
Examples of

        // Get CA info.
        CAData cadata = null;
        try {
          cadata = CAData.findByIdOrThrow(entityManager, Integer.valueOf(caid));
            CA ca = cadata.getCA();

            if (ca.getStatus() == SecConst.CA_OFFLINE) {
                String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("error.catokenoffline", cadata.getName());
                throw new CATokenOfflineException(msg);

            CATokenContainer caToken = ca.getCAToken();
            if (regenerateKeys) {
                boolean renew = true;
                keystorepass = getDefaultKeyStorePassIfSWAndEmpty(keystorepass, caToken.getCATokenInfo());
                // for internal CAs the new keys are always activated
                caToken.generateKeys(keystorepass, renew, true);
                // We need to save all this
                // After this we need to reload all CAs?
                // Make sure we store the new CA and token and reload or update
                // the caches
                Provider prov = Security.getProvider(caToken.getProvider());
                if (log.isDebugEnabled() && (prov != null)) {
                    log.debug("Provider classname: " + prov.getClass().getName());
                if ((prov != null) && StringUtils.contains(prov.getClass().getName(), "iaik")) {
                    // This is because IAIK PKCS#11 provider cuts ALL PKCS#11
                    // sessions when I generate new keys for one CA
                } else {
                    // Using the Sun provider we don't have to reload every CA,
                    // just update values in the caches
              cadata = CAData.findByIdOrThrow(entityManager, Integer.valueOf(caid));
                ca = cadata.getCA();
                // In order to generate a certificate with this keystore we must
                // make sure it is activated
                caToken = ca.getCAToken();

            // if issuer is insystem CA or selfsigned, then generate new
            // certificate.
            if (ca.getSignedBy() != CAInfo.SIGNEDBYEXTERNALCA) {
                if (ca.getSignedBy() == CAInfo.SELFSIGNED) {
                    // create selfsigned certificate
                    String subjectAltName = null;
                    if (ca instanceof X509CA) {
                        X509CA x509ca = (X509CA) ca;
                        subjectAltName = x509ca.getSubjectAltName();
                    UserDataVO cainfodata = new UserDataVO("nobody", ca.getSubjectDN(), ca.getSubjectDN().hashCode(), subjectAltName, null, 0, 0, 0, ca
                            .getCertificateProfileId(), null, null, 0, 0, null);

                    CertificateProfile certprofile = certificateProfileSession.getCertificateProfile(admin, ca.getCertificateProfileId());
                    // get from CAtoken to make sure it is fresh
                    String sequence = caToken.getCATokenInfo().getKeySequence();
                    cacertificate = ca.generateCertificate(cainfodata, ca.getCAToken().getPublicKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN), -1, ca.getValidity(),
                            certprofile, sequence);
                    // Build Certificate Chain
                    cachain = new ArrayList<Certificate>();

                } else {
                    // Resign with CA above.
                    if (ca.getSignedBy() > CAInfo.SPECIALCAIDBORDER || ca.getSignedBy() < 0) {
                        // Create CA signed by other internal CA.
                      CAData signcadata = CAData.findByIdOrThrow(entityManager, Integer.valueOf(ca.getSignedBy()));
                        CA signca = signcadata.getCA();
                        // Check that the signer is valid
                        checkSignerValidity(admin, signcadata);
                        // Create cacertificate
                        String subjectAltName = null;
                        if (ca instanceof X509CA) {
                            X509CA x509ca = (X509CA) ca;
                            subjectAltName = x509ca.getSubjectAltName();
                        UserDataVO cainfodata = new UserDataVO("nobody", ca.getSubjectDN(), ca.getSubjectDN().hashCode(), subjectAltName, null, 0, 0, 0, ca
                                .getCertificateProfileId(), null, null, 0, 0, null);

