Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataClass

     * JPA converters that can default (Enumerated and Temporal) based on the
     * reference class.
    public MetadataClass getReferenceClass() {
        MetadataClass cls = getReferenceClassFromGeneric();
        return (cls == null) ? getMetadataClass(void.class) : cls;
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        // Process an @Version or version element if there is one.
        if (getDescriptor().usesOptimisticLocking()) {
            // Ignore the version locking if it is already set.
            getLogger().logConfigMessage(MetadataLogger.IGNORE_VERSION_LOCKING, this);
        } else {
            MetadataClass lockType = getRawClass();

            if (isValidVersionLockingType(lockType) || isValidTimestampVersionLockingType(lockType)) {
                for (MetadataDescriptor owningDescriptor : getOwningDescriptors()) {
                    VersionLockingPolicy policy = isValidVersionLockingType(lockType) ? new VersionLockingPolicy(getDatabaseField()) : new TimestampLockingPolicy(getDatabaseField())
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     * INTERNAL:
    public void process(DatabaseMapping mapping, MappingAccessor accessor, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey) {
        org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.ObjectTypeConverter converter;
        MetadataClass dataType = getDataType(accessor, referenceClass);
        MetadataClass objectType = getObjectType(accessor, referenceClass);
        if (objectType.isEnum()) {
            // Create an EnumTypeConverter.
            converter = new EnumTypeConverter(mapping, objectType.getName());
            // The object values should be the names of the enum members so
            // force the objectType to String to ensure the initObject calls
            // below will work.
            objectType = getMetadataFactory().getMetadataClass(String.class.getName());
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     * We assume that if a mapping exists, the attribute must either be mapped from the owning
     * class or from a superclass.
    public void addClassDetailsForMappedSuperClasses(MetadataClass clz, ClassDescriptor initialDescriptor, ClassDetails classDetails, Map classDetailsMap, List unMappedAttributes, boolean weaveChangeTracking){
        MetadataClass superClz = clz.getSuperclass();
        if (superClz == null || superClz.isObject()){
        ClassDescriptor mappedSuperclassDescriptor = ((AbstractSession) session).getMappedSuperclass(superClz.getName());
        if (mappedSuperclassDescriptor == null) {
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = findDescriptor(session.getProject(), clz.getSuperclass().getName());
            if (descriptor != null) {
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        for (Iterator iterator = mappings.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping);
            String attributeName = mapping.getAttributeName();
            if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
                ForeignReferenceMapping foreignReferenceMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping)mapping;
                MetadataClass typeClass = getAttributeTypeFromClass(clz, attributeName, foreignReferenceMapping, true);
                if ((foreignReferenceMapping.getIndirectionPolicy() instanceof BasicIndirectionPolicy) &&
                        (typeClass != null&& (!typeClass.extendsInterface(ValueHolderInterface.class))) {
                    weaveValueHolders = true;
        return weaveValueHolders;
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                    VirtualAttributeMethodInfo info = new VirtualAttributeMethodInfo(mapping.getGetMethodName(), mapping.getSetMethodName());
            // Initial look for the type of this attribute.
            MetadataClass typeClass = getAttributeTypeFromClass(metadataClass, attribute, mapping, false);
            if (typeClass == null) {

            // Set the getter and setter method names if the mapping uses property access.
            if (mapping.getGetMethodName() != null) {
                gettersMap.put(mapping.getGetMethodName(), attributeDetails);
                if (mapping.getSetMethodName() != null) {
                    settersMap.put(mapping.getSetMethodName(), attributeDetails);

                if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping() && ((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping).requiresTransientWeavedFields()) {
                // If the property has a matching field, then weave it instead (unless internal weaving is disabled).
                if (this.weaveInternal) {
                    attributeDetails.setHasField(hasFieldInClass(metadataClass, attribute));
            } else {
            // If the attribute has a field, then the weaver needs to know in which class it was defined.
            if (attributeDetails.hasField()) {
                attributeDetails.setDeclaringType(Type.getType(getAttributeDeclaringClass(metadataClass, attribute).getTypeName()));

            // Check for lazy/value-holder indirection.
            if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
                ForeignReferenceMapping foreignReferenceMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping)mapping;

