           DownloadManager  dm = getDownloadManager(hash);
           Character  state;
           String    ext;
          if ( dm == null ){
            ext    = "";
               state  = TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_NONE;
            ext = dm.getDownloadState().getTrackerClientExtensions();
            if ( ext == null ){
              ext = "";
            boolean  comp = dm.isDownloadComplete( false );
            int  dm_state = dm.getState();
              // treat anything not stopped or running as queued as we need to be "optimistic"
              // for torrents at the start-of-day
            if (   dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_ERROR ||
                dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPED ||
                ( dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPING && dm.getSubState() != DownloadManager.STATE_QUEUED )){
                 state  = comp?TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_COMPLETE_STOPPED:TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_INCOMPLETE_STOPPED;
            }else if dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING ||
                  dm_state == DownloadManager.STATE_SEEDING ){
                state  = comp?TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_COMPLETE_RUNNING:TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_INCOMPLETE_RUNNING;
              state  = comp?TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_COMPLETE_QUEUED:TRTrackerScraperClientResolver.FL_INCOMPLETE_QUEUED;
          return( new Object[]{ ext, state });
        public boolean
          HashWrapper    hash,
          URL        old_url,
          URL        new_url )
             DownloadManager  dm = getDownloadManager(hash);
             if ( dm == null || dm.getTorrent() == null ){
               return( false );
             return( TorrentUtils.replaceAnnounceURL( dm.getTorrent(), old_url, new_url ));
      new TRTrackerScraperListener() {
        public void scrapeReceived(TRTrackerScraperResponse response) {
          HashWrapper  hash = response.getHash();
           DownloadManager manager = (DownloadManager)manager_map.get( hash );
           if ( manager != null ) {
             manager.setTrackerScrapeResponse( response );
      host_support = new GlobalManagerHostSupport( this );

    }catch( Throwable e ){
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Hosting unavailable", e));
    checker = new Checker();  
    torrent_folder_watcher = new TorrentFolderWatcher( this );
      new TRTrackerUtilsListener()
        public void
        Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "Announce details have changed, updating trackers" ));

        List  managers = managers_cow;
        for (int i=0;i<managers.size();i++){
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      return( download_manager );
    else {
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR,
        "Tried to add a DownloadManager after shutdown of GlobalManager."));
      return( null );
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          catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
            //Do nothing and process next.
          catch (Throwable e) {
            Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
                "Error while loading downloads.  " +
                "One download may not have been added to the list.", e));
        // This is set to true by default, but once the downloads have been loaded, we have no reason to ever
        // to do this check again - we only want to do it once to upgrade the state of existing downloads
        // created before this code was around.
        COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Set Completion Flag For Completed Downloads On Start", false);
        //load pause/resume state
        ArrayList pause_data = (ArrayList)map.get( "pause_data" );
        if( pause_data != null ) {
          try paused_list_mon.enter();
          for( int i=0; i < pause_data.size(); i++ ) {
            Object  pd = pause_data.get(i);
            byte[]    key;
            boolean    force;
            if ( pd instanceof byte[]){
              // old style, migration purposes
              key   = (byte[])pause_data.get( i );
              force  = false;
              Map  m = (Map)pd;
              key   = (byte[])m.get("hash");
              force   = ((Long)m.get("force")).intValue() == 1;
            paused_list.add( new Object[]{ new HashWrapper( key ), new Boolean( force )} );
          finally paused_list_mon.exit()}
        // Someone could have mucked with the config file and set weird positions,
        // so fix them up.
        Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Loaded " + managers_cow.size()
            + " torrents"));
      }catch( Throwable e ){
        // there's been problems with corrupted download files stopping AZ from starting
        // added this to try and prevent such foolishness
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              - ((DownloadManager) b).getPosition();
      if (Logger.isEnabled())
        Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Saving Download List ("
            + managers_cow.size() + " items)"));
      Map map = new HashMap();
      List list = new ArrayList(managers_cow.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < managers_cow.size(); i++) {
        DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) managers_cow.get(i);
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    if ( exists != force_start_non_seed_exists ){
      force_start_non_seed_exists = exists;
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Force start download " + (force_start_non_seed_exists?"exists":"doesn't exist") + ", modifying download weighting" ));
      //System.out.println( "force_start_exists->" + force_start_non_seed_exists );
      PeerControlSchedulerFactory.overrideWeightedPriorities( force_start_non_seed_exists  );
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    if (getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_SEEDING) {
      setState(DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING, true);
    } else if (getState() != DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING) {
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LogIDs.CORE, LogEvent.LT_WARNING,
          "Trying to set state to downloading when state is not seeding"));
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      int  hit_count = bloom.add( address_bytes );
      if ( hit_count > 5 ){
            new LogEvent(
              "Activate request for " + getDisplayName() + " from " + address + " denied as too many recently received" ));

        return( false );
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LogIDs.CORE, "Activate request for " + getDisplayName() + " from " + address ));

      long  now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

        // we don't really care about the bloom filter filling up and giving false positives
        // as activation events should be fairly rare
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      last_response_informed = new TRTrackerAnnouncerResponseImpl( null, _torrent.getHashWrapper(), TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse.ST_OFFLINE, TRTrackerAnnouncer.REFRESH_MINIMUM_SECS, "Initialising" );
    }catch( TOTorrentException e ){
      Logger.log(new LogEvent( _torrent, LOGID, "Torrent hash retrieval fails", e));
      throw( new TRTrackerAnnouncerException( "TRTrackerAnnouncer: URL encode fails"))

    networks  = _networks;
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            if (Logger.isEnabled()) {
              Logger.log(new LogEvent(getTorrent(), LOGID, "Deactivating " + getString( a.getAnnounceSets())));

            activated.remove( a );
      a_it = new_announcers.iterator();
      while( a_it.hasNext()){
        TRTrackerAnnouncerHelper a =;
        if ( !announcers.contains( a )){
          announcers.add( a );
      if ( !is_manual && announcers.size() > 0 ){
        if ( activated.size() == 0 ){
          TRTrackerAnnouncerHelper a = announcers.get(0);
          if (Logger.isEnabled()) {
            Logger.log(new LogEvent(getTorrent(), LOGID, "Activating " + getString( a.getAnnounceSets())));

          activated.add( a );
          last_activation_time = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime();
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          for ( TRTrackerAnnouncerHelper a: announcers ){
            if ( !activated.contains( a )){
              if (Logger.isEnabled()) {
                Logger.log(new LogEvent(getTorrent(), LOGID, "Activating " + getString( a.getAnnounceSets())));
              activated.add( a );
              last_activation_time = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime();
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Related Classes of org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent

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