                        CertificateProfile certprofile = certificateProfileSession.getCertificateProfile(admin, ca.getCertificateProfileId());
                        String sequence = caToken.getCATokenInfo().getKeySequence(); // get from CAtoken to make sure it is fresh
                        cacertificate = signca.generateCertificate(cainfodata, ca.getCAToken().getPublicKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN), -1, ca
                                .getValidity(), certprofile, sequence);
                        // Build Certificate Chain
                        Collection<Certificate> rootcachain = signca.getCertificateChain();
                        cachain = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
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        // Get CA info.
        CAData cadata = CAData.findByIdOrThrow(entityManager, Integer.valueOf(caid));
        String issuerdn = cadata.getSubjectDN();
        try {
            CA ca = cadata.getCA();
            // Revoke CA certificate
            certificateStoreSession.revokeCertificate(admin, ca.getCACertificate(), ca.getCRLPublishers(), reason, cadata.getSubjectDN());
            // Revoke all certificates generated by CA
            if (ca.getStatus() != SecConst.CA_EXTERNAL) {
                certificateStoreSession.revokeAllCertByCA(admin, issuerdn, RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CACOMPROMISE);
      , ca);
            ca.setRevocationDate(new Date());
            if (ca.getStatus() != SecConst.CA_EXTERNAL) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.errorrevoke", cadata.getName());
            logSession.log(admin, caid, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_CAREVOKED, msg, e);
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                if(!authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLog(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR)) {
                    Authorizer.throwAuthorizationException(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR, null);
            CAData caData = CAData.findByNameOrThrow(entityManager, caname);
            CA thisCa = caData.getCA();
            CATokenContainer thisCAToken = thisCa.getCAToken();
            int tokentype = thisCAToken.getCATokenType();
            if (tokentype != CATokenConstants.CATOKENTYPE_P12 && thisCAToken.getCATokenInfo() instanceof SoftCATokenInfo) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot export anything but a soft token.");
            // Create a new CAToken with the same properties but OFFLINE and
            // without keystore
            SoftCATokenInfo thisCATokenInfo = (SoftCATokenInfo) thisCAToken.getCATokenInfo();
            CATokenContainer emptyToken = new CATokenContainerImpl(thisCATokenInfo, caData.getCaId());
            // Save to database
            // Log
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.removedcakeystore", Integer.valueOf(thisCa.getCAId()));
            logSession.log(admin, thisCa.getCAId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_CAEDITED, msg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.errorremovecakeystore", caname, "PKCS12", e.getMessage());
            logSession.log(admin, admin.getCaId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_CACREATED, msg, e);
            throw new EJBException(e);
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                    Authorizer.throwAuthorizationException(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR, null);

            CAData caData = CAData.findByNameOrThrow(entityManager, caname);
            CA thisCa = caData.getCA();

            CATokenContainer thisCAToken = thisCa.getCAToken();
            int tokentype = thisCAToken.getCATokenType();
            if (tokentype != CATokenConstants.CATOKENTYPE_P12 && thisCAToken.getCATokenInfo() instanceof SoftCATokenInfo) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot restore anything but a soft token.");

            // Only restore to an offline CA
            if (thisCAToken.getCATokenInfo().getCATokenStatus() != ICAToken.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
                throw new Exception("The CA already has an active CA token.");

            // load keystore
            KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");
            keystore.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(p12file), keystorepass.toCharArray());
            // Extract signature keys
            if (privateSignatureKeyAlias == null || !keystore.isKeyEntry(privateSignatureKeyAlias)) {
                throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateSignatureKeyAlias + "\" not found.");
            Certificate[] signatureCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateSignatureKeyAlias);
            if (signatureCertChain.length < 1) {
                String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateSignatureKeyAlias;
                throw new Exception(msg);
            Certificate caSignatureCertificate = (Certificate) signatureCertChain[0];
            PublicKey p12PublicSignatureKey = caSignatureCertificate.getPublicKey();
            PrivateKey p12PrivateSignatureKey = null;
            p12PrivateSignatureKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateSignatureKeyAlias, privkeypass.toCharArray());

