Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet$ObjectChangeSetComparator


    public void updateObjectWithWriteValue(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object lockValue){
        AbstractSession session = query.getSession();
        Object object = query.getObject();
        ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
        if (objectChangeSet == null) {
            if (session.isUnitOfWork() && (((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() != null)) {
                // For aggregate collections the change set may be null, as they use the old commit still.
                objectChangeSet = (ObjectChangeSet)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet().getObjectChangeSetForClone(object);
        // PERF:  handle normal case faster.
        if (this.lockMapping != null) {
            // converted to the correct (for the mapping) type lock value.
            Object convertedLockValue = this.lockMapping.getAttributeValue(lockValue, session);
            if (objectChangeSet != null && (!objectChangeSet.isNew() || query.getDescriptor().shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects())) {
                Object oldValue = oldValue = this.lockMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
                this.lockMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(object, convertedLockValue);
                // Don't use ObjectChangeSet.updateChangeRecordForAttributeWithMappedObject to avoid unnecessary conversion - convertedLockValue is already converted.
                DirectToFieldChangeRecord changeRecord = new DirectToFieldChangeRecord(objectChangeSet);

            } else {
                this.lockMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(object, convertedLockValue);
        } else {
            // CR#3173211
            // If the value is stored in the cache or object, there still may
            // be read-only mappings for it, so the object must always be updated for
            // any writable or read-only mappings for the version value.
            // Reuse the method used for returning as has the same requirements.
            ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            AbstractRecord record = objectBuilder.createRecord(1, session);
            record.put(this.writeLockField, lockValue);
            if (objectChangeSet != null) {
            objectBuilder.assignReturnRow(object, session, record, objectChangeSet);           
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    public void postUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // PERF: Only process relationships.
        if (!builder.isSimple()) {
            // PERF: Only process changed mappings.
            ObjectChangeSet changeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
            if ((changeSet != null) && (!changeSet.isNew())) {
                List changeRecords = changeSet.getChanges();
                int size = changeRecords.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    ChangeRecord record = (ChangeRecord)changeRecords.get(index);
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    public void preUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // PERF: Only process relationships.
        if (!builder.isSimple()) {
            // PERF: Only process changed mappings.
            ObjectChangeSet changeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
            if ((changeSet != null) && (!changeSet.isNew())) {
                List changeRecords = changeSet.getChanges();
                int size = changeRecords.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    ChangeRecord record = (ChangeRecord)changeRecords.get(index);
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    public void postUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // PERF: Only process relationships.
        if (!builder.isSimple()) {
            // PERF: Only process changed mappings.
            ObjectChangeSet changeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
            if ((changeSet != null) && (!changeSet.isNew())) {
                List changeRecords = changeSet.getChanges();
                int size = changeRecords.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    ChangeRecord record = (ChangeRecord)changeRecords.get(index);
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    public void preUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // PERF: Only process relationships.
        if (!builder.isSimple()) {
            // PERF: Only process changed mappings.
            ObjectChangeSet changeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
            if ((changeSet != null) && (!changeSet.isNew())) {
                List changeRecords = changeSet.getChanges();
                int size = changeRecords.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    ChangeRecord record = (ChangeRecord)changeRecords.get(index);
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            } else {
                descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateEvent, writeQuery));
        ObjectChangeSet changes = createObjectChangeSet(clone, backUp, changeSet, isNew, unitOfWork, descriptor);
        if(changes.hasChanges() && descriptor.hasMappingsPostCalculateChanges() && ! changes.isNew() && ! unitOfWork.getCommitManager().isActive() && !unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) {
            // if we are in the commit because of an event skip this postCalculateChanges step as we have already executed it.
            int size = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().size();
            for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
                DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().get(i);
                org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.ChangeRecord record = changes.getChangesForAttributeNamed(mapping.getAttributeName());
                if(record != null) {
                    // Deferred attributes will already have been acted on, therefore we need
                    // to post calculate changes to ensure orphaned objects are removed.
                    mapping.postCalculateChanges(record, unitOfWork);
        //Check if the user set the PK to null and throw an exception (bug# 4569755)
        if (changes.getId() == null && !isNew && !changes.isAggregate()) {
            if(!(unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) || (unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork() && !((UnitOfWorkImpl)unitOfWork.getParent()).isObjectNew(backUp))) {
                Object id = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(clone, unitOfWork, false);
                throw ValidationException.nullPrimaryKeyInUnitOfWorkClone(clone, id);

        // if forceUpdate or optimistic read locking is on, mark changeSet.  This is to force it
        // to be stored and used for writing out SQL later on
        if ((descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) && (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getForceUpdate())) {
        if (!changes.hasForcedChangesFromCascadeLocking() && unitOfWork.hasOptimisticReadLockObjects()) {
        if (changes.hasChanges() || changes.hasForcedChanges()) {
            return changes;
        return null;
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Create ObjectChangeSet
    public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSetThroughComparison(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        ObjectChangeSet changes = builder.createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, true, session);