                // repopulate the reference class with the target of this mapping
                if (attributeDetails.getReferenceClassName() != null) {
                    MetadataClass referenceClass = metadataClass.getMetadataFactory().getMetadataClass(attributeDetails.getReferenceClassName());

                // This time, look up the type class and include the superclass so we can check for lazy.
                if (typeClass == null){
                    typeClass = getAttributeTypeFromClass(metadataClass, attribute, foreignReferenceMapping, true);
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            } else {
                // Validate our pk contains their pk.
                getOwningDescriptor().validateDerivedPKClassId(getAttributeName(), referencePKClassName, getReferenceClassName());
        } else {
            MetadataClass type = null;
            if (referenceDescriptor.getClassAccessor().hasDerivedId()){
                // Referenced object has a derived ID but no PK class defined,
                // so it must be a simple pk type. Recurse through to get the
                // simple type
                type = ((ObjectAccessor) referenceDescriptor.getMappingAccessor(referenceDescriptor.getIdAttributeName())).getSimplePKType();
            } else {
                // Validate on their basic mapping.
                type = referenceDescriptor.getMappingAccessor(referenceDescriptor.getIdAttributeName()).getRawClass();
            getOwningDescriptor().validateDerivedPKClassId(getAttributeName(), getBoxedType(type.getName()), getReferenceClassName());

        // Store the Id attribute name. Used with validation and OrderBy.
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     * JPA converters that can default (Enumerated and Temporal) based on the
     * reference class.
    public MetadataClass getReferenceClass() {
        MetadataClass cls = getReferenceClassFromGeneric();
        return (cls == null) ? getMetadataClass(void.class) : cls;
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    public void initPersistenceUnitClasses(HashMap<String, EntityAccessor> allEntities, HashMap<String, EmbeddableAccessor> allEmbeddables) {
        // Process the entities
        for (EntityAccessor entity : getEntities()) {
            // Initialize the class with the package from entity mappings.
            MetadataClass entityClass = getMetadataClass(getPackageQualifiedClassName(entity.getClassName()), false);
            // Initialize the entity with its metadata descriptor and project.
            // This initialization must be done before a potential merge below.
            entity.initXMLClassAccessor(entityClass, new MetadataDescriptor(entityClass, entity), m_project, this);
            if (allEntities.containsKey(entityClass.getName())) {
                // Merge this entity with the existing one.
            } else {
                // Add this entity to the map.
                allEntities.put(entityClass.getName(), entity);
        // Process the embeddables.
        for (EmbeddableAccessor embeddable : getEmbeddables()) {
            // Initialize the class with the package from entity mappings.
            MetadataClass embeddableClass = getMetadataClass(getPackageQualifiedClassName(embeddable.getClassName()), false);
            // Initialize the embeddable with its metadata descriptor and project.
            // This initialization must be done before a potential merge below.
            embeddable.initXMLClassAccessor(embeddableClass, new MetadataDescriptor(embeddableClass, embeddable), m_project, this);
            if (allEmbeddables.containsKey(embeddableClass.getName())) {
                // Merge this embeddable with the existing one.
            } else {   
                // Add this embeddable to the map.
                allEmbeddables.put(embeddableClass.getName(), embeddable);
        // Process the mapped superclasses
        for (MappedSuperclassAccessor mappedSuperclass : getMappedSuperclasses()) {
            // Initialize the class with the package from entity mappings.
            MetadataClass mappedSuperclassClass = getMetadataClass(getPackageQualifiedClassName(mappedSuperclass.getClassName()), false);

            // Initialize the mapped superclass with a metadata descriptor and project.
            // This initialization must be done before a potential merge below.
            mappedSuperclass.initXMLClassAccessor(mappedSuperclassClass, new MetadataDescriptor(mappedSuperclassClass, mappedSuperclass), m_project, this);
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        // Reload the xml entity mappings object
        xmlEntityMappings = reloadXMLEntityMappingsObject(xmlEntityMappings);
        // Initialize the newly loaded/built entity
        EntityAccessor entity = xmlEntityMappings.getEntities().get(0);
        MetadataClass metadataClass = getMetadataFactory().getMetadataClass(getPackageQualifiedClassName(entity.getClassName()));
        entity.initXMLClassAccessor(metadataClass, descriptor, m_project, this);
        return entity;
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataClass

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