            // Extract encryption keys
            PrivateKey p12PrivateEncryptionKey = null;
            PublicKey p12PublicEncryptionKey = null;
            Certificate caEncryptionCertificate = null;
            if (privateEncryptionKeyAlias != null) {
                if (!keystore.isKeyEntry(privateEncryptionKeyAlias)) {
                    throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateEncryptionKeyAlias + "\" not found.");
                Certificate[] encryptionCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateEncryptionKeyAlias);
                if (encryptionCertChain.length < 1) {
                    String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateEncryptionKeyAlias;
                    throw new Exception(msg);
                caEncryptionCertificate = (Certificate) encryptionCertChain[0];
                p12PrivateEncryptionKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateEncryptionKeyAlias, privkeypass.toCharArray());
                p12PublicEncryptionKey = caEncryptionCertificate.getPublicKey();
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Missing encryption key");

            // Sign something to see that we are restoring the right private
            // signature key
            String testSigAlg = (String) AlgorithmTools.getSignatureAlgorithms(thisCa.getCACertificate().getPublicKey()).iterator().next();
            if (testSigAlg == null) {
                testSigAlg = "SHA1WithRSA";
            // Sign with imported private key
            byte[] input = "Test data...".getBytes();
            Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, "BC");
            byte[] signed = signature.sign();
            // Verify with public key from CA certificate
            signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, "BC");
            if (!signature.verify(signed)) {
                throw new Exception("Could not use private key for verification. Wrong p12-file for this CA?");

            // Import the keys and save to database
            thisCAToken.importKeys(keystorepass, p12PrivateSignatureKey, p12PublicSignatureKey, p12PrivateEncryptionKey, p12PublicEncryptionKey,

            // Log
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.restoredcakeystore", Integer.valueOf(thisCa.getCAId()));
            logSession.log(admin, thisCa.getCAId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_CAEDITED, msg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.errorrestorecakeystore", caname, "PKCS12", e.getMessage());
            logSession.log(admin, admin.getCaId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_CAEDITED, msg, e);
            throw new EJBException(e);
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        if (keyAlgorithm == null || keyAlgorithm == AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA) {
            keyAlgorithm = AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA;
            keySpecification = "2048";
        // Do the general import
        CA ca = importCA(admin, caname, keystorepass, signatureCertChain, catoken, keyAlgorithm, keySpecification);
        String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.importedca", caname, "PKCS12", ca.getStatus());
        logSession.log(admin, admin.getCaId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_CACREATED, msg);
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        CAInfo cainfo = null;
        CA ca = null;
        int validity = (int) ((CertTools.getNotAfter(caSignatureCertificate).getTime() - CertTools.getNotBefore(caSignatureCertificate).getTime()) / (24 * 3600 * 1000));
        ArrayList<ExtendedCAServiceInfo> extendedcaservices = new ArrayList<ExtendedCAServiceInfo>();
        ArrayList<Integer> approvalsettings = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        ArrayList<Integer> crlpublishers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        if (caSignatureCertificate instanceof X509Certificate) {
            // Create an X509CA
            // Create and active extended CA Services (OCSP, XKMS, CMS).
            extendedcaservices.add(new OCSPCAServiceInfo(ExtendedCAServiceInfo.STATUS_ACTIVE));
            // Create and active XKMS CA Service.
            extendedcaservices.add(new XKMSCAServiceInfo(ExtendedCAServiceInfo.STATUS_INACTIVE, "CN=XKMSCertificate, "
                    + CertTools.getSubjectDN(caSignatureCertificate), "", keySpecification, keyAlgorithm));
            // Create and active CMS CA Service.
            extendedcaservices.add(new CmsCAServiceInfo(ExtendedCAServiceInfo.STATUS_INACTIVE, "CN=CMSCertificate, "
                    + CertTools.getSubjectDN(caSignatureCertificate), "", keySpecification, keyAlgorithm));