        // The following code deals with reads that force changes to the flag associated with optimistic locking.
        FetchGroup fetchGroup = null;
        // The flag indicates whether should get fetch group - to avoid doing
        // that twice. Useful because fetchGroup may be null.
        boolean shouldGetFetchGroup = true;
        if ((descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) && (changes.getId() != null)) {
            if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
                fetchGroup = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(clone);
            if (fetchGroup == null || fetchGroup != descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getIdEntityFetchGroup()) {
                changes.setOptimisticLockingPolicyAndInitialWriteLockValue(descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy(), session);
            // already tried to get the fetch group - no need to do that again.
            shouldGetFetchGroup = false;           

        // PERF: Do not create change records for new objects.
        if (!isNew || descriptor.shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects() || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
            // PERF: Avoid synchronized enumerator as is concurrency bottleneck.
            List mappings = descriptor.getMappings();
            int mappingsSize = mappings.size();
            if(shouldGetFetchGroup && descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
                fetchGroup = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(clone);
            for (int index = 0; index < mappingsSize; index++) {
                DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping)mappings.get(index);
                if ((fetchGroup == null) || fetchGroup.containsAttributeInternal(mapping.getAttributeName())) {
                    changes.addChange(mapping.compareForChange(clone, backUp, changes, session));

        return changes;
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Create ObjectChangeSet
    public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSet(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
        ObjectChangeSet changes = null;
        if (!isNew) {
            AttributeChangeListener listener = (AttributeChangeListener)((ChangeTracker)clone)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener();
            if (listener != null){
                changes = listener.getObjectChangeSet();
            // The changes can be null if forceUpdate is used in CMP, so an empty change must be created.
            if (changes != null) {
                // PERF: Only merge the change set if merging into a new uow change set.
                // merge the changeSet locally (ie the UOW's copy not the tracking policies copy) ; the local changeset will be returned.
                if (changes.getUOWChangeSet() != changeSet) {
                    changes = changeSet.mergeObjectChanges(changes, (org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)changes.getUOWChangeSet());
                // check for deferred changes
                if (changes.hasDeferredAttributes()){
                    //need to calculate the changes for these attributes.
                    for (Iterator iterator = changes.getDeferredSet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
                        DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName((String);
                        mapping.calculateDeferredChanges((ChangeRecord)changes.getChangesForAttributeNamed(mapping.getAttributeName()), session);
            } else {
                changes = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, session);           
        } else {
            changes = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, true, session);
            // PERF: Do not create change records for new objects.
            if (descriptor.shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects() || descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) {
                FetchGroup fetchGroup = null;
                if(descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
                    fetchGroup = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(clone);
                List mappings = descriptor.getMappings();
                int size = mappings.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping)mappings.get(index);
                    if ((fetchGroup == null) || fetchGroup.containsAttributeInternal(mapping.getAttributeName())) {
                        changes.addChange(mapping.compareForChange(clone, null, changes, session));

        // The following code deals with reads that force changes to the flag associated with optimistic locking.
        if ((descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) && (changes.getId() != null)) {
            changes.setOptimisticLockingPolicyAndInitialWriteLockValue(descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy(), session);
        return changes;
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     * This method must be included in any locking policy.
     * Put the initial writelock value into the modifyRow.
    public void setupWriteFieldsForInsert(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query) {
        Object lockValue = getInitialWriteValue(query.getSession());
        ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
        if (objectChangeSet != null) {
        updateWriteLockValueForWrite(query, lockValue);
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    public void updateObjectWithWriteValue(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object lockValue){
        AbstractSession session = query.getSession();
        Object object = query.getObject();
        ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = query.getObjectChangeSet();
        if (objectChangeSet == null) {
            if (session.isUnitOfWork() && (((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() != null)) {
                // For aggregate collections the change set may be null, as they use the old commit still.
                objectChangeSet = (ObjectChangeSet)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet().getObjectChangeSetForClone(object);
        // PERF:  handle normal case faster.
        if (this.lockMapping != null) {
            // converted to the correct (for the mapping) type lock value.
            Object convertedLockValue = this.lockMapping.getAttributeValue(lockValue, session);
            if (objectChangeSet != null && (!objectChangeSet.isNew() || query.getDescriptor().shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects())) {
                Object oldValue = oldValue = this.lockMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
                this.lockMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(object, convertedLockValue);
                // Don't use ObjectChangeSet.updateChangeRecordForAttributeWithMappedObject to avoid unnecessary conversion - convertedLockValue is already converted.
                DirectToFieldChangeRecord changeRecord = new DirectToFieldChangeRecord(objectChangeSet);

            } else {
                this.lockMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(object, convertedLockValue);
        } else {
            // CR#3173211
            // If the value is stored in the cache or object, there still may
            // be read-only mappings for it, so the object must always be updated for
            // any writable or read-only mappings for the version value.
            // Reuse the method used for returning as has the same requirements.
            ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            AbstractRecord record = objectBuilder.createRecord(1, session);
            record.put(this.writeLockField, lockValue);
            if (objectChangeSet != null) {
            objectBuilder.assignReturnRow(object, session, record, objectChangeSet);           
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet$ObjectChangeSetComparator

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