            cainfo = new X509CAInfo(CertTools.getSubjectDN(caSignatureCertificate), caname, SecConst.CA_ACTIVE, new Date(), "", certprof, validity, CertTools
                    .getNotAfter(caSignatureCertificate), // Expiretime
                    CAInfo.CATYPE_X509, signedby, certificatechain, catoken.getCATokenInfo(), description,
                    -1, // revocationReason
                    null, // revocationDate
                    null, // PolicyId
                    24 * SimpleTime.MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR, // CRLPeriod
                    0 * SimpleTime.MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR, // CRLIssuePeriod
                    10 * SimpleTime.MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR, // CRLOverlapTime
                    0 * SimpleTime.MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR, // DeltaCRLPeriod
                    crlpublishers, // CRL publishers
                    true, // Authority Key Identifier
                    false, // Authority Key Identifier Critical
                    true, // CRL Number
                    false, // CRL Number Critical
                    "", // Default CRL Dist Point
                    "", // Default CRL Issuer
                    "", // Default OCSP Service Locator
                    "", // CA defined freshest CRL
                    true, // Finish User
                    extendedcaservices, false, // use default utf8 settings
                    approvalsettings, // Approvals Settings
                    1, // Number of Req approvals
                    false, // Use UTF8 subject DN by default
                    true, // Use LDAP DN order by default
                    false, // Use CRL Distribution Point on CRL
                    false, // CRL Distribution Point on CRL critical,
                    true, // Include in HealthCheck
                    true, // isDoEnforceUniquePublicKeys
                    true, // isDoEnforceUniqueDistinguishedName
                    false, // isDoEnforceUniqueSubjectDNSerialnumber
                    true, // useCertReqHistory
                    true, // useUserStorage
                    true, // useCertificateStorage
                    null //cmpRaAuthSecret
            ca = new X509CA((X509CAInfo) cainfo);
        } else if (caSignatureCertificate.getType().equals("CVC")) {
            // Create a CVC CA
            // Create the CAInfo to be used for either generating the whole CA
            // or making a request
            cainfo = new CVCCAInfo(CertTools.getSubjectDN(caSignatureCertificate), caname, SecConst.CA_ACTIVE, new Date(), certprof, validity, CertTools
                    .getNotAfter(caSignatureCertificate), CAInfo.CATYPE_CVC, signedby, certificatechain, catoken.getCATokenInfo(), description, -1,
                    (Date) null, 24, 0, 10, 0, // CRL periods
                    crlpublishers, // CRL publishers
                    true, // Finish user
                    extendedcaservices, approvalsettings, // Approvals Settings
                    1, // Number of Req approvals
                    true, // Include in HealthCheck
                    true, // isDoEnforceUniquePublicKeys
                    true, // isDoEnforceUniqueDistinguishedName
                    false, // isDoEnforceUniqueSubjectDNSerialnumber
                    true, // useCertReqHistory
                    true, // useUserStorage
                    true // useCertificateStorage
            ca = new CVCCA((CVCCAInfo) cainfo);
        // We must activate the token, in case it does not have the default
        // password
        log.debug("CA-Info: " + catoken.getCATokenInfo().getSignatureAlgorithm() + " " + ca.getCAToken().getCATokenInfo().getEncryptionAlgorithm());
        // Publish CA certificates.
        publishCACertificate(admin, ca.getCertificateChain(), ca.getCRLPublishers(), ca.getSubjectDN());
        // activate External CA Services
        activateAndPublishExternalCAServices(admin, cainfo.getExtendedCAServiceInfos(), ca);
        // Store CA in database.
        entityManager.persist(new CAData(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), cainfo.getName(), SecConst.CA_ACTIVE, ca));, ca);
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    public byte[] exportCAKeyStore(Admin admin, String caname, String keystorepass, String privkeypass, String privateSignatureKeyAlias,
            String privateEncryptionKeyAlias) throws Exception {
        try {
          CAData cadata = CAData.findByNameOrThrow(entityManager, caname);
          CA thisCa = cadata.getCA();
            // Make sure we are not trying to export a hard or invalid token
            CATokenContainer thisCAToken = thisCa.getCAToken();
            int tokentype = thisCAToken.getCATokenType();
            if (tokentype != CATokenConstants.CATOKENTYPE_P12) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot export anything but a soft token.");
            // Check authorization
            if (admin.getAdminType() != Admin.TYPE_CACOMMANDLINE_USER && !authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLog(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR)) {
                Authorizer.throwAuthorizationException(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR, null);
            // Fetch keys
            // This is a way of verifying the password. If activate fails, we
            // will get an exception and the export will not proceed

            PrivateKey p12PrivateEncryptionKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_KEYENCRYPT);
            PublicKey p12PublicEncryptionKey = thisCAToken.getPublicKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_KEYENCRYPT);
            PrivateKey p12PrivateCertSignKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN);
            PrivateKey p12PrivateCRLSignKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CRLSIGN);
            if (!p12PrivateCertSignKey.equals(p12PrivateCRLSignKey)) {
                throw new Exception("Assertion of equal signature keys failed.");
            // Proceed with the export
            byte[] ret = null;
            String format = null;
            if (thisCa.getCAType() == CAInfo.CATYPE_CVC) {
                log.debug("Exporting private key with algorithm: " + p12PrivateCertSignKey.getAlgorithm() + " of format: " + p12PrivateCertSignKey.getFormat());
                format = p12PrivateCertSignKey.getFormat();
                ret = p12PrivateCertSignKey.getEncoded();
            } else {
                log.debug("Exporting PKCS12 keystore");
                format = "PKCS12";
                KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");
                keystore.load(null, keystorepass.toCharArray());
                // Load keys into keystore
                Certificate[] certificateChainSignature = (Certificate[]) thisCa.getCertificateChain().toArray(new Certificate[0]);
                Certificate[] certificateChainEncryption = new Certificate[1];
                // certificateChainSignature[0].getSigAlgName(),
                // generate dummy certificate for encryption key.
                certificateChainEncryption[0] = CertTools.genSelfCertForPurpose("CN=dummy2", 36500, null, p12PrivateEncryptionKey, p12PublicEncryptionKey,
                        thisCAToken.getCATokenInfo().getEncryptionAlgorithm(), true, X509KeyUsage.keyEncipherment);
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                Integer caid =;
                CAData cadata = CAData.findById(entityManager, Integer.valueOf(caid));
                if (cadata == null) {
                  log.error("Can't find CA: " + caid);
                CA ca = cadata.getCA();
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Getting certificate chain for CA: " + ca.getName() + ", " + ca.getCAId());
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
            throw new EJBException(uee);
        } catch (IllegalKeyStoreException e) {
            throw new EJBException(e);
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                if(!authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLog(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR)) {
                    Authorizer.throwAuthorizationException(admin, AccessRulesConstants.ROLE_SUPERADMINISTRATOR, null);
          CAData cadata = CAData.findByNameOrThrow(entityManager, caname);
          CA thisCa = cadata.getCA();

            // Make sure we are not trying to export a hard or invalid token
            if (thisCa.getCAType() != CATokenConstants.CATOKENTYPE_P12) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot extract fingerprint from a non-soft token (" + thisCa.getCAType() + ").");
            // Fetch keys
            CATokenContainer thisCAToken = thisCa.getCAToken();
            PrivateKey p12PrivateEncryptionKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_KEYENCRYPT);
            PrivateKey p12PrivateCertSignKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN);
            PrivateKey p12PrivateCRLSignKey = thisCAToken.getPrivateKey(SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CRLSIGN);
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
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    public ExtendedCAServiceResponse extendedService(Admin admin, int caid, ExtendedCAServiceRequest request)
            throws ExtendedCAServiceRequestException, IllegalExtendedCAServiceRequestException, ExtendedCAServiceNotActiveException, CADoesntExistsException {
        // Get CA that will process request
        CA ca = caSession.getCA(admin, caid);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("Exteneded service with request class '"+request.getClass().getName()+"' called for CA '"+ca.getName()+"'");             
        return ca.extendedService(request);
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